var CommentParser = (function (exports) { 'use strict'; /** @deprecated */ exports.Markers = void 0; (function (Markers) { Markers["start"] = "/**"; Markers["nostart"] = "/***"; Markers["delim"] = "*"; Markers["end"] = "*/"; })(exports.Markers = exports.Markers || (exports.Markers = {})); function isSpace(source) { return /^\s+$/.test(source); } function splitCR(source) { const matches = source.match(/\r+$/); return matches == null ? ['', source] : [source.slice(-matches[0].length), source.slice(0, -matches[0].length)]; } function splitSpace(source) { const matches = source.match(/^\s+/); return matches == null ? ['', source] : [source.slice(0, matches[0].length), source.slice(matches[0].length)]; } function splitLines(source) { return source.split(/\n/); } function seedBlock(block = {}) { return Object.assign({ description: '', tags: [], source: [], problems: [] }, block); } function seedSpec(spec = {}) { return Object.assign({ tag: '', name: '', type: '', optional: false, description: '', problems: [], source: [] }, spec); } function seedTokens(tokens = {}) { return Object.assign({ start: '', delimiter: '', postDelimiter: '', tag: '', postTag: '', name: '', postName: '', type: '', postType: '', description: '', end: '', lineEnd: '' }, tokens); } /** * Assures Block.tags[].source contains references to the Block.source items, * using Block.source as a source of truth. This is a counterpart of rewireSpecs * @param block parsed coments block */ function rewireSource(block) { const source = block.source.reduce((acc, line) => acc.set(line.number, line), new Map()); for (const spec of block.tags) { spec.source = => source.get(line.number)); } return block; } /** * Assures Block.source contains references to the Block.tags[].source items, * using Block.tags[].source as a source of truth. This is a counterpart of rewireSource * @param block parsed coments block */ function rewireSpecs(block) { const source = block.tags.reduce((acc, spec) => spec.source.reduce((acc, line) => acc.set(line.number, line), acc), new Map()); block.source = => source.get(line.number) || line); return block; } const reTag = /^@\S+/; /** * Creates configured `Parser` * @param {Partial} options */ function getParser$3({ fence = '```', } = {}) { const fencer = getFencer(fence); const toggleFence = (source, isFenced) => fencer(source) ? !isFenced : isFenced; return function parseBlock(source) { // start with description section const sections = [[]]; let isFenced = false; for (const line of source) { if (reTag.test(line.tokens.description) && !isFenced) { sections.push([line]); } else { sections[sections.length - 1].push(line); } isFenced = toggleFence(line.tokens.description, isFenced); } return sections; }; } function getFencer(fence) { if (typeof fence === 'string') return (source) => source.split(fence).length % 2 === 0; return fence; } function getParser$2({ startLine = 0, markers = exports.Markers, } = {}) { let block = null; let num = startLine; return function parseSource(source) { let rest = source; const tokens = seedTokens(); [tokens.lineEnd, rest] = splitCR(rest); [tokens.start, rest] = splitSpace(rest); if (block === null && rest.startsWith(markers.start) && !rest.startsWith(markers.nostart)) { block = []; tokens.delimiter = rest.slice(0, markers.start.length); rest = rest.slice(markers.start.length); [tokens.postDelimiter, rest] = splitSpace(rest); } if (block === null) { num++; return null; } const isClosed = rest.trimRight().endsWith(markers.end); if (tokens.delimiter === '' && rest.startsWith(markers.delim) && !rest.startsWith(markers.end)) { tokens.delimiter = markers.delim; rest = rest.slice(markers.delim.length); [tokens.postDelimiter, rest] = splitSpace(rest); } if (isClosed) { const trimmed = rest.trimRight(); tokens.end = rest.slice(trimmed.length - markers.end.length); rest = trimmed.slice(0, -markers.end.length); } tokens.description = rest; block.push({ number: num, source, tokens }); num++; if (isClosed) { const result = block.slice(); block = null; return result; } return null; }; } function getParser$1({ tokenizers }) { return function parseSpec(source) { var _a; let spec = seedSpec({ source }); for (const tokenize of tokenizers) { spec = tokenize(spec); if ((_a = spec.problems[spec.problems.length - 1]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.critical) break; } return spec; }; } /** * Splits the `@prefix` from remaining `Spec.lines[].token.description` into the `tag` token, * and populates `spec.tag` */ function tagTokenizer() { return (spec) => { const { tokens } = spec.source[0]; const match = tokens.description.match(/\s*(@(\S+))(\s*)/); if (match === null) { spec.problems.push({ code: 'spec:tag:prefix', message: 'tag should start with "@" symbol', line: spec.source[0].number, critical: true, }); return spec; } tokens.tag = match[1]; tokens.postTag = match[3]; tokens.description = tokens.description.slice(match[0].length); spec.tag = match[2]; return spec; }; } /** * Sets splits remaining `Spec.lines[].tokes.description` into `type` and `description` * tokens and populates Spec.type` * * @param {Spacing} spacing tells how to deal with a whitespace * for type values going over multiple lines */ function typeTokenizer(spacing = 'compact') { const join = getJoiner$1(spacing); return (spec) => { let curlies = 0; let lines = []; for (const [i, { tokens }] of spec.source.entries()) { let type = ''; if (i === 0 && tokens.description[0] !== '{') return spec; for (const ch of tokens.description) { if (ch === '{') curlies++; if (ch === '}') curlies--; type += ch; if (curlies === 0) break; } lines.push([tokens, type]); if (curlies === 0) break; } if (curlies !== 0) { spec.problems.push({ code: 'spec:type:unpaired-curlies', message: 'unpaired curlies', line: spec.source[0].number, critical: true, }); return spec; } const parts = []; const offset = lines[0][0].postDelimiter.length; for (const [i, [tokens, type]] of lines.entries()) { tokens.type = type; if (i > 0) { tokens.type = tokens.postDelimiter.slice(offset) + type; tokens.postDelimiter = tokens.postDelimiter.slice(0, offset); } [tokens.postType, tokens.description] = splitSpace(tokens.description.slice(type.length)); parts.push(tokens.type); } parts[0] = parts[0].slice(1); parts[parts.length - 1] = parts[parts.length - 1].slice(0, -1); spec.type = join(parts); return spec; }; } const trim = (x) => x.trim(); function getJoiner$1(spacing) { if (spacing === 'compact') return (t) =>''); else if (spacing === 'preserve') return (t) => t.join('\n'); else return spacing; } const isQuoted = (s) => s && s.startsWith('"') && s.endsWith('"'); /** * Splits remaining `spec.lines[].tokens.description` into `name` and `descriptions` tokens, * and populates the `` */ function nameTokenizer() { const typeEnd = (num, { tokens }, i) => tokens.type === '' ? num : i; return (spec) => { // look for the name in the line where {type} ends const { tokens } = spec.source[spec.source.reduce(typeEnd, 0)]; const source = tokens.description.trimLeft(); const quotedGroups = source.split('"'); // if it starts with quoted group, assume it is a literal if (quotedGroups.length > 1 && quotedGroups[0] === '' && quotedGroups.length % 2 === 1) { = quotedGroups[1]; = `"${quotedGroups[1]}"`; [tokens.postName, tokens.description] = splitSpace(source.slice(; return spec; } let brackets = 0; let name = ''; let optional = false; let defaultValue; // assume name is non-space string or anything wrapped into brackets for (const ch of source) { if (brackets === 0 && isSpace(ch)) break; if (ch === '[') brackets++; if (ch === ']') brackets--; name += ch; } if (brackets !== 0) { spec.problems.push({ code: 'spec:name:unpaired-brackets', message: 'unpaired brackets', line: spec.source[0].number, critical: true, }); return spec; } const nameToken = name; if (name[0] === '[' && name[name.length - 1] === ']') { optional = true; name = name.slice(1, -1); const parts = name.split('='); name = parts[0].trim(); if (parts[1] !== undefined) defaultValue = parts.slice(1).join('=').trim(); if (name === '') { spec.problems.push({ code: 'spec:name:empty-name', message: 'empty name', line: spec.source[0].number, critical: true, }); return spec; } if (defaultValue === '') { spec.problems.push({ code: 'spec:name:empty-default', message: 'empty default value', line: spec.source[0].number, critical: true, }); return spec; } // has "=" and is not a string, except for "=>" if (!isQuoted(defaultValue) && /=(?!>)/.test(defaultValue)) { spec.problems.push({ code: 'spec:name:invalid-default', message: 'invalid default value syntax', line: spec.source[0].number, critical: true, }); return spec; } } spec.optional = optional; = name; = nameToken; if (defaultValue !