import { MetadataJson, Examples, PhoneNumber, E164Number, CountryCallingCode, CountryCode, CarrierCode, NationalNumber, Extension, ParseError, NumberFoundLegacy, NumberFound, NumberType, NumberFormat, NumberingPlan, ValidatePhoneNumberLengthResult } from '../types.d.cjs'; // They say this re-export is required. // export { MetadataJson, Examples, PhoneNumber, E164Number, CountryCallingCode, CountryCode, CarrierCode, NationalNumber, Extension, ParseError, NumberFoundLegacy, NumberFound, NumberType, NumberFormat, NumberingPlan, ValidatePhoneNumberLengthResult }; // `parsePhoneNumber()` named export has been renamed to `parsePhoneNumberWithError()`. export function parsePhoneNumber(text: string, defaultCountry?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string, extract?: boolean }): PhoneNumber; export function parsePhoneNumberWithError(text: string, defaultCountry?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string, extract?: boolean }): PhoneNumber; // `parsePhoneNumberFromString()` named export is now considered legacy: // it has been promoted to a default export due to being too verbose. export function parsePhoneNumberFromString(text: string, defaultCountry?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string, extract?: boolean }): PhoneNumber | undefined; export default parsePhoneNumberFromString; export function isValidPhoneNumber(text: string, defaultCountry?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string }): boolean; export function isPossiblePhoneNumber(text: string, defaultCountry?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string }): boolean; export function validatePhoneNumberLength(text: string, defaultCountry?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string }): ValidatePhoneNumberLengthResult | undefined; export function findNumbers(text: string, options?: CountryCode): NumberFoundLegacy[]; export function searchNumbers(text: string, options?: CountryCode): IterableIterator; export function findNumbers(text: string, options?: { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, v2: true }): NumberFound[]; export function searchNumbers(text: string, options?: { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, v2: true }): IterableIterator; export function findPhoneNumbersInText(text: string, options?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string, extended?: boolean }): NumberFound[]; export function searchPhoneNumbersInText(text: string, options?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string, extended?: boolean }): IterableIterator; export class PhoneNumberMatcher { constructor(text: string, options?: { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, v2: true }); hasNext(): boolean; next(): NumberFound | undefined; } export function isSupportedCountry(countryCode: string): countryCode is CountryCode; export function getCountries(): CountryCode[]; export function getCountryCallingCode(countryCode: CountryCode): CountryCallingCode; export function getExtPrefix(countryCode: CountryCode): string; export function getExampleNumber(country: CountryCode, examples: Examples): PhoneNumber | undefined; export function formatIncompletePhoneNumber(number: string, defaultCountryCode?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string }): string; export function parseIncompletePhoneNumber(text: string): string; export function parsePhoneNumberCharacter(character: string): string; export function parseDigits(character: string): string; export class AsYouType { constructor(defaultCountryCode?: CountryCode | { defaultCountry?: CountryCode, defaultCallingCode?: string }); input(text: string): string; reset(): void; getNumber(): PhoneNumber | undefined; getNumberValue(): E164Number | undefined; getChars(): string; getTemplate(): string; getCallingCode(): string | undefined; getCountry(): CountryCode | undefined; isInternational(): boolean; isPossible(): boolean; isValid(): boolean; } export class Metadata { constructor(); selectNumberingPlan(country: CountryCode): void; numberingPlan?: NumberingPlan; }