@@ -84,71 +84,73 @@ class ServerListViewModel(context: Context): ViewModel() {
- preferencesHelper.getServerData().get(0).servers?.let {
- val serverDataLocation = it
+ val serverData = preferencesHelper.getServerData()
+ if (serverData.size > 0) {
+ serverData.get(0).servers?.let {
+ val serverDataLocation = it
- val distinctdatanotnull =
- serverDataLocation.filter { // servers's lt and lt not be null
- it.lt != null && it.lg != null
- }
+ val distinctdatanotnull =
+ serverDataLocation.filter { // servers's lt and lt not be null
+ it.lt != null && it.lg != null
+ }
- val distinctdata =
- distinctdatanotnull.distinctBy { // servers's lt filter, no same lt of a server
- it.lt
- }
+ val distinctdata =
+ distinctdatanotnull.distinctBy { // servers's lt filter, no same lt of a server
+ it.lt
+ }
- val result = FloatArray(1)
- val ipinfo = preferencesHelper.getIpinfo()
+ val result = FloatArray(1)
+ val ipinfo = preferencesHelper.getIpinfo()
- distinctdata.forEachIndexed { index, server ->
- val lat1 = ipinfo?.latitute
- val lon1 = ipinfo?.longitude
- val lat2 = server.lt
- val lon2 = server.lg
+ distinctdata.forEachIndexed { index, server ->
+ val lat1 = ipinfo?.latitute
+ val lon1 = ipinfo?.longitude
+ val lat2 = server.lt
+ val lon2 = server.lg
- if (lat1 != null && lat2 != null && lon1 != null && lon2 != null) {
- Location.distanceBetween(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, result)
- }
+ if (lat1 != null && lat2 != null && lon1 != null && lon2 != null) {
+ Location.distanceBetween(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, result)
+ }
- val distance: Float = result[0]
- distinctdata.get(index).distance = distance
+ val distance: Float = result[0]
+ distinctdata.get(index).distance = distance
- }
+ }
- val sortedDistance = distinctdata.sortedBy {
- it.distance
- }
+ val sortedDistance = distinctdata.sortedBy {
+ it.distance
+ }
- if (sortedDistance.isNotEmpty()) {
- var intRange: IntRange = 0..0
- intRange = when (sortedDistance.size) {
- 1 -> {
- 0..0
- }
+ if (sortedDistance.isNotEmpty()) {
+ var intRange: IntRange = 0..0
+ intRange = when (sortedDistance.size) {
+ 1 -> {
+ 0..0
+ }
- 2 -> {
- 0..1
- }
+ 2 -> {
+ 0..1
+ }
- 3 -> {
- 0..2
- }
- else -> {
- 0..2
- }
- }
- if (sortedDistance.isNotEmpty()) {
- for (i in intRange) {
- calculatePing(sortedDistance.get(i)) {
- sortedDistance.get(i).ping = it
+ 3 -> {
+ 0..2
+ }
+ else -> {
+ 0..2
- recommendedListGlobal.add(sortedDistance.get(i))
+ }
+ if (sortedDistance.isNotEmpty()) {
+ for (i in intRange) {
+ calculatePing(sortedDistance.get(i)) {
+ sortedDistance.get(i).ping = it
+ }
+ recommendedListGlobal.add(sortedDistance.get(i))
// Log.d("recommendedListGlobal", "SS:: server = ${sortedDistance.get(i).server_name} ${sortedDistance.get(i).ping}")
+ }
- }
- recommendedListFinalGlobal = recommendedListGlobal
+ recommendedListFinalGlobal = recommendedListGlobal
// recommendedListFinalGlobal.forEachIndexed { index, server ->
// Log.d("recommendedListGlobal F", "SS:: server = ${server.server_name} ${server.ping}")
@@ -162,18 +164,18 @@ class ServerListViewModel(context: Context): ViewModel() {
// }
// Log.d("test_filter_list", "setRecommendedSmartServers")
- _mutableLiveDataGetRecommendedServers.value = recommendedListGlobal
- preferencesHelper.setRecommendedList(recommendedListGlobal)
+ _mutableLiveDataGetRecommendedServers.value = recommendedListGlobal
+ preferencesHelper.setRecommendedList(recommendedListGlobal)
- if (sortedDistance.isNotEmpty()) {
- for (i in 0..0) {
+ if (sortedDistance.isNotEmpty()) {
+ for (i in 0..0) {
// smartLocationList.add(sortedDistance.get(i))
- calculatePing(sortedDistance.get(i)) {
- sortedDistance.get(i).ping = it
+ calculatePing(sortedDistance.get(i)) {
+ sortedDistance.get(i).ping = it
+ }
+ smartLocationListGlobal.add(sortedDistance.get(i))
- smartLocationListGlobal.add(sortedDistance.get(i))
- }
// smartLocationList.forEach {
//// preferencesHelper.setSmartServerObject(it)
@@ -181,8 +183,8 @@ class ServerListViewModel(context: Context): ViewModel() {
// Log.d("smartLocationList", "SS:: server = ${it.server_name}")
// }
+ }
fun setCountryData() {