'use strict'; const {isClosingParenToken, getStaticValue} = require('eslint-utils'); const avoidCapture = require('./utils/avoid-capture.js'); const getScopes = require('./utils/get-scopes.js'); const singular = require('./utils/singular.js'); const toLocation = require('./utils/to-location.js'); const getReferences = require('./utils/get-references.js'); const {isLiteral} = require('./ast/index.js'); const MESSAGE_ID = 'no-for-loop'; const messages = { [MESSAGE_ID]: 'Use a `for-of` loop instead of this `for` loop.', }; const defaultElementName = 'element'; const isLiteralZero = node => isLiteral(node, 0); const isLiteralOne = node => isLiteral(node, 1); const isIdentifierWithName = (node, name) => node && node.type === 'Identifier' && node.name === name; const getIndexIdentifierName = forStatement => { const {init: variableDeclaration} = forStatement; if ( !variableDeclaration || variableDeclaration.type !== 'VariableDeclaration' ) { return; } if (variableDeclaration.declarations.length !== 1) { return; } const [variableDeclarator] = variableDeclaration.declarations; if (!isLiteralZero(variableDeclarator.init)) { return; } if (variableDeclarator.id.type !== 'Identifier') { return; } return variableDeclarator.id.name; }; const getStrictComparisonOperands = binaryExpression => { if (binaryExpression.operator === '<') { return { lesser: binaryExpression.left, greater: binaryExpression.right, }; } if (binaryExpression.operator === '>') { return { lesser: binaryExpression.right, greater: binaryExpression.left, }; } }; const getArrayIdentifierFromBinaryExpression = (binaryExpression, indexIdentifierName) => { const operands = getStrictComparisonOperands(binaryExpression); if (!operands) { return; } const {lesser, greater} = operands; if (!isIdentifierWithName(lesser, indexIdentifierName)) { return; } if (greater.type !== 'MemberExpression') { return; } if ( greater.object.type !== 'Identifier' || greater.property.type !== 'Identifier' ) { return; } if (greater.property.name !== 'length') { return; } return greater.object; }; const getArrayIdentifier = (forStatement, indexIdentifierName) => { const {test} = forStatement; if (!test || test.type !== 'BinaryExpression') { return; } return getArrayIdentifierFromBinaryExpression(test, indexIdentifierName); }; const isLiteralOnePlusIdentifierWithName = (node, identifierName) => { if (node && node.type === 'BinaryExpression' && node.operator === '+') { return (isIdentifierWithName(node.left, identifierName) && isLiteralOne(node.right)) || (isIdentifierWithName(node.right, identifierName) && isLiteralOne(node.left)); } return false; }; const checkUpdateExpression = (forStatement, indexIdentifierName) => { const {update} = forStatement; if (!update) { return false; } if (update.type === 'UpdateExpression') { return update.operator === '++' && isIdentifierWithName(update.argument, indexIdentifierName); } if ( update.type === 'AssignmentExpression' && isIdentifierWithName(update.left, indexIdentifierName) ) { if (update.operator === '+=') { return isLiteralOne(update.right); } if (update.operator === '=') { return isLiteralOnePlusIdentifierWithName(update.right, indexIdentifierName); } } return false; }; const isOnlyArrayOfIndexVariableRead = (arrayReferences, indexIdentifierName) => arrayReferences.every(reference => { const node = reference.identifier.parent; if (node.type !== 'MemberExpression') { return false; } if (node.property.name !== indexIdentifierName) { return false; } if ( node.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression' && node.parent.left === node ) { return false; } return true; }); const getRemovalRange = (node, sourceCode) => { const declarationNode = node.parent; if (declarationNode.declarations.length === 1) { const {line} = declarationNode.loc.start; const lineText = sourceCode.lines[line - 1]; const isOnlyNodeOnLine = lineText.trim() === sourceCode.getText(declarationNode); return isOnlyNodeOnLine ? [ sourceCode.getIndexFromLoc({line, column: 0}), sourceCode.getIndexFromLoc({line: line + 1, column: 0}), ] : declarationNode.range; } const index = declarationNode.declarations.indexOf(node); if (index === 0) { return [ node.range[0], declarationNode.declarations[1].range[0], ]; } return [ declarationNode.declarations[index - 1].range[1], node.range[1], ]; }; const resolveIdentifierName = (name, scope) => { while (scope) { const variable = scope.set.get(name); if (variable) { return variable; } scope = scope.upper; } }; const scopeContains = (ancestor, descendant) => { while (descendant) { if (descendant === ancestor) { return true; } descendant = descendant.upper; } return false; }; const nodeContains = (ancestor, descendant) => { while (descendant) { if (descendant === ancestor) { return true; } descendant = descendant.parent; } return false; }; const isIndexVariableUsedElsewhereInTheLoopBody = (indexVariable, bodyScope, arrayIdentifierName) => { const inBodyReferences = indexVariable.references.filter(reference => scopeContains(bodyScope, reference.from)); const referencesOtherThanArrayAccess = inBodyReferences.filter(reference => { const node = reference.identifier.parent; if (node.type !