"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ProxiedFS = void 0; const FakeFS_1 = require("./FakeFS"); class ProxiedFS extends FakeFS_1.FakeFS { getExtractHint(hints) { return this.baseFs.getExtractHint(hints); } resolve(path) { return this.mapFromBase(this.baseFs.resolve(this.mapToBase(path))); } getRealPath() { return this.mapFromBase(this.baseFs.getRealPath()); } async openPromise(p, flags, mode) { return this.baseFs.openPromise(this.mapToBase(p), flags, mode); } openSync(p, flags, mode) { return this.baseFs.openSync(this.mapToBase(p), flags, mode); } async opendirPromise(p, opts) { return Object.assign(await this.baseFs.opendirPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts), { path: p }); } opendirSync(p, opts) { return Object.assign(this.baseFs.opendirSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts), { path: p }); } async readPromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { return await this.baseFs.readPromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); } readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { return this.baseFs.readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); } async writePromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { if (typeof buffer === `string`) { return await this.baseFs.writePromise(fd, buffer, offset); } else { return await this.baseFs.writePromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); } } writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { if (typeof buffer === `string`) { return this.baseFs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset); } else { return this.baseFs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); } } async closePromise(fd) { return this.baseFs.closePromise(fd); } closeSync(fd) { this.baseFs.closeSync(fd); } createReadStream(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.createReadStream(p !== null ? this.mapToBase(p) : p, opts); } createWriteStream(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.createWriteStream(p !== null ? this.mapToBase(p) : p, opts); } async realpathPromise(p) { return this.mapFromBase(await this.baseFs.realpathPromise(this.mapToBase(p))); } realpathSync(p) { return this.mapFromBase(this.baseFs.realpathSync(this.mapToBase(p))); } async existsPromise(p) { return this.baseFs.existsPromise(this.mapToBase(p)); } existsSync(p) { return this.baseFs.existsSync(this.mapToBase(p)); } accessSync(p, mode) { return this.baseFs.accessSync(this.mapToBase(p), mode); } async accessPromise(p, mode) { return this.baseFs.accessPromise(this.mapToBase(p), mode); } async statPromise(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.statPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } statSync(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.statSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } async fstatPromise(fd, opts) { return this.baseFs.fstatPromise(fd, opts); } fstatSync(fd, opts) { return this.baseFs.fstatSync(fd, opts); } lstatPromise(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.lstatPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } lstatSync(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.lstatSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } async fchmodPromise(fd, mask) { return this.baseFs.fchmodPromise(fd, mask); } fchmodSync(fd, mask) { return this.baseFs.fchmodSync(fd, mask); } async chmodPromise(p, mask) { return this.baseFs.chmodPromise(this.mapToBase(p), mask); } chmodSync(p, mask) { return this.baseFs.chmodSync(this.mapToBase(p), mask); } async fchownPromise(fd, uid, gid) { return this.baseFs.fchownPromise(fd, uid, gid); } fchownSync(fd, uid, gid) { return this.baseFs.fchownSync(fd, uid, gid); } async chownPromise(p, uid, gid) { return this.baseFs.chownPromise(this.mapToBase(p), uid, gid); } chownSync(p, uid, gid) { return this.baseFs.chownSync(this.mapToBase(p), uid, gid); } async renamePromise(oldP, newP) { return this.baseFs.renamePromise(this.mapToBase(oldP), this.mapToBase(newP)); } renameSync(oldP, newP) { return this.baseFs.renameSync(this.mapToBase(oldP), this.mapToBase(newP)); } async copyFilePromise(sourceP, destP, flags = 0) { return this.baseFs.copyFilePromise(this.mapToBase(sourceP), this.mapToBase(destP), flags); } copyFileSync(sourceP, destP, flags = 0) { return this.baseFs.copyFileSync(this.mapToBase(sourceP), this.mapToBase(destP), flags); } async