import type { ServerRuntime } from '../types'; export declare const API_ROUTE: RegExp; export declare const MIDDLEWARE_FILENAME = "middleware"; export declare const MIDDLEWARE_LOCATION_REGEXP: string; export declare const PAGES_DIR_ALIAS = "private-next-pages"; export declare const DOT_NEXT_ALIAS = "private-dot-next"; export declare const ROOT_DIR_ALIAS = "private-next-root-dir"; export declare const APP_DIR_ALIAS = "private-next-app-dir"; export declare const RSC_MOD_REF_PROXY_ALIAS = "private-next-rsc-mod-ref-proxy"; export declare const PUBLIC_DIR_MIDDLEWARE_CONFLICT = "You can not have a '_next' folder inside of your public folder. This conflicts with the internal '/_next' route."; export declare const SSG_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_CONFLICT = "You can not use getInitialProps with getStaticProps. To use SSG, please remove your getInitialProps"; export declare const SERVER_PROPS_GET_INIT_PROPS_CONFLICT = "You can not use getInitialProps with getServerSideProps. Please remove getInitialProps."; export declare const SERVER_PROPS_SSG_CONFLICT = "You can not use getStaticProps or getStaticPaths with getServerSideProps. To use SSG, please remove getServerSideProps"; export declare const STATIC_STATUS_PAGE_GET_INITIAL_PROPS_ERROR = "can not have getInitialProps/getServerSideProps,"; export declare const SERVER_PROPS_EXPORT_ERROR = "pages with `getServerSideProps` can not be exported. See more info here:"; export declare const GSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE = "Your `getStaticProps` function did not return an object. Did you forget to add a `return`?"; export declare const GSSP_NO_RETURNED_VALUE = "Your `getServerSideProps` function did not return an object. Did you forget to add a `return`?"; export declare const UNSTABLE_REVALIDATE_RENAME_ERROR: string; export declare const GSSP_COMPONENT_MEMBER_ERROR = "can not be attached to a page's component and must be exported from the page. See more info here:"; export declare const NON_STANDARD_NODE_ENV = "You are using a non-standard \"NODE_ENV\" value in your environment. This creates inconsistencies in the project and is strongly advised against. Read more:"; export declare const SSG_FALLBACK_EXPORT_ERROR = "Pages with `fallback` enabled in `getStaticPaths` can not be exported. See more info here:"; export declare const ESLINT_DEFAULT_DIRS: string[]; export declare const ESLINT_PROMPT_VALUES: ({ title: string; recommended: boolean; config: { extends: string; }; } | { title: string; config: { extends: string; }; recommended?: undefined; } | { title: string; config: null; recommended?: undefined; })[]; export declare const SERVER_RUNTIME: Record; export declare const WEBPACK_LAYERS: { server: string; client: string; api: string; rscShared: string; middleware: string; edgeAsset: string; };