import React from 'react'; import Head from 'next/head'; function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; } const _excluded$x = ["keyOverride"]; const defaults = { templateTitle: '', noindex: false, nofollow: false, defaultOpenGraphImageWidth: 0, defaultOpenGraphImageHeight: 0, defaultOpenGraphVideoWidth: 0, defaultOpenGraphVideoHeight: 0 }; const buildOpenGraphMediaTags = (mediaType, media = [], { defaultWidth, defaultHeight } = {}) => { return media.reduce((tags, medium, index) => { tags.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("meta", { key: `og:${mediaType}:0${index}`, property: `og:${mediaType}`, content: medium.url })); if (medium.alt) { tags.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("meta", { key: `og:${mediaType}:alt0${index}`, property: `og:${mediaType}:alt`, content: medium.alt })); } if (medium.secureUrl) { tags.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("meta", { key: `og:${mediaType}:secure_url0${index}`, property: `og:${mediaType}:secure_url`, content: medium.secureUrl.toString() })); } if (medium.type) { tags.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("meta", { key: `og:${mediaType}:type0${index}`, property: `og:${mediaType}:type`, content: medium.type.toString() })); } if (medium.width) { tags.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("meta", { key: `og:${mediaType}:width0${index}`, property: `og:${mediaType}:width`, content: medium.width.toString() })); } else if (defaultWidth) { tags.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("meta", { key: `og:${mediaType}:width0${index}`, property: `og:${mediaType}:width`, content: defaultWidth.toString() })); } if (medium.height) { tags.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("meta", { key: `og:${mediaType}:height${index}`, property: `og:${mediaType}:height`, content: medium.height.toString() })); } else if (defaultHeight) { tags.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("meta", { key: `og:${mediaType}:height${index}`, property: `og:${mediaType}:height`, content: defaultHeight.toString() })); } return tags; }, []); }; const buildTags = config => { var _config$openGraph, _config$openGraph3, _config$additionalLin; const tagsToRender = []; if (config.titleTemplate) { defaults.templateTitle = config.titleTemplate; } let updatedTitle = ''; if (config.title) { updatedTitle = config.title; if (defaults.templateTitle) { updatedTitle = defaults.templateTitle.replace(/%s/g, () => updatedTitle); } } else if (config.defaultTitle) { updatedTitle = config.defaultTitle; } if (updatedTitle) { tagsToRender.push( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("title", { key: "title" }, updatedTitle)); } const noindex = config.noindex || defaults.noindex || config.dangerouslySetAllPagesToNoIndex; const nofollow = config.nofollow || defaults.nofollow || config.dangerouslySetAllPagesToNoFollow; let robotsParams = ''; if (config.robotsProps) { const { nosnippet, maxSnippet, maxImagePreview, maxVideoPreview, noarchive, noimageindex, notranslate, unavailableAfter } = config.robotsProps; robotsParams = `${nosnippet ? 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}; const toJson = (type, jsonld) => { let data = jsonld; if (Array.isArray(data) && data.length === 1) { data = _extends({}, jsonld[0]); } const jsonLdObject = Array.isArray(data) ? => formatObjectForSchema(type, item)) : formatObjectForSchema(type, data); return { __html: JSON.stringify(jsonLdObject, safeJsonLdReplacer) }; }; const formatObjectForSchema = (type, jsonld) => { const { id = undefined } = jsonld; const updated = _extends({}, id ? { '@id': } : {}, jsonld); delete; return _extends({ '@context': '', '@type': type }, updated); }; const ESCAPE_ENTITIES = Object.freeze({ '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }); const ESCAPE_REGEX = new RegExp(`[${Object.keys(ESCAPE_ENTITIES).join('')}]`, 'g'); const ESCAPE_REPLACER = t => ESCAPE_ENTITIES[t]; /** * A replacer for JSON.stringify to strip JSON-LD of illegal HTML entities * per */ const safeJsonLdReplacer = (() => { // Replace per // Solution from return (_, value) => { switch (typeof value) { case 'object': // Omit null values. if (value === null) { return undefined; } return value; // JSON.stringify will recursively call replacer. case 'number': case 'boolean': case 'bigint': return value; // These values are not risky. case 'string': return value.replace(ESCAPE_REGEX, ESCAPE_REPLACER); default: { // JSON.stringify will remove this element. return undefined; } } }; })(); const _excluded$w = ["type", "keyOverride", "scriptKey", "scriptId", "dataArray", "useAppDir"]; function JsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Thing', keyOverride, scriptKey, scriptId = undefined, dataArray, useAppDir = false } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$w); const JsonLdScript = () => /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("script", { type: "application/ld+json", id: scriptId, "data-testid": scriptId, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: toJson(type, dataArray === undefined ? _extends({}, rest) : dataArray), key: `jsonld-${scriptKey}${keyOverride ? `-${keyOverride}` : ''}` }); if (useAppDir) { return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLdScript, null); } return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Head, null, JsonLdScript()); } /** * Generate author information * @param author * @returns */ function generateAuthorInfo(author) { if (typeof author === 'string') { return { '@type': 'Person', name: author }; } else if (!! { var _author$type; return { '@type': (_author$type = author == null ? void 0 : author.type) != null ? _author$type : 'Person', name:, url: author == null ? void 0 : author.url }; } return; } function setAuthor(author) { if (Array.isArray(author)) { return => generateAuthorInfo(item)).filter(item => !!item); } else if (author) { return generateAuthorInfo(author); } return; } function setImage(image) { if (image) { return { '@type': 'ImageObject', url: image }; } return undefined; } function setPublisher(publisherName, publisherLogo) { if (!publisherName) { return undefined; } return { '@type': 'Organization', name: publisherName, logo: setImage(publisherLogo) }; } function setReviewRating(rating) { if (rating) { return _extends({}, rating, { '@type': 'Rating' }); } return undefined; } const _excluded$v = ["reviewRating", "author", "publisher"]; function setReviews(reviews) { function mapReview(_ref) { let { reviewRating, author, publisher } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$v); return _extends({}, rest, { '@type': 'Review' }, author && { author: setAuthor(author) }, reviewRating && { reviewRating: setReviewRating(reviewRating) }, publisher && { publisher: setPublisher( }); } if (Array.isArray(reviews)) { return; } else if (reviews) { return mapReview(reviews); } return undefined; } function setNutrition(calories) { if (calories) { return { '@type': 'NutritionInformation', calories: `${calories} calories` }; } return undefined; } function setAggregateRating(aggregateRating) { if (aggregateRating) { return { '@type': 'AggregateRating', ratingCount: aggregateRating.ratingCount, reviewCount: aggregateRating.reviewCount, bestRating: aggregateRating.bestRating, ratingValue: aggregateRating.ratingValue }; } return undefined; } function setClip(clips) { function mapClip(clip) { return _extends({}, clip, { '@type': 'Clip' }); } if (Array.isArray(clips)) { return; } else if (clips) { return mapClip(clips); } return undefined; } function setInteractionStatistic(watchCount) { if (watchCount) { return { '@type': 'InteractionCounter', interactionType: '', userInteractionCount: watchCount }; } return undefined; } function setBroadcastEvent(publication) { function mapBroadcastEvent(publication) { return _extends({}, publication, { '@type': 'BroadcastEvent' }); } if (publication) { if (Array.isArray(publication)) { return; } return mapBroadcastEvent(publication); } return undefined; } const _excluded$u = ["thumbnailUrls", "hasPart", "watchCount", "publication"]; function setVideo(video, setContext = false) { function mapVideo(_ref, context) { let { thumbnailUrls, hasPart, watchCount, publication } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$u); return _extends({}, rest, { '@type': 'VideoObject' }, context && { '@context': '' }, { thumbnailUrl: thumbnailUrls, hasPart: setClip(hasPart), interactionStatistic: setInteractionStatistic(watchCount), publication: setBroadcastEvent(publication) }); } if (video) { return mapVideo(video, setContext); } return undefined; } function setInstruction(instruction) { if (instruction) { return _extends({}, instruction, { '@type': 'HowToStep' }); } return undefined; } const _excluded$t = ["type", "keyOverride", "ofType", "data"], _excluded2$1 = ["authorName", "images", "yields", "category", "calories", "aggregateRating", "video", "ingredients", "instructions", "cuisine"]; function CarouselJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Carousel', keyOverride, ofType, data } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$t); function generateList(data, ofType) { switch (ofType) { case 'default': return, index) => ({ '@type': 'ListItem', position: `${index + 1}`, url: item.url })); case 'course': return, index) => ({ '@type': 'ListItem', position: `${index + 1}`, item: { '@context': '', '@type': 'Course', url: item.url, name: item.courseName, description: item.description, provider: { '@type': 'Organization', name: item.providerName, sameAs: item.providerUrl } } })); case 'movie': return, index) => ({ '@type': 'ListItem', position: `${index + 1}`, item: { '@context': '', '@type': 'Movie', name:, url: item.url, image: item.image, dateCreated: item.dateCreated, director: item.director ? Array.isArray(item.director) ? => ({ '@type': 'Person', name: })) : { '@type': 'Person', name: } : undefined, review: setReviews( } })); case 'recipe': return, index) => { let { authorName, images, yields, category, calories, aggregateRating, video, ingredients, instructions, cuisine } = _ref2, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref2, _excluded2$1); return { '@type': 'ListItem', position: `${index + 1}`, item: _extends({ '@context': '', '@type': 'Recipe' }, rest, { author: setAuthor(authorName), image: images, recipeYield: yields, recipeCategory: category, recipeCuisine: cuisine, nutrition: setNutrition(calories), aggregateRating: setAggregateRating(aggregateRating), video: setVideo(video), recipeIngredient: ingredients, recipeInstructions: }) }; }); } } const jsonLdData = _extends({ '@type': 'ItemList', itemListElement: generateList(data, ofType) }, rest); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, jsonLdData, { scriptKey: "Carousel" })); } const _excluded$s = ["type", "keyOverride", "url", "title", "images", "section", "dateCreated", "datePublished", "dateModified", "authorName", "authorType", "publisherName", "publisherLogo", "body", "isAccessibleForFree"]; function NewsArticleJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'NewsArticle', keyOverride, url, title, images, section, dateCreated, datePublished, dateModified, authorName, publisherName, publisherLogo, body, isAccessibleForFree } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$s); const data = _extends({}, rest, { mainEntityOfPage: { '@type': 'WebPage', '@id': url }, headline: title, image: images, articleSection: section, dateCreated: dateCreated || datePublished, datePublished: datePublished, dateModified: dateModified || datePublished, author: setAuthor(authorName), publisher: setPublisher(publisherName, publisherLogo), articleBody: body, isAccessibleForFree: isAccessibleForFree }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "NewsArticle" })); } const _excluded$r = ["type", "keyOverride", "baseSalary", "hiringOrganization", "applicantLocationRequirements", "experienceRequirements", "jobLocation"]; function JobPostingJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'JobPosting', keyOverride, baseSalary, hiringOrganization, applicantLocationRequirements, experienceRequirements, jobLocation } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$r); function setBaseSalary(baseSalary) { if (baseSalary) { return { '@type': 'MonetaryAmount', currency: baseSalary.currency, value: _extends({ '@type': 'QuantitativeValue', unitText: baseSalary.unitText }, Array.isArray(baseSalary.value) ? { minValue: baseSalary.value[0], maxValue: baseSalary.value[1] } : { value: baseSalary.value }) }; } return undefined; } function setHiringOrganization(org) { return { '@type': 'Organization', name:, sameAs: org.sameAs, logo: org.logo }; } function setJobLocation(location) { if (location) { return { '@type': 'Place', address: { '@type': 'PostalAddress', addressCountry: location.addressCountry, addressLocality: location.addressLocality, addressRegion: location.addressRegion, postalCode: location.postalCode, streetAddress: location.streetAddress } }; } return undefined; } function setApplicantLocationRequirements(requirements) { if (requirements) { return { '@type': 'Country', name: requirements }; } return undefined; } function setOccupationalExperienceRequirements(requirements) { if (requirements) { return { '@type': requirements['@type'] ? requirements['@type'] : 'OccupationalExperienceRequirements', monthsOfExperience: requirements.minimumMonthsOfExperience }; } return undefined; } function setEducationalOccupationalCredential(requirements) { if (requirements) { return { '@type': requirements['@type'] ? requirements['@type'] : 'EducationalOccupationalCredential', credentialCategory: requirements.credentialCategory }; } return undefined; } const data = _extends({}, rest, { baseSalary: setBaseSalary(baseSalary), hiringOrganization: setHiringOrganization(hiringOrganization), jobLocation: setJobLocation(jobLocation), applicantLocationRequirements: setApplicantLocationRequirements(applicantLocationRequirements), experienceRequirements: setOccupationalExperienceRequirements(experienceRequirements == null ? void 0 : experienceRequirements.occupational), educationRequirements: setEducationalOccupationalCredential(experienceRequirements == null ? void 0 : experienceRequirements.educational), experienceInPlaceOfEducation: experienceRequirements == null ? void 0 : experienceRequirements.experienceInPlaceOfEducation }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "JobPosting" })); } function setAddress(address) { if (!address) return undefined; if (!Array.isArray(address)) return toPostalAddress(address); // If array of one address, replace with single address if (address.length === 1) return toPostalAddress(address[0]); // If