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Khubaib f1e8331356 Final updated code after some bugs fixed, published code QA_3.3.1 il y a 4 mois
.idea e738310196 Added headers on API, X_APPLICATION_BUILD_NUMBER = appversion & X_PLATFORM_BUILD_NUMBER = osversion and currently sending only 2 params email and password on login API il y a 4 mois
app f1e8331356 Final updated code after some bugs fixed, published code QA_3.3.1 il y a 4 mois
gradle f78d228061 UI Done il y a 1 an
strongSwanLib 35aeda481e added openvpn and strongswan files, permissions, service etc .. And project is compiling and build.. il y a 11 mois
vpnLib d9bcb68854 added vpnLib folder and some files in openssl openvpn ... il y a 11 mois
.gitignore f78d228061 UI Done il y a 1 an f7b87bf4b8 First Commit - UI Almost Done on Jetpack Compose il y a 1 an
build.gradle.kts 97aa77171c Firebase crashlytics integrated.. il y a 11 mois
credentials.txt 08bef0f07e added credentials and .jks file for signed apk, release apk performs better performance.. il y a 10 mois
fastestVpnProduction.jks 08bef0f07e added credentials and .jks file for signed apk, release apk performs better performance.. il y a 10 mois a25f9612eb working fine il y a 9 mois
gradlew f78d228061 UI Done il y a 1 an
gradlew.bat f78d228061 UI Done il y a 1 an
settings.gradle.kts d83db97d66 Added Ping of servers... il y a 11 mois