"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Video = void 0; var _utils = require("../utils"); /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class Video { constructor(page, connection) { this._artifact = null; this._artifactReadyPromise = new _utils.ManualPromise(); this._isRemote = false; this._isRemote = connection.isRemote(); this._artifact = page._closedOrCrashedScope.safeRace(this._artifactReadyPromise); } _artifactReady(artifact) { this._artifactReadyPromise.resolve(artifact); } async path() { if (this._isRemote) throw new Error(`Path is not available when connecting remotely. Use saveAs() to save a local copy.`); const artifact = await this._artifact; if (!artifact) throw new Error('Page did not produce any video frames'); return artifact._initializer.absolutePath; } async saveAs(path) { const artifact = await this._artifact; if (!artifact) throw new Error('Page did not produce any video frames'); return await artifact.saveAs(path); } async delete() { const artifact = await this._artifact; if (artifact) await artifact.delete(); } } exports.Video = Video;