sw-collector.opt 981 B

  1. sw-collector {}
  2. Options for the sw-collector tool.
  3. Options for the sw-collector tool.
  4. sw-collector.database =
  5. URI to software collector database containing event timestamps, software
  6. creation and deletion events and collected software identifiers.
  7. URI to software collector database containing event timestamps, software
  8. creation and deletion events and collected software identifiers.
  9. If it contains a password, make sure to adjust the permissions of the config
  10. file accordingly.
  11. sw-collector.first_file = /var/log/bootstrap.log
  12. Path pointing to file created when the Linux OS was installed.
  13. sw-collector.first_time = 0000-00-00T00:00:00Z
  14. Time in UTC when the Linux OS was installed.
  15. sw-collector.history =
  16. Path pointing to apt history.log file.
  17. sw-collector.rest_api.uri =
  18. HTTP URI of the central collector's REST API.
  19. sw-collector.rest_api.timeout = 120
  20. Timeout of REST API HTTP POST transaction.
  21. sw-collector.load =
  22. Plugins to load in sw-collector tool.