'use strict'; const {isParenthesized, findVariable} = require('eslint-utils'); const { not, methodCallSelector, notLeftHandSideSelector, } = require('./selectors/index.js'); const getVariableIdentifiers = require('./utils/get-variable-identifiers.js'); const avoidCapture = require('./utils/avoid-capture.js'); const getScopes = require('./utils/get-scopes.js'); const singular = require('./utils/singular.js'); const { extendFixRange, removeMemberExpressionProperty, removeMethodCall, renameVariable, } = require('./fix/index.js'); const ERROR_ZERO_INDEX = 'error-zero-index'; const ERROR_SHIFT = 'error-shift'; const ERROR_DESTRUCTURING_DECLARATION = 'error-destructuring-declaration'; const ERROR_DESTRUCTURING_ASSIGNMENT = 'error-destructuring-assignment'; const ERROR_DECLARATION = 'error-variable'; const SUGGESTION_NULLISH_COALESCING_OPERATOR = 'suggest-nullish-coalescing-operator'; const SUGGESTION_LOGICAL_OR_OPERATOR = 'suggest-logical-or-operator'; const messages = { [ERROR_DECLARATION]: 'Prefer `.find(…)` over `.filter(…)`.', [ERROR_ZERO_INDEX]: 'Prefer `.find(…)` over `.filter(…)[0]`.', [ERROR_SHIFT]: 'Prefer `.find(…)` over `.filter(…).shift()`.', [ERROR_DESTRUCTURING_DECLARATION]: 'Prefer `.find(…)` over destructuring `.filter(…)`.', // Same message as `ERROR_DESTRUCTURING_DECLARATION`, but different case [ERROR_DESTRUCTURING_ASSIGNMENT]: 'Prefer `.find(…)` over destructuring `.filter(…)`.', [SUGGESTION_NULLISH_COALESCING_OPERATOR]: 'Replace `.filter(…)` with `.find(…) ?? …`.', [SUGGESTION_LOGICAL_OR_OPERATOR]: 'Replace `.filter(…)` with `.find(…) || …`.', }; const filterMethodSelectorOptions = { method: 'filter', minimumArguments: 1, maximumArguments: 2, }; const filterVariableSelector = [ 'VariableDeclaration', // Exclude `export const foo = [];` not('ExportNamedDeclaration > .declaration'), ' > ', 'VariableDeclarator.declarations', '[id.type="Identifier"]', methodCallSelector({ ...filterMethodSelectorOptions, path: 'init', }), ].join(''); const zeroIndexSelector = [ 'MemberExpression', '[computed!=false]', '[property.type="Literal"]', '[property.raw="0"]', notLeftHandSideSelector(), methodCallSelector({ ...filterMethodSelectorOptions, path: 'object', }), ].join(''); const shiftSelector = [ methodCallSelector({ method: 'shift', argumentsLength: 0, }), methodCallSelector({ ...filterMethodSelectorOptions, path: 'callee.object', }), ].join(''); const destructuringDeclaratorSelector = [ 'VariableDeclarator', '[id.type="ArrayPattern"]', '[id.elements.length=1]', '[id.elements.0.type!="RestElement"]', methodCallSelector({ ...filterMethodSelectorOptions, path: 'init', }), ].join(''); const destructuringAssignmentSelector = [ 'AssignmentExpression', '[left.type="ArrayPattern"]', '[left.elements.length=1]', '[left.elements.0.type!="RestElement"]', methodCallSelector({ ...filterMethodSelectorOptions, path: 'right', }), ].join(''); // Need add `()` to the `AssignmentExpression` // - `ObjectExpression`: `[{foo}] = array.filter(bar)` fix to `{foo} = array.find(bar)` // - `ObjectPattern`: `[{foo = baz}] = array.filter(bar)` const assignmentNeedParenthesize = (node, sourceCode) => { const isAssign = node.type === 'AssignmentExpression'; if (!isAssign || isParenthesized(node, sourceCode)) { return false; } const {left} = getDestructuringLeftAndRight(node); const [element] = left.elements; const {type} = element.type === 'AssignmentPattern' ? element.left : element; return type === 'ObjectExpression' || type === 'ObjectPattern'; }; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence#Table const hasLowerPrecedence = (node, operator) => ( (node.type === 'LogicalExpression' && ( node.operator === operator // https://tc39.es/proposal-nullish-coalescing/ says // `??` has lower precedence than `||` // But MDN says // `??` has higher precedence than `||` || (operator === '||' && node.operator === '??') || (operator === '??' && (node.operator === '||' || node.operator === '&&')) )) || node.type === 'ConditionalExpression' // Lower than `assignment`, should already parenthesized /* c8 ignore next */ || node.type === 'AssignmentExpression' || node.type === 'YieldExpression' || node.type === 'SequenceExpression' ); const getDestructuringLeftAndRight = node => { /* c8 ignore next 3 */ if (!node) { return {}; } if (node.type === 'AssignmentExpression') { return node; } if (node.type === 'VariableDeclarator') { return {left: node.id, right: node.init}; } return {}; }; function * fixDestructuring(node, sourceCode, fixer) { const {left} = getDestructuringLeftAndRight(node); const [element] = left.elements; const leftText = sourceCode.getText(element.type === 'AssignmentPattern' ? element.left : element); yield fixer.replaceText(left, leftText); // `AssignmentExpression` always starts