"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.isSerializableProps = isSerializableProps; var _isPlainObject = require("../shared/lib/is-plain-object"); const regexpPlainIdentifier = /^[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$]*$/; class SerializableError extends Error { constructor(page, method, path, message){ super(path ? `Error serializing \`${path}\` returned from \`${method}\` in "${page}".\nReason: ${message}` : `Error serializing props returned from \`${method}\` in "${page}".\nReason: ${message}`); } } exports.SerializableError = SerializableError; function isSerializableProps(page, method, input) { if (!(0, _isPlainObject).isPlainObject(input)) { throw new SerializableError(page, method, "", `Props must be returned as a plain object from ${method}: \`{ props: { ... } }\` (received: \`${(0, _isPlainObject).getObjectClassLabel(input)}\`).`); } function visit(visited, value, path) { if (visited.has(value)) { throw new SerializableError(page, method, path, `Circular references cannot be expressed in JSON (references: \`${visited.get(value) || "(self)"}\`).`); } visited.set(value, path); } function isSerializable(refs, value, path) { const type = typeof value; if (// `null` can be serialized, but not `undefined`. value === null || // n.b. `bigint`, `function`, `symbol`, and `undefined` cannot be // serialized. // // `object` is special-cased below, as it may represent `null`, an Array, // a plain object, a class, et al. type === "boolean" || type === "number" || type === "string") { return true; } if (type === "undefined") { throw new SerializableError(page, method, path, "`undefined` cannot be serialized as JSON. Please use `null` or omit this value."); } if ((0, _isPlainObject).isPlainObject(value)) { visit(refs, value, path); if (Object.entries(value).every(([key, nestedValue])=>{ const nextPath = regexpPlainIdentifier.test(key) ? `${path}.${key}` : `${path}[${JSON.stringify(key)}]`; const newRefs = new Map(refs); return isSerializable(newRefs, key, nextPath) && isSerializable(newRefs, nestedValue, nextPath); })) { return true; } throw new SerializableError(page, method, path, `invariant: Unknown error encountered in Object.`); } if (Array.isArray(value)) { visit(refs, value, path); if (value.every((nestedValue, index)=>{ const newRefs = new Map(refs); return isSerializable(newRefs, nestedValue, `${path}[${index}]`); })) { return true; } throw new SerializableError(page, method, path, `invariant: Unknown error encountered in Array.`); } // None of these can be expressed as JSON: // const type: "bigint" | "symbol" | "object" | "function" throw new SerializableError(page, method, path, "`" + type + "`" + (type === "object" ? ` ("${Object.prototype.toString.call(value)}")` : "") + " cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types."); } return isSerializable(new Map(), input, ""); } //# sourceMappingURL=is-serializable-props.js.map