@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken
import com.vpn.fastestvpnservice.application.App
import com.vpn.fastestvpnservice.beans.DataResponse
import com.vpn.fastestvpnservice.beans.ProductFeatures
+import com.vpn.fastestvpnservice.customItems.getSelectedPosition
import com.vpn.fastestvpnservice.helpers.BasePreferenceHelper
import com.vpn.fastestvpnservice.retrofit.RetrofitNetworkHandling
import com.vpn.fastestvpnservice.retrofit.WebServiceFactory
@@ -46,13 +47,31 @@ class SubscriptionViewModel constructor(context: Context, activity: ComponentAct
var mutableLiveDataNumber = MutableLiveData<Int>(0)
var liveDataNumber: LiveData<Int> = mutableLiveDataNumber
+ val tag = "SubscriptionViewModel"
+ val prefHelper = BasePreferenceHelper(context)
+ private var skuDetailsList: List<SkuDetails>? = null
+ var featuresList = MutableLiveData<MutableList<ProductFeatures>>()
+ var featuresListSorted = MutableLiveData<MutableList<ProductFeatures>>()
+ private val billingClient: BillingClient by lazy {
+ BillingClient.newBuilder(context)
+ .setListener(this)
+ .enablePendingPurchases()
+ .build()
+ }
init {
this.context = context
this.activity = activity
preferenceHelper = BasePreferenceHelper(context)
+ startConnection(getSelectedPosition())
- fun setNumber(num: Int) {
+ fun setSelectedPosition(num: Int) {
Log.d("test_plan", "[1] num = $num")
Log.d("test_plan", "[2] num = $num")
@@ -77,6 +96,7 @@ class SubscriptionViewModel constructor(context: Context, activity: ComponentAct
data?.data?.let {
+ featuresList.value = it
mutableLiveDataProducts.value = data
mutableLiveDataProductsErrorStatus.value = false
@@ -101,22 +121,6 @@ class SubscriptionViewModel constructor(context: Context, activity: ComponentAct
- val tag = "SubscriptionViewModel"
- val prefHelper = BasePreferenceHelper(context)
- private var skuDetailsList: List<SkuDetails>? = null
- private val billingClient: BillingClient by lazy {
- BillingClient.newBuilder(context)
- .setListener(this)
- .enablePendingPurchases()
- .build()
- }
- init {
- Log.d(tag, "init Billing")
-// startConnection()
- }
fun startConnection(selectedPosition: Int) {
this.selectedPosition = selectedPosition
Log.d(tag, "startConnection Billing")
@@ -178,9 +182,8 @@ class SubscriptionViewModel constructor(context: Context, activity: ComponentAct
Log.d(tag, "[2nd] ${skuDetails.title} Billing")
- subscriptionProduct(selectedPosition, skuDetailsListsSubs, activity)
- mutableLiveDataSkuDetails.value = skuDetailsListsSubs
+ mutableLiveDataSkuDetails.postValue(skuDetailsListsSubs)
+// subscriptionProduct(selectedPosition, skuDetailsListsSubs, activity)
// initProductList(skuDetailsListsSubs)
@@ -207,31 +210,33 @@ class SubscriptionViewModel constructor(context: Context, activity: ComponentAct
-// private fun initProductList(skuDetailsList: List<SkuDetails>) {
-// this.skuDetailsList = skuDetailsList
-// if (this.skuDetailsList?.size!! > 0) {
-// var boolValue: Boolean
-// var freePeriod: String
-// var title: String
-// var selectFeatureListSorted = ArrayList<ProductFeatures>()
-// for ((index, value) in skuDetailsList.withIndex()){
-// for ((indexed, values) in featuresList.withIndex()){
-// if (value.sku == values.identifier)
-// {
-// Log.d("value of sku", "Equal => $index + $indexed")
-// featuresListSorted.add(featuresList.get(indexed))
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// featuresListSorted.forEachIndexed { index, productFeatures ->
-// Log.d("featuresListSorted", "${productFeatures.title} + ${productFeatures.identifier} + ${productFeatures.price}")
-// }
+ private fun initProductList(skuDetailsList: List<SkuDetails>) {
+ this.skuDetailsList = skuDetailsList
+ if (this.skuDetailsList?.size!! > 0) {
+ var boolValue: Boolean
+ var freePeriod: String
+ var title: String
+ var selectFeatureListSorted = ArrayList<ProductFeatures>()
+ featuresList.value?.let {
+ for ((index, value) in skuDetailsList.withIndex()){
+ for ((indexed, values) in it.withIndex()){
+ if (value.sku == values.identifier)
+ {
+ Log.d("value_of_sku", "Equal => $index + $indexed")
+ featuresListSorted.value?.add(it.get(indexed))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ featuresListSorted.value?.forEachIndexed { index, productFeatures ->
+ Log.d("featuresListSorted", "${productFeatures.title} + ${productFeatures.identifier} + ${productFeatures.price}")
+ }
// for ((index, value) in skuDetailsList.withIndex()){
// Log.d("value of 1", value.title + " ," + value.freeTrialPeriod + "=>" + featuresList.get(index).identifier)
@@ -264,15 +269,11 @@ class SubscriptionViewModel constructor(context: Context, activity: ComponentAct
// }
// selectPriceList.forEachIndexed { index, upgradePriceList ->
// if (upgradePriceList.isEnabled) {
// selectedPosition = index
// }
// }
-// requireActivity().runOnUiThread(Runnable {
-// if (isVisible) mainActivity.hideLoading()
// upgradeListAdapter.data.clear()
// if (featuresList.size > 1)
// {
@@ -282,16 +283,9 @@ class SubscriptionViewModel constructor(context: Context, activity: ComponentAct
// {
// upgradeListAdapter.setNewData(featuresListSorted.get(0).features)
// }
-// selectPriceListAdapter.data.clear()
-// selectPriceListAdapter.setNewData(selectPriceList)
-// selectPriceListAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged()
-// mDialogBoxes?.hideProgress()
-// })
-// }
-// }
+ }
+ }
override fun onPurchasesUpdated(p0: BillingResult, p1: MutableList<Purchase>?) {