evaltest.dat 964 B

  1. moon::ipsec status 2> /dev/null::net-net.*ESTABLISHED.*moon.strongswan.org.*sun.strongswan.org::YES
  2. sun:: ipsec status 2> /dev/null::net-net.*ESTABLISHED.*sun.strongswan.org.*moon.strongswan.org::YES
  3. moon::ipsec status 2> /dev/null::net-net.*INSTALLED, TUNNEL::YES
  4. sun:: ipsec status 2> /dev/null::net-net.*INSTALLED, TUNNEL::YES
  5. moon::sleep 6::wait for rekeying::NO
  6. moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::creating rekey job for CHILD_SA::YES
  7. moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::generating CREATE_CHILD_SA request.*REKEY_SA::YES
  8. moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::deleted SAD entry with SPI::1
  9. alice::ping -c 1 PH_IP_BOB::64 bytes from PH_IP_BOB: icmp_.eq=1::YES
  10. moon::sleep 2::wait until inbound SA is deleted::NO
  11. moon::cat /var/log/daemon.log::deleted SAD entry with SPI::2
  12. alice::ping -c 1 PH_IP_BOB::64 bytes from PH_IP_BOB: icmp_.eq=1::YES
  13. sun::tcpdump::IP moon.strongswan.org > sun.strongswan.org: ESP::YES
  14. sun::tcpdump::IP sun.strongswan.org > moon.strongswan.org: ESP::YES