import type { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http';
import type { LoadComponentsReturnType } from './load-components';
import type { ServerRuntime } from '../types';
import React from 'react';
import { NextParsedUrlQuery } from './request-meta';
import RenderResult from './render-result';
import { FlightCSSManifest, FlightManifest } from '../build/webpack/plugins/flight-manifest-plugin';
export declare type RenderOptsPartial = {
err?: Error | null;
dev?: boolean;
serverComponentManifest?: FlightManifest;
serverCSSManifest?: FlightCSSManifest;
supportsDynamicHTML?: boolean;
runtime?: ServerRuntime;
serverComponents?: boolean;
assetPrefix?: string;
export declare type RenderOpts = LoadComponentsReturnType & RenderOptsPartial;
export declare type DynamicParamTypesShort = 'c' | 'oc' | 'd';
* Segment in the router state.
export declare type Segment = string | [param: string, value: string, type: DynamicParamTypesShort];
* Router state
export declare type FlightRouterState = [
segment: Segment,
parallelRoutes: {
[parallelRouterKey: string]: FlightRouterState;
url?: string,
refresh?: 'refetch'
* Individual Flight response path
export declare type FlightSegmentPath = any[] | [
segment: Segment,
parallelRouterKey: string,
segment: Segment,
parallelRouterKey: string,
segment: Segment,
parallelRouterKey: string
export declare type FlightDataPath = any[] | [
React.ReactNode | null
* The Flight response data
export declare type FlightData = Array | string;
* Property holding the current subTreeData.
export declare type ChildProp = {
* Null indicates that the tree is partial
current: React.ReactNode | null;
segment: Segment;
export declare function renderToHTMLOrFlight(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, pathname: string, query: NextParsedUrlQuery, renderOpts: RenderOpts, isPagesDir: boolean, isStaticGeneration?: boolean): Promise;