declare const wrapperJs: string; // Type definitions for non-npm package estree 1.0 // Project: // Definitions by: RReverser // Definitions: // This definition file follows a somewhat unusual format. ESTree allows // runtime type checks based on the `type` parameter. In order to explain this // to typescript we want to use discriminated union types: // // // For ESTree this is a bit tricky because the high level interfaces like // Node or Function are pulling double duty. We want to pass common fields down // to the interfaces that extend them (like Identifier or // ArrowFunctionExpression), but you can't extend a type union or enforce // common fields on them. So we've split the high level interfaces into two // types, a base type which passes down inherited fields, and a type union of // all types which extend the base type. Only the type union is exported, and // the union is how other types refer to the collection of inheriting types. // // This makes the definitions file here somewhat more difficult to maintain, // but it has the notable advantage of making ESTree much easier to use as // an end user. interface BaseNodeWithoutComments { // Every leaf interface that extends BaseNode must specify a type property. // The type property should be a string literal. For example, Identifier // has: `type: "Identifier"` type: string; loc?: SourceLocation | null | undefined; range?: [number, number] | undefined; } interface BaseNode extends BaseNodeWithoutComments { leadingComments?: Comment$1[] | undefined; trailingComments?: Comment$1[] | undefined; } interface Comment$1 extends BaseNodeWithoutComments { type: 'Line' | 'Block'; value: string; } interface SourceLocation { source?: string | null | undefined; start: Position$4; end: Position$4; } interface Position$4 { /** >= 1 */ line: number; /** >= 0 */ column: number; } interface BaseFunction extends BaseNode { params: Pattern[]; generator?: boolean | undefined; async?: boolean | undefined; // The body is either BlockStatement or Expression because arrow functions // can have a body that's either. FunctionDeclarations and // FunctionExpressions have only BlockStatement bodies. body: BlockStatement | Expression; } type Statement = | ExpressionStatement | BlockStatement | StaticBlock | EmptyStatement | DebuggerStatement | WithStatement | ReturnStatement | LabeledStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | IfStatement | SwitchStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | WhileStatement | DoWhileStatement | ForStatement | ForInStatement | ForOfStatement | Declaration; interface BaseStatement extends BaseNode {} interface EmptyStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'EmptyStatement'; } interface BlockStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'BlockStatement'; body: Statement[]; innerComments?: Comment$1[] | undefined; } interface StaticBlock extends Omit { type: 'StaticBlock'; } interface ExpressionStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'ExpressionStatement'; expression: Expression; } interface IfStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'IfStatement'; test: Expression; consequent: Statement; alternate?: Statement | null | undefined; } interface LabeledStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'LabeledStatement'; label: Identifier; body: Statement; } interface BreakStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'BreakStatement'; label?: Identifier | null | undefined; } interface ContinueStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'ContinueStatement'; label?: Identifier | null | undefined; } interface WithStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'WithStatement'; object: Expression; body: Statement; } interface SwitchStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'SwitchStatement'; discriminant: Expression; cases: SwitchCase[]; } interface ReturnStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'ReturnStatement'; argument?: Expression | null | undefined; } interface ThrowStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'ThrowStatement'; argument: Expression; } interface TryStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'TryStatement'; block: BlockStatement; handler?: CatchClause | null | undefined; finalizer?: BlockStatement | null | undefined; } interface WhileStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'WhileStatement'; test: Expression; body: Statement; } interface DoWhileStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'DoWhileStatement'; body: Statement; test: Expression; } interface ForStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'ForStatement'; init?: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null | undefined; test?: Expression | null | undefined; update?: Expression | null | undefined; body: Statement; } interface BaseForXStatement extends BaseStatement { left: VariableDeclaration | Pattern; right: Expression; body: Statement; } interface ForInStatement extends BaseForXStatement { type: 'ForInStatement'; } interface DebuggerStatement extends BaseStatement { type: 'DebuggerStatement'; } type Declaration = FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration; interface BaseDeclaration extends BaseStatement {} interface FunctionDeclaration extends BaseFunction, BaseDeclaration { type: 'FunctionDeclaration'; /** It is null when a function declaration is a part of the `export default function` statement */ id: Identifier | null; body: BlockStatement; } interface VariableDeclaration extends BaseDeclaration { type: 'VariableDeclaration'; declarations: VariableDeclarator[]; kind: 'var' | 'let' | 'const'; } interface VariableDeclarator extends BaseNode { type: 'VariableDeclarator'; id: Pattern; init?: Expression | null | undefined; } interface ExpressionMap { ArrayExpression: ArrayExpression; ArrowFunctionExpression: ArrowFunctionExpression; AssignmentExpression: AssignmentExpression; AwaitExpression: AwaitExpression; BinaryExpression: BinaryExpression; CallExpression: CallExpression; ChainExpression: ChainExpression; ClassExpression: ClassExpression; ConditionalExpression: ConditionalExpression; FunctionExpression: FunctionExpression; Identifier: Identifier; ImportExpression: ImportExpression; Literal: Literal$3; LogicalExpression: LogicalExpression; MemberExpression: MemberExpression; MetaProperty: MetaProperty; NewExpression: NewExpression; ObjectExpression: ObjectExpression; SequenceExpression: SequenceExpression; TaggedTemplateExpression: TaggedTemplateExpression; TemplateLiteral: TemplateLiteral; ThisExpression: ThisExpression; UnaryExpression: UnaryExpression; UpdateExpression: UpdateExpression; YieldExpression: YieldExpression; } type Expression = ExpressionMap[keyof ExpressionMap]; interface BaseExpression extends BaseNode {} type ChainElement = SimpleCallExpression | MemberExpression; interface ChainExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'ChainExpression'; expression: ChainElement; } interface ThisExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'ThisExpression'; } interface ArrayExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'ArrayExpression'; elements: Array; } interface ObjectExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'ObjectExpression'; properties: Array; } interface PrivateIdentifier extends BaseNode { type: 'PrivateIdentifier'; name: string; } interface Property extends BaseNode { type: 'Property'; key: Expression | PrivateIdentifier; value: Expression | Pattern; // Could be an AssignmentProperty kind: 'init' | 'get' | 'set'; method: boolean; shorthand: boolean; computed: boolean; } interface PropertyDefinition extends BaseNode { type: 'PropertyDefinition'; key: Expression | PrivateIdentifier; value?: Expression | null | undefined; computed: boolean; static: boolean; } interface FunctionExpression extends BaseFunction, BaseExpression { id?: Identifier | null | undefined; type: 'FunctionExpression'; body: BlockStatement; } interface SequenceExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'SequenceExpression'; expressions: Expression[]; } interface UnaryExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'UnaryExpression'; operator: UnaryOperator; prefix: true; argument: Expression; } interface BinaryExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'BinaryExpression'; operator: BinaryOperator; left: Expression; right: Expression; } interface AssignmentExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'AssignmentExpression'; operator: AssignmentOperator; left: Pattern | MemberExpression; right: Expression; } interface UpdateExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'UpdateExpression'; operator: UpdateOperator; argument: Expression; prefix: boolean; } interface LogicalExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'LogicalExpression'; operator: LogicalOperator; left: Expression; right: Expression; } interface ConditionalExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'ConditionalExpression'; test: Expression; alternate: Expression; consequent: Expression; } interface BaseCallExpression extends BaseExpression { callee: Expression | Super; arguments: Array; } type CallExpression = SimpleCallExpression | NewExpression; interface SimpleCallExpression extends BaseCallExpression { type: 'CallExpression'; optional: boolean; } interface NewExpression extends BaseCallExpression { type: 'NewExpression'; } interface MemberExpression extends BaseExpression, BasePattern { type: 'MemberExpression'; object: Expression | Super; property: Expression | PrivateIdentifier; computed: boolean; optional: boolean; } type Pattern = Identifier | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | RestElement | AssignmentPattern | MemberExpression; interface BasePattern extends BaseNode {} interface SwitchCase extends BaseNode { type: 'SwitchCase'; test?: Expression | null | undefined; consequent: Statement[]; } interface CatchClause extends BaseNode { type: 'CatchClause'; param: Pattern | null; body: BlockStatement; } interface Identifier extends BaseNode, BaseExpression, BasePattern { type: 'Identifier'; name: string; } type Literal$3 = SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral | BigIntLiteral; interface SimpleLiteral extends BaseNode, BaseExpression { type: 'Literal'; value: string | boolean | number | null; raw?: string | undefined; } interface RegExpLiteral extends BaseNode, BaseExpression { type: 'Literal'; value?: RegExp | null | undefined; regex: { pattern: string; flags: string; }; raw?: string | undefined; } interface BigIntLiteral extends BaseNode, BaseExpression { type: 'Literal'; value?: bigint | null | undefined; bigint: string; raw?: string | undefined; } type UnaryOperator = '-' | '+' | '!' | '~' | 'typeof' | 'void' | 'delete'; type BinaryOperator = | '==' | '!