"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.FSWatcher = exports.StatWatcher = exports.Volume = exports.toUnixTimestamp = exports.bufferToEncoding = exports.dataToBuffer = exports.dataToStr = exports.pathToSteps = exports.filenameToSteps = exports.pathToFilename = exports.flagsToNumber = exports.FLAGS = void 0; const pathModule = require("path"); const node_1 = require("./node"); const Stats_1 = require("./Stats"); const Dirent_1 = require("./Dirent"); const buffer_1 = require("./internal/buffer"); const setImmediate_1 = require("./setImmediate"); const process_1 = require("./process"); const setTimeoutUnref_1 = require("./setTimeoutUnref"); const stream_1 = require("stream"); const constants_1 = require("./constants"); const events_1 = require("events"); const encoding_1 = require("./encoding"); const errors = require("./internal/errors"); const util = require("util"); const promises_1 = require("./node/promises"); const resolveCrossPlatform = pathModule.resolve; const { O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_TRUNC, O_APPEND, O_SYNC, O_DIRECTORY, F_OK, COPYFILE_EXCL, COPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCE, } = constants_1.constants; const { sep, relative, join, dirname } = pathModule.posix ? pathModule.posix : pathModule; const isWin = process_1.default.platform === 'win32'; const kMinPoolSpace = 128; // const kMaxLength = require('buffer').kMaxLength; // ---------------------------------------- Error messages // TODO: Use `internal/errors.js` in the future. const ERRSTR = { PATH_STR: 'path must be a string or Buffer', // FD: 'file descriptor must be a unsigned 32-bit integer', FD: 'fd must be a file descriptor', MODE_INT: 'mode must be an int', CB: 'callback must be a function', UID: 'uid must be an unsigned int', GID: 'gid must be an unsigned int', LEN: 'len must be an integer', ATIME: 'atime must be an integer', MTIME: 'mtime must be an integer', PREFIX: 'filename prefix is required', BUFFER: 'buffer must be an instance of Buffer or StaticBuffer', OFFSET: 'offset must be an integer', LENGTH: 'length must be an integer', POSITION: 'position must be an integer', }; const ERRSTR_OPTS = tipeof => `Expected options to be either an object or a string, but got ${tipeof} instead`; // const ERRSTR_FLAG = flag => `Unknown file open flag: ${flag}`; const ENOENT = 'ENOENT'; const EBADF = 'EBADF'; const EINVAL = 'EINVAL'; const EPERM = 'EPERM'; const EPROTO = 'EPROTO'; const EEXIST = 'EEXIST'; const ENOTDIR = 'ENOTDIR'; const EMFILE = 'EMFILE'; const EACCES = 'EACCES'; const EISDIR = 'EISDIR'; const ENOTEMPTY = 'ENOTEMPTY'; const ENOSYS = 'ENOSYS'; const ERR_FS_EISDIR = 'ERR_FS_EISDIR'; function formatError(errorCode, func = '', path = '', path2 = '') { let pathFormatted = ''; if (path) pathFormatted = ` '${path}'`; if (path2) pathFormatted += ` -> '${path2}'`; switch (errorCode) { case ENOENT: return `ENOENT: no such file or directory, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case EBADF: return `EBADF: bad file descriptor, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case EINVAL: return `EINVAL: invalid argument, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case EPERM: return `EPERM: operation not permitted, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case EPROTO: return `EPROTO: protocol error, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case EEXIST: return `EEXIST: file already exists, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case ENOTDIR: return `ENOTDIR: not a directory, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case EISDIR: return `EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case EACCES: return `EACCES: permission denied, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case ENOTEMPTY: return `ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case EMFILE: return `EMFILE: too many open files, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case ENOSYS: return `ENOSYS: function not implemented, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; case ERR_FS_EISDIR: return `[ERR_FS_EISDIR]: Path is a directory: ${func} returned EISDIR (is a directory) ${path}`; default: return `${errorCode}: error occurred, ${func}${pathFormatted}`; } } function createError(errorCode, func = '', path = '', path2 = '', Constructor = Error) { const error = new Constructor(formatError(errorCode, func, path, path2)); error.code = errorCode; if (path) { error.path = path; } return error; } // ---------------------------------------- Flags // List of file `flags` as defined by Node. var FLAGS; (function (FLAGS) { // Open file for reading. An exception occurs if the file does not exist. FLAGS[FLAGS["r"] = O_RDONLY] = "r"; // Open file for reading and writing. An exception occurs if the file does not exist. FLAGS[FLAGS["r+"] = O_RDWR] = "r+"; // Open file for reading in synchronous mode. Instructs the operating system to bypass the local file system cache. FLAGS[FLAGS["rs"] = O_RDONLY | O_SYNC] = "rs"; FLAGS[FLAGS["sr"] = FLAGS.rs] = "sr"; // Open file for reading and writing, telling the OS to open it synchronously. See notes for 'rs' about using this with caution. FLAGS[FLAGS["rs+"] = O_RDWR | O_SYNC] = "rs+"; FLAGS[FLAGS["sr+"] = FLAGS['rs+']] = "sr+"; // Open file for writing. The file is created (if it does not exist) or truncated (if it exists). FLAGS[FLAGS["w"] = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC] = "w"; // Like 'w' but fails if path exists. FLAGS[FLAGS["wx"] = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL] = "wx"; FLAGS[FLAGS["xw"] = FLAGS.wx] = "xw"; // Open file for reading and writing. The file is created (if it does not exist) or truncated (if it exists). FLAGS[FLAGS["w+"] = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC] = "w+"; // Like 'w+' but fails if path exists. FLAGS[FLAGS["wx+"] = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL] = "wx+"; FLAGS[FLAGS["xw+"] = FLAGS['wx+']] = "xw+"; // Open file for appending. The file is created if it does not exist. FLAGS[FLAGS["a"] = O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT] = "a"; // Like 'a' but fails if path exists. FLAGS[FLAGS["ax"] = O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_EXCL] = "ax"; FLAGS[FLAGS["xa"] = FLAGS.ax] = "xa"; // Open file for reading and appending. The file is created if it does not exist. FLAGS[FLAGS["a+"] = O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT] = "a+"; // Like 'a+' but fails if path exists. FLAGS[FLAGS["ax+"] = O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_EXCL] = "ax+"; FLAGS[FLAGS["xa+"] = FLAGS['ax+']] = "xa+"; })(FLAGS = exports.FLAGS || (exports.FLAGS = {})); function flagsToNumber(flags) { if (typeof flags === 'number') return flags; if (typeof flags === 'string') { const flagsNum = FLAGS[flags]; if (typeof flagsNum !== 'undefined') return flagsNum; } // throw new TypeError(formatError(ERRSTR_FLAG(flags))); throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE', 'flags', flags); } exports.flagsToNumber = flagsToNumber; // ---------------------------------------- Options function getOptions(defaults, options) { let opts; if (!options) return defaults; else { const tipeof = typeof options; switch (tipeof) { case 'string': opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, { encoding: options }); break; case 'object': opts = Object.assign({}, defaults, options); break; default: throw TypeError(ERRSTR_OPTS(tipeof)); } } if (opts.encoding !