Khubaib 589e7bed16 Worked on dark/light mode on webviews on TV hai 6 meses
codeStyles 288894585d Custom exception hander implemented with firebase realtime database hai 8 meses
inspectionProfiles f78d228061 UI Done hai 1 ano
.gitignore f78d228061 UI Done hai 1 ano
.name 288894585d Custom exception hander implemented with firebase realtime database hai 8 meses
appInsightsSettings.xml 97aa77171c Firebase crashlytics integrated.. hai 1 ano
compiler.xml f78d228061 UI Done hai 1 ano
deploymentTargetDropDown.xml 8da06f8933 updated code of Compose_TV, uploaded[v_3.2.7] hai 10 meses
deploymentTargetSelector.xml 589e7bed16 Worked on dark/light mode on webviews on TV hai 6 meses
gradle.xml 288894585d Custom exception hander implemented with firebase realtime database hai 8 meses
kotlinc.xml f78d228061 UI Done hai 1 ano
migrations.xml f78d228061 UI Done hai 1 ano
misc.xml f78d228061 UI Done hai 1 ano
other.xml d712011155 Worked on favorite server screen on TV, Comment delete account, change password and email us screens on TV, changed some UI hai 7 meses
vcs.xml f78d228061 UI Done hai 1 ano