=' | '===' | '!==' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '**' | '|' | '^' | '&' | 'in' | 'instanceof'; type LogicalOperator = '||' | '&&' | '??'; type AssignmentOperator = | '=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '**=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '|=' | '^=' | '&='; type UpdateOperator = '++' | '--'; interface ForOfStatement extends BaseForXStatement { type: 'ForOfStatement'; await: boolean; } interface Super extends BaseNode { type: 'Super'; } interface SpreadElement extends BaseNode { type: 'SpreadElement'; argument: Expression; } interface ArrowFunctionExpression extends BaseExpression, BaseFunction { type: 'ArrowFunctionExpression'; expression: boolean; body: BlockStatement | Expression; } interface YieldExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'YieldExpression'; argument?: Expression | null | undefined; delegate: boolean; } interface TemplateLiteral extends BaseExpression { type: 'TemplateLiteral'; quasis: TemplateElement[]; expressions: Expression[]; } interface TaggedTemplateExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'TaggedTemplateExpression'; tag: Expression; quasi: TemplateLiteral; } interface TemplateElement extends BaseNode { type: 'TemplateElement'; tail: boolean; value: { /** It is null when the template literal is tagged and the text has an invalid escape (e.g. - tag`\unicode and \u{55}`) */ cooked?: string | null | undefined; raw: string; }; } interface AssignmentProperty extends Property { value: Pattern; kind: 'init'; method: boolean; // false } interface ObjectPattern extends BasePattern { type: 'ObjectPattern'; properties: Array; } interface ArrayPattern extends BasePattern { type: 'ArrayPattern'; elements: Array; } interface RestElement extends BasePattern { type: 'RestElement'; argument: Pattern; } interface AssignmentPattern extends BasePattern { type: 'AssignmentPattern'; left: Pattern; right: Expression; } interface BaseClass extends BaseNode { superClass?: Expression | null | undefined; body: ClassBody; } interface ClassBody extends BaseNode { type: 'ClassBody'; body: Array; } interface MethodDefinition extends BaseNode { type: 'MethodDefinition'; key: Expression | PrivateIdentifier; value: FunctionExpression; kind: 'constructor' | 'method' | 'get' | 'set'; computed: boolean; static: boolean; } interface ClassDeclaration extends BaseClass, BaseDeclaration { type: 'ClassDeclaration'; /** It is null when a class declaration is a part of the `export default class` statement */ id: Identifier | null; } interface ClassExpression extends BaseClass, BaseExpression { type: 'ClassExpression'; id?: Identifier | null | undefined; } interface MetaProperty extends BaseExpression { type: 'MetaProperty'; meta: Identifier; property: Identifier; } interface ImportExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'ImportExpression'; source: Expression; } interface AwaitExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'AwaitExpression'; argument: Expression; } // Type definitions for non-npm package estree-jsx 1.0 declare module 'estree' { interface ExpressionMap { JSXElement: JSXElement; } interface NodeMap { JSXIdentifier: JSXIdentifier; JSXNamespacedName: JSXNamespacedName; JSXMemberExpression: JSXMemberExpression; JSXEmptyExpression: JSXEmptyExpression; JSXExpressionContainer: JSXExpressionContainer; JSXSpreadAttribute: JSXSpreadAttribute; JSXAttribute: JSXAttribute; JSXOpeningElement: JSXOpeningElement; JSXOpeningFragment: JSXOpeningFragment; JSXClosingElement: JSXClosingElement; JSXClosingFragment: JSXClosingFragment; JSXElement: JSXElement; JSXFragment: JSXFragment; JSXText: JSXText; } } interface JSXIdentifier extends BaseNode { type: 'JSXIdentifier'; name: string; } interface JSXMemberExpression extends BaseExpression { type: 'JSXMemberExpression'; object: JSXMemberExpression | JSXIdentifier; property: JSXIdentifier; } interface JSXNamespacedName extends BaseExpression { type: 'JSXNamespacedName'; namespace: JSXIdentifier; name: JSXIdentifier; } interface JSXEmptyExpression extends BaseNode { type: 'JSXEmptyExpression'; } interface JSXExpressionContainer extends BaseNode { type: 'JSXExpressionContainer'; expression: Expression | JSXEmptyExpression; } interface JSXSpreadChild extends BaseNode { type: 'JSXSpreadChild'; expression: Expression; } interface JSXBoundaryElement extends BaseNode { name: JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName; } interface JSXOpeningElement extends JSXBoundaryElement { type: 'JSXOpeningElement'; attributes: Array; selfClosing: boolean; } interface JSXClosingElement extends JSXBoundaryElement { type: 'JSXClosingElement'; } interface JSXAttribute extends BaseNode { type: 'JSXAttribute'; name: JSXIdentifier | JSXNamespacedName; value: Literal$3 | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXElement | JSXFragment | null; } interface JSXSpreadAttribute extends BaseNode { type: 'JSXSpreadAttribute'; argument: Expression; } interface JSXText extends BaseNode { type: 'JSXText'; value: string; raw: string; } interface JSXElement extends BaseExpression { type: 'JSXElement'; openingElement: JSXOpeningElement; children: Array; closingElement: JSXClosingElement | null; } interface JSXFragment extends BaseExpression { type: 'JSXFragment'; openingFragment: JSXOpeningFragment; children: Array; closingFragment: JSXClosingFragment; } interface JSXOpeningFragment extends BaseNode { type: 'JSXOpeningFragment'; } interface JSXClosingFragment extends BaseNode { type: 'JSXClosingFragment'; } // Type definitions for non-npm package Unist 2.0 // Project: // Definitions by: bizen241 // Jun Lu // Hernan Rajchert // Titus Wormer // Junyoung Choi // Ben Moon // JounQin // Definitions: // TypeScript Version: 3.0 /** * Syntactic units in unist syntax trees are called nodes. * * @typeParam TData Information from the ecosystem. Useful for more specific {@link}. */ interface Node$2 { /** * The variant of a node. */ type: string; /** * Information from the ecosystem. */ data?: TData | undefined; /** * Location of a node in a source document. * Must not be present if a node is generated. */ position?: Position$3 | undefined; } /** * Information associated by the ecosystem with the node. * Space is guaranteed to never be specified by unist or specifications * implementing unist. */ interface Data$2 { [key: string]: unknown; } /** * Location of a node in a source file. */ interface Position$3 { /** * Place of the first character of the parsed source region. */ start: Point$2; /** * Place of the first character after the parsed source region. */ end: Point$2; /** * Start column at each index (plus start line) in the source region, * for elements that span multiple lines. */ indent?: number[] | undefined; } /** * One place in a source file. */ interface Point$2 { /** * Line in a source file (1-indexed integer). */ line: number; /** * Column in a source file (1-indexed integer). */ column: number; /** * Character in a source file (0-indexed integer). */ offset?: number | undefined; } /** * Util for extracting type of {@link} * * @typeParam TNode Specific node type such as {@link Node} with {@link Data}, {@link Literal}, etc. * * @example `NodeData>` -> `{ key: string }` */ type NodeData> = TNode extends Node$2 ? TData : never; /** * Nodes containing other nodes. * * @typeParam ChildNode Node item of {@link Parent.children} */ interface Parent$2 = Node$2, TData extends object = NodeData> extends Node$2 { /** * List representing the children of a node. */ children: ChildNode[]; } /** * Nodes containing a value. * * @typeParam Value Specific value type of {@link Literal.value} such as `string` for `Text` node */ interface Literal$2 extends Node$2 { value: Value; } /** * This is the same as `Buffer` if node types are included, `never` otherwise. