Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); const utils = require('@sentry/utils'); const debugBuild = require('../debug-build.js'); const hub = require('../hub.js'); const spanUtils = require('../utils/spanUtils.js'); const errors = require('./errors.js'); const idletransaction = require('./idletransaction.js'); const sampling = require('./sampling.js'); const transaction = require('./transaction.js'); /** Returns all trace headers that are currently on the top scope. */ function traceHeaders() { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const scope = this.getScope(); // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const span = scope.getSpan(); return span ? { 'sentry-trace': spanUtils.spanToTraceHeader(span), } : {}; } /** * Creates a new transaction and adds a sampling decision if it doesn't yet have one. * * The Hub.startTransaction method delegates to this method to do its work, passing the Hub instance in as `this`, as if * it had been called on the hub directly. Exists as a separate function so that it can be injected into the class as an * "extension method." * * @param this: The Hub starting the transaction * @param transactionContext: Data used to configure the transaction * @param CustomSamplingContext: Optional data to be provided to the `tracesSampler` function (if any) * * @returns The new transaction * * @see {@link Hub.startTransaction} */ function _startTransaction( transactionContext, customSamplingContext, ) { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const client = this.getClient(); const options = (client && client.getOptions()) || {}; const configInstrumenter = options.instrumenter || 'sentry'; const transactionInstrumenter = transactionContext.instrumenter || 'sentry'; if (configInstrumenter !== transactionInstrumenter) { debugBuild.DEBUG_BUILD && utils.logger.error( `A transaction was started with instrumenter=\`${transactionInstrumenter}\`, but the SDK is configured with the \`${configInstrumenter}\` instrumenter. The transaction will not be sampled. Please use the ${configInstrumenter} instrumentation to start transactions.`, ); // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation transactionContext.sampled = false; } // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation let transaction$1 = new transaction.Transaction(transactionContext, this); transaction$1 = sampling.sampleTransaction(transaction$1, options, { name: transactionContext.name, parentSampled: transactionContext.parentSampled, transactionContext, attributes: { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation ...transactionContext.data, ...transactionContext.attributes, }, ...customSamplingContext, }); if (transaction$1.isRecording()) { transaction$1.initSpanRecorder(options._experiments && (options._experiments.maxSpans )); } if (client && client.emit) { client.emit('startTransaction', transaction$1); } return transaction$1; } /** * Create new idle transaction. */ function startIdleTransaction( hub, transactionContext, idleTimeout, finalTimeout, onScope, customSamplingContext, heartbeatInterval, delayAutoFinishUntilSignal = false, ) { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const client = hub.getClient(); const options = (client && client.getOptions()) || {}; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation let transaction = new idletransaction.IdleTransaction( transactionContext, hub, idleTimeout, finalTimeout, heartbeatInterval, onScope, delayAutoFinishUntilSignal, ); transaction = sampling.sampleTransaction(transaction, options, { name: transactionContext.name, parentSampled: transactionContext.parentSampled, transactionContext, attributes: { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation ...transactionContext.data, ...transactionContext.attributes, }, ...customSamplingContext, }); if (transaction.isRecording()) { transaction.initSpanRecorder(options._experiments && (options._experiments.maxSpans )); } if (client && client.emit) { client.emit('startTransaction', transaction); } return transaction; } /** * Adds tracing extensions to the global hub. */ function addTracingExtensions() { const carrier = hub.getMainCarrier(); if (!carrier.__SENTRY__) { return; } carrier.__SENTRY__.extensions = carrier.__SENTRY__.extensions || {}; if (!carrier.__SENTRY__.extensions.startTransaction) { carrier.__SENTRY__.extensions.startTransaction = _startTransaction; } if (!carrier.__SENTRY__.extensions.traceHeaders) { carrier.__SENTRY__.extensions.traceHeaders = traceHeaders; } errors.registerErrorInstrumentation(); } exports.addTracingExtensions = addTracingExtensions; exports.startIdleTransaction = startIdleTransaction; //# sourceMappingURL=hubextensions.js.map