'use strict'; const {isParenthesized} = require('eslint-utils'); const avoidCapture = require('./utils/avoid-capture.js'); const needsSemicolon = require('./utils/needs-semicolon.js'); const isSameReference = require('./utils/is-same-reference.js'); const getIndentString = require('./utils/get-indent-string.js'); const {getParenthesizedText} = require('./utils/parentheses.js'); const shouldAddParenthesesToConditionalExpressionChild = require('./utils/should-add-parentheses-to-conditional-expression-child.js'); const {extendFixRange} = require('./fix/index.js'); const getScopes = require('./utils/get-scopes.js'); const messageId = 'prefer-ternary'; const selector = [ 'IfStatement', ':not(IfStatement > .alternate)', '[test.type!="ConditionalExpression"]', '[consequent]', '[alternate]', ].join(''); const isTernary = node => node && node.type === 'ConditionalExpression'; function getNodeBody(node) { /* c8 ignore next 3 */ if (!node) { return; } if (node.type === 'ExpressionStatement') { return getNodeBody(node.expression); } if (node.type === 'BlockStatement') { const body = node.body.filter(({type}) => type !== 'EmptyStatement'); if (body.length === 1) { return getNodeBody(body[0]); } } return node; } const isSingleLineNode = node => node.loc.start.line === node.loc.end.line; /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext} context */ const create = context => { const onlySingleLine = context.options[0] === 'only-single-line'; const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); const scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer = new WeakMap(); const isSafeName = (name, scopes) => scopes.every(scope => { const generatedNames = scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer.get(scope); return !generatedNames || !generatedNames.has(name); }); const getText = node => { let text = getParenthesizedText(node, sourceCode); if ( !isParenthesized(node, sourceCode) && shouldAddParenthesesToConditionalExpressionChild(node) ) { text = `(${text})`; } return text; }; function merge(options, mergeOptions) { const { before = '', after = ';', consequent, alternate, node, } = options; const { checkThrowStatement, returnFalseIfNotMergeable, } = { checkThrowStatement: false, returnFalseIfNotMergeable: false, ...mergeOptions, }; if (!consequent || !alternate || consequent.type !== alternate.type) { return returnFalseIfNotMergeable ? false : options; } const {type, argument, delegate, left, right, operator} = consequent; if ( type === 'ReturnStatement' && !isTernary(argument) && !isTernary(alternate.argument) ) { return merge({ before: `${before}return `, after, consequent: argument === null ? 'undefined' : argument, alternate: alternate.argument === null ? 'undefined' : alternate.argument, node, }); } if ( type === 'YieldExpression' && delegate === alternate.delegate && !isTernary(argument) && !isTernary(alternate.argument) ) { return merge({ before: `${before}yield${delegate ? '*' : ''} (`, after: `)${after}`, consequent: argument === null ? 'undefined' : argument, alternate: alternate.argument === null ? 'undefined' : alternate.argument, node, }); } if ( type === 'AwaitExpression' && !isTernary(argument) && !isTernary(alternate.argument) ) { return merge({ before: `${before}await (`, after: `)${after}`, consequent: argument, alternate: alternate.argument, node, }); } if ( checkThrowStatement && type === 'ThrowStatement' && !isTernary(argument) && !isTernary(alternate.argument) ) { // `ThrowStatement` don't check nested // If `IfStatement` is not a `BlockStatement`, need add `{}` const {parent} = node; const needBraces = parent && parent.type !== 'BlockStatement'; return { type, before: `${before}${needBraces ? '{\n{{INDENT_STRING}}' : ''}const {{ERROR_NAME}} = `, after: `;\n{{INDENT_STRING}}throw {{ERROR_NAME}};${needBraces ? '\n}' : ''}`, consequent: argument, alternate: alternate.argument, }; } if ( type === 'AssignmentExpression' && operator === alternate.operator && !isTernary(left) && !isTernary(alternate.left) && !isTernary(right) && !isTernary(alternate.right) && isSameReference(left, alternate.left) ) { return merge({ before: `${before}${sourceCode.getText(left)} ${operator} `, after, consequent: right, alternate: alternate.right, node, }); } return returnFalseIfNotMergeable ? false : options; } return { [selector](node) { const consequent = getNodeBody(node.consequent); const alternate = getNodeBody(node.alternate); if ( onlySingleLine && [consequent, alternate, node.test].some(node => !isSingleLineNode(node)) ) { return; } const result = merge({node, consequent, alternate}, { checkThrowStatement: true, returnFalseIfNotMergeable: true, }); if (!result) { return; } const problem = {node, messageId}; // Don't fix if there are comments if (sourceCode.getCommentsInside(node).length > 0) { return problem; } const scope = context.getScope(); problem.fix = function * (fixer) { const testText = getText(node.test); const consequentText = typeof result.consequent === 'string' ? result.consequent : getText(result.consequent); const alternateText = typeof result.alternate === 'string' ? result.alternate : getText(result.alternate); let {type, before, after} = result; let generateNewVariables = false; if (type === 'ThrowStatement') { const scopes = getScopes(scope); const errorName = avoidCapture('error', scopes, isSafeName); for (const scope of scopes) { if (!scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer.has(scope)) { scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer.set(scope, new Set()); } const generatedNames = scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer.get(scope); generatedNames.add(errorName); } const indentString = getIndentString(node, sourceCode); after = after .replace('{{INDENT_STRING}}', indentString) .replace('{{ERROR_NAME}}', errorName); before = before .replace('{{INDENT_STRING}}', indentString) .replace('{{ERROR_NAME}}', errorName); generateNewVariables = true; } let fixed = `${before}${testText} ? ${consequentText} : ${alternateText}${after}`; const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node); const shouldAddSemicolonBefore = needsSemicolon(tokenBefore, sourceCode, fixed); if (shouldAddSemicolonBefore) { fixed = `;${fixed}`; } yield fixer.replaceText(node, fixed); if (generateNewVariables) { yield * extendFixRange(fixer, sourceCode.ast.range); } }; return problem; }, }; }; const schema = [ { enum: ['always', 'only-single-line'], default: 'always', }, ]; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create, meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Prefer ternary expressions over simple `if-else` statements.', }, fixable: 'code', schema, messages: { [messageId]: 'This `if` statement can be replaced by a ternary expression.', }, }, };