== 'buffer') (0, encoding_1.assertEncoding)(opts.encoding); return opts; } function optsGenerator(defaults) { return options => getOptions(defaults, options); } function validateCallback(callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError(ERRSTR.CB); return callback; } function optsAndCbGenerator(getOpts) { return (options, callback) => typeof options === 'function' ? [getOpts(), options] : [getOpts(options), validateCallback(callback)]; } const optsDefaults = { encoding: 'utf8', }; const getDefaultOpts = optsGenerator(optsDefaults); const getDefaultOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(getDefaultOpts); const readFileOptsDefaults = { flag: 'r', }; const getReadFileOptions = optsGenerator(readFileOptsDefaults); const writeFileDefaults = { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 438 /* MODE.DEFAULT */, flag: FLAGS[FLAGS.w], }; const getWriteFileOptions = optsGenerator(writeFileDefaults); const appendFileDefaults = { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 438 /* MODE.DEFAULT */, flag: FLAGS[FLAGS.a], }; const getAppendFileOpts = optsGenerator(appendFileDefaults); const getAppendFileOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(getAppendFileOpts); const realpathDefaults = optsDefaults; const getRealpathOptions = optsGenerator(realpathDefaults); const getRealpathOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(getRealpathOptions); const mkdirDefaults = { mode: 511 /* MODE.DIR */, recursive: false, }; const getMkdirOptions = (options) => { if (typeof options === 'number') return Object.assign({}, mkdirDefaults, { mode: options }); return Object.assign({}, mkdirDefaults, options); }; const rmdirDefaults = { recursive: false, }; const getRmdirOptions = (options) => { return Object.assign({}, rmdirDefaults, options); }; const getRmOpts = optsGenerator(optsDefaults); const getRmOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(getRmOpts); const readdirDefaults = { encoding: 'utf8', withFileTypes: false, }; const getReaddirOptions = optsGenerator(readdirDefaults); const getReaddirOptsAndCb = optsAndCbGenerator(getReaddirOptions); const statDefaults = { bigint: false, }; const getStatOptions = (options = {}) => Object.assign({}, statDefaults, options); const getStatOptsAndCb = (options, callback) => typeof options === 'function' ? [getStatOptions(), options] : [getStatOptions(options), validateCallback(callback)]; // ---------------------------------------- Utility functions function getPathFromURLPosix(url) { if (url.hostname !== '') { throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST', process_1.default.platform); } const pathname = url.pathname; for (let n = 0; n < pathname.length; n++) { if (pathname[n] === '%') { const third = pathname.codePointAt(n + 2) | 0x20; if (pathname[n + 1] === '2' && third === 102) { throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH', 'must not include encoded / characters'); } } } return decodeURIComponent(pathname); } function pathToFilename(path) { if (typeof path !== 'string' && !buffer_1.Buffer.isBuffer(path)) { try { if (!(path instanceof require('url').URL)) throw new TypeError(ERRSTR.PATH_STR); } catch (err) { throw new TypeError(ERRSTR.PATH_STR); } path = getPathFromURLPosix(path); } const pathString = String(path); nullCheck(pathString); // return slash(pathString); return pathString; } exports.pathToFilename = pathToFilename; let resolve = (filename, base = process_1.default.cwd()) => resolveCrossPlatform(base, filename); if (isWin) { const _resolve = resolve; const { unixify } = require('fs-monkey/lib/correctPath'); resolve = (filename, base) => unixify(_resolve(filename, base)); } function filenameToSteps(filename, base) { const fullPath = resolve(filename, base); const fullPathSansSlash = fullPath.substring(1); if (!fullPathSansSlash) return []; return fullPathSansSlash.split(sep); } exports.filenameToSteps = filenameToSteps; function pathToSteps(path) { return filenameToSteps(pathToFilename(path)); } exports.pathToSteps = pathToSteps; function dataToStr(data, encoding = encoding_1.ENCODING_UTF8) { if (buffer_1.Buffer.isBuffer(data)) return data.toString(encoding); else if (data instanceof Uint8Array) return (0, buffer_1.bufferFrom)(data).toString(encoding); else return String(data); } exports.dataToStr = dataToStr; function dataToBuffer(data, encoding = encoding_1.ENCODING_UTF8) { if (buffer_1.Buffer.isBuffer(data)) return data; else if (data instanceof Uint8Array) return (0, buffer_1.bufferFrom)(data); else return (0, buffer_1.bufferFrom)(String(data), encoding); } exports.dataToBuffer = dataToBuffer; function bufferToEncoding(buffer, encoding) { if (!encoding || encoding === 'buffer') return buffer; else return buffer.toString(encoding); } exports.bufferToEncoding = bufferToEncoding; function nullCheck(path, callback) { if (('' + path).indexOf('\u0000') !== -1) { const er = new Error('Path must be a string without null bytes'); er.code = ENOENT; if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw er; process_1.default.nextTick(callback, er); return false; } return true; } function _modeToNumber(mode, def) { if (typeof mode === 'number') return mode; if (typeof mode === 'string') return parseInt(mode, 8); if (def) return modeToNumber(def); return undefined; } function modeToNumber(mode, def) { const result = _modeToNumber(mode, def); if (typeof result !== 'number' || isNaN(result)) throw new TypeError(ERRSTR.MODE_INT); return result; } function isFd(path) { return path >>> 0 === path; } function validateFd(fd) { if (!isFd(fd)) throw TypeError(ERRSTR.FD); } // converts Date or number to a fractional UNIX timestamp function toUnixTimestamp(time) { // tslint:disable-next-line triple-equals if (typeof time === 'string' && +time == time) { return +time; } if (time instanceof Date) { return time.getTime() / 1000; } if (isFinite(time)) { if (time < 0) { return Date.now() / 1000; } return time; } throw new Error('Cannot parse time: ' + time); } exports.toUnixTimestamp = toUnixTimestamp; function validateUid(uid) { if (typeof uid !== 'number') throw TypeError(ERRSTR.UID); } function validateGid(gid) { if (typeof gid !== 'number') throw TypeError(ERRSTR.GID); } function flattenJSON(nestedJSON) { const flatJSON = {}; function flatten(pathPrefix, node) { for (const path in node) { const contentOrNode = node[path]; const joinedPath = join(pathPrefix, path); if (typeof contentOrNode === 'string') { flatJSON[joinedPath] = contentOrNode; } else if (typeof contentOrNode === 'object' && contentOrNode !== null && Object.keys(contentOrNode).length > 0) { // empty directories need an explicit entry and therefore get handled in `else`, non-empty ones are implicitly considered flatten(joinedPath, contentOrNode); } else { // without this branch null, empty-object or non-object entries would not be handled in the same way // by both fromJSON() and fromNestedJSON() flatJSON[joinedPath] = null; } } } flatten('', nestedJSON); return flatJSON; } /** * `Volume` represents a file system. */ class Volume { static fromJSON(json, cwd) { const vol = new Volume(); vol.fromJSON(json, cwd); return vol; } static fromNestedJSON(json, cwd) { const vol = new Volume(); vol.fromNestedJSON(json, cwd); return vol; } get promises() { if (this.promisesApi === null) throw new Error('Promise is not supported in this environment.'); return this.promisesApi; } constructor(props = {}) { // I-node number counter. this.ino = 0; // A mapping for i-node numbers to i-nodes (`Node`); this.inodes = {}; // List of released i-node numbers, for reuse. this.releasedInos = []; // A mapping for file descriptors to `File`s. this.fds = {}; // A list of reusable (opened and closed) file descriptors, that should be // used first before creating a new file descriptor. this.releasedFds = []; // Max number of open files. this.maxFiles = 10000; // Current number of open files. this.openFiles = 0; this.promisesApi = (0, promises_1.createPromisesApi)(this); this.statWatchers = {}; this.props = Object.assign({ Node: node_1.Node, Link: node_1.Link, File: node_1.File }, props); const root = this.createLink(); root.setNode(this.createNode(true)); const self = this; // tslint:disable-line no-this-assignment this.StatWatcher = class extends StatWatcher { constructor() { super(self); } }; const _ReadStream = FsReadStream; this.ReadStream = class extends _ReadStream { constructor(...args) { super(self, ...args); } }; const _WriteStream = FsWriteStream; this.WriteStream = class extends _WriteStream { constructor(...args) { super(self, ...args); } }; this.FSWatcher = class extends FSWatcher { constructor() { super(self); } }; root.setChild('.', root); root.getNode().nlink++; root.setChild('..', root); root.getNode().nlink++; this.root = root; } createLink(parent, name, isDirectory = false, perm) { if (!parent) { return new this.props.Link(this, null, ''); } if (!name) { throw new Error('createLink: name cannot be empty'); } return parent.createChild(name, this.createNode(isDirectory, perm)); } deleteLink(link) { const parent = link.parent; if (parent) { parent.deleteChild(link); return