appendFilePromise(p, content, opts) { return this.baseFs.appendFilePromise(this.fsMapToBase(p), content, opts); } appendFileSync(p, content, opts) { return this.baseFs.appendFileSync(this.fsMapToBase(p), content, opts); } async writeFilePromise(p, content, opts) { return this.baseFs.writeFilePromise(this.fsMapToBase(p), content, opts); } writeFileSync(p, content, opts) { return this.baseFs.writeFileSync(this.fsMapToBase(p), content, opts); } async unlinkPromise(p) { return this.baseFs.unlinkPromise(this.mapToBase(p)); } unlinkSync(p) { return this.baseFs.unlinkSync(this.mapToBase(p)); } async utimesPromise(p, atime, mtime) { return this.baseFs.utimesPromise(this.mapToBase(p), atime, mtime); } utimesSync(p, atime, mtime) { return this.baseFs.utimesSync(this.mapToBase(p), atime, mtime); } async mkdirPromise(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.mkdirPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } mkdirSync(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.mkdirSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } async rmdirPromise(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.rmdirPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } rmdirSync(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.rmdirSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } async linkPromise(existingP, newP) { return this.baseFs.linkPromise(this.mapToBase(existingP), this.mapToBase(newP)); } linkSync(existingP, newP) { return this.baseFs.linkSync(this.mapToBase(existingP), this.mapToBase(newP)); } async symlinkPromise(target, p, type) { const mappedP = this.mapToBase(p); if (this.pathUtils.isAbsolute(target)) return this.baseFs.symlinkPromise(this.mapToBase(target), mappedP, type); const mappedAbsoluteTarget = this.mapToBase(this.pathUtils.join(this.pathUtils.dirname(p), target)); const mappedTarget = this.baseFs.pathUtils.relative(this.baseFs.pathUtils.dirname(mappedP), mappedAbsoluteTarget); return this.baseFs.symlinkPromise(mappedTarget, mappedP, type); } symlinkSync(target, p, type) { const mappedP = this.mapToBase(p); if (this.pathUtils.isAbsolute(target)) return this.baseFs.symlinkSync(this.mapToBase(target), mappedP, type); const mappedAbsoluteTarget = this.mapToBase(this.pathUtils.join(this.pathUtils.dirname(p), target)); const mappedTarget = this.baseFs.pathUtils.relative(this.baseFs.pathUtils.dirname(mappedP), mappedAbsoluteTarget); return this.baseFs.symlinkSync(mappedTarget, mappedP, type); } async readFilePromise(p, encoding) { // This weird condition is required to tell TypeScript that the signatures are proper (otherwise it thinks that only the generic one is covered) if (encoding === `utf8`) { return this.baseFs.readFilePromise(this.fsMapToBase(p), encoding); } else { return this.baseFs.readFilePromise(this.fsMapToBase(p), encoding); } } readFileSync(p, encoding) { // This weird condition is required to tell TypeScript that the signatures are proper (otherwise it thinks that only the generic one is covered) if (encoding === `utf8`) { return this.baseFs.readFileSync(this.fsMapToBase(p), encoding); } else { return this.baseFs.readFileSync(this.fsMapToBase(p), encoding); } } async readdirPromise(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.readdirPromise(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } readdirSync(p, opts) { return this.baseFs.readdirSync(this.mapToBase(p), opts); } async readlinkPromise(p) { return this.mapFromBase(await this.baseFs.readlinkPromise(this.mapToBase(p))); } readlinkSync(p) { return this.mapFromBase(this.baseFs.readlinkSync(this.mapToBase(p))); } async truncatePromise(p, len) { return this.baseFs.truncatePromise(this.mapToBase(p), len); } truncateSync(p, len) { return this.baseFs.truncateSync(this.mapToBase(p), len); } async ftruncatePromise(fd, len) { return this.baseFs.ftruncatePromise(fd, len); } ftruncateSync(fd, len) { return this.baseFs.ftruncateSync(fd, len); } watch(p, a, b) { return this.baseFs.watch(this.mapToBase(p), // @ts-expect-error a, b); } watchFile(p, a, b) { return this.baseFs.watchFile(this.mapToBase(p), // @ts-expect-error a, b); } unwatchFile(p, cb) { return this.baseFs.unwatchFile(this.mapToBase(p), cb); } fsMapToBase(p) { if (typeof p === `number`) { return p; } else { return this.mapToBase(p); } } } exports.ProxiedFS = ProxiedFS;