== 'MemberExpression') { return true; } if (node.object.name !== arrayIdentifierName) { return true; } return false; }); return referencesOtherThanArrayAccess.length > 0; }; const isIndexVariableAssignedToInTheLoopBody = (indexVariable, bodyScope) => indexVariable.references .filter(reference => scopeContains(bodyScope, reference.from)) .some(inBodyReference => inBodyReference.isWrite()); const someVariablesLeakOutOfTheLoop = (forStatement, variables, forScope) => variables.some( variable => !variable.references.every( reference => scopeContains(forScope, reference.from) || nodeContains(forStatement, reference.identifier), ), ); const getReferencesInChildScopes = (scope, name) => getReferences(scope).filter(reference => reference.identifier.name === name); /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext} context */ const create = context => { const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); const {scopeManager, text: sourceCodeText} = sourceCode; return { ForStatement(node) { const indexIdentifierName = getIndexIdentifierName(node); if (!indexIdentifierName) { return; } const arrayIdentifier = getArrayIdentifier(node, indexIdentifierName); if (!arrayIdentifier) { return; } const arrayIdentifierName = arrayIdentifier.name; const scope = context.getScope(); const staticResult = getStaticValue(arrayIdentifier, scope); if (staticResult && !Array.isArray(staticResult.value)) { // Bail out if we can tell that the array variable has a non-array value (i.e. we're looping through the characters of a string constant). return; } if (!checkUpdateExpression(node, indexIdentifierName)) { return; } if (!node.body || node.body.type !== 'BlockStatement') { return; } const forScope = scopeManager.acquire(node); const bodyScope = scopeManager.acquire(node.body); if (!bodyScope) { return; } const indexVariable = resolveIdentifierName(indexIdentifierName, bodyScope); if (isIndexVariableAssignedToInTheLoopBody(indexVariable, bodyScope)) { return; } const arrayReferences = getReferencesInChildScopes(bodyScope, arrayIdentifierName); if (arrayReferences.length === 0) { return; } if (!isOnlyArrayOfIndexVariableRead(arrayReferences, indexIdentifierName)) { return; } const [start] = node.range; const [, end] = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node.body, isClosingParenToken).range; const problem = { loc: toLocation([start, end], sourceCode), messageId: MESSAGE_ID, }; const elementReference = arrayReferences.find(reference => { const node = reference.identifier.parent; if (node.parent.type !== 'VariableDeclarator') { return false; } return true; }); const elementNode = elementReference && elementReference.identifier.parent.parent; const elementIdentifierName = elementNode && elementNode.id.name; const elementVariable = elementIdentifierName && resolveIdentifierName(elementIdentifierName, bodyScope); const shouldFix = !someVariablesLeakOutOfTheLoop(node, [indexVariable, elementVariable].filter(Boolean), forScope); if (shouldFix) { problem.fix = function * (fixer) { const shouldGenerateIndex = isIndexVariableUsedElsewhereInTheLoopBody(indexVariable, bodyScope, arrayIdentifierName); const index = indexIdentifierName; const element = elementIdentifierName || avoidCapture(singular(arrayIdentifierName) || defaultElementName, getScopes(bodyScope)); const array = arrayIdentifierName; let declarationElement = element; let declarationType = 'const'; let removeDeclaration = true; let typeAnnotation; if (elementNode) { if (elementNode.id.type === 'ObjectPattern' || elementNode.id.type === 'ArrayPattern') { removeDeclaration = arrayReferences.length === 1; } if (removeDeclaration) { declarationType = element.type === 'VariableDeclarator' ? elementNode.kind : elementNode.parent.kind; if (elementNode.id.typeAnnotation && shouldGenerateIndex) { declarationElement = sourceCodeText.slice(elementNode.id.range[0], elementNode.id.typeAnnotation.range[0]).trim(); typeAnnotation = sourceCode.getText( elementNode.id.typeAnnotation, -1, // Skip leading `:` ).trim(); } else { declarationElement = sourceCode.getText(elementNode.id); } } } const parts = [declarationType]; if (shouldGenerateIndex) { parts.push(` [${index}, ${declarationElement}]`); if (typeAnnotation) { parts.push(`: [number, ${typeAnnotation}]`); } parts.push(` of ${array}.entries()`); } else { parts.push(` ${declarationElement} of ${array}`); } const replacement = parts.join(''); yield fixer.replaceTextRange([ node.init.range[0], node.update.range[1], ], replacement); for (const reference of arrayReferences) { if (reference !== elementReference) { yield fixer.replaceText(reference.identifier.parent, element); } } if (elementNode) { yield removeDeclaration ? fixer.removeRange(getRemovalRange(elementNode, sourceCode)) : fixer.replaceText(elementNode.init, element); } }; } return problem; }, }; }; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create, meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Do not use a `for` loop that can be replaced with a `for-of` loop.', }, fixable: 'code', messages, hasSuggestion: true, }, };