true; } return false; } newInoNumber() { const releasedFd = this.releasedInos.pop(); if (releasedFd) return releasedFd; else { this.ino = (this.ino + 1) % 0xffffffff; return this.ino; } } newFdNumber() { const releasedFd = this.releasedFds.pop(); return typeof releasedFd === 'number' ? releasedFd : Volume.fd--; } createNode(isDirectory = false, perm) { const node = new this.props.Node(this.newInoNumber(), perm); if (isDirectory) node.setIsDirectory(); this.inodes[node.ino] = node; return node; } getNode(ino) { return this.inodes[ino]; } deleteNode(node) { node.del(); delete this.inodes[node.ino]; this.releasedInos.push(node.ino); } // Generates 6 character long random string, used by `mkdtemp`. genRndStr() { const str = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(2, 8); if (str.length === 6) return str; else return this.genRndStr(); } // Returns a `Link` (hard link) referenced by path "split" into steps. getLink(steps) { return this.root.walk(steps); } // Just link `getLink`, but throws a correct user error, if link to found. getLinkOrThrow(filename, funcName) { const steps = filenameToSteps(filename); const link = this.getLink(steps); if (!link) throw createError(ENOENT, funcName, filename); return link; } // Just like `getLink`, but also dereference/resolves symbolic links. getResolvedLink(filenameOrSteps) { let steps = typeof filenameOrSteps === 'string' ? filenameToSteps(filenameOrSteps) : filenameOrSteps; let link = this.root; let i = 0; while (i < steps.length) { const step = steps[i]; link = link.getChild(step); if (!link) return null; const node = link.getNode(); if (node.isSymlink()) { steps = node.symlink.concat(steps.slice(i + 1)); link = this.root; i = 0; continue; } i++; } return link; } // Just like `getLinkOrThrow`, but also dereference/resolves symbolic links. getResolvedLinkOrThrow(filename, funcName) { const link = this.getResolvedLink(filename); if (!link) throw createError(ENOENT, funcName, filename); return link; } resolveSymlinks(link) { // let node: Node = link.getNode(); // while(link && node.isSymlink()) { // link = this.getLink(node.symlink); // if(!link) return null; // node = link.getNode(); // } // return link; return this.getResolvedLink(link.steps.slice(1)); } // Just like `getLinkOrThrow`, but also verifies that the link is a directory. getLinkAsDirOrThrow(filename, funcName) { const link = this.getLinkOrThrow(filename, funcName); if (!link.getNode().isDirectory()) throw createError(ENOTDIR, funcName, filename); return link; } // Get the immediate parent directory of the link. getLinkParent(steps) { return this.root.walk(steps, steps.length - 1); } getLinkParentAsDirOrThrow(filenameOrSteps, funcName) { const steps = filenameOrSteps instanceof Array ? filenameOrSteps : filenameToSteps(filenameOrSteps); const link = this.getLinkParent(steps); if (!link) throw createError(ENOENT, funcName, sep + steps.join(sep)); if (!link.getNode().isDirectory()) throw createError(ENOTDIR, funcName, sep + steps.join(sep)); return link; } getFileByFd(fd) { return this.fds[String(fd)]; } getFileByFdOrThrow(fd, funcName) { if (!isFd(fd)) throw TypeError(ERRSTR.FD); const file = this.getFileByFd(fd); if (!file) throw createError(EBADF, funcName); return file; } /** * @todo This is not used anymore. Remove. */ /* private getNodeByIdOrCreate(id: TFileId, flags: number, perm: number): Node { if (typeof id === 'number') { const file = this.getFileByFd(id); if (!file) throw Error('File nto found'); return file.node; } else { const steps = pathToSteps(id as PathLike); let link = this.getLink(steps); if (link) return link.getNode(); // Try creating a node if not found. if (flags & O_CREAT) { const dirLink = this.getLinkParent(steps); if (dirLink) { const name = steps[steps.length - 1]; link = this.createLink(dirLink, name, false, perm); return link.getNode(); } } throw createError(ENOENT, 'getNodeByIdOrCreate', pathToFilename(id)); } } */ wrapAsync(method, args, callback) { validateCallback(callback); (0, setImmediate_1.default)(() => { let result; try { result = method.apply(this, args); } catch (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, result); }); } _toJSON(link = this.root, json = {}, path) { let isEmpty = true; let children = link.children; if (link.getNode().isFile()) { children = { [link.getName()]: link.parent.getChild(link.getName()) }; link = link.parent; } for (const name in children) { if (name === '.' || name === '..') { continue; } isEmpty = false; const child = link.getChild(name); if (!child) { throw new Error('_toJSON: unexpected undefined'); } const node = child.getNode(); if (node.isFile()) { let filename = child.getPath(); if (path) filename = relative(path, filename); json[filename] = node.getString(); } else if (node.isDirectory()) { this._toJSON(child, json, path); } } let dirPath = link.getPath(); if (path) dirPath = relative(path, dirPath); if (dirPath && isEmpty) { json[dirPath] = null; } return json; } toJSON(paths, json = {}, isRelative = false) { const links = []; if (paths) { if (!(paths instanceof Array)) paths = [paths]; for (const path of paths) { const filename = pathToFilename(path); const link = this.getResolvedLink(filename); if (!link) continue; links.push(link); } } else { links.push(this.root); } if (!links.length) return json; for (const link of links) this._toJSON(link, json, isRelative ? link.getPath() : ''); return json; } // TODO: `cwd` should probably not invoke `process.cwd()`. fromJSON(json, cwd = process_1.default.cwd()) { for (let filename in json) { const data = json[filename]; filename = resolve(filename, cwd); if (typeof data === 'string') { const dir = dirname(filename); this.mkdirpBase(dir, 511 /* MODE.DIR */); this.writeFileSync(filename, data); } else { this.mkdirpBase(filename, 511 /* MODE.DIR */); } } } fromNestedJSON(json, cwd) { this.fromJSON(flattenJSON(json), cwd); } reset() { this.ino = 0; this.inodes = {}; this.releasedInos = []; this.fds = {}; this.releasedFds = []; this.openFiles = 0; this.root = this.createLink(); this.root.setNode(this.createNode(true)); } // Legacy interface mountSync(mountpoint, json) { this.fromJSON(json, mountpoint); } openLink(link, flagsNum, resolveSymlinks = true) { if (this.openFiles >= this.maxFiles) { // Too many open files. throw createError(EMFILE, 'open', link.getPath()); } // Resolve symlinks. let realLink = link; if (resolveSymlinks) realLink = this.resolveSymlinks(link); if (!realLink) throw createError(ENOENT, 'open', link.getPath()); const node = realLink.getNode(); // Check whether node is a directory if (node.isDirectory()) { if ((flagsNum & (O_RDONLY | O_RDWR | O_WRONLY)) !== O_RDONLY) throw createError(EISDIR, 'open', link.getPath()); } else { if (flagsNum & O_DIRECTORY) throw createError(ENOTDIR, 'open', link.getPath()); } // Check node permissions if (!(flagsNum & O_WRONLY)) { if (!node.canRead()) { throw createError(EACCES, 'open', link.getPath()); } } if (flagsNum & O_RDWR) { } const file = new this.props.File(link, node, flagsNum, this.newFdNumber()); this.fds[file.fd] = file; this.openFiles++; if (flagsNum & O_TRUNC) file.truncate(); return file; } openFile(filename, flagsNum, modeNum, resolveSymlinks = true) { const steps = filenameToSteps(filename); let link = resolveSymlinks ? this.getResolvedLink(steps) : this.getLink(steps); if (link && flagsNum & O_EXCL) throw createError(EEXIST, 'open', filename); // Try creating a new file, if it does not exist. if (!link && flagsNum & O_CREAT) { // const dirLink: Link = this.getLinkParent(steps); const dirLink = this.getResolvedLink(steps.slice(0, steps.length - 1)); // if(!dirLink) throw createError(ENOENT, 'open', filename); if (!dirLink) throw createError(ENOENT, 'open', sep + steps.join(sep)); if (flagsNum & O_CREAT && typeof modeNum === 'number') { link = this.createLink(dirLink, steps[steps.length - 1], false, modeNum); } } if (link) return this.openLink(link, flagsNum, resolveSymlinks); throw createError(ENOENT, 'open', filename); } openBase(filename, flagsNum, modeNum, resolveSymlinks = true) { const file = this.openFile(filename, flagsNum, modeNum, resolveSymlinks); if (!file) throw createError(ENOENT, 'open', filename); return file.fd; } openSync(path, flags, mode = 438 /* MODE.DEFAULT */) { // Validate (1) mode; (2) path; (3) flags - in that order. const modeNum = modeToNumber(mode); const fileName = pathToFilename(path); const flagsNum = flagsToNumber(flags); return this.openBase(fileName, flagsNum, modeNum); } open(path, flags, a, b) { let mode = a; let callback = b; if (typeof a === 'function') { mode = 438 /* MODE.DEFAULT */; callback = a; } mode = mode || 438 /* MODE.DEFAULT */; const modeNum = modeToNumber(mode); const fileName = pathToFilename(path); const flagsNum = flagsToNumber(flags); this.wrapAsync(this.openBase, [fileName, flagsNum, modeNum], callback); } closeFile(file) { if (!this.fds[file.fd]) return; this.openFiles--; delete this.fds[file.fd]; this.releasedFds.push(file.fd); } closeSync(fd) { validateFd(fd); const file = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd, 'close'); this.closeFile(file); } close(fd, callback) { validateFd(fd); this.wrapAsync(this.closeSync, [fd], callback); } openFileOrGetById(id, flagsNum, modeNum) { if (typeof id === 'number') { const file = this.fds[id]; if (!file) throw createError(ENOENT); return file; } else { return this.openFile(pathToFilename(id), flagsNum, modeNum); } } readBase(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { const file = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd); return file.read(buffer, Number(offset), Number(length), position); } readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { validateFd(fd); return this.readBase(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); } read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) { validateCallback(callback); // This `if` branch is from Node.js if (length === 0) { return process_1.default.nextTick(() => { if (callback) callback(null, 0, buffer); }); } (0, setImmediate_1.default)(() => { try { const bytes = this.readBase(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); callback(null, bytes, buffer); } catch (err) { callback(err); } }); } readFileBase(id, flagsNum, encoding) { let result; const isUserFd = typeof id === 'number'; const userOwnsFd = isUserFd && isFd(id); let fd; if (userOwnsFd) fd = id; else { const filename = pathToFilename(id); const steps = filenameToSteps(filename); const link = this.getResolvedLink(steps); if (link) { const node = link.getNode(); if (node.isDirectory()) throw createError(EISDIR, 'open', link.getPath()); } fd = this.openSync(id, flagsNum); } try { result = bufferToEncoding(this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd).getBuffer(), encoding); } finally { if (!userOwnsFd) { this.closeSync(fd); } } return result; } readFileSync(file, options) { const opts = getReadFileOptions(options); const flagsNum = flagsToNumber(opts.flag); return this.readFileBase(file, flagsNum, opts.encoding); } readFile(id, a, b) { const [opts, callback] = optsAndCbGenerator(getReadFileOptions)(a, b); const flagsNum = flagsToNumber(opts.flag); this.wrapAsync(this.readFileBase, [id, flagsNum, opts.encoding], callback); } writeBase(fd, buf, offset, length, position) { const file = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd, 'write'); return file.write(buf, offset, length, position); } writeSync(fd, a, b, c, d) { validateFd(fd); let encoding; let offset; let length; let position; const isBuffer = typeof a !== 'string'; if (isBuffer) { offset = (b || 0) | 0; length = c; position = d; } else { position = b; encoding = c; } const buf = dataToBuffer(a, encoding); if (isBuffer) { if (typeof length === 'undefined') { length = buf.length; } } else { offset = 0; length = buf.length; } return this.writeBase(fd, buf, offset, length, position); } write(fd, a, b, c, d, e) { validateFd(fd); let offset; let length; let position; let encoding; let callback; const tipa = typeof a; const tipb = typeof b; const tipc = typeof c; const tipd = typeof d; if (tipa !== 'string') { if (tipb === 'function') { callback = b; } else if (tipc === 'function') { offset = b | 0; callback = c; } else if (tipd === 'function') { offset = b | 0; length = c; callback = d; } else { offset = b | 0; length = c; position = d; callback = e; } } else { if (tipb === 'function') { callback = b; } else if (tipc === 'function') { position = b; callback = c; } else if (tipd === 'function') { position = b; encoding = c; callback = d; } } const buf = dataToBuffer(a, encoding); if (tipa !== 'string') { if (typeof length === 'undefined') length = buf.length; } else { offset = 0; length = buf.length; } const cb = validateCallback(callback); (0, setImmediate_1.default)(() => { try { const bytes = this.writeBase(fd, buf, offset, length, position); if (tipa !== 'string') { cb(null, bytes, buf); } else { cb(null, bytes, a); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }); } writeFileBase(id, buf, flagsNum, modeNum) { // console.log('writeFileBase', id, buf, flagsNum, modeNum); // const node = this.getNodeByIdOrCreate(id, flagsNum, modeNum); // node.setBuffer(buf); const isUserFd = typeof id === 'number'; let fd; if (isUserFd) fd = id; else { fd = this.openBase(pathToFilename(id), flagsNum, modeNum); // fd = this.openSync(id as PathLike, flagsNum, modeNum); } let offset = 0; let length = buf.length; let position = flagsNum & O_APPEND ? undefined : 0; try { while (length > 0) { const written = this.writeSync(fd, buf, offset, length, position); offset += written; length -= written; if (position !== undefined) position += written; } } finally { if (!isUserFd) this.closeSync(fd); } } writeFileSync(id, data, options) { const opts = getWriteFileOptions(options); const flagsNum = flagsToNumber(opts.flag); const modeNum = modeToNumber(opts.mode); const buf = dataToBuffer(data, opts.encoding); this.writeFileBase(id, buf, flagsNum, modeNum); } writeFile(id, data, a, b) { let options = a; let callback = b; if (typeof a === 'function') { options = writeFileDefaults; callback = a; } const cb = validateCallback(callback); const opts = getWriteFileOptions(options); const flagsNum = flagsToNumber(opts.flag); const modeNum = modeToNumber(opts.mode); const buf = dataToBuffer(data, opts.encoding); this.wrapAsync(this.writeFileBase, [id, buf, flagsNum, modeNum], cb); } linkBase(filename1, filename2) { const steps1 = filenameToSteps(filename1); const link1 = this.getLink(steps1); if (!link1) throw createError(ENOENT, 'link', filename1, filename2); const steps2 = filenameToSteps(filename2); // Check new link directory exists. const dir2 = this.getLinkParent(steps2); if (!dir2) throw createError(ENOENT, 'link', filename1, filename2); const name = steps2[steps2.length - 1]; // Check if new file already exists. if (dir2.getChild(name)) throw createError(EEXIST, 'link', filename1, filename2); const node = link1.getNode(); node.nlink++; dir2.createChild(name, node); } copyFileBase(src, dest, flags) { const buf = this.readFileSync(src); if (flags & COPYFILE_EXCL) { if (this.existsSync(dest)) { throw createError(EEXIST, 'copyFile', src, dest); } } if (flags & COPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCE) { throw createError(ENOSYS, 'copyFile', src, dest); } this.writeFileBase(dest, buf, FLAGS.w, 438 /* MODE.DEFAULT */); } copyFileSync(src, dest, flags) { const srcFilename = pathToFilename(src); const destFilename = pathToFilename(dest); return this.copyFileBase(srcFilename, destFilename, (flags || 0) | 0); } copyFile(src, dest, a, b) { const srcFilename = pathToFilename(src); const destFilename = pathToFilename(dest); let flags; let callback; if (typeof a === 'function') { flags = 0; callback = a; } else { flags = a; callback = b; } validateCallback(callback); this.wrapAsync(this.copyFileBase, [srcFilename, destFilename, flags], callback); } linkSync(existingPath, newPath) { const existingPathFilename = pathToFilename(existingPath); const newPathFilename = pathToFilename(newPath); this.linkBase(existingPathFilename, newPathFilename); } link(existingPath, newPath, callback) { const existingPathFilename = pathToFilename(existingPath); const newPathFilename = pathToFilename(newPath); this.wrapAsync(this.linkBase, [existingPathFilename, newPathFilename], callback); } unlinkBase(filename) { const steps = filenameToSteps(filename); const link = this.getLink(steps); if (!link) throw createError(ENOENT, 'unlink', filename); // TODO: Check if it is file, dir, other... if (link.length) throw Error('Dir not