import { browserTracingIntegration, WINDOW, startBrowserTracingPageLoadSpan, startBrowserTracingNavigationSpan } from '@sentry/browser'; import { SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_SOURCE, SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP, SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_ORIGIN, getActiveSpan, getRootSpan, spanToJSON } from '@sentry/core'; import { logger, getNumberOfUrlSegments } from '@sentry/utils'; import hoistNonReactStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics'; import * as React from 'react'; import { DEBUG_BUILD } from './debug-build.js'; const _jsxFileName = "/home/runner/work/sentry-javascript/sentry-javascript/packages/react/src/reactrouterv6.tsx";/* eslint-disable max-lines */ let activeTransaction; let _useEffect; let _useLocation; let _useNavigationType; let _createRoutesFromChildren; let _matchRoutes; let _customStartTransaction; let _startTransactionOnLocationChange; let _stripBasename = false; /** * A browser tracing integration that uses React Router v3 to instrument navigations. * Expects `history` (and optionally `routes` and `matchPath`) to be passed as options. */ function reactRouterV6BrowserTracingIntegration( options, ) { const integration = browserTracingIntegration({ ...options, instrumentPageLoad: false, instrumentNavigation: false, }); const { useEffect, useLocation, useNavigationType, createRoutesFromChildren, matchRoutes, stripBasename, instrumentPageLoad = true, instrumentNavigation = true, } = options; return { ...integration, afterAllSetup(client) { integration.afterAllSetup(client); const startNavigationCallback = (startSpanOptions) => { startBrowserTracingNavigationSpan(client, startSpanOptions); return undefined; }; const initPathName = WINDOW && WINDOW.location && WINDOW.location.pathname; if (instrumentPageLoad && initPathName) { startBrowserTracingPageLoadSpan(client, { name: initPathName, attributes: { [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_SOURCE]: 'url', [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP]: 'pageload', [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_ORIGIN]: 'auto.pageload.react.reactrouter_v6', }, }); } _useEffect = useEffect; _useLocation = useLocation; _useNavigationType = useNavigationType; _matchRoutes = matchRoutes; _createRoutesFromChildren = createRoutesFromChildren; _stripBasename = stripBasename || false; _customStartTransaction = startNavigationCallback; _startTransactionOnLocationChange = instrumentNavigation; }, }; } /** * @deprecated Use `reactRouterV6BrowserTracingIntegration()` instead. */ function reactRouterV6Instrumentation( useEffect, useLocation, useNavigationType, createRoutesFromChildren, matchRoutes, stripBasename, ) { return ( customStartTransaction, startTransactionOnPageLoad = true, startTransactionOnLocationChange = true, ) => { const initPathName = WINDOW && WINDOW.location && WINDOW.location.pathname; if (startTransactionOnPageLoad && initPathName) { activeTransaction = customStartTransaction({ name: initPathName, attributes: { [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_SOURCE]: 'url', [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP]: 'pageload', [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_ORIGIN]: 'auto.pageload.react.reactrouter_v6', }, }); } _useEffect = useEffect; _useLocation = useLocation; _useNavigationType = useNavigationType; _matchRoutes = matchRoutes; _createRoutesFromChildren = createRoutesFromChildren; _stripBasename = stripBasename || false; _customStartTransaction = customStartTransaction; _startTransactionOnLocationChange = startTransactionOnLocationChange; }; } /** * Strip the basename from a pathname if exists. * * Vendored and modified from `react-router` * */ function stripBasenameFromPathname(pathname, basename) { if (!basename || basename === '/') { return pathname; } if (!pathname.toLowerCase().startsWith(basename.toLowerCase())) { return pathname; } // We want to leave trailing slash behavior in the user's control, so if they // specify a basename with a trailing slash, we should support it const startIndex = basename.endsWith('/') ? basename.length - 1 : basename.length; const nextChar = pathname.charAt(startIndex); if (nextChar && nextChar !== '/') { // pathname does not start with basename/ return pathname; } return pathname.slice(startIndex) || '/'; } function getNormalizedName( routes, location, branches, basename = '', ) { if (!routes || routes.length === 0) { return [_stripBasename ? stripBasenameFromPathname(location.pathname, basename) : location.pathname, 'url']; } let pathBuilder = ''; if (branches) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of for (let x = 0; x < branches.length; x++) { const branch = branches[x]; const route = branch.route; if (route) { // Early return if index route if (route.index) { return [_stripBasename ? stripBasenameFromPathname(branch.pathname, basename) : branch.pathname, 'route']; } const path = route.path; if (path) { const newPath = path[0] === '/' || pathBuilder[pathBuilder.length - 1] === '/' ? path : `/${path}`; pathBuilder += newPath; if (basename + branch.pathname === location.pathname) { if ( // If the route defined on the element is something like // Product} /> // We should check against the branch.pathname for the number of / seperators getNumberOfUrlSegments(pathBuilder) !== getNumberOfUrlSegments(branch.pathname) && // We should not count wildcard operators in the url segments calculation pathBuilder.slice(-2) !