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment, @typescript-eslint/prefer-ts-expect-error // @ts-ignore It’s important to preserve this ignore statement. This makes sure // it works both with and without node types. // eslint-disable-next-line n/prefer-global/buffer type MaybeBuffer = any extends Buffer ? never : Buffer /** * Contents of the file. * * Can either be text or a `Buffer` structure. */ // Note: this does not directly use type `Buffer`, because it can also be used // in a browser context. // Instead this leverages `Uint8Array` which is the base type for `Buffer`, // and a native JavaScript construct. type Value$1 = string | MaybeBuffer /** * This map registers the type of the `data` key of a `VFile`. * * This type can be augmented to register custom `data` types. * * @example * declare module 'vfile' { * interface DataMap { * // `` is typed as `string` * name: string * } * } */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions, @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface interface DataMap {} /** * Custom information. * * Known attributes can be added to @see {@link DataMap} */ type Data$1 = Record & Partial type URL$1 = { hash: string host: string hostname: string href: string origin: string password: string pathname: string port: string protocol: string search: string searchParams: any username: string toString: () => string toJSON: () => string } /** * Message. */ declare class VFileMessage extends Error { /** * Create a message for `reason` at `place` from `origin`. * * When an error is passed in as `reason`, the `stack` is copied. * * @param {string | Error | VFileMessage} reason * Reason for message, uses the stack and message of the error if given. * * > 👉 **Note**: you should use markdown. * @param {Node | NodeLike | Position | Point | null | undefined} [place] * Place in file where the message occurred. * @param {string | null | undefined} [origin] * Place in code where the message originates (example: * `'my-package:my-rule'` or `'my-rule'`). * @returns * Instance of `VFileMessage`. */ constructor( reason: string | Error | VFileMessage, place?: Node$1 | NodeLike$1 | Position$2 | Point$1 | null | undefined, origin?: string | null | undefined ) /** * Stack of message. * * This is used by normal errors to show where something happened in * programming code, irrelevant for `VFile` messages, * * @type {string} */ stack: string /** * Reason for message. * * > 👉 **Note**: you should use markdown. * * @type {string} */ reason: string /** * State of problem. * * * `true` — marks associated file as no longer processable (error) * * `false` — necessitates a (potential) change (warning) * * `null | undefined` — for things that might not need changing (info) * * @type {boolean | null | undefined} */ fatal: boolean | null | undefined /** * Starting line of error. * * @type {number | null} */ line: number | null /** * Starting column of error. * * @type {number | null} */ column: number | null /** * Full unist position. * * @type {Position | null} */ position: Position$2 | null /** * Namespace of message (example: `'my-package'`). * * @type {string | null} */ source: string | null /** * Category of message (example: `'my-rule'`). * * @type {string | null} */ ruleId: string | null /** * Path of a file (used throughout the `VFile` ecosystem). * * @type {string | null} */ file: string | null /** * Specify the source value that’s being reported, which is deemed * incorrect. * * @type {string | null} */ actual: string | null /** * Suggest acceptable values that can be used instead of `actual`. * * @type {Array | null} */ expected: Array | null /** * Link to docs for the message. * * > 👉 **Note**: this must be an absolute URL that can be passed as `x` * > to `new URL(x)`. * * @type {string | null} */ url: string | null /** * Long form description of the message (you should use markdown). * * @type {string | null} */ note: string | null } type Node$1 = Node$2 type Position$2 = Position$3 type Point$1 = Point$2 type NodeLike$1 = object & { type: string position?: Position$2 | undefined } declare class VFile$1 { /** * Create a new virtual file. * * `options` is treated as: * * * `string` or `Buffer` — `{value: options}` * * `URL` — `{path: options}` * * `VFile` — shallow copies its data over to the new file * * `object` — all fields are shallow copied over to the new file * * Path related fields are set in the following order (least specific to * most specific): `history`, `path`, `basename`, `stem`, `extname`, * `dirname`. * * You cannot set `dirname` or `extname` without setting either `history`, * `path`, `basename`, or `stem` too. * * @param {Compatible | null | undefined} [value] * File value. * @returns * New instance. */ constructor(value?: Compatible | null | undefined) /** * Place to store custom information (default: `{}`). * * It’s OK to store custom data directly on the file but moving it to * `data` is recommended. * * @type {Data} */ data: Data /** * List of messages associated with the file. * * @type {Array} */ messages: Array /** * List of filepaths the file moved between. * * The first is the original path and the last is the current path. * * @type {Array} */ history: Array /** * Base of `path` (default: `process.cwd()` or `'/'` in browsers). * * @type {string} */ cwd: string /** * Raw value. * * @type {Value} */ value: Value /** * Whether a file was saved to disk. * * This is used by vfile reporters. * * @type {boolean} */ stored: boolean /** * Custom, non-string, compiled, representation. * * This is used by unified to store non-string results. * One example is when turning markdown into React nodes. * * @type {unknown} */ result: unknown /** * Source map. * * This type is equivalent to the `RawSourceMap` type from the `source-map` * module. * * @type {Map | null | undefined} */ map: Map | null | undefined /** * Set the full path (example: `'~/index.min.js'`). * * Cannot be nullified. * You can set a file URL (a `URL` object with a `file:` protocol) which will * be turned into a path with `url.fileURLToPath`. * * @param {string | URL} path */ set path(arg: string) /** * Get the full path (example: `'~/index.min.js'`). * * @returns {string} */ get path(): string /** * Set the parent path (example: `'~'`). * * Cannot be set if there’s no `path` yet. */ set dirname(arg: string | undefined) /** * Get the parent path (example: `'~'`). */ get dirname(): string | undefined /** * Set basename (including extname) (`'index.min.js'`). * * Cannot contain path separators (`'/'` on unix, macOS, and browsers, `'\'` * on windows). * Cannot be nullified (use `file.path = file.dirname` instead). */ set basename(arg: string | undefined) /** * Get the basename (including extname) (example: `'index.min.js'`). */ get basename(): string | undefined /** * Set the extname (including dot) (example: `'.js'`). * * Cannot contain path separators (`'/'` on unix, macOS, and browsers, `'\'` * on windows). * Cannot be set if there’s no `path` yet. */ set extname(arg: string | undefined) /** * Get the extname (including dot) (example: `'.js'`). */ get extname(): string | undefined /** * Set the stem (basename w/o extname) (example: `'index.min'`). * * Cannot contain path separators (`'/'` on unix, macOS, and browsers, `'\'` * on windows). * Cannot be nullified (use `file.path = file.dirname` instead). */ set stem(arg: string | undefined) /** * Get the stem (basename w/o extname) (example: `'index.min'`). */ get stem(): string | undefined /** * Serialize the file. * * @param {BufferEncoding | null | undefined} [encoding='utf8'] * Character encoding to understand `value` as when it’s a `Buffer` * (default: `'utf8'`). * @returns {string} * Serialized file. */ toString(encoding?: BufferEncoding | null | undefined): string /** * Create a warning message associated with the file. * * Its `fatal` is set to `false` and `file` is set to the current file path. * Its added to `file.messages`. * * @param {string | Error | VFileMessage} reason * Reason for message, uses the stack and message of the error if given. * @param {Node | NodeLike | Position | Point | null | undefined} [place] * Place in file where the message occurred. * @param {string | null | undefined} [origin] * Place in code where the message originates (example: * `'my-package:my-rule'` or `'my-rule'`). * @returns {VFileMessage} * Message. */ message( reason: string | Error | VFileMessage, place?: Node | NodeLike | Position$1 | Point | null | undefined, origin?: string | null | undefined ): VFileMessage /** * Create an info message associated with the file. * * Its `fatal` is set to `null` and `file` is set to the current file path. * Its added to `file.messages`. * * @param {string | Error | VFileMessage} reason * Reason for message, uses the stack and message of the error if given. * @param {Node | NodeLike | Position | Point | null | undefined} [place] * Place in file where the message occurred. * @param {string | null | undefined} [origin] * Place in code where the message originates (example: * `'my-package:my-rule'` or `'my-rule'`). * @returns {VFileMessage} * Message. */ info( reason: string | Error | VFileMessage, place?: Node | NodeLike | Position$1 | Point | null | undefined, origin?: string | null | undefined ): VFileMessage /** * Create a fatal error associated with the file. * * Its `fatal` is set to `true` and `file` is set to the current file path. * Its added to `file.messages`. * * > 👉 **Note**: a fatal error means that a file is no longer processable. * * @param {string | Error | VFileMessage} reason * Reason for message, uses the stack and message of the error if given. * @param {Node | NodeLike | Position | Point | null | undefined} [place] * Place in file where the message occurred. * @param {string | null | undefined} [origin] * Place in code where the message originates (example: * `'my-package:my-rule'` or `'my-rule'`). * @returns {never} * Message. * @throws {VFileMessage} * Message. */ fail( reason: string | Error | VFileMessage, place?: Node | NodeLike | Position$1 | Point | null | undefined, origin?: string | null | undefined ): never } type Node = Node$2 type Position$1 = Position$3 type Point = Point$2 type URL = URL$1 type Data = Data$1 type Value = Value$1 type NodeLike = Record & { type: string position?: Position$1 | undefined } /** * Encodings supported by the buffer class. * * This is a copy of the types from Node, copied to prevent Node globals from * being needed. * Copied from: */ type BufferEncoding = | 'ascii' | 'utf8' | 'utf-8' | 'utf16le' | 'ucs2' | 'ucs-2' | 'base64' | 'base64url' | 'latin1' | 'binary' | 'hex' /** * Things that can be passed to the constructor. */ type Compatible = Options$4 | URL | Value | VFile$1 /** * Set multiple values. */ type VFileCoreOptions = { /** * Set `value`. */ value?: Value | null | undefined /** * Set `cwd`. */ cwd?: string | null | undefined /** * Set `history`. */ history?: Array | null | undefined /** * Set `path`. */ path?: URL | string | null | undefined /** * Set `basename`. */ basename?: string | null | undefined /** * Set `stem`. */ stem?: string | null | undefined /** * Set `extname`. */ extname?: string | null | undefined /** * Set `dirname`. */ dirname?: string | null | undefined /** * Set `data`. */ data?: Data | null | undefined } /** * Raw source map. * * See: * . */ type Map = { /** * Which version of the source map spec this map is following. */ version: number /** * An array of URLs to the original source files. */ sources: Array /** * An array of identifiers which can be referenced by individual mappings. */ names: Array /** * The URL root from which all sources are relative. */ sourceRoot?: string | undefined /** * An array of contents of the original source files. */ sourcesContent?: Array | undefined /** * A string of base64 VLQs which contain the actual mappings. */ mappings: string /** * The generated file this source map is associated with. */ file: string } /** * Configuration. * * A bunch of keys that will be shallow copied over to the new file. */ type Options$4 = { [key: string]: unknown } & VFileCoreOptions // TypeScript Version: 4.0 /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ type VFileWithOutput = Result extends Uint8Array // Buffer. ? VFile$1 : Result extends object // Custom result type ? VFile$1 & {result: Result} : VFile$1 // Get the right most non-void thing. type Specific = Right extends void ? Left : Right // Create a processor based on the input/output of a plugin. type UsePlugin< ParseTree extends Node$2 | void = void, CurrentTree extends Node$2 | void = void, CompileTree extends Node$2 | void = void, CompileResult = void, Input = void, Output = void > = Output extends Node$2 ? Input extends string ? // If `Input` is `string` and `Output` is `Node`, then this plugin // defines a parser, so set `ParseTree`. Processor< Output, Specific, Specific, CompileResult > : Input extends Node$2 ? // If `Input` is `Node` and `Output` is `Node`, then this plugin defines a // transformer, its output defines the input of the next, so set // `CurrentTree`. Processor< Specific, Output, Specific, CompileResult > : // Else, `Input` is something else and `Output` is `Node`: never : Input extends Node$2 ? // If `Input` is `Node` and `Output` is not a `Node`, then this plugin // defines a compiler, so set `CompileTree` and `CompileResult` Processor< Specific, Specific, Input, Output > : // Else, `Input` is not a `Node` and `Output` is not a `Node`. // Maybe it’s untyped, or the plugin throws an error (`never`), so lets // just keep it as it was. Processor /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ /** * Processor allows plugins to be chained together to transform content. * The chain of plugins defines how content flows through it. * * @typeParam ParseTree * The node that the parser yields (and `run` receives). * @typeParam CurrentTree * The node that the last attached plugin yields. * @typeParam CompileTree * The node that the compiler receives (and `run` yields). * @typeParam CompileResult * The thing that the compiler yields. */ interface Processor< ParseTree extends Node$2 | void = void, CurrentTree extends Node$2 | void = void, CompileTree extends Node$2 | void = void, CompileResult = void > extends FrozenProcessor { /** * Configure the processor to use a plugin. * * @typeParam PluginParameters * Plugin settings. * @typeParam Input * Value that is accepted by the plugin. * * * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node * type that the transformer expects. * * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be `string`. * * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the node type that * the compiler expects. * @typeParam Output * Value that the plugin yields. * * * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node * type that the transformer yields, and defaults to `Input`. * * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be the node type that * the parser yields. * * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the result that * the compiler yields (`string`, `Buffer`, or something else). * @param plugin * Plugin (function) to use. * Plugins are deduped based on identity: passing a function in twice will * cause it to run only once. * @param settings * Configuration for plugin, optional. * Plugins typically receive one options object, but could receive other and * more values. * It’s also possible to pass a boolean instead of settings: `true` (to turn * a plugin on) or `false` (to turn a plugin off). * @returns * Current processor. */ use< PluginParameters extends any[] = any[], Input = Specific, Output = Input >( plugin: Plugin, ...settings: PluginParameters | [boolean] ): UsePlugin< ParseTree, CurrentTree, CompileTree, CompileResult, Input, Output > /** * Configure the processor with a tuple of a plugin and setting(s). * * @typeParam PluginParameters * Plugin settings. * @typeParam Input * Value that is accepted by the plugin. * * * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node * type that the transformer expects. * * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be `string`. * * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the node type that * the compiler expects. * @typeParam Output * Value that the plugin yields. * * * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node * type that the transformer yields, and defaults to `Input`. * * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be the node type that * the parser yields. * * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the result that * the compiler yields (`string`, `Buffer`, or something else). * @param tuple * A tuple where the first item is a plugin (function) to use and other * items are options. * Plugins are deduped based on identity: passing a function in twice will * cause it to run only once. * It’s also possible to pass a boolean instead of settings: `true` (to turn * a plugin on) or `false` (to turn a plugin off). * @returns * Current processor. */ use< PluginParameters extends any[] = any[], Input = Specific, Output = Input >( tuple: | PluginTuple | [Plugin, boolean] ): UsePlugin< ParseTree, CurrentTree, CompileTree, CompileResult, Input, Output > /** * Configure the processor with a preset or list of plugins and presets. * * @param presetOrList * Either a list of plugins, presets, and tuples, or a single preset: an * object with a `plugins` (list) and/or `settings` * (`Record`). * @returns * Current processor. */ use( presetOrList: Preset | PluggableList ): Processor } /** * A frozen processor is just like a regular processor, except no additional * plugins can be added. * A frozen processor can be created by calling `.freeze()` on a processor. * An unfrozen processor can be created by calling a processor. */ interface FrozenProcessor< ParseTree extends Node$2 | void = void, CurrentTree extends Node$2 | void = void, CompileTree extends Node$2 | void = void, CompileResult = void > { /** * Clone current processor * * @returns * New unfrozen processor that is configured to function the same as its * ancestor. * But when the descendant processor is configured it does not affect the * ancestral processor. */ (): Processor /** * Internal list of configured plugins. * * @private */ attachers: Array<[Plugin, ...unknown[]]> Parser?: Parser> | undefined Compiler?: | Compiler, Specific> | undefined /** * Parse a file. * * @param file * File to parse. * `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`, optional. * @returns * Resulting tree. */ parse(file?: Compatible | undefined): Specific /** * Compile a file. * * @param node * Node to compile. * @param file * `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`, optional. * @returns * New content: compiled text (`string` or `Buffer`) or something else. * This depends on which plugins you use: typically text, but could for * example be a React node. */ stringify( node: Specific, file?: Compatible | undefined ): CompileTree extends Node$2 ? CompileResult : unknown /** * Run transforms on the given tree. * * @param node * Tree to transform. * @param callback * Callback called with an error or the resulting node. * @returns * Nothing. */ run( node: Specific, callback: RunCallback> ): void /** * Run transforms on the given node. * * @param node * Tree to transform. * @param file * File associated with `node`. * `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`. * @param callback * Callback called with an error or the resulting node. * @returns * Nothing. */ run( node: Specific, file: Compatible | undefined, callback: RunCallback> ): void /** * Run transforms on the given node. * * @param node * Tree to transform. * @param file * File associated with `node`. * `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`. * @returns * Promise that resolves to the resulting tree. */ run( node: Specific, file?: Compatible | undefined ): Promise> /** * Run transforms on the given node, synchronously. * Throws when asynchronous transforms are configured. * * @param node * Tree to transform. * @param file * File associated with `node`. * `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`, optional. * @returns * Resulting tree. */ runSync( node: Specific, file?: Compatible | undefined ): Specific /** * Process a file. * * This performs all phases of the processor: * * 1. Parse a file into a unist node using the configured `Parser` * 2. Run transforms on that node * 3. Compile the resulting node using the `Compiler` * * The result from the compiler is stored on the file. * What the result is depends on which plugins you use. * The result is typically text (`string` or `Buffer`), which can be retrieved * with `file.toString()` (or `String(file)`). * In some cases, such as when using `rehypeReact` to create a React node, * the result is stored on `file.result`. * * @param file * `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`. * @param callback * Callback called with an error or the resulting file. * @returns * Nothing. */ process( file: Compatible | undefined, callback: ProcessCallback> ): void /** * Process a file. * * This performs all phases of the processor: * * 1. Parse a file into a unist node using the configured `Parser` * 2. Run transforms on that node * 3. Compile the resulting node using the `Compiler` * * The result from the compiler is stored on the file. * What the result is depends on which plugins you use. * The result is typically text (`string` or `Buffer`), which can be retrieved * with `file.toString()` (or `String(file)`). * In some cases, such as when using `rehypeReact` to create a React node, * the result is stored on `file.result`. * * @param file * `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`. * @returns * Promise that resolves to the resulting `VFile`. */ process(file: Compatible): Promise> /** * Process a file, synchronously. * Throws when asynchronous transforms are configured. * * This performs all phases of the processor: * * 1. Parse a file into a unist node using the configured `Parser` * 2. Run transforms on that node * 3. Compile the resulting node using the `Compiler` * * The result from the compiler is stored on the file. * What the result is depends on which plugins you use. * The result is typically text (`string` or `Buffer`), which can be retrieved * with `file.toString()` (or `String(file)`). * In some cases, such as when using `rehypeReact` to create a React node, * the result is stored on `file.result`. * * @param file * `VFile` or anything that can be given to `new VFile()`, optional. * @returns * Resulting file. */ processSync( file?: Compatible | undefined ): VFileWithOutput /** * Get an in-memory key-value store accessible to all phases of the process. * * @returns * Key-value store. */ data(): Record /** * Set an in-memory key-value store accessible to all phases of the process. * * @param data * Key-value store. * @returns * Current processor. */ data( data: Record ): Processor /** * Get an in-memory value by key. * * @param key * Key to get. * @returns * The value at `key`. */ data(key: string): unknown /** * Set an in-memory value by key. * * @param key * Key to set. * @param value * Value to set. * @returns * Current processor. */ data( key: string, value: unknown ): Processor /** * Freeze a processor. * Frozen processors are meant to be extended and not to be configured or * processed directly. * * Once a processor is frozen it cannot be unfrozen. * New processors working just like it can be created by calling the * processor. * * It’s possible to freeze processors explicitly, by calling `.freeze()`, but * `.parse()`, `.run()`, `.stringify()`, and `.process()` call `.freeze()` to * freeze a processor too. * * @returns * Frozen processor. */ freeze(): FrozenProcessor } /** * A plugin is a function. * It configures the processor and in turn can receive options. * Plugins can configure processors by interacting with parsers and compilers * (at `this.Parser` or `this.Compiler`) or by specifying how the syntax tree * is handled (by returning a `Transformer`). * * @typeParam PluginParameters * Plugin settings. * @typeParam Input * Value that is accepted by the plugin. * * * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node * type that the transformer expects. * * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be `string`. * * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the node type that * the compiler expects. * @typeParam Output * Value that the plugin yields. * * * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node * type that the transformer yields, and defaults to `Input`. * * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be the node type that * the parser yields. * * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the result that * the compiler yields (`string`, `Buffer`, or something else). * @this * The current processor. * Plugins can configure the processor by interacting with `this.Parser` or * `this.Compiler`, or by accessing the data associated with the whole process * (``). * @param settings * Configuration for plugin. * Plugins typically receive one options object, but could receive other and * more values. * Users can also pass a boolean instead of settings: `true` (to turn * a plugin on) or `false` (to turn a plugin off). * When a plugin is turned off, it won’t be called. * * When creating your own plugins, please accept only a single object! * It allows plugins to be reconfigured and it helps users to know that every * plugin accepts one options object. * @returns * Plugins can return a `Transformer` to specify how the syntax tree is * handled. */ type Plugin< PluginParameters extends any[] = any[], Input = Node$2, Output = Input > = ( this: Input extends Node$2 ? Output extends Node$2 ? // This is a transform, so define `Input` as the current tree. Processor : // Compiler. Processor : Output extends Node$2 ? // Parser. Processor : // No clue. Processor, ...settings: PluginParameters ) => // If both `Input` and `Output` are `Node`, expect an optional `Transformer`. Input extends Node$2 ? Output extends Node$2 ? Transformer | void : void : void /** * Presets provide a sharable way to configure processors with multiple plugins * and/or settings. */ interface Preset { plugins?: PluggableList settings?: Record } /** * A tuple of a plugin and its setting(s). * The first item is a plugin (function) to use and other items are options. * Plugins are deduped based on identity: passing a function in twice will * cause it to run only once. * * @typeParam PluginParameters * Plugin settings. * @typeParam Input * Value that is accepted by the plugin. * * * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node * type that the transformer expects. * * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be `string`. * * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the node type that * the compiler expects. * @typeParam Output * Value that the plugin yields. * * * If the plugin returns a transformer, then this should be the node * type that the transformer yields, and defaults to `Input`. * * If the plugin sets a parser, then this should be the node type that * the parser yields. * * If the plugin sets a compiler, then this should be the result that * the compiler yields (`string`, `Buffer`, or something else). */ type PluginTuple< PluginParameters extends any[] = any[], Input = Node$2, Output = Input > = [Plugin, ...PluginParameters] /** * A union of the different ways to add plugins and settings. * * @typeParam PluginParameters * Plugin settings. */ type Pluggable = | PluginTuple | Plugin | Preset /** * A list of plugins and presets. */ type PluggableList = Pluggable[] /** * Transformers modify the syntax tree or metadata of a file. * A transformer is a function that is called each time a file is passed * through the transform phase. * If an error occurs (either because it’s thrown, returned, rejected, or passed * to `next`), the process stops. * * @typeParam Input * Node type that the transformer expects. * @typeParam Output * Node type that the transformer yields. * @param node * Tree to be transformed. * @param file * File associated with node. * @param next * Callback that you must call when done. * Note: this is given if you accept three parameters in your transformer. * If you accept up to two parameters, it’s not given, and you can return * a promise. * @returns * Any of the following: * * * `void` — If nothing is returned, the next transformer keeps using same * tree. * * `Error` — Can be returned to stop the process. * * `Node` — Can be returned and results in further transformations and * `stringify`s to be performed on the new tree. * * `Promise` — If a promise is returned, the function is asynchronous, and * must be resolved (optionally with a `Node`) or rejected (optionally with * an `Error`). * * If you accept a `next` callback, nothing should be returned. */ type Transformer< Input extends Node$2 = Node$2, Output extends Node$2 = Input > = ( node: Input, file: VFile$1, next: TransformCallback ) => Promise | Output | Error | undefined | void /** * Callback you must call when a transformer is done. * * @typeParam Tree * Node that the plugin yields. * @param error * Pass an error to stop the process. * @param node * Pass a tree to continue transformations (and `stringify`) on the new tree. * @param file * Pass a file to continue transformations (and `stringify`) on the new file. * @returns * Nothing. */ type TransformCallback = ( error?: Error | null | undefined, node?: Tree | undefined, file?: VFile$1 | undefined ) => void /** * Function handling the parsing of text to a syntax tree. * Used in the parse phase in the process and called with a `string` and * `VFile` representation of the document to parse. * * `Parser` can be a normal function, in which case it must return a `Node`: * the syntax tree representation of the given file. * * `Parser` can also be a constructor function (a function with keys in its * `prototype`), in which case it’s called with `new`. * Instances must have a parse method that is called without arguments and * must return a `Node`. * * @typeParam Tree * The node that the parser yields (and `run` receives). */ type Parser = | ParserClass | ParserFunction /** * A class to parse files. * * @typeParam Tree * The node that the parser yields. */ declare class ParserClass { prototype: { /** * Parse a file. * * @returns * Parsed tree. */ parse(): Tree } /** * Constructor. * * @param document * Document to parse. * @param file * File associated with `document`. * @returns * Instance. */ constructor(document: string, file: VFile$1) } /** * Normal function to parse a file. * * @typeParam Tree * The node that the parser yields. * @param document * Document to parse. * @param file * File associated with `document`. * @returns * Node representing the given file. */ type ParserFunction = ( document: string, file: VFile$1 ) => Tree /** * Function handling the compilation of syntax tree to a text. * Used in the stringify phase in the process and called with a `Node` and * `VFile` representation of the document to stringify. * * `Compiler` can be a normal function, in which case it must return a * `string`: the text representation of the given syntax tree. * * `Compiler` can also be a constructor function (a function with keys in its * `prototype`), in which case it’s called with `new`. * Instances must have a `compile` method that is called without arguments * and must return a `string`. * * @typeParam Tree * The node that the compiler receives. * @typeParam Result * The thing that the compiler yields. */ type Compiler = | CompilerClass | CompilerFunction /** * A class to compile trees. * * @typeParam Tree * The node that the compiler receives. * @typeParam Result * The thing that the compiler yields. */ declare class CompilerClass { prototype: { /** * Compile a tree. * * @returns * New content: compiled text (`string` or `Buffer`, for `file.value`) or * something else (for `file.result`). */ compile(): Result } /** * Constructor. * * @param tree * Tree to compile. * @param file * File associated with `tree`. * @returns * Instance. */ constructor(tree: Tree, file: VFile$1) } /** * Normal function to compile a tree. * * @typeParam Tree * The node that the compiler receives. * @typeParam Result * The thing that the compiler yields. * @param tree * Tree to compile. * @param file * File associated with `tree`. * @returns * New content: compiled text (`string` or `Buffer`, for `file.value`) or * something else (for `file.result`). */ type CompilerFunction = ( tree: Tree, file: VFile$1 ) => Result /** * Callback called when a done running. * * @typeParam Tree * The tree that the callback receives. * @param error * Error passed when unsuccessful. * @param node * Tree to transform. * @param file * File passed when successful. * @returns * Nothing. */ type RunCallback = ( error?: Error | null | undefined, node?: Tree | undefined, file?: VFile$1 | undefined ) => void /** * Callback called when a done processing. * * @typeParam File * The file that the callback receives. * @param error * Error passed when unsuccessful. * @param file * File passed when successful. * @returns * Nothing. */ type ProcessCallback = ( error?: Error | null | undefined, file?: File | undefined ) => void /** * Configuration for internal plugin `recma-jsx-rewrite`. */ type RecmaJsxRewriteOptions$1 = { /** * Whether to use an import statement or `arguments[0]` to get the provider. */ outputFormat?: 'function-body' | 'program' | null | undefined; /** * Place to import a provider from. */ providerImportSource?: string | null | undefined; /** * Whether to add extra info to error messages in generated code. * * This also results in the development automatic JSX runtime * (`/jsx-dev-runtime`, `jsxDEV`) being used, which passes positional info to * nodes. * The default can be set to `true` in Node.js through environment variables: * set `NODE_ENV=development`. */ development?: boolean | null | undefined; }; interface StartOfSourceMap { file?: string; sourceRoot?: string; } interface RawSourceMap extends StartOfSourceMap { version: string; sources: string[]; names: string[]; sourcesContent?: string[]; mappings: string; } interface Position { line: number; column: number; } interface LineRange extends Position { lastColumn: number; } interface FindPosition extends Position { // SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND or SourceMapConsumer.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND bias?: number; } interface SourceFindPosition extends FindPosition { source: string; } interface MappedPosition extends Position { source: string; name?: string; } interface MappingItem { source: string; generatedLine: number; generatedColumn: number; originalLine: number; originalColumn: number; name: string; } declare class SourceMapConsumer { static GENERATED_ORDER: number; static ORIGINAL_ORDER: number; static GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND: number; static LEAST_UPPER_BOUND: number; constructor(rawSourceMap: RawSourceMap); computeColumnSpans(): void; originalPositionFor(generatedPosition: FindPosition): MappedPosition; generatedPositionFor(originalPosition: SourceFindPosition): LineRange; allGeneratedPositionsFor(originalPosition: MappedPosition): Position[]; hasContentsOfAllSources(): boolean; sourceContentFor(source: string, returnNullOnMissing?: boolean): string; eachMapping(callback: (mapping: MappingItem) => void, context?: any, order?: number): void; } interface Mapping { generated: Position; original: Position; source: string; name?: string; } declare class SourceMapGenerator$1 { constructor(startOfSourceMap?: StartOfSourceMap); static fromSourceMap(sourceMapConsumer: SourceMapConsumer): SourceMapGenerator$1; addMapping(mapping: Mapping): void; setSourceContent(sourceFile: string, sourceContent: string): void; applySourceMap(sourceMapConsumer: SourceMapConsumer, sourceFile?: string, sourceMapPath?: string): void; toString(): string; } type SourceMapGenerator = typeof SourceMapGenerator$1; /** * Configuration for internal plugin `recma-stringify`. */ type RecmaStringifyOptions$1 = { /** * Generate a source map by passing a `SourceMapGenerator` from `source-map` * in. */ SourceMapGenerator?: SourceMapGenerator | null | undefined; }; /** * Configuration for internal plugin `recma-document`. */ type RecmaDocumentOptions$1 = { /** * Whether to use either `import` and `export` statements to get the runtime * (and optionally provider) and export the content, or get values from * `arguments` and return things. */ outputFormat?: 'function-body' | 'program' | null | undefined; /** * Whether to keep `import` (and `export … from`) statements or compile them * to dynamic `import()` instead. */ useDynamicImport?: boolean | null | undefined; /** * Resolve `import`s (and `export … from`, and `import.meta.url`) relative to * this URL. */ baseUrl?: string | null | undefined; /** * Pragma for JSX (used in classic runtime). */ pragma?: string | null | undefined; /** * Pragma for JSX fragments (used in classic runtime). */ pragmaFrag?: string | null | undefined; /** * Where to import the identifier of `pragma` from (used in classic runtime). */ pragmaImportSource?: string | null | undefined; /** * Place to import automatic JSX runtimes from (used in automatic runtime). */ jsxImportSource?: string | null | undefined; /** * JSX runtime to use. */ jsxRuntime?: 'automatic' | 'classic' | null | undefined; }; // Type definitions for non-npm package Hast 2.3 /** * This map registers all node types that may be used as top-level content in the document. * * These types are accepted inside `root` nodes. * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types. * * @example * declare module 'hast' { * interface RootContentMap { * // Allow using raw nodes defined by `rehype-raw`. * raw: Raw; * } * } */ interface RootContentMap { comment: Comment; doctype: DocType; element: Element; text: Text$1; } /** * This map registers all node types that may be used as content in an element. * * These types are accepted inside `element` nodes. * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types. * * @example * declare module 'hast' { * interface RootContentMap { * custom: Custom; * } * } */ interface ElementContentMap { comment: Comment; element: Element; text: Text$1; } type Content$1 = RootContent | ElementContent; type RootContent = RootContentMap[keyof RootContentMap]; type ElementContent = ElementContentMap[keyof ElementContentMap]; /** * Node in hast containing other nodes. */ interface Parent$1 extends Parent$2 { /** * List representing the children of a node. */ children: Content$1[]; } /** * Nodes in hast containing a value. */ interface Literal$1 extends Literal$2 { value: string; } /** * Root represents a document. * Can be used as the rood of a tree, or as a value of the * content field on a 'template' Element, never as a child. */ interface Root$1 extends Parent$1 { /** * Represents this variant of a Node. */ type: 'root'; /** * List representing the children of a node. */ children: RootContent[]; } /** * Element represents an HTML Element. */ interface Element extends Parent$1 { /** * Represents this variant of a Node. */ type: 'element'; /** * Represents the element’s local name. */ tagName: string; /** * Represents information associated with the element. */ properties?: Properties | undefined; /** * If the tagName field is 'template', a content field can be present. */ content?: Root$1 | undefined; /** * List representing the children of a node. */ children: ElementContent[]; } /** * Represents information associated with an element. */ interface Properties { [PropertyName: string]: boolean | number | string | null | undefined | Array; } /** * Represents an HTML DocumentType. */ interface DocType extends Node$2 { /** * Represents this variant of a Node. */ type: 'doctype'; name: string; } /** * Represents an HTML Comment. */ interface Comment extends Literal$1 { /** * Represents this variant of a Literal. */ type: 'comment'; } /** * Represents an HTML Text. */ interface Text$1 extends Literal$1 { /** * Represents this variant of a Literal. */ type: 'text'; } /** * Specify casing to use for attribute names. * * HTML casing is for example `class`, `stroke-linecap`, `xml:lang`. * React casing is for example `className`, `strokeLinecap`, `xmlLang`. */ type ElementAttributeNameCase = 'html' | 'react'; /** * Casing to use for property names in `style` objects. * * CSS casing is for example `background-color` and `-webkit-line-clamp`. * DOM casing is for example `backgroundColor` and `WebkitLineClamp`. */ type StylePropertyNameCase = 'css' | 'dom'; /** * Configuration for internal plugin `rehype-recma`. */ type Options$3 = { /** * Specify casing to use for attribute names. * * This casing is used for hast elements, not for embedded MDX JSX nodes * (components that someone authored manually). */ elementAttributeNameCase?: ElementAttributeNameCase | null | undefined; /** * Specify casing to use for property names in `style` objects. * * This casing is used for hast elements, not for embedded MDX JSX nodes * (components that someone authored manually). */ stylePropertyNameCase?: StylePropertyNameCase | null | undefined; }; // Type definitions for Mdast 3.0 type AlignType = 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | null; type ReferenceType = 'shortcut' | 'collapsed' | 'full'; /** * This map registers all node types that may be used where markdown block content is accepted. * * These types are accepted inside block quotes, list items, footnotes, and roots. * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types. * * @example * declare module 'mdast' { * interface BlockContentMap { * // Allow using math nodes defined by `remark-math`. * math: Math; * } * } */ interface BlockContentMap { paragraph: Paragraph; heading: Heading; thematicBreak: ThematicBreak; blockquote: Blockquote; list: List; table: Table; html: HTML; code: Code; } /** * This map registers all frontmatter node types. * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types. * * @example * declare module 'mdast' { * interface FrontmatterContentMap { * // Allow using toml nodes defined by `remark-frontmatter`. * toml: TOML; * } * } */ interface FrontmatterContentMap { yaml: YAML; } /** * This map registers all node definition types. * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types. * * @example * declare module 'mdast' { * interface DefinitionContentMap { * custom: Custom; * } * } */ interface DefinitionContentMap { definition: Definition; footnoteDefinition: FootnoteDefinition; } /** * This map registers all node types that are acceptable in a static phrasing context. * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types in a phrasing context, including links and link * references. * * @example * declare module 'mdast' { * interface StaticPhrasingContentMap { * mdxJsxTextElement: MDXJSXTextElement; * } * } */ interface StaticPhrasingContentMap { text: Text; emphasis: Emphasis; strong: Strong; delete: Delete; html: HTML; inlineCode: InlineCode; break: Break; image: Image; imageReference: ImageReference; footnote: Footnote; footnoteReference: FootnoteReference; } /** * This map registers all node types that are acceptable in a (interactive) phrasing context (so not in links). * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types in a phrasing context, excluding links and link * references. * * @example * declare module 'mdast' { * interface PhrasingContentMap { * custom: Custom; * } * } */ interface PhrasingContentMap extends StaticPhrasingContentMap { link: Link; linkReference: LinkReference; } /** * This map registers all node types that are acceptable inside lists. * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types that are acceptable inside lists. * * @example * declare module 'mdast' { * interface ListContentMap { * custom: Custom; * } * } */ interface ListContentMap { listItem: ListItem; } /** * This map registers all node types that are acceptable inside tables (not table cells). * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types that are acceptable inside tables. * * @example * declare module 'mdast' { * interface TableContentMap { * custom: Custom; * } * } */ interface TableContentMap { tableRow: TableRow; } /** * This map registers all node types that are acceptable inside tables rows (not table cells). * * This interface can be augmented to register custom node types that are acceptable inside table rows. * * @example * declare module 'mdast' { * interface RowContentMap { * custom: Custom; * } * } */ interface RowContentMap { tableCell: TableCell; } type Content = TopLevelContent | ListContent | TableContent | RowContent | PhrasingContent; type TopLevelContent = BlockContent | FrontmatterContent | DefinitionContent; type BlockContent = BlockContentMap[keyof BlockContentMap]; type FrontmatterContent = FrontmatterContentMap[keyof FrontmatterContentMap]; type DefinitionContent = DefinitionContentMap[keyof DefinitionContentMap]; type ListContent = ListContentMap[keyof ListContentMap]; type TableContent = TableContentMap[keyof TableContentMap]; type RowContent = RowContentMap[keyof RowContentMap]; type PhrasingContent = PhrasingContentMap[keyof PhrasingContentMap]; type StaticPhrasingContent = StaticPhrasingContentMap[keyof StaticPhrasingContentMap]; interface Parent extends Parent$2 { children: Content[]; } interface Literal extends Literal$2 { value: string; } interface Root extends Parent { type: 'root'; } interface Paragraph extends Parent { type: 'paragraph'; children: PhrasingContent[]; } interface Heading extends Parent { type: 'heading'; depth: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6; children: PhrasingContent[]; } interface ThematicBreak extends Node$2 { type: 'thematicBreak'; } interface Blockquote extends Parent { type: 'blockquote'; children: Array; } interface List extends Parent { type: 'list'; ordered?: boolean | null | undefined; start?: number | null | undefined; spread?: boolean | null | undefined; children: ListContent[]; } interface ListItem extends Parent { type: 'listItem'; checked?: boolean | null | undefined; spread?: boolean | null | undefined; children: Array; } interface Table extends Parent { type: 'table'; align?: AlignType[] | null | undefined; children: TableContent[]; } interface TableRow extends Parent { type: 'tableRow'; children: RowContent[]; } interface TableCell extends Parent { type: 'tableCell'; children: PhrasingContent[]; } interface HTML extends Literal { type: 'html'; } interface Code extends Literal { type: 'code'; lang?: string | null | undefined; meta?: string | null | undefined; } interface YAML extends Literal { type: 'yaml'; } interface Definition extends Node$2, Association, Resource { type: 'definition'; } interface FootnoteDefinition extends Parent, Association { type: 'footnoteDefinition'; children: Array; } interface Text extends Literal { type: 'text'; } interface Emphasis extends Parent { type: 'emphasis'; children: PhrasingContent[]; } interface Strong extends Parent { type: 'strong'; children: PhrasingContent[]; } interface Delete extends Parent { type: 'delete'; children: PhrasingContent[]; } interface InlineCode extends Literal { type: 'inlineCode'; } interface Break extends Node$2 { type: 'break'; } interface Link extends Parent, Resource { type: 'link'; children: StaticPhrasingContent[]; } interface Image extends Node$2, Resource, Alternative { type: 'image'; } interface LinkReference extends Parent, Reference { type: 'linkReference'; children: StaticPhrasingContent[]; } interface ImageReference extends Node$2, Reference, Alternative { type: 'imageReference'; } interface Footnote extends Parent { type: 'footnote'; children: PhrasingContent[]; } interface FootnoteReference extends Node$2, Association { type: 'footnoteReference'; } // Mixin interface Resource { url: string; title?: string | null | undefined; } interface Association { identifier: string; label?: string | null | undefined; } interface Reference extends Association { referenceType: ReferenceType; } interface