empty...'); this.deleteLink(link); const node = link.getNode(); node.nlink--; // When all hard links to i-node are deleted, remove the i-node, too. if (node.nlink <= 0) { this.deleteNode(node); } } unlinkSync(path) { const filename = pathToFilename(path); this.unlinkBase(filename); } unlink(path, callback) { const filename = pathToFilename(path); this.wrapAsync(this.unlinkBase, [filename], callback); } symlinkBase(targetFilename, pathFilename) { const pathSteps = filenameToSteps(pathFilename); // Check if directory exists, where we about to create a symlink. const dirLink = this.getLinkParent(pathSteps); if (!dirLink) throw createError(ENOENT, 'symlink', targetFilename, pathFilename); const name = pathSteps[pathSteps.length - 1]; // Check if new file already exists. if (dirLink.getChild(name)) throw createError(EEXIST, 'symlink', targetFilename, pathFilename); // Create symlink. const symlink = dirLink.createChild(name); symlink.getNode().makeSymlink(filenameToSteps(targetFilename)); return symlink; } // `type` argument works only on Windows. symlinkSync(target, path, type) { const targetFilename = pathToFilename(target); const pathFilename = pathToFilename(path); this.symlinkBase(targetFilename, pathFilename); } symlink(target, path, a, b) { const callback = validateCallback(typeof a === 'function' ? a : b); const targetFilename = pathToFilename(target); const pathFilename = pathToFilename(path); this.wrapAsync(this.symlinkBase, [targetFilename, pathFilename], callback); } realpathBase(filename, encoding) { const steps = filenameToSteps(filename); const realLink = this.getResolvedLink(steps); if (!realLink) throw createError(ENOENT, 'realpath', filename); return (0, encoding_1.strToEncoding)(realLink.getPath() || '/', encoding); } realpathSync(path, options) { return this.realpathBase(pathToFilename(path), getRealpathOptions(options).encoding); } realpath(path, a, b) { const [opts, callback] = getRealpathOptsAndCb(a, b); const pathFilename = pathToFilename(path); this.wrapAsync(this.realpathBase, [pathFilename, opts.encoding], callback); } lstatBase(filename, bigint = false, throwIfNoEntry = false) { const link = this.getLink(filenameToSteps(filename)); if (link) { return Stats_1.default.build(link.getNode(), bigint); } else if (!throwIfNoEntry) { return undefined; } else { throw createError(ENOENT, 'lstat', filename); } } lstatSync(path, options) { const { throwIfNoEntry = true, bigint = false } = getStatOptions(options); return this.lstatBase(pathToFilename(path), bigint, throwIfNoEntry); } lstat(path, a, b) { const [{ throwIfNoEntry = true, bigint = false }, callback] = getStatOptsAndCb(a, b); this.wrapAsync(this.lstatBase, [pathToFilename(path), bigint, throwIfNoEntry], callback); } statBase(filename, bigint = false, throwIfNoEntry = true) { const link = this.getResolvedLink(filenameToSteps(filename)); if (link) { return Stats_1.default.build(link.getNode(), bigint); } else if (!throwIfNoEntry) { return undefined; } else { throw createError(ENOENT, 'stat', filename); } } statSync(path, options) { const { bigint = true, throwIfNoEntry = true } = getStatOptions(options); return this.statBase(pathToFilename(path), bigint, throwIfNoEntry); } stat(path, a, b) { const [{ bigint = false, throwIfNoEntry = true }, callback] = getStatOptsAndCb(a, b); this.wrapAsync(this.statBase, [pathToFilename(path), bigint, throwIfNoEntry], callback); } fstatBase(fd, bigint = false) { const file = this.getFileByFd(fd); if (!file) throw createError(EBADF, 'fstat'); return Stats_1.default.build(file.node, bigint); } fstatSync(fd, options) { return this.fstatBase(fd, getStatOptions(options).bigint); } fstat(fd, a, b) { const [opts, callback] = getStatOptsAndCb(a, b); this.wrapAsync(this.fstatBase, [fd, opts.bigint], callback); } renameBase(oldPathFilename, newPathFilename) { const link = this.getLink(filenameToSteps(oldPathFilename)); if (!link) throw createError(ENOENT, 'rename', oldPathFilename, newPathFilename); // TODO: Check if it is directory, if non-empty, we cannot move it, right? const newPathSteps = filenameToSteps(newPathFilename); // Check directory exists for the new location. const newPathDirLink = this.getLinkParent(newPathSteps); if (!newPathDirLink) throw createError(ENOENT, 'rename', oldPathFilename, newPathFilename); // TODO: Also treat cases with directories and symbolic links. // TODO: See: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/rename.2.html // Remove hard link from old folder. const oldLinkParent = link.parent; if (oldLinkParent) { oldLinkParent.deleteChild(link); } // Rename should overwrite the new path, if that exists. const name = newPathSteps[newPathSteps.length - 1]; link.name = name; link.steps = [...newPathDirLink.steps, name]; newPathDirLink.setChild(link.getName(), link); } renameSync(oldPath, newPath) { const oldPathFilename = pathToFilename(oldPath); const newPathFilename = pathToFilename(newPath); this.renameBase(oldPathFilename, newPathFilename); } rename(oldPath, newPath, callback) { const oldPathFilename = pathToFilename(oldPath); const newPathFilename = pathToFilename(newPath); this.wrapAsync(this.renameBase, [oldPathFilename, newPathFilename], callback); } existsBase(filename) { return !!this.statBase(filename); } existsSync(path) { try { return this.existsBase(pathToFilename(path)); } catch (err) { return false; } } exists(path, callback) { const filename = pathToFilename(path); if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw Error(ERRSTR.CB); (0, setImmediate_1.default)(() => { try { callback(this.existsBase(filename)); } catch (err) { callback(false); } }); } accessBase(filename, mode) { const link = this.getLinkOrThrow(filename, 'access'); // TODO: Verify permissions } accessSync(path, mode = F_OK) { const filename = pathToFilename(path); mode = mode | 0; this.accessBase(filename, mode); } access(path, a, b) { let mode = F_OK; let callback; if (typeof a !== 'function') { mode = a | 0; // cast to number callback = validateCallback(b); } else { callback = a; } const filename = pathToFilename(path); this.wrapAsync(this.accessBase, [filename, mode], callback); } appendFileSync(id, data, options = appendFileDefaults) { const opts = getAppendFileOpts(options); // force append behavior when using a supplied file descriptor if (!opts.flag || isFd(id)) opts.flag = 'a'; this.writeFileSync(id, data, opts); } appendFile(id, data, a, b) { const [opts, callback] = getAppendFileOptsAndCb(a, b); // force append behavior when using a supplied file descriptor if (!opts.flag || isFd(id)) opts.flag = 'a'; this.writeFile(id, data, opts, callback); } readdirBase(filename, options) { const steps = filenameToSteps(filename); const link = this.getResolvedLink(steps); if (!link) throw createError(ENOENT, 'readdir', filename); const node = link.getNode(); if (!node.isDirectory()) throw createError(ENOTDIR, 'scandir', filename); if (options.withFileTypes) { const list = []; for (const name in link.children) { const child = link.getChild(name); if (!child || name === '.' || name === '..') { continue; } list.push(Dirent_1.default.build(child, options.encoding)); } if (!isWin && options.encoding !== 'buffer') list.sort((a, b) => { if (a.name < b.name) return -1; if (a.name > b.name) return 1; return 0; }); return list; } const list = []; for (const name in link.children) { if (name === '.' || name === '..') { continue; } list.push((0, encoding_1.strToEncoding)(name, options.encoding)); } if (!isWin && options.encoding !