'use strict'; const {isParenthesized, getStaticValue, isCommaToken, hasSideEffect} = require('eslint-utils'); const {methodCallSelector} = require('./selectors/index.js'); const needsSemicolon = require('./utils/needs-semicolon.js'); const {getParenthesizedRange, getParenthesizedText} = require('./utils/parentheses.js'); const shouldAddParenthesesToSpreadElementArgument = require('./utils/should-add-parentheses-to-spread-element-argument.js'); const {isNodeMatches} = require('./utils/is-node-matches.js'); const { replaceNodeOrTokenAndSpacesBefore, removeSpacesAfter, removeMethodCall, } = require('./fix/index.js'); const {isLiteral} = require('./ast/index.js'); const isMethodNamed = require('./utils/is-method-named.js'); const ERROR_ARRAY_FROM = 'array-from'; const ERROR_ARRAY_CONCAT = 'array-concat'; const ERROR_ARRAY_SLICE = 'array-slice'; const ERROR_STRING_SPLIT = 'string-split'; const SUGGESTION_CONCAT_ARGUMENT_IS_SPREADABLE = 'argument-is-spreadable'; const SUGGESTION_CONCAT_ARGUMENT_IS_NOT_SPREADABLE = 'argument-is-not-spreadable'; const SUGGESTION_CONCAT_TEST_ARGUMENT = 'test-argument'; const SUGGESTION_CONCAT_SPREAD_ALL_ARGUMENTS = 'spread-all-arguments'; const SUGGESTION_USE_SPREAD = 'use-spread'; const messages = { [ERROR_ARRAY_FROM]: 'Prefer the spread operator over `Array.from(…)`.', [ERROR_ARRAY_CONCAT]: 'Prefer the spread operator over `Array#concat(…)`.', [ERROR_ARRAY_SLICE]: 'Prefer the spread operator over `Array#slice()`.', [ERROR_STRING_SPLIT]: 'Prefer the spread operator over `String#split(\'\')`.', [SUGGESTION_CONCAT_ARGUMENT_IS_SPREADABLE]: 'First argument is an `array`.', [SUGGESTION_CONCAT_ARGUMENT_IS_NOT_SPREADABLE]: 'First argument is not an `array`.', [SUGGESTION_CONCAT_TEST_ARGUMENT]: 'Test first argument with `Array.isArray(…)`.', [SUGGESTION_CONCAT_SPREAD_ALL_ARGUMENTS]: 'Spread all unknown arguments`.', [SUGGESTION_USE_SPREAD]: 'Use `...` operator.', }; const arrayFromCallSelector = [ methodCallSelector({ object: 'Array', method: 'from', minimumArguments: 1, maximumArguments: 3, }), // Allow `Array.from({length})` '[arguments.0.type!="ObjectExpression"]', ].join(''); const arrayConcatCallSelector = methodCallSelector('concat'); const arraySliceCallSelector = [ methodCallSelector({ method: 'slice', minimumArguments: 0, maximumArguments: 1, }), '[callee.object.type!="ArrayExpression"]', ].join(''); const ignoredSliceCallee = [ 'arrayBuffer', 'blob', 'buffer', 'file', 'this', ]; const stringSplitCallSelector = methodCallSelector({ method: 'split', argumentsLength: 1, }); const isArrayLiteral = node => node.type === 'ArrayExpression'; const isArrayLiteralHasTrailingComma = (node, sourceCode) => { if (node.elements.length === 0) { return false; } return isCommaToken(sourceCode.getLastToken(node, 1)); }; function fixConcat(node, sourceCode, fixableArguments) { const array = node.callee.object; const concatCallArguments = node.arguments; const arrayParenthesizedRange = getParenthesizedRange(array, sourceCode); const arrayIsArrayLiteral = isArrayLiteral(array); const arrayHasTrailingComma = arrayIsArrayLiteral && isArrayLiteralHasTrailingComma(array, sourceCode); const getArrayLiteralElementsText = (node, keepTrailingComma) => { if ( !keepTrailingComma && isArrayLiteralHasTrailingComma(node, sourceCode) ) { const start = node.range[0] + 1; const end = sourceCode.getLastToken(node, 1).range[0]; return sourceCode.text.slice(start, end); } return sourceCode.getText(node, -1, -1); }; const getFixedText = () => { const nonEmptyArguments = fixableArguments .filter(({node, isArrayLiteral}) => (!isArrayLiteral || node.elements.length > 0)); const lastArgument = nonEmptyArguments[nonEmptyArguments.length - 1]; let text = nonEmptyArguments .map(({node, isArrayLiteral, isSpreadable, testArgument}) => { if (isArrayLiteral) { return getArrayLiteralElementsText(node, node === lastArgument.node); } let text = getParenthesizedText(node, sourceCode); if (testArgument) { return `...(Array.isArray(${text}) ? ${text} : [${text}])`; } if (isSpreadable) { if ( !isParenthesized(node, sourceCode) && shouldAddParenthesesToSpreadElementArgument(node) ) { text = `(${text})`; } text = `...