'use strict'; const path = require('node:path'); const {defaultsDeep, upperFirst, lowerFirst} = require('lodash'); const avoidCapture = require('./utils/avoid-capture.js'); const cartesianProductSamples = require('./utils/cartesian-product-samples.js'); const isShorthandPropertyValue = require('./utils/is-shorthand-property-value.js'); const isShorthandImportLocal = require('./utils/is-shorthand-import-local.js'); const getVariableIdentifiers = require('./utils/get-variable-identifiers.js'); const {defaultReplacements, defaultAllowList, defaultIgnore} = require('./shared/abbreviations.js'); const {renameVariable} = require('./fix/index.js'); const getScopes = require('./utils/get-scopes.js'); const {isStaticRequire} = require('./ast/index.js'); const MESSAGE_ID_REPLACE = 'replace'; const MESSAGE_ID_SUGGESTION = 'suggestion'; const anotherNameMessage = 'A more descriptive name will do too.'; const messages = { [MESSAGE_ID_REPLACE]: `The {{nameTypeText}} \`{{discouragedName}}\` should be named \`{{replacement}}\`. ${anotherNameMessage}`, [MESSAGE_ID_SUGGESTION]: `Please rename the {{nameTypeText}} \`{{discouragedName}}\`. Suggested names are: {{replacementsText}}. ${anotherNameMessage}`, }; const isUpperCase = string => string === string.toUpperCase(); const isUpperFirst = string => isUpperCase(string[0]); const prepareOptions = ({ checkProperties = false, checkVariables = true, checkDefaultAndNamespaceImports = 'internal', checkShorthandImports = 'internal', checkShorthandProperties = false, checkFilenames = true, extendDefaultReplacements = true, replacements = {}, extendDefaultAllowList = true, allowList = {}, ignore = [], } = {}) => { const mergedReplacements = extendDefaultReplacements ? defaultsDeep({}, replacements, defaultReplacements) : replacements; const mergedAllowList = extendDefaultAllowList ? defaultsDeep({}, allowList, defaultAllowList) : allowList; ignore = [...defaultIgnore, ...ignore]; ignore = ignore.map( pattern => pattern instanceof RegExp ? pattern : new RegExp(pattern, 'u'), ); return { checkProperties, checkVariables, checkDefaultAndNamespaceImports, checkShorthandImports, checkShorthandProperties, checkFilenames, replacements: new Map( Object.entries(mergedReplacements).map( ([discouragedName, replacements]) => [discouragedName, new Map(Object.entries(replacements))], ), ), allowList: new Map(Object.entries(mergedAllowList)), ignore, }; }; const getWordReplacements = (word, {replacements, allowList}) => { // Skip constants and allowList if (isUpperCase(word) || allowList.get(word)) { return []; } const replacement = replacements.get(lowerFirst(word)) || replacements.get(word) || replacements.get(upperFirst(word)); let wordReplacement = []; if (replacement) { const transform = isUpperFirst(word) ? upperFirst : lowerFirst; wordReplacement = [...replacement.keys()] .filter(name => replacement.get(name)) .map(name => transform(name)); } return wordReplacement.length > 0 ? wordReplacement.sort() : []; }; const getNameReplacements = (name, options, limit = 3) => { const {allowList, ignore} = options; // Skip constants and allowList if (isUpperCase(name) || allowList.get(name) || ignore.some(regexp => regexp.test(name))) { return {total: 0}; } // Find exact replacements const exactReplacements = getWordReplacements(name, options); if (exactReplacements.length > 0) { return { total: exactReplacements.length, samples: exactReplacements.slice(0, limit), }; } // Split words const words = name.split(/(?=[^a-z])|(?<=[^A-Za-z])/).filter(Boolean); let hasReplacements = false; const combinations = words.map(word => { const wordReplacements = getWordReplacements(word, options); if (wordReplacements.length > 0) { hasReplacements = true; return wordReplacements; } return [word]; }); // No replacements for any word if (!hasReplacements) { return {total: 0}; } const { total, samples, } = cartesianProductSamples(combinations, limit); return { total, samples: samples.map(words => words.join('')), }; }; const getMessage = (discouragedName, replacements, nameTypeText) => { const {total, samples = []} = replacements; if (total === 1) { return { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_REPLACE, data: { nameTypeText, discouragedName, replacement: samples[0], }, }; } let replacementsText = samples .map(replacement => `\`${replacement}\``) .join(', '); const omittedReplacementsCount = total - samples.length; if (omittedReplacementsCount > 0) { replacementsText += `, ... (${omittedReplacementsCount > 99 ? '99+' : omittedReplacementsCount} more omitted)`; } return { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_SUGGESTION, data: { nameTypeText, discouragedName, replacementsText, }, }; }; const isExportedIdentifier = identifier => { if ( identifier.parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator' && identifier.parent.id === identifier ) { return ( identifier.parent.parent.type === 'VariableDeclaration' && identifier.parent.parent.parent.