== '/*' ) { return [(_stripBasename ? '' : basename) + newPath, 'route']; } return [(_stripBasename ? '' : basename) + pathBuilder, 'route']; } } } } } return [_stripBasename ? stripBasenameFromPathname(location.pathname, basename) : location.pathname, 'url']; } function updatePageloadTransaction( activeRootSpan, location, routes, matches, basename, ) { const branches = Array.isArray(matches) ? matches : (_matchRoutes(routes, location, basename) ); if (activeRootSpan && branches) { const [name, source] = getNormalizedName(routes, location, branches, basename); activeRootSpan.updateName(name); activeRootSpan.setAttribute(SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_SOURCE, source); } } function handleNavigation( location, routes, navigationType, matches, basename, ) { const branches = Array.isArray(matches) ? matches : _matchRoutes(routes, location, basename); if (_startTransactionOnLocationChange && (navigationType === 'PUSH' || navigationType === 'POP') && branches) { if (activeTransaction) { activeTransaction.end(); } const [name, source] = getNormalizedName(routes, location, branches, basename); activeTransaction = _customStartTransaction({ name, attributes: { [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_SOURCE]: source, [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP]: 'navigation', [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_ORIGIN]: 'auto.navigation.react.reactrouter_v6', }, }); } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function withSentryReactRouterV6Routing(Routes) { if ( !_useEffect || !_useLocation || !_useNavigationType || !_createRoutesFromChildren || !_matchRoutes || !_customStartTransaction ) { DEBUG_BUILD && logger.warn(`reactRouterV6Instrumentation was unable to wrap Routes because of one or more missing parameters. useEffect: ${_useEffect}. useLocation: ${_useLocation}. useNavigationType: ${_useNavigationType}. createRoutesFromChildren: ${_createRoutesFromChildren}. matchRoutes: ${_matchRoutes}. customStartTransaction: ${_customStartTransaction}.`); return Routes; } let isMountRenderPass = true; const SentryRoutes = (props) => { const location = _useLocation(); const navigationType = _useNavigationType(); _useEffect( () => { const routes = _createRoutesFromChildren(props.children) ; if (isMountRenderPass) { updatePageloadTransaction(getActiveRootSpan(), location, routes); isMountRenderPass = false; } else { handleNavigation(location, routes, navigationType); } }, // `props.children` is purpusely not included in the dependency array, because we do not want to re-run this effect // when the children change. We only want to start transactions when the location or navigation type change. [location, navigationType], ); // @ts-expect-error Setting more specific React Component typing for `R` generic above // will break advanced type inference done by react router params return React.createElement(Routes, { ...props, __self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 329}} ); }; hoistNonReactStatics(SentryRoutes, Routes); // @ts-expect-error Setting more specific React Component typing for `R` generic above // will break advanced type inference done by react router params return SentryRoutes; } function wrapUseRoutes(origUseRoutes) { if (!_useEffect || !_useLocation || !_useNavigationType || !_matchRoutes || !_customStartTransaction) { DEBUG_BUILD && logger.warn( 'reactRouterV6Instrumentation was unable to wrap `useRoutes` because of one or more missing parameters.', ); return origUseRoutes; } let isMountRenderPass = true; const SentryRoutes = (props) => { const { routes, locationArg } = props; const Routes = origUseRoutes(routes, locationArg); const location = _useLocation(); const navigationType = _useNavigationType(); // A value with stable identity to either pick `locationArg` if available or `location` if not const stableLocationParam = typeof locationArg === 'string' || (locationArg && locationArg.pathname) ? (locationArg ) : location; _useEffect(() => { const normalizedLocation = typeof stableLocationParam === 'string' ? { pathname: stableLocationParam } : stableLocationParam; if (isMountRenderPass) { updatePageloadTransaction(getActiveRootSpan(), normalizedLocation, routes); isMountRenderPass = false; } else { handleNavigation(normalizedLocation, routes, navigationType); } }, [navigationType, stableLocationParam]); return Routes; }; // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name return (routes, locationArg) => { return React.createElement(SentryRoutes, { routes: routes, locationArg: locationArg, __self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 386}} ); }; } function wrapCreateBrowserRouter (createRouterFunction) { // `opts` for createBrowserHistory and createMemoryHistory are different, but also not relevant for us at the moment. // `basename` is the only option that is relevant for us, and it is the same for all. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return function (routes, opts) { const router = createRouterFunction(routes, opts); const basename = opts && opts.basename; const activeRootSpan = getActiveRootSpan(); // The initial load ends when `createBrowserRouter` is called. // This is the earliest convenient time to update the transaction name. // Callbacks to `router.subscribe` are not called for the initial load. if (router.state.historyAction === 'POP' && activeRootSpan) { updatePageloadTransaction(activeRootSpan, router.state.location, routes, undefined, basename); } router.subscribe((state) => { const location = state.location; if (_startTransactionOnLocationChange && (state.historyAction === 'PUSH' || state.historyAction === 'POP')) { handleNavigation(location, routes, state.historyAction, undefined, basename); } }); return router; }; } function getActiveRootSpan() { // Legacy behavior for "old" react router instrumentation if (activeTransaction) { return activeTransaction; } const span = getActiveSpan(); const rootSpan = span ? getRootSpan(span) : undefined; if (!rootSpan) { return undefined; } const op = spanToJSON(rootSpan).op; // Only use this root span if it is a pageload or navigation span return op === 'navigation' || op === 'pageload' ? rootSpan : undefined; } export { reactRouterV6BrowserTracingIntegration, reactRouterV6Instrumentation, withSentryReactRouterV6Routing, wrapCreateBrowserRouter, wrapUseRoutes }; //#