'use strict'; const {isOpeningBracketToken, isClosingBracketToken, getStaticValue} = require('eslint-utils'); const { isParenthesized, getParenthesizedRange, getParenthesizedText, } = require('./utils/parentheses.js'); const {isNodeMatchesNameOrPath} = require('./utils/is-node-matches.js'); const needsSemicolon = require('./utils/needs-semicolon.js'); const shouldAddParenthesesToMemberExpressionObject = require('./utils/should-add-parentheses-to-member-expression-object.js'); const isLeftHandSide = require('./utils/is-left-hand-side.js'); const { getNegativeIndexLengthNode, removeLengthNode, } = require('./shared/negative-index.js'); const {methodCallSelector, callExpressionSelector, notLeftHandSideSelector} = require('./selectors/index.js'); const {removeMemberExpressionProperty, removeMethodCall} = require('./fix/index.js'); const {isLiteral} = require('./ast/index.js'); const MESSAGE_ID_NEGATIVE_INDEX = 'negative-index'; const MESSAGE_ID_INDEX = 'index'; const MESSAGE_ID_STRING_CHAR_AT_NEGATIVE = 'string-char-at-negative'; const MESSAGE_ID_STRING_CHAR_AT = 'string-char-at'; const MESSAGE_ID_SLICE = 'slice'; const MESSAGE_ID_GET_LAST_FUNCTION = 'get-last-function'; const SUGGESTION_ID = 'use-at'; const messages = { [MESSAGE_ID_NEGATIVE_INDEX]: 'Prefer `.at(…)` over `[….length - index]`.', [MESSAGE_ID_INDEX]: 'Prefer `.at(…)` over index access.', [MESSAGE_ID_STRING_CHAR_AT_NEGATIVE]: 'Prefer `String#at(…)` over `String#charAt(….length - index)`.', [MESSAGE_ID_STRING_CHAR_AT]: 'Prefer `String#at(…)` over `String#charAt(…)`.', [MESSAGE_ID_SLICE]: 'Prefer `.at(…)` over the first element from `.slice(…)`.', [MESSAGE_ID_GET_LAST_FUNCTION]: 'Prefer `.at(-1)` over `{{description}}(…)` to get the last element.', [SUGGESTION_ID]: 'Use `.at(…)`.', }; const indexAccess = [ 'MemberExpression', '[optional!=true]', '[computed!=false]', notLeftHandSideSelector(), ].join(''); const sliceCall = methodCallSelector({method: 'slice', minimumArguments: 1, maximumArguments: 2}); const stringCharAt = methodCallSelector({method: 'charAt', argumentsLength: 1}); const isArguments = node => node.type === 'Identifier' && node.name === 'arguments'; const isLiteralNegativeInteger = node => node.type === 'UnaryExpression' && node.prefix && node.operator === '-' && node.argument.type === 'Literal' && Number.isInteger(node.argument.value) && node.argument.value > 0; const isZeroIndexAccess = node => { const {parent} = node; return parent.type === 'MemberExpression' && !parent.optional && parent.computed && parent.object === node && isLiteral(parent.property, 0); }; const isArrayPopOrShiftCall = (node, method) => { const {parent} = node; return parent.type === 'MemberExpression' && !parent.optional && !parent.computed && parent.object === node && parent.property.type === 'Identifier' && parent.property.name === method && parent.parent.type === 'CallExpression' && parent.parent.callee === parent && !parent.parent.optional && parent.parent.arguments.length === 0; }; const isArrayPopCall = node => isArrayPopOrShiftCall(node, 'pop'); const isArrayShiftCall = node => isArrayPopOrShiftCall(node, 'shift'); function checkSliceCall(node) { const sliceArgumentsLength = node.arguments.length; const [startIndexNode, endIndexNode] = node.arguments; if (!isLiteralNegativeInteger(startIndexNode)) { return; } let firstElementGetMethod = ''; if (isZeroIndexAccess(node)) { if (isLeftHandSide(node.parent)) { return; } firstElementGetMethod = 'zero-index'; } else if (isArrayShiftCall(node)) { firstElementGetMethod = 'shift'; } else if (isArrayPopCall(node)) { firstElementGetMethod = 'pop'; } if (!firstElementGetMethod) { return; } const startIndex = -startIndexNode.argument.value; if (sliceArgumentsLength === 1) { if ( firstElementGetMethod === 'zero-index' || firstElementGetMethod === 'shift' || (startIndex === -1 && firstElementGetMethod === 'pop') ) { return {safeToFix: true, firstElementGetMethod}; } return; } if ( isLiteralNegativeInteger(endIndexNode) && -endIndexNode.argument.value === startIndex + 1 ) { return {safeToFix: true, firstElementGetMethod}; } if (firstElementGetMethod === 'pop') { return; } return {safeToFix: false, firstElementGetMethod}; } const lodashLastFunctions = [ '_.last', 'lodash.last', 'underscore.last', ]; /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext} context */ function create(context) { const { getLastElementFunctions, checkAllIndexAccess, } = { getLastElementFunctions: [], checkAllIndexAccess: false, ...context.options[0], }; const getLastFunctions = [...getLastElementFunctions, ...lodashLastFunctions]; const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); return { [indexAccess](node) { const indexNode = node.property; const lengthNode = getNegativeIndexLengthNode(indexNode, node.object); if (!lengthNode) { if (!checkAllIndexAccess) { return; } // Only if we are sure it's an positive integer const staticValue = getStaticValue(indexNode, context.getScope()); if (!staticValue || !Number.isInteger(staticValue.value) || staticValue.value < 0) { return; } } const problem = { node: indexNode, messageId: lengthNode ? MESSAGE_ID_NEGATIVE_INDEX : MESSAGE_ID_INDEX, }; if (isArguments(node.object)) { return problem; } problem.fix = function * (fixer) { if (lengthNode) { yield removeLengthNode(lengthNode, fixer, sourceCode); } const openingBracketToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(indexNode, isOpeningBracketToken); yield fixer.replaceText(openingBracketToken, '.at('); const closingBracketToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(indexNode, isClosingBracketToken); yield fixer.replaceText(closingBracketToken, ')'); }; return problem; }, [stringCharAt](node) { const [indexNode] = node.arguments; const lengthNode = getNegativeIndexLengthNode(indexNode, node.callee.object); // `String#charAt` don't care about index value, we assume it's always number if (!lengthNode && !checkAllIndexAccess) { return; } return { node: indexNode, messageId: lengthNode ? MESSAGE_ID_STRING_CHAR_AT_NEGATIVE : MESSAGE_ID_STRING_CHAR_AT, suggest: [{ messageId: SUGGESTION_ID, * fix(fixer) { if (lengthNode) { yield removeLengthNode(lengthNode, fixer, sourceCode); } yield fixer.replaceText(node.callee.property, 'at'); }, }], }; }, [sliceCall](sliceCall) { const result = checkSliceCall(sliceCall); if (!result) { return; } const {safeToFix, firstElementGetMethod} = result; /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleFixer} fixer */ function * fix(fixer) { // `.slice` to `.at` yield fixer.replaceText(sliceCall.callee.property, 'at'); // Remove extra arguments if (sliceCall.arguments.length !== 1) { const [, start] = getParenthesizedRange(sliceCall.arguments[0], sourceCode); const [end] = sourceCode.getLastToken(sliceCall).range; yield fixer.removeRange([start, end]); } // Remove `[0]`, `.shift()`, or `.pop()` if (firstElementGetMethod === 'zero-index') { yield removeMemberExpressionProperty(fixer, sliceCall.parent, sourceCode); } else { yield * removeMethodCall(fixer, sliceCall.parent.parent, sourceCode); } } const problem = { node: sliceCall.callee.property, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_SLICE, }; if (safeToFix) { problem.fix = fix; } else { problem.suggest = [{messageId: SUGGESTION_ID, fix}]; } return problem; }, [callExpressionSelector({argumentsLength: 1})](node) { const matchedFunction = getLastFunctions.find(nameOrPath => isNodeMatchesNameOrPath(node.callee, nameOrPath)); if (!matchedFunction) { return; } const problem = { node: node.callee, messageId: MESSAGE_ID_GET_LAST_FUNCTION, data: {description: matchedFunction.trim()}, }; const [array] = node.arguments; if (isArguments(array)) { return problem; } problem.fix = function (fixer) { let fixed = getParenthesizedText(array, sourceCode); if ( !isParenthesized(array, sourceCode) && shouldAddParenthesesToMemberExpressionObject(array, sourceCode) ) { fixed = `(${fixed})`; } fixed = `${fixed}.at(-1)`; const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node); if (needsSemicolon(tokenBefore, sourceCode, fixed)) { fixed = `;${fixed}`; } return fixer.replaceText(node, fixed); }; return problem; }, }; } const schema = [ { type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, properties: { getLastElementFunctions: { type: 'array', uniqueItems: true, }, checkAllIndexAccess: { type: 'boolean', default: false, }, }, }, ]; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create, meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Prefer `.at()` method for index access and `String#charAt()`.', }, fixable: 'code', hasSuggestions: true, schema, messages, }, };