== 'buffer') list.sort(); return list; } readdirSync(path, options) { const opts = getReaddirOptions(options); const filename = pathToFilename(path); return this.readdirBase(filename, opts); } readdir(path, a, b) { const [options, callback] = getReaddirOptsAndCb(a, b); const filename = pathToFilename(path); this.wrapAsync(this.readdirBase, [filename, options], callback); } readlinkBase(filename, encoding) { const link = this.getLinkOrThrow(filename, 'readlink'); const node = link.getNode(); if (!node.isSymlink()) throw createError(EINVAL, 'readlink', filename); const str = sep + node.symlink.join(sep); return (0, encoding_1.strToEncoding)(str, encoding); } readlinkSync(path, options) { const opts = getDefaultOpts(options); const filename = pathToFilename(path); return this.readlinkBase(filename, opts.encoding); } readlink(path, a, b) { const [opts, callback] = getDefaultOptsAndCb(a, b); const filename = pathToFilename(path); this.wrapAsync(this.readlinkBase, [filename, opts.encoding], callback); } fsyncBase(fd) { this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd, 'fsync'); } fsyncSync(fd) { this.fsyncBase(fd); } fsync(fd, callback) { this.wrapAsync(this.fsyncBase, [fd], callback); } fdatasyncBase(fd) { this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd, 'fdatasync'); } fdatasyncSync(fd) { this.fdatasyncBase(fd); } fdatasync(fd, callback) { this.wrapAsync(this.fdatasyncBase, [fd], callback); } ftruncateBase(fd, len) { const file = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd, 'ftruncate'); file.truncate(len); } ftruncateSync(fd, len) { this.ftruncateBase(fd, len); } ftruncate(fd, a, b) { const len = typeof a === 'number' ? a : 0; const callback = validateCallback(typeof a === 'number' ? b : a); this.wrapAsync(this.ftruncateBase, [fd, len], callback); } truncateBase(path, len) { const fd = this.openSync(path, 'r+'); try { this.ftruncateSync(fd, len); } finally { this.closeSync(fd); } } truncateSync(id, len) { if (isFd(id)) return this.ftruncateSync(id, len); this.truncateBase(id, len); } truncate(id, a, b) { const len = typeof a === 'number' ? a : 0; const callback = validateCallback(typeof a === 'number' ? b : a); if (isFd(id)) return this.ftruncate(id, len, callback); this.wrapAsync(this.truncateBase, [id, len], callback); } futimesBase(fd, atime, mtime) { const file = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd, 'futimes'); const node = file.node; node.atime = new Date(atime * 1000); node.mtime = new Date(mtime * 1000); } futimesSync(fd, atime, mtime) { this.futimesBase(fd, toUnixTimestamp(atime), toUnixTimestamp(mtime)); } futimes(fd, atime, mtime, callback) { this.wrapAsync(this.futimesBase, [fd, toUnixTimestamp(atime), toUnixTimestamp(mtime)], callback); } utimesBase(filename, atime, mtime) { const fd = this.openSync(filename, 'r'); try { this.futimesBase(fd, atime, mtime); } finally { this.closeSync(fd); } } utimesSync(path, atime, mtime) { this.utimesBase(pathToFilename(path), toUnixTimestamp(atime), toUnixTimestamp(mtime)); } utimes(path, atime, mtime, callback) { this.wrapAsync(this.utimesBase, [pathToFilename(path), toUnixTimestamp(atime), toUnixTimestamp(mtime)], callback); } mkdirBase(filename, modeNum) { const steps = filenameToSteps(filename); // This will throw if user tries to create root dir `fs.mkdirSync('/')`. if (!steps.length) { throw createError(EEXIST, 'mkdir', filename); } const dir = this.getLinkParentAsDirOrThrow(filename, 'mkdir'); // Check path already exists. const name = steps[steps.length - 1]; if (dir.getChild(name)) throw createError(EEXIST, 'mkdir', filename); dir.createChild(name, this.createNode(true, modeNum)); } /** * Creates directory tree recursively. * @param filename * @param modeNum */ mkdirpBase(filename, modeNum) { const fullPath = resolve(filename); const fullPathSansSlash = fullPath.substring(1); const steps = !fullPathSansSlash ? [] : fullPathSansSlash.split(sep); let link = this.root; let created = false; for (let i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) { const step = steps[i]; if (!link.getNode().isDirectory()) throw createError(ENOTDIR, 'mkdir', link.getPath()); const child = link.getChild(step); if (child) { if (child.getNode().isDirectory()) link = child; else throw createError(ENOTDIR, 'mkdir', child.getPath()); } else { link = link.createChild(step, this.createNode(true, modeNum)); created = true; } } return created ? fullPath : undefined; } mkdirSync(path, options) { const opts = getMkdirOptions(options); const modeNum = modeToNumber(opts.mode, 0o777); const filename = pathToFilename(path); if (opts.recursive) return this.mkdirpBase(filename, modeNum); this.mkdirBase(filename, modeNum); } mkdir(path, a, b) { const opts = getMkdirOptions(a); const callback = validateCallback(typeof a === 'function' ? a : b); const modeNum = modeToNumber(opts.mode, 0o777); const filename = pathToFilename(path); if (opts.recursive) this.wrapAsync(this.mkdirpBase, [filename, modeNum], callback); else this.wrapAsync(this.mkdirBase, [filename, modeNum], callback); } // legacy interface mkdirpSync(path, mode) { return this.mkdirSync(path, { mode, recursive: true }); } mkdirp(path, a, b) { const mode = typeof a === 'function' ? undefined : a; const callback = validateCallback(typeof a === 'function' ? a : b); this.mkdir(path, { mode, recursive: true }, callback); } mkdtempBase(prefix, encoding, retry = 5) { const filename = prefix + this.genRndStr(); try { this.mkdirBase(filename, 511 /* MODE.DIR */); return (0, encoding_1.strToEncoding)(filename, encoding); } catch (err) { if (err.code === EEXIST) { if (retry > 1) return this.mkdtempBase(prefix, encoding, retry - 1); else throw Error('Could not create temp dir.'); } else throw err; } } mkdtempSync(prefix, options) { const { encoding } = getDefaultOpts(options); if (!prefix || typeof prefix !== 'string') throw new TypeError('filename prefix is required'); nullCheck(prefix); return this.mkdtempBase(prefix, encoding); } mkdtemp(prefix, a, b) { const [{ encoding }, callback] = getDefaultOptsAndCb(a, b); if (!prefix || typeof prefix !== 'string') throw new TypeError('filename prefix is required'); if (!nullCheck(prefix)) return; this.wrapAsync(this.mkdtempBase, [prefix, encoding], callback); } rmdirBase(filename, options) { const opts = getRmdirOptions(options); const link = this.getLinkAsDirOrThrow(filename, 'rmdir'); // Check directory is empty. if (link.length && !opts.recursive) throw createError(ENOTEMPTY, 'rmdir', filename); this.deleteLink(link); } rmdirSync(path, options) { this.rmdirBase(pathToFilename(path), options); } rmdir(path, a, b) { const opts = getRmdirOptions(a); const callback = validateCallback(typeof a === 'function' ? a : b); this.wrapAsync(this.rmdirBase, [pathToFilename(path), opts], callback); } rmBase(filename, options = {}) { const link = this.getResolvedLink(filename); if (!link) { // "stat" is used to match Node's native error message. if (!options.force) throw createError(ENOENT, 'stat', filename); return; } if (link.getNode().isDirectory()) { if (!options.recursive) { throw createError(ERR_FS_EISDIR, 'rm', filename); } } this.deleteLink(link); } rmSync(path, options) { this.rmBase(pathToFilename(path), options); } rm(path, a, b) { const [opts, callback] = getRmOptsAndCb(a, b); this.wrapAsync(this.rmBase, [pathToFilename(path), opts], callback); } fchmodBase(fd, modeNum) { const file = this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd, 'fchmod'); file.chmod(modeNum); } fchmodSync(fd, mode) { this.fchmodBase(fd, modeToNumber(mode)); } fchmod(fd, mode, callback) { this.wrapAsync(this.fchmodBase, [fd, modeToNumber(mode)], callback); } chmodBase(filename, modeNum) { const fd = this.openSync(filename, 'r'); try { this.fchmodBase(fd, modeNum); } finally { this.closeSync(fd); } } chmodSync(path, mode) { const modeNum = modeToNumber(mode); const filename = pathToFilename(path); this.chmodBase(filename, modeNum); } chmod(path, mode, callback) { const modeNum = modeToNumber(mode); const filename = pathToFilename(path); this.wrapAsync(this.chmodBase, [filename, modeNum], callback); } lchmodBase(filename, modeNum) { const fd = this.openBase(filename, O_RDWR, 0, false); try { this.fchmodBase(fd, modeNum); } finally { this.closeSync(fd); } } lchmodSync(path, mode) { const modeNum = modeToNumber(mode); const filename = pathToFilename(path); this.lchmodBase(filename, modeNum); } lchmod(path, mode, callback) { const modeNum = modeToNumber(mode); const filename = pathToFilename(path); this.wrapAsync(this.lchmodBase, [filename, modeNum], callback); } fchownBase(fd, uid, gid) { this.getFileByFdOrThrow(fd, 'fchown').chown(uid, gid); } fchownSync(fd, uid, gid) { validateUid(uid); validateGid(gid); this.fchownBase(fd, uid, gid); } fchown(fd, uid, gid, callback) { validateUid(uid); validateGid(gid); this.wrapAsync(this.fchownBase, [fd, uid, gid], callback); } chownBase(filename, uid, gid) { const link = this.getResolvedLinkOrThrow(filename, 'chown'); const node = link.getNode(); node.chown(uid, gid); // if(node.isFile() || node.isSymlink()) { // // } else if(node.isDirectory()) { // // } else { // TODO: What do we do here? // } } chownSync(path, uid, gid) { validateUid(uid); validateGid(gid); this.chownBase(pathToFilename(path), uid, gid); } chown(path, uid, gid, callback) { validateUid(uid); validateGid(gid); this.wrapAsync(this.chownBase, [pathToFilename(path), uid, gid], callback); } lchownBase(filename, uid, gid) { this.getLinkOrThrow(filename, 'lchown').getNode().chown(uid, gid); } lchownSync(path, uid, gid) { validateUid(uid); validateGid(gid); this.lchownBase(pathToFilename(path), uid, gid); } lchown(path, uid, gid, callback) { validateUid(uid); validateGid(gid); this.wrapAsync(this.lchownBase, [pathToFilename(path), uid, gid], callback); } watchFile(path, a, b) { const filename = pathToFilename(path); let options = a; let listener = b; if (typeof options === 'function') { listener = a; options = null; } if (typeof listener !