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- tnccs-20 {
- # Whether to load the plugin. Can also be an integer to increase the
- # priority of this plugin.
- load = yes
- # Maximum size of a PB-TNC batch (upper limit via PT-EAP = 65529).
- # max_batch_size = 65522
- # Maximum size of a PA-TNC message (upper limit via PT-EAP = 65497).
- # max_message_size = 65490
- # Enable PB-TNC mutual protocol.
- # mutual = no
- tests {
- # Send an unsupported PB-TNC message type with the NOSKIP flag set.
- # pb_tnc_noskip = no
- # Send a PB-TNC batch with a modified PB-TNC version.
- # pb_tnc_version = 2
- }
- }