with `[` or `(`, so we don't need check ASI if (assignmentNeedParenthesize(node, sourceCode)) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, '('); yield fixer.insertTextAfter(node, ')'); } } const hasDefaultValue = node => getDestructuringLeftAndRight(node).left.elements[0].type === 'AssignmentPattern'; const fixDestructuringDefaultValue = (node, sourceCode, fixer, operator) => { const {left, right} = getDestructuringLeftAndRight(node); const [element] = left.elements; const defaultValue = element.right; let defaultValueText = sourceCode.getText(defaultValue); if (isParenthesized(defaultValue, sourceCode) || hasLowerPrecedence(defaultValue, operator)) { defaultValueText = `(${defaultValueText})`; } return fixer.insertTextAfter(right, ` ${operator} ${defaultValueText}`); }; const fixDestructuringAndReplaceFilter = (sourceCode, node) => { const {property} = getDestructuringLeftAndRight(node).right.callee; let suggest; let fix; if (hasDefaultValue(node)) { suggest = [ {operator: '??', messageId: SUGGESTION_NULLISH_COALESCING_OPERATOR}, {operator: '||', messageId: SUGGESTION_LOGICAL_OR_OPERATOR}, ].map(({messageId, operator}) => ({ messageId, * fix(fixer) { yield fixer.replaceText(property, 'find'); yield fixDestructuringDefaultValue(node, sourceCode, fixer, operator); yield * fixDestructuring(node, sourceCode, fixer); }, })); } else { fix = function * (fixer) { yield fixer.replaceText(property, 'find'); yield * fixDestructuring(node, sourceCode, fixer); }; } return {fix, suggest}; }; const isAccessingZeroIndex = node => node.parent && node.parent.type === 'MemberExpression' && node.parent.computed === true && node.parent.object === node && node.parent.property?.type === 'Literal' && node.parent.property.raw === '0'; const isDestructuringFirstElement = node => { const {left, right} = getDestructuringLeftAndRight(node.parent); return left && right && right === node && left.type === 'ArrayPattern' && left.elements && left.elements.length === 1 && left.elements[0].type !== 'RestElement'; }; /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext} context */ const create = context => { const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); return { [zeroIndexSelector](node) { return { node: node.object.callee.property, messageId: ERROR_ZERO_INDEX, fix: fixer => [ fixer.replaceText(node.object.callee.property, 'find'), removeMemberExpressionProperty(fixer, node, sourceCode), ], }; }, [shiftSelector](node) { return { node: node.callee.object.callee.property, messageId: ERROR_SHIFT, fix: fixer => [ fixer.replaceText(node.callee.object.callee.property, 'find'), ...removeMethodCall(fixer, node, sourceCode), ], }; }, [destructuringDeclaratorSelector](node) { return { node: node.init.callee.property, messageId: ERROR_DESTRUCTURING_DECLARATION, ...fixDestructuringAndReplaceFilter(sourceCode, node), }; }, [destructuringAssignmentSelector](node) { return { node: node.right.callee.property, messageId: ERROR_DESTRUCTURING_ASSIGNMENT, ...fixDestructuringAndReplaceFilter(sourceCode, node), }; }, [filterVariableSelector](node) { const scope = context.getScope(); const variable = findVariable(scope, node.id); const identifiers = getVariableIdentifiers(variable).filter(identifier => identifier !== node.id); if (identifiers.length === 0) { return; } const zeroIndexNodes = []; const destructuringNodes = []; for (const identifier of identifiers) { if (isAccessingZeroIndex(identifier)) { zeroIndexNodes.push(identifier.parent); } else if (isDestructuringFirstElement(identifier)) { destructuringNodes.push(identifier.parent); } else { return; } } const problem = { node: node.init.callee.property, messageId: ERROR_DECLARATION, }; // `const [foo = bar] = baz` is not fixable if (!destructuringNodes.some(node => hasDefaultValue(node))) { problem.fix = function * (fixer) { yield fixer.replaceText(node.init.callee.property, 'find'); const singularName = singular(node.id.name); if (singularName) { // Rename variable to be singularized now that it refers to a single item in the array instead of the entire array. const singularizedName = avoidCapture(singularName, getScopes(scope)); yield * renameVariable(variable, singularizedName, fixer); // Prevent possible variable conflicts yield * extendFixRange(fixer, sourceCode.ast.range); } for (const node of zeroIndexNodes) { yield removeMemberExpressionProperty(fixer, node, sourceCode); } for (const node of destructuringNodes) { yield * fixDestructuring(node, sourceCode, fixer); } }; } return problem; }, }; }; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create, meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Prefer `.find(…)` over the first element from `.filter(…)`.', }, fixable: 'code', hasSuggestions: true, messages, }, };