Commit History

Autor SHA1 Mensaxe Data
  Khubaib a821552953 Add item API implemented for Passport form list hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 91806cc039 Add item API implemented for Driver License form list hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 06a63f5c38 Add item API implemented for Contact Info form list hai 2 meses
  Khubaib d5cf93e4e3 Add item API implemented for notes form list hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 6d7a41df78 Add item API implemented for wifi-password form list hai 2 meses
  Khubaib d357192917 Add item API implemented for payment-cards form list hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 6d9b22fdd9 Add item API implemented for bank-accounts form list hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 82afa53c33 Updated encrption and decryption logic for generating secret key and salt key hai 2 meses
  Khubaib e6d586ce0e Worked on new item form api structure, clean architecture, DI and password form data and api integration hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 15b89b7062 Generating salt key and secret key by concatenating id by 16 times and taking last and first 16 length respectively hai 2 meses
  Khubaib d87c2a071e Worked on generate password Ui, remove cancel and use buttons, password length will be 18..50 and some color changes hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 9db4e435ce Saving password on sharedprefs of a user from login and signup fragment, created a password model, storing daat in model and passed to newItemFormFragment for add item API hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 619be1f28a Showing snackbar from login fragment and also response message from API hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 95d24f99bc Added start and expiration date validation format MM/YY VisualTransformation on payment card form screen, worked on browse screen enum class, change bg_color to white and remove searchbar hai 2 meses
  Khubaib bef6dd73a7 Generated custom salt key on login and signup fragment and saved on shared prefs hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 964b718d15 Integrated forgot password API and completed UI and API response, showing snackbar hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 6ed71d224e Forgot password API response issue resolved, now sending forgotPasswordRequest in a model instead of just String hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 511ef2594e Showing user's email and first char on account screen hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 19ff94bb47 Integrated forgot password API, created structure for forgot password screen hai 2 meses
  Khubaib fb4da484c8 Integrated logout API, created structure for account screen hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 2e30e89652 Created basepreferencehelper class, set loggedin state, if user logged in it navigates to dashboard screen from splash screen hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 8e7a0749f3 Integrated signup API, created its base structure, DI... hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 72bb8e15f4 Worked on encryption and decryption using AES, hashing, convert password to hash for login screen hai 2 meses
  minhaj 645cef636a new app package added, hai 2 meses
  minhaj e3f3849105 extra loader code removed hai 2 meses
  minhaj 43a32aabd6 Generic loader implemented hai 2 meses
  minhaj 214d26ea85 working on api structure modification hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 0ce4b54959 Login API integrated, response getting in viewmodel, navigating to home screen if user creds are correct hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 7b83d6e1b7 Login API Integrated hai 2 meses
  Khubaib 73a442d6fb Login API integration, base structure hai 2 meses