import _parsePhoneNumber from './parsePhoneNumberWithError.js'; import metadata from '../metadata.min.json' assert { type: 'json' }; import metadataFull from '../metadata.max.json' assert { type: 'json' }; function parsePhoneNumber() { for (var _len = arguments.length, parameters = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { parameters[_key] = arguments[_key]; } parameters.push(metadata); return _parsePhoneNumber.apply(this, parameters); } function parsePhoneNumberFull() { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, parameters = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { parameters[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } parameters.push(metadataFull); return _parsePhoneNumber.apply(this, parameters); } describe('parsePhoneNumberWithError', function () { it('should parse phone numbers', function () { var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('The phone number is: 8 (800) 555 35 35. Some other text.', 'RU');'RU'); phoneNumber.countryCallingCode.should.equal('7'); phoneNumber.nationalNumber.should.equal('8005553535'); phoneNumber.number.should.equal('+78005553535'); phoneNumber.isPossible().should.equal(true); phoneNumber.isValid().should.equal(true); // phoneNumber.isValidForRegion('RU').should.equal(true) // Russian phone type regexps aren't included in default metadata. parsePhoneNumberFull('Phone: 8 (800) 555 35 35.', 'RU').getType().should.equal('TOLL_FREE'); }); it('shouldn\'t set country when it\'s non-derivable', function () { var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('+7 111 555 35 35'); expect(; phoneNumber.countryCallingCode.should.equal('7'); phoneNumber.nationalNumber.should.equal('1115553535'); }); it('should parse carrier code', function () { var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('0 15 21 5555-5555', 'BR'); phoneNumber.carrierCode.should.equal('15'); }); it('should parse phone extension', function () { var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('Phone: 8 (800) 555 35 35 ext. 1234.', 'RU'); phoneNumber.ext.should.equal('1234'); }); it('should validate numbers for countries with no type regular expressions', function () { parsePhoneNumber('+380391234567').isValid().should.equal(true); parsePhoneNumber('+380191234567').isValid().should.equal(false); }); it('should format numbers', function () { var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('Phone: 8 (800) 555 35 35.', 'RU'); phoneNumber.format('NATIONAL').should.equal('8 (800) 555-35-35'); phoneNumber.formatNational().should.equal('8 (800) 555-35-35'); phoneNumber.format('INTERNATIONAL').should.equal('+7 800 555 35 35'); phoneNumber.formatInternational().should.equal('+7 800 555 35 35'); }); it('should get tel: URI', function () { var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('Phone: 8 (800) 555 35 35 ext. 1234.', 'RU'); phoneNumber.getURI().should.equal('tel:+78005553535;ext=1234'); }); it('should work in edge cases', function () { expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('+78005553535', -1, {}); }).to["throw"]('Invalid second argument'); }); it('should throw parse errors', function () { expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('8005553535', 'XX'); }).to["throw"]('INVALID_COUNTRY'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('+', 'RU'); }).to["throw"]('NOT_A_NUMBER'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('a', 'RU'); }).to["throw"]('NOT_A_NUMBER'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('1', 'RU'); }).to["throw"]('TOO_SHORT'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('+4'); }).to["throw"]('TOO_SHORT'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('+44'); }).to["throw"]('TOO_SHORT'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('+443'); }).to["throw"]('TOO_SHORT'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('+370'); }).to["throw"]('TOO_SHORT'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('88888888888888888888', 'RU'); }).to["throw"]('TOO_LONG'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('8 (800) 555 35 35'); }).to["throw"]('INVALID_COUNTRY'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('+9991112233'); }).to["throw"]('INVALID_COUNTRY'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('+9991112233', 'US'); }).to["throw"]('INVALID_COUNTRY'); expect(function () { return parsePhoneNumber('8005553535 ', 'RU'); }).to["throw"]('TOO_LONG'); }); it('should parse incorrect international phone numbers', function () { // Parsing national prefixes and carrier codes // is only required for local phone numbers // but some people don't understand that // and sometimes write international phone numbers // with national prefixes (or maybe even carrier codes). // // Google's original library forgives such mistakes // and so does this library, because it has been requested: // var phoneNumber; // For complete numbers it should strip national prefix. phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('+1 1877 215 5230'); phoneNumber.nationalNumber.should.equal('8772155230');'US'); // For complete numbers it should strip national prefix. phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('+7 8800 555 3535'); phoneNumber.nationalNumber.should.equal('8005553535');'RU'); // For incomplete numbers it shouldn't strip national prefix. phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('+7 8800 555 353'); phoneNumber.nationalNumber.should.equal('8800555353');'RU'); }); }); //#