array, return mapped array of PostalAddresses return; } function toPostalAddress(address) { if (typeof address === 'string') return address; return _extends({ '@type': 'PostalAddress' }, address); } function setGeo(geo) { if (geo) { return _extends({}, geo, { '@type': 'GeoCoordinates' }); } return undefined; } function setAction(action) { if (action) { return { '@type': action.actionType, name: action.actionName, target: }; } return undefined; } function setGeoCircle(geoCircle) { if (geoCircle) { return { '@type': 'GeoCircle', geoMidpoint: { '@type': 'GeoCoordinates', latitude: geoCircle.geoMidpoint.latitude, longitude: geoCircle.geoMidpoint.longitude }, geoRadius: geoCircle.geoRadius }; } return undefined; } function setOffer(offer) { function setPriceSpecification(priceSpecification) { if (priceSpecification) { return { '@type': priceSpecification.type, priceCurrency: priceSpecification.priceCurrency, price: priceSpecification.price }; } return undefined; } function setItemOffered(itemOffered) { if (itemOffered) { return _extends({}, itemOffered, { '@type': 'Service' }); } return undefined; } if (offer) { return _extends({}, offer, { '@type': 'Offer', priceSpecification: setPriceSpecification(offer.priceSpecification), itemOffered: setItemOffered(offer.itemOffered) }); } return undefined; } function setOpeningHours(openingHours) { if (openingHours) { return _extends({}, openingHours, { '@type': 'OpeningHoursSpecification' }); } return undefined; } const _excluded$q = ["type", "keyOverride", "address", "geo", "rating", "review", "action", "areaServed", "makesOffer", "openingHours", "images"]; function LocalBusinessJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'LocalBusiness', keyOverride, address, geo, rating, review, action, areaServed, makesOffer, openingHours, images } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$q); const data = _extends({}, rest, { image: images, address: setAddress(address), geo: setGeo(geo), aggregateRating: setAggregateRating(rating), review: setReviews(review), potentialAction: setAction(action), areaServed: areaServed &&, makesOffer: makesOffer == null ? void 0 :, openingHoursSpecification: Array.isArray(openingHours) ? : setOpeningHours(openingHours) }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "LocalBusiness" })); } const _excluded$p = ["type", "keyOverride", "mainEntity"], _excluded2 = ["upvoteCount"]; function QAPageJsonLd(_ref) { var _mainEntity$author, _mainEntity$acceptedA, _mainEntity$acceptedA2; let { type = 'QAPage', keyOverride, mainEntity } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$p); const data = _extends({}, rest, { mainEntity: _extends({}, mainEntity, { '@type': 'Question', author: setAuthor((_mainEntity$author = == null ? void 0 : _mainEntity$ }, mainEntity.acceptedAnswer && { acceptedAnswer: _extends({}, mainEntity.acceptedAnswer, { '@type': 'Answer', author: setAuthor((_mainEntity$acceptedA = mainEntity.acceptedAnswer) == null ? void 0 : (_mainEntity$acceptedA2 = _mainEntity$ == null ? void 0 : _mainEntity$ }) }, mainEntity.suggestedAnswer && { suggestedAnswer: => { var _rest$author; let { upvoteCount } = _ref2, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref2, _excluded2); return _extends({}, rest, { '@type': 'Answer', upvoteCount: upvoteCount || 0, author: setAuthor((_rest$author = == null ? void 0 : _rest$ }); }) }) }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "QAPage" })); } function setItemListElements(items) { if (items && items.length) { return => ({ '@type': 'ListItem', position: item.position, item: { '@id': item.item, name: } })); } return undefined; } const _excluded$o = ["type", "keyOverride", "breadcrumb"]; function ProfilePageJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'ProfilePage', keyOverride, breadcrumb } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$o); const data = _extends({}, rest, { breadcrumb: Array.isArray(breadcrumb) ? { '@type': 'BreadcrumbList', itemListElement: setItemListElements(breadcrumb) } : breadcrumb }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "ProfilePage" })); } const _excluded$n = ["type", "keyOverride", "potentialActions"]; function SiteLinksSearchBoxJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'WebSite', keyOverride, potentialActions } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$n); function setPotentialAction(action) { if (action) { const { target, queryInput } = action; return { '@type': 'SearchAction', target: `${target}={${queryInput}}`, 'query-input': `required name=${queryInput}` }; } return undefined; } const data = _extends({}, rest, { potentialAction: }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "jsonld-siteLinksSearchBox" })); } const _excluded$m = ["type", "keyOverride", "authorName", "images", "yields", "category", "cuisine", "calories", "aggregateRating", "video", "ingredients", "instructions"]; function RecipeJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Recipe', keyOverride, authorName, images, yields, category, cuisine, calories, aggregateRating, video, ingredients, instructions } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$m); const data = _extends({}, rest, { author: setAuthor(authorName), image: images, recipeYield: yields, recipeCategory: category, recipeCuisine: cuisine, nutrition: setNutrition(calories), aggregateRating: setAggregateRating(aggregateRating), video: setVideo(video), recipeIngredient: ingredients, recipeInstructions: instructions ? : undefined }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "recipe" })); } function setLocation(location) { if (!location) { return undefined; } if (typeof location === 'string') { return location; } if ('url' in location) { return setVirtualLocation(location); } else { return setPlace(location); } } function setVirtualLocation(location) { return _extends({}, location, { '@type': 'VirtualLocation' }); } function setPlace(location) { return _extends({}, location, { address: setAddress(location.address), '@type': 'Place' }); } const _excluded$l = ["type"]; function setPerformer(performer) { if (performer) { const { type } = performer, restPerformer = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(performer, _excluded$l); return _extends({}, restPerformer, { '@type': type || 'PerformingGroup' }); } return undefined; } const _excluded$k = ["seller"]; function setOffers(offers) { function mapOffer(_ref) { let { seller } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$k); return _extends({}, rest, { '@type': 'Offer' }, seller && { seller: { '@type': 'Organization', name: } }); } if (Array.isArray(offers)) { return; } else if (offers) { return mapOffer(offers); } return undefined; } function setAggregateOffer(aggregateOffer) { if (aggregateOffer) { return { '@type': 'AggregateOffer', priceCurrency: aggregateOffer.priceCurrency, highPrice: aggregateOffer.highPrice, lowPrice: aggregateOffer.lowPrice, offerCount: aggregateOffer.offerCount, offers: setOffers(aggregateOffer.offers) }; } return undefined; } const _excluded$j = ["type"]; function setOrganizer(organizer) { if (organizer) { const { type } = organizer, restOrganizer = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(organizer, _excluded$j); return _extends({}, restOrganizer, { '@type': type || 'Person' }); } return undefined; } const _excluded$i = ["type", "keyOverride", "location", "images", "offers", "aggregateOffer", "performers", "organizer", "eventStatus", "eventAttendanceMode"]; function EventJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Event', keyOverride, location, images, offers, aggregateOffer, performers, organizer, eventStatus, eventAttendanceMode } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$i); const data = _extends({}, rest, { location: setLocation(location), image: images, offers: offers ? setOffers(offers) : setAggregateOffer(aggregateOffer), performer: Array.isArray(performers) ? : setPerformer(performers), organizer: Array.isArray(organizer) ? : setOrganizer(organizer), eventStatus: eventStatus ? `${eventStatus}` : undefined, eventAttendanceMode: eventAttendanceMode ? `${eventAttendanceMode}` : undefined }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "Event" })); } function setContactPoint(contactPoint) { if (contactPoint) { return _extends({}, contactPoint, { '@type': 'ContactPoint' }); } return undefined; } const _excluded$h = ["type", "keyOverride", "contactPoint"]; function CorporateContactJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Organization', keyOverride, contactPoint } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$h); const data = _extends({}, rest, { contactPoint: }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "CorporateContact" })); } function setCreativeWork(creativeWork) { if (creativeWork) { return _extends({}, creativeWork, { '@type': 'CreativeWork' }); } return undefined; } const _excluded$g = ["type", "keyOverride", "hasPart"]; function CollectionPageJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'CollectionPage', keyOverride, hasPart } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$g); const data = _extends({}, rest, { hasPart: }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "CollectionPage" })); } function setManufacturer(manufacturer) { if (manufacturer && (manufacturer.manufacturerName || manufacturer.manufacturerLogo)) { return { '@type': 'Organization', name: manufacturer.manufacturerName, logo: setImage(manufacturer.manufacturerLogo) }; } return undefined; } function setBrand(brand) { if (brand) { return { '@type': 'Brand', name: brand }; } return undefined; } const _excluded$f = ["type", "keyOverride", "images", "brand", "reviews", "aggregateRating", "manufacturerLogo", "manufacturerName", "offers", "aggregateOffer", "productName"]; function ProductJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Product', keyOverride, images, brand, reviews, aggregateRating, manufacturerLogo, manufacturerName, offers, aggregateOffer, productName } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$f); const data = _extends({}, rest, { image: images, brand: setBrand(brand), review: setReviews(reviews), aggregateRating: setAggregateRating(aggregateRating), manufacturer: setManufacturer({ manufacturerLogo, manufacturerName }), offers: offers ? setOffers(offers) : setAggregateOffer(aggregateOffer), name: productName }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "Product" })); } const _excluded$e = ["type", "keyOverride", "priceCurrency", "price", "aggregateRating", "review"]; function SoftwareAppJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'SoftwareApplication', keyOverride, priceCurrency, price, aggregateRating, review } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$e); const data = _extends({}, rest, { offers: { '@type': 'Offer', price, priceCurrency: priceCurrency }, aggregateRating: setAggregateRating(aggregateRating), review: setReviews(review) }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "SoftwareApp" })); } const _excluded$d = ["type", "keyOverride"]; function VideoJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Video', keyOverride } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$d); const data = setVideo(rest, true); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "Video" })); } function setProducer(producer) { if (producer) { return { '@type': 'Organization', sameAs: producer.url, name: }; } return undefined; } function setProvider(provider) { if (provider) { return { '@type': provider.type || 'Organization', name:, sameAs: provider.url }; } return undefined; } const _excluded$c = ["type", "keyOverride", "aggregateRating", "trailer", "reviews", "image", "authorName", "provider", "producerName", "producerUrl", "offers", "operatingSystemName", "platformName", "translatorName", "languageName", "genreName", "publisherName"]; function VideoGameJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'VideoGame', keyOverride, aggregateRating, trailer, reviews, image, authorName, provider, producerName, producerUrl, offers, operatingSystemName, platformName, translatorName, languageName, genreName, publisherName } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$c); const data = _extends({}, rest, { aggregateRating: setAggregateRating(aggregateRating), trailer: setVideo(trailer), review: setReviews(reviews), image: setImage(image), author: setAuthor(authorName), provider: setProvider(provider), producer: setProducer({ name: producerName, url: producerUrl }), offers: setOffers(offers), operatingSystem: operatingSystemName, gamePlatform: platformName, translator: translatorName, inLanguage: languageName, genre: genreName, publisher: publisherName }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "VideoGame" })); } function setContactPoints(contactPoint) { if (contactPoint && contactPoint.length) { return => _extends({ '@type': 'ContactPoint' }, contactPoint)); } return undefined; } const _excluded$b = ["type", "keyOverride", "address", "contactPoints", "contactPoint"]; function OrganizationJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Organization', keyOverride, address, contactPoints, contactPoint } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$b); const data = _extends({}, rest, { address: setAddress(address), contactPoint: setContactPoints(contactPoint || contactPoints) }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "organization" })); } function setQuestions(questions) { if (questions && questions.length) { return => ({ '@type': 'Question', name: question.questionName, acceptedAnswer: { '@type': 'Answer', text: question.acceptedAnswerText } })); } return undefined; } const _excluded$a = ["type", "keyOverride", "mainEntity"]; function FAQPageJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'FAQPage', keyOverride, mainEntity } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$a); const data = _extends({}, rest, { mainEntity: setQuestions(mainEntity) }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "faq-page" })); } const _excluded$9 = ["type", "keyOverride"]; function LogoJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Organization', keyOverride } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$9); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, rest, { scriptKey: "Logo" })); } const _excluded$8 = ["type", "keyOverride"]; function DatasetJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Dataset', keyOverride } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$8); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, rest, { scriptKey: "dataset" })); } const _excluded$7 = ["type", "keyOverride", "courseName", "provider"]; function CourseJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Course', keyOverride, courseName, provider } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$7); const data = _extends({ name: courseName }, rest, { provider: setProvider(provider) }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "course" })); } const _excluded$6 = ["type", "keyOverride", "itemListElements"]; function BreadCrumbJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'BreadcrumbList', keyOverride, itemListElements } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$6); const data = _extends({}, rest, { itemListElement: setItemListElements(itemListElements) }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "breadcrumb" })); } const _excluded$5 = ["type", "id", "keyOverride", "aggregateRating"]; function BrandJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Brand', id, keyOverride, aggregateRating } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$5); const data = _extends({ aggregateRating: setAggregateRating(aggregateRating), '@id': id }, rest); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "brand" })); } const _excluded$4 = ["type", "keyOverride", "url", "title", "images", "datePublished", "dateModified", "authorName", "publisherName", "publisherLogo", "description", "isAccessibleForFree"]; function ArticleJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'Article', keyOverride, url, title, images, datePublished, dateModified, authorName, publisherName = undefined, publisherLogo = undefined, description, isAccessibleForFree } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$4); const data = _extends({ datePublished, description, mainEntityOfPage: { '@type': 'WebPage', '@id': url }, headline: title, image: images, dateModified: dateModified || datePublished, author: setAuthor(authorName), publisher: setPublisher(publisherName, publisherLogo), isAccessibleForFree: isAccessibleForFree }, rest); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "article" })); } function setReviewedBy(reviewedBy) { if (reviewedBy) { return _extends({ '@type': (reviewedBy == null ? void 0 : reviewedBy.type) || 'Organization' }, reviewedBy); } return undefined; } const _excluded$3 = ["keyOverride", "reviewedBy"]; function WebPageJsonLd(_ref) { let { keyOverride, reviewedBy } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$3); const data = _extends({}, rest, { reviewedBy: setReviewedBy(reviewedBy) }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { type: "WebPage", scriptKey: "WebPage" })); } const _excluded$2 = ["type", "keyOverride"]; function SocialProfileJsonLd(_ref) { let { type, keyOverride } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$2); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, rest, { scriptKey: "social" })); } function setCost(cost) { if (cost) { return _extends({}, cost, { '@type': 'MonetaryAmount' }); } return undefined; } function setSupply(supply) { if (supply) { return => ({ '@type': 'HowToSupply', name: supplyItem })); } return undefined; } function setTool(tool) { if (tool) { return => ({ '@type': 'HowToTool', name: toolItem })); } return undefined; } function setStep(step) { if (step) { return => { const { itemListElement, image } = stepElement; const currentListElements = itemListElement == null ? void 0 :{ type, text }) => ({ '@type': type, text: text })); return _extends({}, stepElement, { '@type': 'HowToStep', itemListElement: currentListElements, image: setImage(image) }); }); } return undefined; } const _excluded$1 = ["type", "keyOverride", "image", "estimatedCost", "supply", "tool", "step"]; function howToJsonLd(_ref) { let { type = 'HowTo', keyOverride, image, estimatedCost, supply, tool, step } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded$1); const data = _extends({}, rest, { image: setImage(image), estimatedCost: setCost(estimatedCost), supply: setSupply(supply), tool: setTool(tool), step: setStep(step) }); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({ type: type, keyOverride: keyOverride }, data, { scriptKey: "howTo" })); } const _excluded = ["keyOverride", "images"]; function ImageJsonLd(_ref) { let { keyOverride, images } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, _excluded); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(JsonLd, _extends({}, rest, { type: "ImageObject", keyOverride: keyOverride, dataArray: images, scriptKey: "image" })); } export { ArticleJsonLd, BrandJsonLd, BreadCrumbJsonLd as BreadcrumbJsonLd, CarouselJsonLd, CollectionPageJsonLd, CorporateContactJsonLd, CourseJsonLd, DatasetJsonLd, DefaultSeo, EventJsonLd, FAQPageJsonLd, howToJsonLd as HowToJsonLd, ImageJsonLd, JobPostingJsonLd, LocalBusinessJsonLd, LogoJsonLd, NewsArticleJsonLd, NextSeo, OrganizationJsonLd, ProductJsonLd, ProfilePageJsonLd, QAPageJsonLd, RecipeJsonLd, SiteLinksSearchBoxJsonLd, SocialProfileJsonLd, SoftwareAppJsonLd, VideoGameJsonLd, VideoJsonLd, WebPageJsonLd };