'use strict'; const { isParenthesized, isCommaToken, isSemicolonToken, isClosingParenToken, findVariable, hasSideEffect, } = require('eslint-utils'); const {methodCallSelector, referenceIdentifierSelector} = require('./selectors/index.js'); const {extendFixRange} = require('./fix/index.js'); const needsSemicolon = require('./utils/needs-semicolon.js'); const shouldAddParenthesesToExpressionStatementExpression = require('./utils/should-add-parentheses-to-expression-statement-expression.js'); const shouldAddParenthesesToMemberExpressionObject = require('./utils/should-add-parentheses-to-member-expression-object.js'); const {getParentheses, getParenthesizedRange} = require('./utils/parentheses.js'); const isFunctionSelfUsedInside = require('./utils/is-function-self-used-inside.js'); const {isNodeMatches} = require('./utils/is-node-matches.js'); const assertToken = require('./utils/assert-token.js'); const {fixSpaceAroundKeyword, removeParentheses} = require('./fix/index.js'); const {isArrowFunctionBody} = require('./ast/index.js'); const MESSAGE_ID_ERROR = 'no-array-for-each/error'; const MESSAGE_ID_SUGGESTION = 'no-array-for-each/suggestion'; const messages = { [MESSAGE_ID_ERROR]: 'Use `for…of` instead of `.forEach(…)`.', [MESSAGE_ID_SUGGESTION]: 'Switch to `for…of`.', }; const forEachMethodCallSelector = methodCallSelector({ method: 'forEach', includeOptionalCall: true, includeOptionalMember: true, }); const continueAbleNodeTypes = new Set([ 'WhileStatement', 'DoWhileStatement', 'ForStatement', 'ForOfStatement', 'ForInStatement', ]); const stripChainExpression = node => (node.parent.type === 'ChainExpression' && node.parent.expression === node) ? node.parent : node; function isReturnStatementInContinueAbleNodes(returnStatement, callbackFunction) { for (let node = returnStatement; node && node !== callbackFunction; node = node.parent) { if (continueAbleNodeTypes.has(node.type)) { return true; } } return false; } function shouldSwitchReturnStatementToBlockStatement(returnStatement) { const {parent} = returnStatement; switch (parent.type) { case 'IfStatement': return parent.consequent === returnStatement || parent.alternate === returnStatement; // These parent's body need switch to `BlockStatement` too, but since they are "continueAble", won't fix // case 'ForStatement': // case 'ForInStatement': // case 'ForOfStatement': // case 'WhileStatement': // case 'DoWhileStatement': case 'WithStatement': return parent.body === returnStatement; default: return false; } } function getFixFunction(callExpression, functionInfo, context) { const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); const [callback] = callExpression.arguments; const parameters = callback.params; const iterableObject = callExpression.callee.object; const {returnStatements} = functionInfo.get(callback); const isOptionalObject = callExpression.callee.optional; const ancestor = stripChainExpression(callExpression).parent; const objectText = sourceCode.getText(iterableObject); const getForOfLoopHeadText = () => { const [elementText, indexText] = parameters.map(parameter => sourceCode.getText(parameter)); const shouldUseEntries = parameters.length === 2; let text = 'for ('; text += isFunctionParameterVariableReassigned(callback, context) ? 'let' : 'const'; text += ' '; text += shouldUseEntries ? `[${indexText}, ${elementText}]` : elementText; text += ' of '; const shouldAddParenthesesToObject = isParenthesized(iterableObject, sourceCode) || ( // `1?.forEach()` -> `(1).entries()` isOptionalObject && shouldUseEntries && shouldAddParenthesesToMemberExpressionObject(iterableObject, sourceCode) ); text += shouldAddParenthesesToObject ? `(${objectText})` : objectText; if (shouldUseEntries) { text += '.entries()'; } text += ') '; return text; }; const getForOfLoopHeadRange = () => { const [start] = callExpression.range; const [end] = getParenthesizedRange(callback.body, sourceCode); return [start, end]; }; function * replaceReturnStatement(returnStatement, fixer) { const returnToken = sourceCode.getFirstToken(returnStatement); assertToken(returnToken, { expected: 'return', ruleId: 'no-array-for-each', }); if (!returnStatement.argument) { yield fixer.replaceText(returnToken, 'continue'); return; } // Remove `return` yield fixer.remove(returnToken); const previousToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(returnToken); const nextToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(returnToken); let textBefore = ''; let textAfter = ''; const shouldAddParentheses = !isParenthesized(returnStatement.argument, sourceCode) && shouldAddParenthesesToExpressionStatementExpression(returnStatement.argument); if (shouldAddParentheses) { textBefore = `(${textBefore}`; textAfter = `${textAfter})`; } const insertBraces = shouldSwitchReturnStatementToBlockStatement(returnStatement); if (insertBraces) { textBefore = `{ ${textBefore}`; } else if (needsSemicolon(previousToken, sourceCode, shouldAddParentheses ? '(' : nextToken.value)) { textBefore = `;${textBefore}`; } if (textBefore) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(nextToken, textBefore); } if (textAfter) { yield fixer.insertTextAfter(returnStatement.argument, textAfter); } const returnStatementHasSemicolon = isSemicolonToken(sourceCode.getLastToken(returnStatement)); if (!returnStatementHasSemicolon) { yield fixer.insertTextAfter(returnStatement, ';'); } yield fixer.insertTextAfter(returnStatement, ' continue;'); if (insertBraces) { yield fixer.insertTextAfter(returnStatement, ' }'); } } const shouldRemoveExpressionStatementLastToken = token => { if (!isSemicolonToken(token)) { return false; } if (callback.body.type !== 'BlockStatement') { return false; } return true; }; function * removeCallbackParentheses(fixer) { // Opening parenthesis tokens already included in `getForOfLoopHeadRange` const closingParenthesisTokens = getParentheses(callback, sourceCode) .filter(token => isClosingParenToken(token)); for (const closingParenthesisToken of closingParenthesisTokens) { yield fixer.remove(closingParenthesisToken); } } return function * (fixer) { // `(( foo.forEach(bar => bar) ))` yield * removeParentheses(callExpression, fixer, sourceCode); // Replace these with `for (const … of …) ` // foo.forEach(bar => bar) // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // foo.forEach(bar => (bar)) // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // foo.forEach(bar => {}) // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // foo.forEach(function(bar) {}) // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ yield fixer.replaceTextRange(getForOfLoopHeadRange(), getForOfLoopHeadText()); // Parenthesized callback function // foo.forEach( ((bar => {})) ) // ^^ yield * removeCallbackParentheses(fixer); const [ penultimateToken, lastToken, ] = sourceCode.getLastTokens(callExpression, 2); // The possible trailing comma token of `Array#forEach()` CallExpression // foo.forEach(bar => {},) // ^ if (isCommaToken(penultimateToken)) { yield fixer.remove(penultimateToken); } // The closing parenthesis token of `Array#forEach()` CallExpression // foo.forEach(bar => {}) // ^ yield fixer.remove(lastToken); for (const returnStatement of returnStatements) { yield * replaceReturnStatement(returnStatement, fixer); } if (ancestor.type === 'ExpressionStatement') { const expressionStatementLastToken = sourceCode.getLastToken(ancestor); // Remove semicolon if it's not needed anymore // foo.forEach(bar => {}); // ^ if (shouldRemoveExpressionStatementLastToken(expressionStatementLastToken)) { yield fixer.remove(expressionStatementLastToken, fixer); } } else if (ancestor.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(callExpression, '{ '); yield fixer.insertTextAfter(callExpression, ' }'); } yield * fixSpaceAroundKeyword(fixer, callExpression.parent, sourceCode); if (isOptionalObject) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(callExpression, `if (${objectText}) `); } // Prevent possible variable conflicts yield * extendFixRange(fixer, callExpression.parent.range); }; } const isChildScope = (child, parent) => { for (let scope = child; scope; scope = scope.upper) { if (scope === parent) { return true; } } return false; }; function isFunctionParametersSafeToFix(callbackFunction, {context, scope, callExpression, allIdentifiers}) { const variables = context.getDeclaredVariables(callbackFunction); for (const variable of variables) { if (variable.defs.length !== 1) { return false; } const [definition] = variable.defs; if (definition.type !== 'Parameter') { continue; } const variableName = definition.name.name; const [callExpressionStart, callExpressionEnd] = callExpression.range; for (const identifier of allIdentifiers) { const {name, range: [start, end]} = identifier; if ( name !