Alternative { alt?: string | null | undefined; } type HastContent = Content$1 type HastElement = Element type HastElementContent = ElementContent type HastProperties = Properties type HastRoot = Root$1 type MdastContent = Content type MdastDefinition = Definition type MdastFootnoteDefinition = FootnoteDefinition type MdastParent = Parent type MdastRoot = Root type HastNodes = HastRoot | HastContent type MdastNodes = MdastRoot | MdastContent type MdastParents = Extract /** * hast fields. */ type EmbeddedHastFields = { /** * Generate a specific element with this tag name instead. */ hName?: string | null | undefined /** * Generate an element with these properties instead. */ hProperties?: HastProperties | null | undefined /** * Generate an element with this content instead. */ hChildren?: Array | null | undefined } /** * mdast data with embedded hast fields. */ type MdastData = Record & EmbeddedHastFields /** * mdast node with embedded hast data. */ type MdastNodeWithData = MdastNodes & { data?: MdastData | null | undefined } /** * Point-like value. */ type PointLike = { /** * Line. */ line?: number | null | undefined /** * Column. */ column?: number | null | undefined /** * Offset. */ offset?: number | null | undefined } /** * Position-like value. */ type PositionLike = { /** * Point-like value. */ start?: PointLike | null | undefined /** * Point-like value. */ end?: PointLike | null | undefined } /** * Handle a node. */ type Handler = ( state: State, node: any, parent: MdastParents | null | undefined ) => HastElementContent | Array | null | undefined /** * Signature of `state` for when props are passed. */ type HFunctionProps = ( node: MdastNodes | PositionLike | null | undefined, tagName: string, props: HastProperties, children?: Array | null | undefined ) => HastElement /** * Signature of `state` for when no props are passed. */ type HFunctionNoProps = ( node: MdastNodes | PositionLike | null | undefined, tagName: string, children?: Array | null | undefined ) => HastElement /** * Info on `state`. */ type HFields = { /** * Whether HTML is allowed. */ dangerous: boolean /** * Prefix to use to prevent DOM clobbering. */ clobberPrefix: string /** * Label to use to introduce the footnote section. */ footnoteLabel: string /** * HTML used for the footnote label. */ footnoteLabelTagName: string /** * Properties on the HTML tag used for the footnote label. */ footnoteLabelProperties: HastProperties /** * Label to use from backreferences back to their footnote call. */ footnoteBackLabel: string /** * Definition cache. */ definition: (identifier: string) => MdastDefinition | null /** * Footnote definitions by their identifier. */ footnoteById: Record /** * Identifiers of order when footnote calls first appear in tree order. */ footnoteOrder: Array /** * Counts for how often the same footnote was called. */ footnoteCounts: Record /** * Applied handlers. */ handlers: Handlers /** * Handler for any none not in `passThrough` or otherwise handled. */ unknownHandler: Handler /** * Copy a node’s positional info. */ patch: (from: MdastNodes, node: HastNodes) => void /** * Honor the `data` of `from`, and generate an element instead of `node`. */ applyData: ( from: MdastNodes, to: Type ) => Element | Type /** * Transform an mdast node to hast. */ one: ( node: MdastNodes, parent: MdastParents | null | undefined ) => HastElementContent | Array | null | undefined /** * Transform the children of an mdast parent to hast. */ all: (node: MdastNodes) => Array /** * Wrap `nodes` with line endings between each node, adds initial/final line endings when `loose`. */ wrap: ( nodes: Type_1[], loose?: boolean | null | undefined ) => (Type_1 | Text$1)[] /** * Like `state` but lower-level and usable on non-elements. * Deprecated: use `patch` and `applyData`. */ augment: ( left: MdastNodeWithData | PositionLike | null | undefined, right: HastElementContent ) => HastElementContent /** * List of node types to pass through untouched (except for their children). */ passThrough: Array } /** * Configuration (optional). */ type Options$2 = { /** * Whether to persist raw HTML in markdown in the hast tree. */ allowDangerousHtml?: boolean | null | undefined /** * Prefix to use before the `id` attribute on footnotes to prevent it from * *clobbering*. */ clobberPrefix?: string | null | undefined /** * Label to use from backreferences back to their footnote call (affects * screen readers). */ footnoteBackLabel?: string | null | undefined /** * Label to use for the footnotes section (affects screen readers). */ footnoteLabel?: string | null | undefined /** * Properties to use on the footnote label (note that `id: 'footnote-label'` * is always added as footnote calls use it with `aria-describedby` to * provide an accessible label). */ footnoteLabelProperties?: HastProperties | null | undefined /** * Tag name to use for the footnote label. */ footnoteLabelTagName?: string | null | undefined /** * Extra handlers for nodes. */ handlers?: Handlers | null | undefined /** * List of custom mdast node types to pass through (keep) in hast (note that * the node itself is passed, but eventual children are transformed). */ passThrough?: Array | null | undefined /** * Handler for all unknown nodes. */ unknownHandler?: Handler | null | undefined } /** * Handle nodes. */ type Handlers = Record /** * Info passed around. */ type State = HFunctionProps & HFunctionNoProps & HFields // Expose node type. /** * Raw string of HTML embedded into HTML AST. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions interface Raw$1 extends Literal$1 { /** * Node type. */ type: 'raw' } // Register nodes in content. declare module 'hast' { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions interface RootContentMap { /** * Raw string of HTML embedded into HTML AST. */ raw: Raw$1 } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions interface ElementContentMap { /** * Raw string of HTML embedded into HTML AST. */ raw: Raw$1 } } // Expose node type. /** * Raw string of HTML embedded into HTML AST. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions interface Raw extends Literal$1 { /** * Node type. */ type: 'raw' } // Register nodes in content. declare module 'hast' { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions interface RootContentMap { /** * Raw string of HTML embedded into HTML AST. */ raw: Raw } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions interface ElementContentMap { /** * Raw string of HTML embedded into HTML AST. */ raw: Raw } } type Options$1 = Options$2 type Options = Options$1 type RemarkRehypeOptions = Options; type RehypeRecmaOptions = Options$3; type RecmaDocumentOptions = RecmaDocumentOptions$1; type RecmaStringifyOptions = RecmaStringifyOptions$1; type RecmaJsxRewriteOptions = RecmaJsxRewriteOptions$1; /** * Base configuration. */ type BaseProcessorOptions$1 = { /** * Whether to keep JSX. */ jsx?: boolean | null | undefined; /** * Format of the files to be processed. */ format?: 'mdx' | 'md' | null | undefined; /** * Whether to compile to a whole program or a function body.. */ outputFormat?: "function-body" | "program" | undefined; /** * Extensions (with `.`) for markdown. */ mdExtensions?: Array | null | undefined; /** * Extensions (with `.`) for MDX. */ mdxExtensions?: Array | null | undefined; /** * List of recma (esast, JavaScript) plugins. */ recmaPlugins?: PluggableList | null | undefined; /** * List of remark (mdast, markdown) plugins. */ remarkPlugins?: PluggableList | null | undefined; /** * List of rehype (hast, HTML) plugins. */ rehypePlugins?: PluggableList | null | undefined; /** * Options to pass through to `remark-rehype`. */ remarkRehypeOptions?: RemarkRehypeOptions | null | undefined; }; /** * Configuration for internal plugins. */ type PluginOptions$1 = Omit; /** * Compile MDX to JS. * * @param {VFileCompatible} vfileCompatible * MDX document to parse (`string`, `Buffer`, `vfile`, anything that can be * given to `vfile`). * @param {CompileOptions | null | undefined} [compileOptions] * Compile configuration. * @return {Promise} * File. */ declare function compile$1(vfileCompatible: VFileCompatible, compileOptions?: CompileOptions$1 | null | undefined): Promise; type VFile = VFile$1; type VFileCompatible = Compatible; type PluginOptions = PluginOptions$1; type BaseProcessorOptions = BaseProcessorOptions$1; /** * Core configuration. */ type CoreProcessorOptions = Omit; /** * Extra configuration. */ type ExtraOptions = { /** * Format of `file`. */ format?: 'detect' | 'mdx' | 'md' | null | undefined; }; /** * Configuration. */ type CompileOptions$1 = CoreProcessorOptions & PluginOptions & ExtraOptions; interface JSXOptions { pragma?: string; pragmaFrag?: string; throwIfNamespace?: false; runtime?: 'classic' | 'automatic'; importSource?: string; } type MdxCompileOptions = Parameters[1]; interface CompileOptions { skipCsf?: boolean; mdxCompileOptions?: MdxCompileOptions; jsxOptions?: JSXOptions; } declare const SEPARATOR = "/* ========= */"; declare const genBabel: (store: any, root: any) => any; declare const plugin: (store: any) => (root: any) => any; declare const postprocess: (code: string, extractedExports: string) => string; declare const compile: (input: string, { skipCsf, mdxCompileOptions, jsxOptions }?: CompileOptions) => Promise; declare const compileSync: (input: string, { skipCsf, mdxCompileOptions, jsxOptions }?: CompileOptions) => string; export { CompileOptions, JSXOptions, MdxCompileOptions, SEPARATOR, compile, compileSync, genBabel, plugin, postprocess, wrapperJs };