import { webpack } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack'; export interface Pattern { prefix: string; suffix: string; } export declare function hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(str: string): boolean; /** * Determines whether a path starts with a relative path component (i.e. `.` or `..`). */ export declare function pathIsRelative(testPath: string): boolean; export declare function tryParsePattern(pattern: string): Pattern | undefined; /** Return the object corresponding to the best pattern to match `candidate`. */ export declare function findBestPatternMatch(values: readonly T[], getPattern: (value: T) => Pattern, candidate: string): T | undefined; /** * patternStrings contains both pattern strings (containing "*") and regular strings. * Return an exact match if possible, or a pattern match, or undefined. * (These are verified by verifyCompilerOptions to have 0 or 1 "*" characters.) */ export declare function matchPatternOrExact(patternStrings: readonly string[], candidate: string): string | Pattern | undefined; /** * Tests whether a value is string */ export declare function isString(text: unknown): text is string; /** * Given that candidate matches pattern, returns the text matching the '*'. * E.g.: matchedText(tryParsePattern("foo*baz"), "foobarbaz") === "bar" */ export declare function matchedText(pattern: Pattern, candidate: string): string; export declare function patternText({ prefix, suffix }: Pattern): string; declare type Paths = { [match: string]: string[]; }; /** * Handles tsconfig.json or jsconfig.js "paths" option for webpack * Largely based on how the TypeScript compiler handles it: * */ export declare class JsConfigPathsPlugin implements webpack.ResolvePluginInstance { paths: Paths; resolvedBaseUrl: string; jsConfigPlugin: true; constructor(paths: Paths, resolvedBaseUrl: string); apply(resolver: any): void; } export {};