== variableName || start < callExpressionStart || end > callExpressionEnd ) { continue; } const variable = findVariable(scope, identifier); if (!variable || variable.scope === scope || isChildScope(scope, variable.scope)) { return false; } } } return true; } // TODO[@fisker]: Improve `./utils/is-left-hand-side.js` with similar logic function isAssignmentLeftHandSide(node) { const {parent} = node; switch (parent.type) { case 'AssignmentExpression': case 'ForInStatement': case 'ForOfStatement': return parent.left === node; case 'UpdateExpression': return parent.argument === node; case 'Property': return parent.value === node && isAssignmentLeftHandSide(parent); case 'AssignmentPattern': return parent.left === node && isAssignmentLeftHandSide(parent); case 'ArrayPattern': return parent.elements.includes(node) && isAssignmentLeftHandSide(parent); case 'ObjectPattern': return parent.properties.includes(node) && isAssignmentLeftHandSide(parent); default: return false; } } function isFunctionParameterVariableReassigned(callbackFunction, context) { return context.getDeclaredVariables(callbackFunction) .filter(variable => variable.defs[0].type === 'Parameter') .some(variable => variable.references.some(reference => isAssignmentLeftHandSide(reference.identifier)), ); } function isFixable(callExpression, {scope, functionInfo, allIdentifiers, context}) { // Check `CallExpression` if (callExpression.optional || callExpression.arguments.length !== 1) { return false; } // Check ancestors, we only fix `ExpressionStatement` const callOrChainExpression = stripChainExpression(callExpression); if ( callOrChainExpression.parent.type !== 'ExpressionStatement' && !isArrowFunctionBody(callOrChainExpression) ) { return false; } // Check `CallExpression.arguments[0]`; const [callback] = callExpression.arguments; if ( // Leave non-function type to `no-array-callback-reference` rule (callback.type !== 'FunctionExpression' && callback.type !== 'ArrowFunctionExpression') || callback.async || callback.generator ) { return false; } // Check `callback.params` const parameters = callback.params; if ( !(parameters.length === 1 || parameters.length === 2) // `array.forEach((element = defaultValue) => {})` || (parameters.length === 1 && parameters[0].type === 'AssignmentPattern') || parameters.some(({type, typeAnnotation}) => type === 'RestElement' || typeAnnotation) || !isFunctionParametersSafeToFix(callback, {scope, callExpression, allIdentifiers, context}) ) { return false; } // Check `ReturnStatement`s in `callback` const {returnStatements, scope: callbackScope} = functionInfo.get(callback); if (returnStatements.some(returnStatement => isReturnStatementInContinueAbleNodes(returnStatement, callback))) { return false; } if (isFunctionSelfUsedInside(callback, callbackScope)) { return false; } return true; } const ignoredObjects = [ 'React.Children', 'Children', 'R', // https://www.npmjs.com/package/p-iteration 'pIteration', ]; /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext} context */ const create = context => { const functionStack = []; const callExpressions = []; const allIdentifiers = []; const functionInfo = new Map(); const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); return { ':function'(node) { functionStack.push(node); functionInfo.set(node, { returnStatements: [], scope: context.getScope(), }); }, ':function:exit'() { functionStack.pop(); }, [referenceIdentifierSelector()](node) { allIdentifiers.push(node); }, ':function ReturnStatement'(node) { const currentFunction = functionStack[functionStack.length - 1]; const {returnStatements} = functionInfo.get(currentFunction); returnStatements.push(node); }, [forEachMethodCallSelector](node) { if (isNodeMatches(node.callee.object, ignoredObjects)) { return; } callExpressions.push({ node, scope: context.getScope(), }); }, * 'Program:exit'() { for (const {node, scope} of callExpressions) { const iterable = node.callee; const problem = { node: iterable.property, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_ERROR, }; if (!isFixable(node, {scope, allIdentifiers, functionInfo, context})) { yield problem; continue; } const shouldUseSuggestion = iterable.optional && hasSideEffect(iterable, sourceCode); const fix = getFixFunction(node, functionInfo, context); if (shouldUseSuggestion) { problem.suggest = [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_SUGGESTION, fix, }, ]; } else { problem.fix = fix; } yield problem; } }, }; }; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create, meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Prefer `for…of` over the `forEach` method.', }, fixable: 'code', hasSuggestions: true, messages, }, };