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' ); } if ( identifier.parent.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' && identifier.parent.id === identifier ) { return identifier.parent.parent.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration'; } if ( identifier.parent.type === 'ClassDeclaration' && identifier.parent.id === identifier ) { return identifier.parent.parent.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration'; } if ( identifier.parent.type === 'TSTypeAliasDeclaration' && identifier.parent.id === identifier ) { return identifier.parent.parent.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration'; } return false; }; const shouldFix = variable => !getVariableIdentifiers(variable).some(identifier => isExportedIdentifier(identifier)); const isDefaultOrNamespaceImportName = identifier => { if ( identifier.parent.type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier' && identifier.parent.local === identifier ) { return true; } if ( identifier.parent.type === 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier' && identifier.parent.local === identifier ) { return true; } if ( identifier.parent.type === 'ImportSpecifier' && identifier.parent.local === identifier && identifier.parent.imported.type === 'Identifier' && identifier.parent.imported.name === 'default' ) { return true; } if ( identifier.parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator' && identifier.parent.id === identifier && isStaticRequire(identifier.parent.init) ) { return true; } return false; }; const isClassVariable = variable => { if (variable.defs.length !== 1) { return false; } const [definition] = variable.defs; return definition.type === 'ClassName'; }; const shouldReportIdentifierAsProperty = identifier => { if ( identifier.parent.type === 'MemberExpression' && identifier.parent.property === identifier && !identifier.parent.computed && identifier.parent.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression' && identifier.parent.parent.left === identifier.parent ) { return true; } if ( identifier.parent.type === 'Property' && identifier.parent.key === identifier && !identifier.parent.computed && !identifier.parent.shorthand // Shorthand properties are reported and fixed as variables && identifier.parent.parent.type === 'ObjectExpression' ) { return true; } if ( identifier.parent.type === 'ExportSpecifier' && identifier.parent.exported === identifier && identifier.parent.local !== identifier // Same as shorthand properties above ) { return true; } if ( ( identifier.parent.type === 'MethodDefinition' || identifier.parent.type === 'PropertyDefinition' ) && identifier.parent.key === identifier && !identifier.parent.computed ) { return true; } return false; }; const isInternalImport = node => { let source = ''; if (node.type === 'Variable') { source = node.node.init.arguments[0].value; } else if (node.type === 'ImportBinding') { source = node.parent.source.value; } return ( !source.includes('node_modules') && (source.startsWith('.') || source.startsWith('/')) ); }; /** @param {import('eslint').Rule.RuleContext} context */ const create = context => { const options = prepareOptions(context.options[0]); const filenameWithExtension = context.getPhysicalFilename(); // A `class` declaration produces two variables in two scopes: // the inner class scope, and the outer one (wherever the class is declared). // This map holds the outer ones to be later processed when the inner one is encountered. // For why this is not a eslint issue see https://github.com/eslint/eslint-scope/issues/48#issuecomment-464358754 const identifierToOuterClassVariable = new WeakMap(); const checkPossiblyWeirdClassVariable = variable => { if (isClassVariable(variable)) { if (variable.scope.type === 'class') { // The inner class variable const [definition] = variable.defs; const outerClassVariable = identifierToOuterClassVariable.get(definition.name); if (!outerClassVariable) { return checkVariable(variable); } // Create a normal-looking variable (like a `var` or a `function`) // For which a single `variable` holds all references, unlike with a `class` const combinedReferencesVariable = { name: variable.name, scope: variable.scope, defs: variable.defs, identifiers: variable.identifiers, references: [...variable.references, ...outerClassVariable.references], }; // Call the common checker with the newly forged normalized class variable return checkVariable(combinedReferencesVariable); } // The outer class variable, we save it for later, when it's inner counterpart is encountered const [definition] = variable.defs; identifierToOuterClassVariable.set(definition.name, variable); return; } return checkVariable(variable); }; // Holds a map from a `Scope` to a `Set` of new variable names generated by our fixer. // Used to avoid generating duplicate names, see for instance `let errCb, errorCb` test. const scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer = new WeakMap(); const isSafeName = (name, scopes) => scopes.every(scope => { const generatedNames = scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer.get(scope); return !generatedNames || !generatedNames.has(name); }); const checkVariable = variable => { if (variable.defs.length === 0) { return; } const [definition] = variable.defs; if (isDefaultOrNamespaceImportName(definition.name)) { if (!options.checkDefaultAndNamespaceImports) { return; } if ( options.checkDefaultAndNamespaceImports === 'internal' && !isInternalImport(definition) ) { return; } } if (isShorthandImportLocal(definition.name)) { if (!options.checkShorthandImports) { return; } if ( options.checkShorthandImports === 'internal' && !isInternalImport(definition) ) { return; } } if ( !options.checkShorthandProperties && isShorthandPropertyValue(definition.name) ) { return; } const variableReplacements = getNameReplacements(variable.name, options); if (variableReplacements.total === 0) { return; } const scopes = [ ...variable.references.map(reference => reference.from), variable.scope, ]; variableReplacements.samples = variableReplacements.samples.map( name => avoidCapture(name, scopes, isSafeName), ); const problem = { ...getMessage(definition.name.name, variableReplacements, 'variable'), node: definition.name, }; if (variableReplacements.total === 1 && shouldFix(variable) && variableReplacements.samples[0]) { const [replacement] = variableReplacements.samples; for (const scope of scopes) { if (!scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer.has(scope)) { scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer.set(scope, new Set()); } const generatedNames = scopeToNamesGeneratedByFixer.get(scope); generatedNames.add(replacement); } problem.fix = fixer => renameVariable(variable, replacement, fixer); } context.report(problem); }; const checkVariables = scope => { for (const variable of scope.variables) { checkPossiblyWeirdClassVariable(variable); } }; const checkScope = scope => { const scopes = getScopes(scope); for (const scope of scopes) { checkVariables(scope); } }; return { Identifier(node) { if (!options.checkProperties) { return; } if (node.name === '__proto__') { return; } const identifierReplacements = getNameReplacements(node.name, options); if (identifierReplacements.total === 0) { return; } if (!shouldReportIdentifierAsProperty(node)) { return; } const problem = { ...getMessage(node.name, identifierReplacements, 'property'), node, }; context.report(problem); }, Program(node) { if (!options.checkFilenames) { return; } if ( filenameWithExtension === '' || filenameWithExtension === '' ) { return; } const filename = path.basename(filenameWithExtension); const extension = path.extname(filename); const filenameReplacements = getNameReplacements(path.basename(filename, extension), options); if (filenameReplacements.total === 0) { return; } filenameReplacements.samples = filenameReplacements.samples.map(replacement => `${replacement}${extension}`); context.report({ ...getMessage(filename, filenameReplacements, 'filename'), node, }); }, 'Program:exit'() { if (!options.checkVariables) { return; } checkScope(context.getScope()); }, }; }; const schema = { type: 'array', additionalItems: false, items: [ { type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, properties: { checkProperties: { type: 'boolean', }, checkVariables: { type: 'boolean', }, checkDefaultAndNamespaceImports: { type: [ 'boolean', 'string', ], pattern: 'internal', }, checkShorthandImports: { type: [ 'boolean', 'string', ], pattern: 'internal', }, checkShorthandProperties: { type: 'boolean', }, checkFilenames: { type: 'boolean', }, extendDefaultReplacements: { type: 'boolean', }, replacements: { $ref: '#/definitions/abbreviations', }, extendDefaultAllowList: { type: 'boolean', }, allowList: { $ref: '#/definitions/booleanObject', }, ignore: { type: 'array', uniqueItems: true, }, }, }, ], definitions: { abbreviations: { type: 'object', additionalProperties: { $ref: '#/definitions/replacements', }, }, replacements: { anyOf: [ { enum: [ false, ], }, { $ref: '#/definitions/booleanObject', }, ], }, booleanObject: { type: 'object', additionalProperties: { type: 'boolean', }, }, }, }; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create, meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Prevent abbreviations.', }, fixable: 'code', schema, messages, }, };