"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.install = install; var _chalk = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/chalk")); var _crossSpawn = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/cross-spawn")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function install(root, dependencies, { packageManager , isOnline , devDependencies }) { /** * (p)npm-specific command-line flags. */ const npmFlags = []; /** * Yarn-specific command-line flags. */ const yarnFlags = []; /** * Return a Promise that resolves once the installation is finished. */ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ let args; let command = packageManager; const useYarn = packageManager === "yarn"; if (dependencies && dependencies.length) { /** * If there are dependencies, run a variation of `{packageManager} add`. */ if (useYarn) { /** * Call `yarn add --exact (--offline)? (-D)? ...`. */ args = [ "add", "--exact" ]; if (!isOnline) args.push("--offline"); args.push("--cwd", root); if (devDependencies) args.push("--dev"); args.push(...dependencies); } else { /** * Call `(p)npm install [--save|--save-dev] ...`. */ args = [ "install", "--save-exact" ]; args.push(devDependencies ? "--save-dev" : "--save"); args.push(...dependencies); } } else { /** * If there are no dependencies, run a variation of `{packageManager} * install`. */ args = [ "install" ]; if (!isOnline) { console.log(_chalk.default.yellow("You appear to be offline.")); if (useYarn) { console.log(_chalk.default.yellow("Falling back to the local Yarn cache.")); console.log(); args.push("--offline"); } else { console.log(); } } } /** * Add any package manager-specific flags. */ if (useYarn) { args.push(...yarnFlags); } else { args.push(...npmFlags); } /** * Spawn the installation process. */ const child = (0, _crossSpawn).default(command, args, { stdio: "inherit", env: { ...process.env, ADBLOCK: "1", // we set NODE_ENV to development as pnpm skips dev // dependencies when production NODE_ENV: "development", DISABLE_OPENCOLLECTIVE: "1" } }); child.on("close", (code)=>{ if (code !== 0) { reject({ command: `${command} ${args.join(" ")}` }); return; } resolve(); }); }); } //# sourceMappingURL=install.js.map