"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.decodeBuffer = decodeBuffer; exports.rotate = rotate; exports.resize = resize; exports.encodeJpeg = encodeJpeg; exports.encodeWebp = encodeWebp; exports.encodeAvif = encodeAvif; exports.encodePng = encodePng; var _semver = _interopRequireDefault(require("next/dist/compiled/semver")); var _codecs = require("./codecs"); var _imageData = _interopRequireDefault(require("./image_data")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } // Fixed in Node.js 16.5.0 and newer. // See https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/39337 // Eventually, remove this delay when engines is updated. // See https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/1bcc923439f495a1717421e06af7e64c6003072c/packages/next/package.json#L249-L251 const FIXED_VERSION = "16.5.0"; const DELAY_MS = 1000; let _promise; function delayOnce(ms) { if (!_promise) { _promise = new Promise((resolve)=>{ setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } return _promise; } function maybeDelay() { const isAppleM1 = process.arch === "arm64" && process.platform === "darwin"; if (isAppleM1 && _semver.default.lt(process.version, FIXED_VERSION)) { return delayOnce(DELAY_MS); } return Promise.resolve(); } async function decodeBuffer(_buffer) { var ref; const buffer = Buffer.from(_buffer); const firstChunk = buffer.slice(0, 16); const firstChunkString = Array.from(firstChunk).map((v)=>String.fromCodePoint(v)).join(""); const key = (ref = Object.entries(_codecs.codecs).find(([, { detectors }])=>detectors.some((detector)=>detector.exec(firstChunkString)))) == null ? void 0 : ref[0]; if (!key) { throw Error(`Buffer has an unsupported format`); } const encoder = _codecs.codecs[key]; const mod = await encoder.dec(); const rgba = mod.decode(new Uint8Array(buffer)); return rgba; } async function rotate(image, numRotations) { image = _imageData.default.from(image); const m = await _codecs.preprocessors["rotate"].instantiate(); return await m(image.data, image.width, image.height, { numRotations }); } async function resize({ image , width , height }) { image = _imageData.default.from(image); const p = _codecs.preprocessors["resize"]; const m = await p.instantiate(); await maybeDelay(); return await m(image.data, image.width, image.height, { ...p.defaultOptions, width, height }); } async function encodeJpeg(image, { quality }) { image = _imageData.default.from(image); const e = _codecs.codecs["mozjpeg"]; const m = await e.enc(); await maybeDelay(); const r = await m.encode(image.data, image.width, image.height, { ...e.defaultEncoderOptions, quality }); return Buffer.from(r); } async function encodeWebp(image, { quality }) { image = _imageData.default.from(image); const e = _codecs.codecs["webp"]; const m = await e.enc(); await maybeDelay(); const r = await m.encode(image.data, image.width, image.height, { ...e.defaultEncoderOptions, quality }); return Buffer.from(r); } async function encodeAvif(image, { quality }) { image = _imageData.default.from(image); const e = _codecs.codecs["avif"]; const m = await e.enc(); await maybeDelay(); const val = e.autoOptimize.min || 62; const r = await m.encode(image.data, image.width, image.height, { ...e.defaultEncoderOptions, // Think of cqLevel as the "amount" of quantization (0 to 62), // so a lower value yields higher quality (0 to 100). cqLevel: Math.round(val - quality / 100 * val) }); return Buffer.from(r); } async function encodePng(image) { image = _imageData.default.from(image); const e = _codecs.codecs["oxipng"]; const m = await e.enc(); await maybeDelay(); const r = await m.encode(image.data, image.width, image.height, { ...e.defaultEncoderOptions }); return Buffer.from(r); } //# sourceMappingURL=impl.js.map