evaltest.dat 2.1 KB

  1. moon::ipsec stroke status 2> /dev/null::conn1.*ESTABLISHED.*moon.strongswan.org.*sun.strongswan.org::YES
  2. sun::ipsec status 2> /dev/null::host-host.*ESTABLISHED.*sun.strongswan.org.*moon.strongswan.org::YES
  3. moon::ipsec stroke status 2> /dev/null::conn1.*INSTALLED, TRANSPORT::YES
  4. sun::ipsec status 2> /dev/null::host-host.*INSTALLED, TRANSPORT::YES
  5. moon::sleep 2::wait for rekeying::NO
  6. moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::ees: acquire received for reqid 1::YES
  7. moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::ees: expire received for reqid 1, spi.*, dst
  8. moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::creating rekey job for CHILD_SA ESP/0x.*/
  9. moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::deleting child SA (esa: 1, spi:.*)::NO
  10. moon::ping -c 1 PH_IP_SUN::64 bytes from PH_IP_SUN: icmp_.eq=1::YES
  11. sun::tcpdump::IP moon.strongswan.org > sun.strongswan.org: ESP::YES
  12. sun::tcpdump::IP sun.strongswan.org > moon.strongswan.org: ESP::YES
  13. moon::sleep 2::wait until inbound SA is deleted::NO
  14. moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::deleting child SA (esa: 1, spi:.*)::YES
  15. moon::ping -c 1 PH_IP_SUN::64 bytes from PH_IP_SUN: icmp_.eq=1::YES
  16. moon::cat /tmp/tkm.log::RSA private key '/etc/tkm/moonKey.der' loaded::YES
  17. moon::cat /tmp/tkm.log::Adding policy \[ 1, <-> \]::YES
  18. moon::cat /tmp/tkm.log::Checked CA certificate of CC context 1::YES
  19. moon::cat /tmp/tkm.log::Authentication of ISA context 1 successful::YES
  20. moon::cat /tmp/tkm.log::Creating first new ESA context with ID 1 (Isa 1, Sp 1, Ea 1, Initiator TRUE, spi_loc.*, spi_rem.*)::YES
  21. moon::cat /tmp/tkm.log::Creating ESA context with ID 2 (Isa 1, Sp 1, Ea 1, Dh_Id 1, Nc_Loc_Id 1, Initiator TRUE, spi_loc.*, spi_rem.*)::YES
  22. moon::cat /tmp/tkm.log | grep 'Adding ESA \[ 1, <->, SPI_in.*, SPI_out.*, soft 4, hard 60 \]' | wc -l::2::YES
  23. moon::cat /tmp/tkm.log::Resetting ESA context 1::YES
  24. moon::cat /tmp/tkm.log::Deleting ESA \[ 1, <=>, SPI_in.*, SPI_out.* \]::YES
  25. moon::cat /tmp/xfrm_proxy.log::Initiating ESA acquire for reqid 1::YES
  26. moon::cat /tmp/xfrm_proxy.log::Initiating ESA expire (reqid 1, proto 50, SPI.*, hard FALSE)::YES