"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Semaphore = exports.PlaywrightServer = void 0; var _utilsBundle = require("../utilsBundle"); var _playwright = require("../server/playwright"); var _playwrightConnection = require("./playwrightConnection"); var _manualPromise = require("../utils/manualPromise"); var _debugLogger = require("../common/debugLogger"); var _utils = require("../utils"); var _transport = require("../server/transport"); /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let lastConnectionId = 0; const kConnectionSymbol = Symbol('kConnection'); class PlaywrightServer { constructor(options) { this._preLaunchedPlaywright = void 0; this._wsServer = void 0; this._server = void 0; this._options = void 0; this._options = options; if (options.preLaunchedBrowser) this._preLaunchedPlaywright = options.preLaunchedBrowser.attribution.playwright; if (options.preLaunchedAndroidDevice) this._preLaunchedPlaywright = options.preLaunchedAndroidDevice._android.attribution.playwright; } async listen(port = 0, hostname) { _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', `Server started at ${new Date()}`); const server = (0, _utils.createHttpServer)((request, response) => { if (request.method === 'GET' && request.url === '/json') { response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); response.end(JSON.stringify({ wsEndpointPath: this._options.path })); return; } response.end('Running'); }); server.on('error', error => _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', String(error))); this._server = server; const wsEndpoint = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { server.listen(port, hostname, () => { const address = server.address(); if (!address) { reject(new Error('Could not bind server socket')); return; } const wsEndpoint = typeof address === 'string' ? `${address}${this._options.path}` : `ws://${hostname || 'localhost'}:${address.port}${this._options.path}`; resolve(wsEndpoint); }).on('error', reject); }); _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', 'Listening at ' + wsEndpoint); this._wsServer = new _utilsBundle.wsServer({ noServer: true, perMessageDeflate: _transport.perMessageDeflate }); const browserSemaphore = new Semaphore(this._options.maxConnections); const controllerSemaphore = new Semaphore(1); const reuseBrowserSemaphore = new Semaphore(1); if (process.env.PWTEST_SERVER_WS_HEADERS) { this._wsServer.on('headers', (headers, request) => { headers.push(process.env.PWTEST_SERVER_WS_HEADERS); }); } server.on('upgrade', (request, socket, head) => { var _this$_wsServer; const pathname = new URL('http://localhost' + request.url).pathname; if (pathname !== this._options.path) { socket.write(`HTTP/${request.httpVersion} 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n`); socket.destroy(); return; } const uaError = (0, _utils.userAgentVersionMatchesErrorMessage)(request.headers['user-agent'] || ''); if (uaError) { socket.write(`HTTP/${request.httpVersion} 428 Precondition Required\r\n\r\n${uaError}`); socket.destroy(); return; } (_this$_wsServer = this._wsServer) === null || _this$_wsServer === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_wsServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, ws => { var _this$_wsServer2; return (_this$_wsServer2 = this._wsServer) === null || _this$_wsServer2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_wsServer2.emit('connection', ws, request); }); }); this._wsServer.on('connection', (ws, request) => { _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', 'Connected client ws.extension=' + ws.extensions); const url = new URL('http://localhost' + (request.url || '')); const browserHeader = request.headers['x-playwright-browser']; const browserName = url.searchParams.get('browser') || (Array.isArray(browserHeader) ? browserHeader[0] : browserHeader) || null; const proxyHeader = request.headers['x-playwright-proxy']; const proxyValue = url.searchParams.get('proxy') || (Array.isArray(proxyHeader) ? proxyHeader[0] : proxyHeader); const launchOptionsHeader = request.headers['x-playwright-launch-options'] || ''; const launchOptionsHeaderValue = Array.isArray(launchOptionsHeader) ? launchOptionsHeader[0] : launchOptionsHeader; const launchOptionsParam = url.searchParams.get('launch-options'); let launchOptions = {}; try { launchOptions = JSON.parse(launchOptionsParam || launchOptionsHeaderValue); } catch (e) {} const id = String(++lastConnectionId); _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', `[${id}] serving connection: ${request.url}`); // Instantiate playwright for the extension modes. const isExtension = this._options.mode === 'extension'; if (isExtension) { if (!this._preLaunchedPlaywright) this._preLaunchedPlaywright = (0, _playwright.createPlaywright)({ sdkLanguage: 'javascript', isServer: true }); } let clientType = 'launch-browser'; let semaphore = browserSemaphore; if (isExtension && url.searchParams.has('debug-controller')) { clientType = 'controller'; semaphore = controllerSemaphore; } else if (isExtension) { clientType = 'reuse-browser'; semaphore = reuseBrowserSemaphore; } else if (this._options.mode === 'launchServer') { clientType = 'pre-launched-browser-or-android'; semaphore = browserSemaphore; } const connection = new _playwrightConnection.PlaywrightConnection(semaphore.acquire(), clientType, ws, { socksProxyPattern: proxyValue, browserName, launchOptions }, { playwright: this._preLaunchedPlaywright, browser: this._options.preLaunchedBrowser, androidDevice: this._options.preLaunchedAndroidDevice, socksProxy: this._options.preLaunchedSocksProxy }, id, () => semaphore.release()); ws[kConnectionSymbol] = connection; }); return wsEndpoint; } async close() { const server = this._wsServer; if (!server) return; _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', 'closing websocket server'); const waitForClose = new Promise(f => server.close(f)); // First disconnect all remaining clients. await Promise.all(Array.from(server.clients).map(async ws => { const connection = ws[kConnectionSymbol]; if (connection) await connection.close(); try { ws.terminate(); } catch (e) {} })); await waitForClose; _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', 'closing http server'); if (this._server) await new Promise(f => this._server.close(f)); this._wsServer = undefined; this._server = undefined; _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', 'closed server'); _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', 'closing browsers'); if (this._preLaunchedPlaywright) await Promise.all(this._preLaunchedPlaywright.allBrowsers().map(browser => browser.close({ reason: 'Playwright Server stopped' }))); _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('server', 'closed browsers'); } } exports.PlaywrightServer = PlaywrightServer; class Semaphore { constructor(max) { this._max = void 0; this._acquired = 0; this._queue = []; this._max = max; } setMax(max) { this._max = max; } acquire() { const lock = new _manualPromise.ManualPromise(); this._queue.push(lock); this._flush(); return lock; } release() { --this._acquired; this._flush(); } _flush() { while (this._acquired < this._max && this._queue.length) { ++this._acquired; this._queue.shift().resolve(); } } } exports.Semaphore = Semaphore;