'use strict'; const {getFunctionHeadLocation, getFunctionNameWithKind} = require('eslint-utils'); const getReferences = require('./utils/get-references.js'); const {isNodeMatches} = require('./utils/is-node-matches.js'); const MESSAGE_ID = 'consistent-function-scoping'; const messages = { [MESSAGE_ID]: 'Move {{functionNameWithKind}} to the outer scope.', }; const isSameScope = (scope1, scope2) => scope1 && scope2 && (scope1 === scope2 || scope1.block === scope2.block); function checkReferences(scope, parent, scopeManager) { const hitReference = references => references.some(reference => { if (isSameScope(parent, reference.from)) { return true; } const {resolved} = reference; const [definition] = resolved.defs; // Skip recursive function name if (definition && definition.type === 'FunctionName' && resolved.name === definition.name.name) { return false; } return isSameScope(parent, resolved.scope); }); const hitDefinitions = definitions => definitions.some(definition => { const scope = scopeManager.acquire(definition.node); return isSameScope(parent, scope); }); // This check looks for neighboring function definitions const hitIdentifier = identifiers => identifiers.some(identifier => { // Only look at identifiers that live in a FunctionDeclaration if ( !identifier.parent || identifier.parent.type !== 'FunctionDeclaration' ) { return false; } const identifierScope = scopeManager.acquire(identifier); // If we have a scope, the earlier checks should have worked so ignore them here /* c8 ignore next 3 */ if (identifierScope) { return false; } const identifierParentScope = scopeManager.acquire(identifier.parent); /* c8 ignore next 3 */ if (!identifierParentScope) { return false; } // Ignore identifiers from our own scope if (isSameScope(scope, identifierParentScope)) { return false; } // Look at the scope above the function definition to see if lives // next to the reference being checked return isSameScope(parent, identifierParentScope.upper); }); return getReferences(scope) .map(({resolved}) => resolved) .filter(Boolean) .some(variable => hitReference(variable.references) || hitDefinitions(variable.defs) || hitIdentifier(variable.identifiers), ); } // https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html const reactHooks = [ 'useState', 'useEffect', 'useContext', 'useReducer', 'useCallback', 'useMemo', 'useRef', 'useImperativeHandle', 'useLayoutEffect', 'useDebugValue', ].flatMap(hookName => [hookName, `React.${hookName}`]); const isReactHook = scope => scope.block && scope.block.parent && scope.block.parent.callee && isNodeMatches(scope.block.parent.callee, reactHooks); const isArrowFunctionWithThis = scope => scope.type === 'function' && scope.block && scope.block.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' && (scope.thisFound || scope.childScopes.some(scope => isArrowFunctionWithThis(scope))); const iifeFunctionTypes = new Set([ 'FunctionExpression', 'ArrowFunctionExpression', ]); const isIife = node => node && iifeFunctionTypes.has(node.type) && node.parent.type === 'CallExpression' && node.parent.callee === node; function checkNode(node, scopeManager) { const scope = scopeManager.acquire(node); if (!scope || isArrowFunctionWithThis(scope)) { return true; } let parentNode = node.parent; // Skip over junk like the block statement inside of a function declaration // or the various pieces of an arrow function. if (parentNode.type === 'VariableDeclarator') { parentNode = parentNode.parent; } if (parentNode.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { parentNode = parentNode.parent; } if (parentNode.type === 'BlockStatement') { parentNode = parentNode.parent; } const parentScope = scopeManager.acquire(parentNode); if ( !parentScope || parentScope.type === 'global' || isReactHook(parentScope) || isIife(parentNode) ) { return true; } return checkReferences(scope, parentScope, scopeManager); } /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext} context */ const create = context => { const {checkArrowFunctions} = {checkArrowFunctions: true, ...context.options[0]}; const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); const {scopeManager} = sourceCode; const functions = []; return { ':function'() { functions.push(false); }, JSXElement() { // Turn off this rule if we see a JSX element because scope // references does not include JSXElement nodes. if (functions.length > 0) { functions[functions.length - 1] = true; } }, ':function:exit'(node) { const currentFunctionHasJsx = functions.pop(); if (currentFunctionHasJsx) { return; } if (node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' && !checkArrowFunctions) { return; } if (checkNode(node, scopeManager)) { return; } return { node, loc: getFunctionHeadLocation(node, sourceCode), messageId: MESSAGE_ID, data: { functionNameWithKind: getFunctionNameWithKind(node, sourceCode), }, }; }, }; }; const schema = [ { type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, properties: { checkArrowFunctions: { type: 'boolean', default: true, }, }, }, ]; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create, meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Move function definitions to the highest possible scope.', }, schema, messages, }, };