== 'function') { throw Error('"watchFile()" requires a listener function'); } let interval = 5007; let persistent = true; if (options && typeof options === 'object') { if (typeof options.interval === 'number') interval = options.interval; if (typeof options.persistent === 'boolean') persistent = options.persistent; } let watcher = this.statWatchers[filename]; if (!watcher) { watcher = new this.StatWatcher(); watcher.start(filename, persistent, interval); this.statWatchers[filename] = watcher; } watcher.addListener('change', listener); return watcher; } unwatchFile(path, listener) { const filename = pathToFilename(path); const watcher = this.statWatchers[filename]; if (!watcher) return; if (typeof listener === 'function') { watcher.removeListener('change', listener); } else { watcher.removeAllListeners('change'); } if (watcher.listenerCount('change') === 0) { watcher.stop(); delete this.statWatchers[filename]; } } createReadStream(path, options) { return new this.ReadStream(path, options); } createWriteStream(path, options) { return new this.WriteStream(path, options); } // watch(path: PathLike): FSWatcher; // watch(path: PathLike, options?: IWatchOptions | string): FSWatcher; watch(path, options, listener) { const filename = pathToFilename(path); let givenOptions = options; if (typeof options === 'function') { listener = options; givenOptions = null; } // tslint:disable-next-line prefer-const let { persistent, recursive, encoding } = getDefaultOpts(givenOptions); if (persistent === undefined) persistent = true; if (recursive === undefined) recursive = false; const watcher = new this.FSWatcher(); watcher.start(filename, persistent, recursive, encoding); if (listener) { watcher.addListener('change', listener); } return watcher; } } exports.Volume = Volume; /** * Global file descriptor counter. UNIX file descriptors start from 0 and go sequentially * up, so here, in order not to conflict with them, we choose some big number and descrease * the file descriptor of every new opened file. * @type {number} * @todo This should not be static, right? */ Volume.fd = 0x7fffffff; function emitStop(self) { self.emit('stop'); } class StatWatcher extends events_1.EventEmitter { constructor(vol) { super(); this.onInterval = () => { try { const stats = this.vol.statSync(this.filename); if (this.hasChanged(stats)) { this.emit('change', stats, this.prev); this.prev = stats; } } finally { this.loop(); } }; this.vol = vol; } loop() { this.timeoutRef = this.setTimeout(this.onInterval, this.interval); } hasChanged(stats) { // if(!this.prev) return false; if (stats.mtimeMs > this.prev.mtimeMs) return true; if (stats.nlink !== this.prev.nlink) return true; return false; } start(path, persistent = true, interval = 5007) { this.filename = pathToFilename(path); this.setTimeout = persistent ? setTimeout.bind(typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global) : setTimeoutUnref_1.default; this.interval = interval; this.prev = this.vol.statSync(this.filename); this.loop(); } stop() { clearTimeout(this.timeoutRef); process_1.default.nextTick(emitStop, this); } } exports.StatWatcher = StatWatcher; var pool; function allocNewPool(poolSize) { pool = (0, buffer_1.bufferAllocUnsafe)(poolSize); pool.used = 0; } util.inherits(FsReadStream, stream_1.Readable); exports.ReadStream = FsReadStream; function FsReadStream(vol, path, options) { if (!(this instanceof FsReadStream)) return new FsReadStream(vol, path, options); this._vol = vol; // a little bit bigger buffer and water marks by default options = Object.assign({}, getOptions(options, {})); if (options.highWaterMark === undefined) options.highWaterMark = 64 * 1024; stream_1.Readable.call(this, options); this.path = pathToFilename(path); this.fd = options.fd === undefined ? null : options.fd; this.flags = options.flags === undefined ? 'r' : options.flags; this.mode = options.mode === undefined ? 0o666 : options.mode; this.start = options.start; this.end = options.end; this.autoClose = options.autoClose === undefined ? true : options.autoClose; this.pos = undefined; this.bytesRead = 0; if (this.start !== undefined) { if (typeof this.start !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('"start" option must be a Number'); } if (this.end === undefined) { this.end = Infinity; } else if (typeof this.end !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('"end" option must be a Number'); } if (this.start > this.end) { throw new Error('"start" option must be <= "end" option'); } this.pos = this.start; } if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') this.open(); this.on('end', function () { if (this.autoClose) { if (this.destroy) this.destroy(); } }); } FsReadStream.prototype.open = function () { var self = this; // tslint:disable-line no-this-assignment this._vol.open(this.path, this.flags, this.mode, (er, fd) => { if (er) { if (self.autoClose) { if (self.destroy) self.destroy(); } self.emit('error', er); return; } self.fd = fd; self.emit('open', fd); // start the flow of data. self.read(); }); }; FsReadStream.prototype._read = function (n) { if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') { return this.once('open', function () { this._read(n); }); } if (this.destroyed) return; if (!pool || pool.length - pool.used < kMinPoolSpace) { // discard the old pool. allocNewPool(this._readableState.highWaterMark); } // Grab another reference to the pool in the case that while we're // in the thread pool another read() finishes up the pool, and // allocates a new one. var thisPool = pool; var toRead = Math.min(pool.length - pool.used, n); var start = pool.used; if (this.pos !== undefined) toRead = Math.min(this.end - this.pos + 1, toRead); // already read everything we were supposed to read! // treat as EOF. if (toRead <= 0) return this.push(null); // the actual read. var self = this; // tslint:disable-line no-this-assignment this._vol.read(this.fd, pool, pool.used, toRead, this.pos, onread); // move the pool positions, and internal position for reading. if (this.pos !== undefined) this.pos += toRead; pool.used += toRead; function onread(er, bytesRead) { if (er) { if (self.autoClose && self.destroy) { self.destroy(); } self.emit('error', er); } else { var b = null; if (bytesRead > 0) { self.bytesRead += bytesRead; b = thisPool.slice(start, start + bytesRead); } self.push(b); } } }; FsReadStream.prototype._destroy = function (err, cb) { this.close(err2 => { cb(err || err2); }); }; FsReadStream.prototype.close = function (cb) { var _a; if (cb) this.once('close', cb); if (this.closed || typeof this.fd !== 'number') { if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') { this.once('open', closeOnOpen); return; } return process_1.default.nextTick(() => this.emit('close')); } // Since Node 18, there is only a getter for '.closed'. // The first branch mimics other setters from Readable. // See https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v18.0.0/lib/internal/streams/readable.js#L1243 if (typeof ((_a = this._readableState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.closed) === 'boolean') { this._readableState.closed = true; } else { this.closed = true; } this._vol.close(this.fd, er => { if (er) this.emit('error', er); else this.emit('close'); }); this.fd = null; }; // needed because as it will be called with arguments // that does not match this.close() signature function closeOnOpen(fd) { this.close(); } util.inherits(FsWriteStream, stream_1.Writable); exports.WriteStream = FsWriteStream; function FsWriteStream(vol, path, options) { if (!