${text}`; } return text || ' '; }) .join(', '); if (!text) { return ''; } if (arrayIsArrayLiteral) { if (array.elements.length > 0) { text = ` ${text}`; if (!arrayHasTrailingComma) { text = `,${text}`; } if ( arrayHasTrailingComma && (!lastArgument.isArrayLiteral || !isArrayLiteralHasTrailingComma(lastArgument.node, sourceCode)) ) { text = `${text},`; } } } else { text = `, ${text}`; } return text; }; function removeArguments(fixer) { const [firstArgument] = concatCallArguments; const lastArgument = concatCallArguments[fixableArguments.length - 1]; const [start] = getParenthesizedRange(firstArgument, sourceCode); let [, end] = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(lastArgument, isCommaToken).range; const textAfter = sourceCode.text.slice(end); const [leadingSpaces] = textAfter.match(/^\s*/); end += leadingSpaces.length; return fixer.replaceTextRange([start, end], ''); } return function * (fixer) { // Fixed code always starts with `[` if ( !arrayIsArrayLiteral && needsSemicolon(sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node), sourceCode, '[') ) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, ';'); } if (concatCallArguments.length - fixableArguments.length === 0) { yield * removeMethodCall(fixer, node, sourceCode); } else { yield removeArguments(fixer); } const text = getFixedText(); if (arrayIsArrayLiteral) { const closingBracketToken = sourceCode.getLastToken(array); yield fixer.insertTextBefore(closingBracketToken, text); } else { // The array is already accessing `.concat`, there should not any case need add extra `()` yield fixer.insertTextBeforeRange(arrayParenthesizedRange, '[...'); yield fixer.insertTextAfterRange(arrayParenthesizedRange, text); yield fixer.insertTextAfterRange(arrayParenthesizedRange, ']'); } }; } const getConcatArgumentSpreadable = (node, scope) => { if (node.type === 'SpreadElement') { return; } if (isArrayLiteral(node)) { return {node, isArrayLiteral: true}; } const result = getStaticValue(node, scope); if (!result) { return; } const isSpreadable = Array.isArray(result.value); return {node, isSpreadable}; }; function getConcatFixableArguments(argumentsList, scope) { const fixableArguments = []; for (const node of argumentsList) { const result = getConcatArgumentSpreadable(node, scope); if (result) { fixableArguments.push(result); } else { break; } } return fixableArguments; } function fixArrayFrom(node, sourceCode) { const [object] = node.arguments; function getObjectText() { if (isArrayLiteral(object)) { return sourceCode.getText(object); } const [start, end] = getParenthesizedRange(object, sourceCode); let text = sourceCode.text.slice(start, end); if ( !isParenthesized(object, sourceCode) && shouldAddParenthesesToSpreadElementArgument(object) ) { text = `(${text})`; } return `[...${text}]`; } function * removeObject(fixer) { yield * replaceNodeOrTokenAndSpacesBefore(object, '', fixer, sourceCode); const commaToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(object, isCommaToken); yield * replaceNodeOrTokenAndSpacesBefore(commaToken, '', fixer, sourceCode); yield removeSpacesAfter(commaToken, sourceCode, fixer); } return function * (fixer) { // Fixed code always starts with `[` if (needsSemicolon(sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node), sourceCode, '[')) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, ';'); } const objectText = getObjectText(); if (node.arguments.length === 1) { yield fixer.replaceText(node, objectText); return; } // `Array.from(object, mapFunction, thisArgument)` -> `[...object].map(mapFunction, thisArgument)` yield fixer.replaceText(node.callee.object, objectText); yield fixer.replaceText(node.callee.property, 'map'); yield * removeObject(fixer); }; } function methodCallToSpread(node, sourceCode) { return function * (fixer) { // Fixed code always starts with `[` if (needsSemicolon(sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node), sourceCode, '[')) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, ';'); } yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, '[...'); yield fixer.insertTextAfter(node, ']'); // The array is already accessing `.slice` or `.split`, there should not any case need add extra `()` yield * removeMethodCall(fixer, node, sourceCode); }; } function isClassName(node) { if (node.type === 'MemberExpression') { node = node.property; } if (node.type !