"use strict";(self.webpackChunk_N_E=self.webpackChunk_N_E||[]).push([[46807],{46807:function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"quran-desc":"By the core developers of Quran.com, comes the beautiful and ad-free mushaf iOS and Android apps. It\u2019s now easier to read the Quran on the go, memorize it, and listen to your favorite reciters.","tarteel-desc":"Tarteel is the first Quran app to use AI tools to interact with your recitation and highlight mistakes. A voice-led Quran companion in the palm of your hands, Tarteel works intuitively to help you read, recite, memorize and understand the Quran with confidence!<0><0>Tarteel is proud to be a core developer of Quran.com as well as a member of their board of governance."}')}}]);