systime-fix.conf 673 B

  1. systime-fix {
  2. # Interval in seconds to check system time for validity. 0 disables the
  3. # check.
  4. # interval = 0
  5. # Whether to load the plugin. Can also be an integer to increase the
  6. # priority of this plugin.
  7. load = yes
  8. # Whether to use reauth or delete if an invalid cert lifetime is detected.
  9. # reauth = no
  10. # Threshold date where system time is considered valid. Disabled if not
  11. # specified.
  12. # threshold =
  13. # strptime(3) format used to parse threshold option.
  14. # threshold_format = %Y
  15. # How long to wait for a valid system time if an interval is configured. 0
  16. # to recheck indefinitely.
  17. # timeout = 0s
  18. }