== 'Identifier') { return false; } const {name} = node; return /^[A-Z]./.test(name) && name.toUpperCase() !== name; } function isNotArray(node, scope) { if ( node.type === 'TemplateLiteral' || node.type === 'Literal' || node.type === 'BinaryExpression' || isClassName(node) // `foo.join()` || (isMethodNamed(node, 'join') && node.arguments.length <= 1) ) { return true; } const staticValue = getStaticValue(node, scope); if (staticValue && !Array.isArray(staticValue.value)) { return true; } return false; } /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext} context */ const create = context => { const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); return { [arrayFromCallSelector](node) { return { node, messageId: ERROR_ARRAY_FROM, fix: fixArrayFrom(node, sourceCode), }; }, [arrayConcatCallSelector](node) { const {object} = node.callee; if (isNotArray(object, context.getScope())) { return; } const scope = context.getScope(); const staticResult = getStaticValue(object, scope); if (staticResult && !Array.isArray(staticResult.value)) { return; } const problem = { node: node.callee.property, messageId: ERROR_ARRAY_CONCAT, }; const fixableArguments = getConcatFixableArguments(node.arguments, scope); if (fixableArguments.length > 0 || node.arguments.length === 0) { problem.fix = fixConcat(node, sourceCode, fixableArguments); return problem; } const [firstArgument, ...restArguments] = node.arguments; if (firstArgument.type === 'SpreadElement') { return problem; } const fixableArgumentsAfterFirstArgument = getConcatFixableArguments(restArguments, scope); const suggestions = [ { messageId: SUGGESTION_CONCAT_ARGUMENT_IS_SPREADABLE, isSpreadable: true, }, { messageId: SUGGESTION_CONCAT_ARGUMENT_IS_NOT_SPREADABLE, isSpreadable: false, }, ]; if (!hasSideEffect(firstArgument, sourceCode)) { suggestions.push({ messageId: SUGGESTION_CONCAT_TEST_ARGUMENT, testArgument: true, }); } problem.suggest = suggestions.map(({messageId, isSpreadable, testArgument}) => ({ messageId, fix: fixConcat( node, sourceCode, // When apply suggestion, we also merge fixable arguments after the first one [ { node: firstArgument, isSpreadable, testArgument, }, ...fixableArgumentsAfterFirstArgument, ], ), })); if ( fixableArgumentsAfterFirstArgument.length < restArguments.length && restArguments.every(({type}) => type !== 'SpreadElement') ) { problem.suggest.push({ messageId: SUGGESTION_CONCAT_SPREAD_ALL_ARGUMENTS, fix: fixConcat( node, sourceCode, node.arguments.map(node => getConcatArgumentSpreadable(node, scope) || {node, isSpreadable: true}), ), }); } return problem; }, [arraySliceCallSelector](node) { if (isNodeMatches(node.callee.object, ignoredSliceCallee)) { return; } const [firstArgument] = node.arguments; if (firstArgument && !isLiteral(firstArgument, 0)) { return; } return { node: node.callee.property, messageId: ERROR_ARRAY_SLICE, fix: methodCallToSpread(node, sourceCode), }; }, [stringSplitCallSelector](node) { const [separator] = node.arguments; if (!isLiteral(separator, '')) { return; } const string = node.callee.object; const staticValue = getStaticValue(string, context.getScope()); let hasSameResult = false; if (staticValue) { const {value} = staticValue; if (typeof value !== 'string') { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-spread const resultBySplit = value.split(''); const resultBySpread = [...value]; hasSameResult = resultBySplit.length === resultBySpread.length && resultBySplit.every((character, index) => character === resultBySpread[index]); } const problem = { node: node.callee.property, messageId: ERROR_STRING_SPLIT, }; if (hasSameResult) { problem.fix = methodCallToSpread(node, sourceCode); } else { problem.suggest = [ { messageId: SUGGESTION_USE_SPREAD, fix: methodCallToSpread(node, sourceCode), }, ]; } return problem; }, }; }; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create, meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Prefer the spread operator over `Array.from(…)`, `Array#concat(…)`, `Array#slice()` and `String#split(\'\')`.', }, fixable: 'code', hasSuggestions: true, messages, }, };