(this instanceof FsWriteStream)) return new FsWriteStream(vol, path, options); this._vol = vol; options = Object.assign({}, getOptions(options, {})); stream_1.Writable.call(this, options); this.path = pathToFilename(path); this.fd = options.fd === undefined ? null : options.fd; this.flags = options.flags === undefined ? 'w' : options.flags; this.mode = options.mode === undefined ? 0o666 : options.mode; this.start = options.start; this.autoClose = options.autoClose === undefined ? true : !!options.autoClose; this.pos = undefined; this.bytesWritten = 0; if (this.start !== undefined) { if (typeof this.start !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('"start" option must be a Number'); } if (this.start < 0) { throw new Error('"start" must be >= zero'); } this.pos = this.start; } if (options.encoding) this.setDefaultEncoding(options.encoding); if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') this.open(); // dispose on finish. this.once('finish', function () { if (this.autoClose) { this.close(); } }); } FsWriteStream.prototype.open = function () { this._vol.open(this.path, this.flags, this.mode, function (er, fd) { if (er) { if (this.autoClose && this.destroy) { this.destroy(); } this.emit('error', er); return; } this.fd = fd; this.emit('open', fd); }.bind(this)); }; FsWriteStream.prototype._write = function (data, encoding, cb) { if (!(data instanceof buffer_1.Buffer || data instanceof Uint8Array)) return this.emit('error', new Error('Invalid data')); if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') { return this.once('open', function () { this._write(data, encoding, cb); }); } var self = this; // tslint:disable-line no-this-assignment this._vol.write(this.fd, data, 0, data.length, this.pos, (er, bytes) => { if (er) { if (self.autoClose && self.destroy) { self.destroy(); } return cb(er); } self.bytesWritten += bytes; cb(); }); if (this.pos !== undefined) this.pos += data.length; }; FsWriteStream.prototype._writev = function (data, cb) { if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') { return this.once('open', function () { this._writev(data, cb); }); } const self = this; // tslint:disable-line no-this-assignment const len = data.length; const chunks = new Array(len); var size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var chunk = data[i].chunk; chunks[i] = chunk; size += chunk.length; } const buf = buffer_1.Buffer.concat(chunks); this._vol.write(this.fd, buf, 0, buf.length, this.pos, (er, bytes) => { if (er) { if (self.destroy) self.destroy(); return cb(er); } self.bytesWritten += bytes; cb(); }); if (this.pos !== undefined) this.pos += size; }; FsWriteStream.prototype.close = function (cb) { var _a; if (cb) this.once('close', cb); if (this.closed || typeof this.fd !== 'number') { if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') { this.once('open', closeOnOpen); return; } return process_1.default.nextTick(() => this.emit('close')); } // Since Node 18, there is only a getter for '.closed'. // The first branch mimics other setters from Writable. // See https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v18.0.0/lib/internal/streams/writable.js#L766 if (typeof ((_a = this._writableState) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.closed) === 'boolean') { this._writableState.closed = true; } else { this.closed = true; } this._vol.close(this.fd, er => { if (er) this.emit('error', er); else this.emit('close'); }); this.fd = null; }; FsWriteStream.prototype._destroy = FsReadStream.prototype._destroy; // There is no shutdown() for files. FsWriteStream.prototype.destroySoon = FsWriteStream.prototype.end; // ---------------------------------------- FSWatcher class FSWatcher extends events_1.EventEmitter { constructor(vol) { super(); this._filename = ''; this._filenameEncoded = ''; // _persistent: boolean = true; this._recursive = false; this._encoding = encoding_1.ENCODING_UTF8; // inode -> removers this._listenerRemovers = new Map(); this._onParentChild = (link) => { if (link.getName() === this._getName()) { this._emit('rename'); } }; this._emit = (type) => { this.emit('change', type, this._filenameEncoded); }; this._persist = () => { this._timer = setTimeout(this._persist, 1e6); }; this._vol = vol; // TODO: Emit "error" messages when watching. // this._handle.onchange = function(status, eventType, filename) { // if (status < 0) { // self._handle.close(); // const error = !filename ? // errnoException(status, 'Error watching file for changes:') : // errnoException(status, `Error watching file ${filename} for changes:`); // error.filename = filename; // self.emit('error', error); // } else { // self.emit('change', eventType, filename); // } // }; } _getName() { return this._steps[this._steps.length - 1]; } start(path, persistent = true, recursive = false, encoding = encoding_1.ENCODING_UTF8) { this._filename = pathToFilename(path); this._steps = filenameToSteps(this._filename); this._filenameEncoded = (0, encoding_1.strToEncoding)(this._filename); // this._persistent = persistent; this._recursive = recursive; this._encoding = encoding; try { this._link = this._vol.getLinkOrThrow(this._filename, 'FSWatcher'); } catch (err) { const error = new Error(`watch ${this._filename} ${err.code}`); error.code = err.code; error.errno = err.code; throw error; } const watchLinkNodeChanged = (link) => { var _a; const filepath = link.getPath(); const node = link.getNode(); const onNodeChange = () => { let filename = relative(this._filename, filepath); if (!filename) { filename = this._getName(); } return this.emit('change', 'change', filename); }; node.on('change', onNodeChange); const removers = (_a = this._listenerRemovers.get(node.ino)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []; removers.push(() => node.removeListener('change', onNodeChange)); this._listenerRemovers.set(node.ino, removers); }; const watchLinkChildrenChanged = (link) => { var _a; const node = link.getNode(); // when a new link added const onLinkChildAdd = (l) => { this.emit('change', 'rename', relative(this._filename, l.getPath())); setTimeout(() => { // 1. watch changes of the new link-node watchLinkNodeChanged(l); // 2. watch changes of the new link-node's children watchLinkChildrenChanged(l); }); }; // when a new link deleted const onLinkChildDelete = (l) => { // remove the listeners of the children nodes const removeLinkNodeListeners = (curLink) => { const ino = curLink.getNode().ino; const removers = this._listenerRemovers.get(ino); if (removers) { removers.forEach(r => r()); this._listenerRemovers.delete(ino); } Object.values(curLink.children).forEach(childLink => { if (childLink) { removeLinkNodeListeners(childLink); } }); }; removeLinkNodeListeners(l); this.emit('change', 'rename', relative(this._filename, l.getPath())); }; // children nodes changed Object.entries(link.children).forEach(([name, childLink]) => { if (childLink && name !== '.' && name !== '..') { watchLinkNodeChanged(childLink); } }); // link children add/remove link.on('child:add', onLinkChildAdd); link.on('child:delete', onLinkChildDelete); const removers = (_a = this._listenerRemovers.get(node.ino)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []; removers.push(() => { link.removeListener('child:add', onLinkChildAdd); link.removeListener('child:delete', onLinkChildDelete); }); if (recursive) { Object.entries(link.children).forEach(([name, childLink]) => { if (childLink && name !== '.' && name !== '..') { watchLinkChildrenChanged(childLink); } }); } }; watchLinkNodeChanged(this._link); watchLinkChildrenChanged(this._link); const parent = this._link.parent; if (parent) { // parent.on('child:add', this._onParentChild); parent.setMaxListeners(parent.getMaxListeners() + 1); parent.on('child:delete', this._onParentChild); } if (persistent) this._persist(); } close() { clearTimeout(this._timer); this._listenerRemovers.forEach(removers => { removers.forEach(r => r()); }); this._listenerRemovers.clear(); const parent = this._link.parent; if (parent) { // parent.removeListener('child:add', this._onParentChild); parent.removeListener('child:delete', this._onParentChild); } } } exports.FSWatcher = FSWatcher;