"use strict"; /* * eslint-plugin-sonarjs * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // https://sonarsource.github.io/rspec/#/rspec/S2589 const locations_1 = require("../utils/locations"); const nodes_1 = require("../utils/nodes"); const docs_url_1 = require("../utils/docs-url"); const message = 'This always evaluates to {{value}}. Consider refactoring this code.'; const rule = { meta: { messages: { refactorBooleanExpression: message, sonarRuntime: '{{sonarRuntimeData}}', }, type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Boolean expressions should not be gratuitous', recommended: 'error', url: (0, docs_url_1.default)(__filename), }, schema: [ { // internal parameter for rules having secondary locations enum: ['sonar-runtime'], }, ], }, create(context) { const truthyMap = new Map(); const falsyMap = new Map(); function isInsideJSX() { const ancestors = context.getAncestors(); return !!ancestors.find(ancestor => ancestor.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer'); } return { IfStatement: (node) => { const { test } = node; if (test.type === 'Literal' && typeof test.value === 'boolean') { reportIssue(test, undefined, context, test.value); } }, ':statement': (node) => { const { parent } = node; if ((0, nodes_1.isIfStatement)(parent)) { // we visit 'consequent' and 'alternate' and not if-statement directly in order to get scope for 'consequent' const currentScope = context.getScope(); if (parent.consequent === node) { const { truthy, falsy } = collectKnownIdentifiers(parent.test); truthyMap.set(parent.consequent, transformAndFilter(truthy, currentScope)); falsyMap.set(parent.consequent, transformAndFilter(falsy, currentScope)); } else if (parent.alternate === node && (0, nodes_1.isIdentifier)(parent.test)) { falsyMap.set(parent.alternate, transformAndFilter([parent.test], currentScope)); } } }, ':statement:exit': (node) => { const stmt = node; truthyMap.delete(stmt); falsyMap.delete(stmt); }, Identifier: (node) => { const id = node; const symbol = getSymbol(id, context.getScope()); const { parent } = node; if (!symbol || !parent || (isInsideJSX() && isLogicalAndRhs(id, parent))) { return; } if (!isLogicalAnd(parent) && !isLogicalOrLhs(id, parent) && !(0, nodes_1.isIfStatement)(parent) && !isLogicalNegation(parent)) { return; } const checkIfKnownAndReport = (map, truthy) => { map.forEach(references => { const ref = references.find(ref => ref.resolved === symbol); if (ref) { reportIssue(id, ref, context, truthy); } }); }; checkIfKnownAndReport(truthyMap, true); checkIfKnownAndReport(falsyMap, false); }, Program: () => { truthyMap.clear(); falsyMap.clear(); }, }; }, }; function collectKnownIdentifiers(expression) { const truthy = []; const falsy = []; const checkExpr = (expr) => { if ((0, nodes_1.isIdentifier)(expr)) { truthy.push(expr); } else if (isLogicalNegation(expr)) { if ((0, nodes_1.isIdentifier)(expr.argument)) { falsy.push(expr.argument); } else if (isLogicalNegation(expr.argument) && (0, nodes_1.isIdentifier)(expr.argument.argument)) { truthy.push(expr.argument.argument); } } }; let current = expression; checkExpr(current); while (isLogicalAnd(current)) { checkExpr(current.right); current = current.left; } checkExpr(current); return { truthy, falsy }; } function isLogicalAnd(expression) { return expression.type === 'LogicalExpression' && expression.operator === '&&'; } function isLogicalOrLhs(id, expression) { return (expression.type === 'LogicalExpression' && expression.operator === '||' && expression.left === id); } function isLogicalAndRhs(id, expression) { var _a; return (((_a = expression.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type) !== 'LogicalExpression' && expression.type === 'LogicalExpression' && expression.operator === '&&' && expression.right === id); } function isLogicalNegation(expression) { return expression.type === 'UnaryExpression' && expression.operator === '!'; } function isDefined(x) { return x != null; } function getSymbol(id, scope) { const ref = scope.references.find(r => r.identifier === id); if (ref) { return ref.resolved; } return null; } function getFunctionScope(scope) { if (scope.type === 'function') { return scope; } else if (!scope.upper) { return null; } return getFunctionScope(scope.upper); } function mightBeWritten(symbol, currentScope) { return symbol.references .filter(ref => ref.isWrite()) .find(ref => { const refScope = ref.from; let cur = refScope; while (cur) { if (cur === currentScope) { return true; } cur = cur.upper; } const currentFunc = getFunctionScope(currentScope); const refFunc = getFunctionScope(refScope); return refFunc !== currentFunc; }); } function transformAndFilter(ids, currentScope) { return ids .map(id => { var _a; return (_a = currentScope.upper) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.references.find(r => r.identifier === id); }) .filter(isDefined) .filter(ref => isDefined(ref.resolved)) .filter(ref => !mightBeWritten(ref.resolved, currentScope)); } function reportIssue(id, ref, context, truthy) { const value = truthy ? 'truthy' : 'falsy'; (0, locations_1.report)(context, { messageId: 'refactorBooleanExpression', data: { value, }, node: id, }, getSecondaryLocations(ref, value), message); } function getSecondaryLocations(ref, truthy) { if (ref) { const secLoc = ref.identifier.loc; return [ { message: `Evaluated here to be ${truthy}`, line: secLoc.start.line, column: secLoc.start.column, endLine: secLoc.end.line, endColumn: secLoc.end.column, }, ]; } else { return []; } } module.exports = rule; //# sourceMappingURL=no-gratuitous-expressions.js.map