== undefined) spec.default = defaultValue; [tokens.postName, tokens.description] = splitSpace(source.slice(; return spec; }; } /** * Makes no changes to `spec.lines[].tokens` but joins them into `spec.description` * following given spacing srtategy * @param {Spacing} spacing tells how to handle the whitespace * @param {BlockMarkers} markers tells how to handle comment block delimitation */ function descriptionTokenizer(spacing = 'compact', markers = exports.Markers) { const join = getJoiner(spacing); return (spec) => { spec.description = join(spec.source, markers); return spec; }; } function getJoiner(spacing) { if (spacing === 'compact') return compactJoiner; if (spacing === 'preserve') return preserveJoiner; return spacing; } function compactJoiner(lines, markers = exports.Markers) { return lines .map(({ tokens: { description } }) => description.trim()) .filter((description) => description !== '') .join(' '); } const lineNo = (num, { tokens }, i) => tokens.type === '' ? num : i; const getDescription = ({ tokens }) => (tokens.delimiter === '' ? tokens.start : tokens.postDelimiter.slice(1)) + tokens.description; function preserveJoiner(lines, markers = exports.Markers) { if (lines.length === 0) return ''; // skip the opening line with no description if (lines[0].tokens.description === '' && lines[0].tokens.delimiter === markers.start) lines = lines.slice(1); // skip the closing line with no description const lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1]; if (lastLine !== undefined && lastLine.tokens.description === '' && lastLine.tokens.end.endsWith(markers.end)) lines = lines.slice(0, -1); // description starts at the last line of type definition lines = lines.slice(lines.reduce(lineNo, 0)); return'\n'); } function getParser({ startLine = 0, fence = '```', spacing = 'compact', markers = exports.Markers, tokenizers = [ tagTokenizer(), typeTokenizer(spacing), nameTokenizer(), descriptionTokenizer(spacing), ], } = {}) { if (startLine < 0 || startLine % 1 > 0) throw new Error('Invalid startLine'); const parseSource = getParser$2({ startLine, markers }); const parseBlock = getParser$3({ fence }); const parseSpec = getParser$1({ tokenizers }); const joinDescription = getJoiner(spacing); return function (source) { const blocks = []; for (const line of splitLines(source)) { const lines = parseSource(line); if (lines === null) continue; const sections = parseBlock(lines); const specs = sections.slice(1).map(parseSpec); blocks.push({ description: joinDescription(sections[0], markers), tags: specs, source: lines, problems: specs.reduce((acc, spec) => acc.concat(spec.problems), []), }); } return blocks; }; } function join(tokens) { return (tokens.start + tokens.delimiter + tokens.postDelimiter + tokens.tag + tokens.postTag + tokens.type + tokens.postType + + tokens.postName + tokens.description + tokens.end + tokens.lineEnd); } function getStringifier() { return (block) =>{ tokens }) => join(tokens)).join('\n'); } var __rest$2 = (window && window.__rest) || function (s, e) { var t = {}; for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p]; if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; } return t; }; const zeroWidth$1 = { start: 0, tag: 0, type: 0, name: 0, }; const getWidth = (markers = exports.Markers) => (w, { tokens: t }) => ({ start: t.delimiter === markers.start ? t.start.length : w.start, tag: Math.max(w.tag, t.tag.length), type: Math.max(w.type, t.type.length), name: Math.max(,, }); const space = (len) => ''.padStart(len, ' '); function align$1(markers = exports.Markers) { let intoTags = false; let w; function update(line) { const tokens = Object.assign({}, line.tokens); if (tokens.tag !== '') intoTags = true; const isEmpty = tokens.tag === '' && === '' && tokens.type === '' && tokens.description === ''; // dangling '*/' if (tokens.end === markers.end && isEmpty) { tokens.start = space(w.start + 1); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, line), { tokens }); } switch (tokens.delimiter) { case markers.start: tokens.start = space(w.start); break; case markers.delim: tokens.start = space(w.start + 1); break; default: tokens.delimiter = ''; tokens.start = space(w.start + 2); // compensate delimiter } if (!intoTags) { tokens.postDelimiter = tokens.description === '' ? '' : ' '; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, line), { tokens }); } const nothingAfter = { delim: false, tag: false, type: false, name: false, }; if (tokens.description === '') { = true; tokens.postName = ''; if ( === '') { nothingAfter.type = true; tokens.postType = ''; if (tokens.type === '') { nothingAfter.tag = true; tokens.postTag = ''; if (tokens.tag === '') { nothingAfter.delim = true; } } } } tokens.postDelimiter = nothingAfter.delim ? '' : ' '; if (!nothingAfter.tag) tokens.postTag = space(w.tag - tokens.tag.length + 1); if (!nothingAfter.type) tokens.postType = space(w.type - tokens.type.length + 1); if (! tokens.postName = space( - + 1); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, line), { tokens }); } return (_a) => { var { source } = _a, fields = __rest$2(_a, ["source"]); w = source.reduce(getWidth(markers), Object.assign({}, zeroWidth$1)); return rewireSource(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, fields), { source: })); }; } var __rest$1 = (window && window.__rest) || function (s, e) { var t = {}; for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p]; if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; } return t; }; const pull = (offset) => (str) => str.slice(offset); const push = (offset) => { const space = ''.padStart(offset, ' '); return (str) => str + space; }; function indent(pos) { let shift; const pad = (start) => { if (shift === undefined) { const offset = pos - start.length; shift = offset > 0 ? push(offset) : pull(-offset); } return shift(start); }; const update = (line) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, line), { tokens: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, line.tokens), { start: pad(line.tokens.start) }) })); return (_a) => { var { source } = _a, fields = __rest$1(_a, ["source"]); return rewireSource(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, fields), { source: })); }; } var __rest = (window && window.__rest) || function (s, e) { var t = {}; for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) t[p] = s[p]; if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) { if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i])) t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; } return t; }; function crlf(ending) { function update(line) { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, line), { tokens: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, line.tokens), { lineEnd: ending === 'LF' ? '' : '\r' }) }); } return (_a) => { var { source } = _a, fields = __rest(_a, ["source"]); return rewireSource(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, fields), { source: })); }; } function flow(...transforms) { return (block) => transforms.reduce((block, t) => t(block), block); } const zeroWidth = { line: 0, start: 0, delimiter: 0, postDelimiter: 0, tag: 0, postTag: 0, name: 0, postName: 0, type: 0, postType: 0, description: 0, end: 0, lineEnd: 0, }; const headers = { lineEnd: 'CR' }; const fields = Object.keys(zeroWidth); const repr = (x) => (isSpace(x) ? `{${x.length}}` : x); const frame = (line) => '|' + line.join('|') + '|'; const align = (width, tokens) => Object.keys(tokens).map((k) => repr(tokens[k]).padEnd(width[k])); function inspect({ source }) { var _a, _b; if (source.length === 0) return ''; const width = Object.assign({}, zeroWidth); for (const f of fields) width[f] = ((_a = headers[f]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : f).length; for (const { number, tokens } of source) { width.line = Math.max(width.line, number.toString().length); for (const k in tokens) width[k] = Math.max(width[k], repr(tokens[k]).length); } const lines = [[], []]; for (const f of fields) lines[0].push(((_b = headers[f]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : f).padEnd(width[f])); for (const f of fields) lines[1].push('-'.padEnd(width[f], '-')); for (const { number, tokens } of source) { const line = number.toString().padStart(width.line); lines.push([line, ...align(width, tokens)]); } return'\n'); } function parse(source, options = {}) { return getParser(options)(source); } const stringify = getStringifier(); const transforms = { flow: flow, align: align$1, indent: indent, crlf: crlf, }; const tokenizers = { tag: tagTokenizer, type: typeTokenizer, name: nameTokenizer, description: descriptionTokenizer, }; const util = { rewireSpecs, rewireSource, seedBlock, seedTokens }; exports.inspect = inspect; exports.parse = parse; exports.stringify = stringify; exports.tokenizers = tokenizers; exports.transforms = transforms; exports.util = util; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); return exports; }({}));