"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Chromium = void 0; var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs")); var _os = _interopRequireDefault(require("os")); var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); var _crBrowser = require("./crBrowser"); var _processLauncher = require("../../utils/processLauncher"); var _crConnection = require("./crConnection"); var _browserType = require("../browserType"); var _transport = require("../transport"); var _crDevTools = require("./crDevTools"); var _browser = require("../browser"); var _network = require("../../utils/network"); var _userAgent = require("../../utils/userAgent"); var _ascii = require("../../utils/ascii"); var _utils = require("../../utils"); var _fileUtils = require("../../utils/fileUtils"); var _debugLogger = require("../../common/debugLogger"); var _progress = require("../progress"); var _timeoutSettings = require("../../common/timeoutSettings"); var _helper = require("../helper"); var _registry = require("../registry"); var _manualPromise = require("../../utils/manualPromise"); var _browserContext = require("../browserContext"); var _chromiumSwitches = require("./chromiumSwitches"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const ARTIFACTS_FOLDER = _path.default.join(_os.default.tmpdir(), 'playwright-artifacts-'); class Chromium extends _browserType.BrowserType { constructor(parent) { super(parent, 'chromium'); this._devtools = void 0; if ((0, _utils.debugMode)()) this._devtools = this._createDevTools(); } async connectOverCDP(metadata, endpointURL, options, timeout) { const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this); controller.setLogName('browser'); return controller.run(async progress => { return await this._connectOverCDPInternal(progress, endpointURL, options); }, _timeoutSettings.TimeoutSettings.timeout({ timeout })); } async _connectOverCDPInternal(progress, endpointURL, options, onClose) { let headersMap; if (options.headers) headersMap = (0, _utils.headersArrayToObject)(options.headers, false); if (!headersMap) headersMap = { 'User-Agent': (0, _userAgent.getUserAgent)() };else if (headersMap && !Object.keys(headersMap).some(key => key.toLowerCase() === 'user-agent')) headersMap['User-Agent'] = (0, _userAgent.getUserAgent)(); const artifactsDir = await _fs.default.promises.mkdtemp(ARTIFACTS_FOLDER); const wsEndpoint = await urlToWSEndpoint(progress, endpointURL); progress.throwIfAborted(); const chromeTransport = await _transport.WebSocketTransport.connect(progress, wsEndpoint, headersMap); const cleanedUp = new _manualPromise.ManualPromise(); const doCleanup = async () => { await (0, _fileUtils.removeFolders)([artifactsDir]); await (onClose === null || onClose === void 0 ? void 0 : onClose()); cleanedUp.resolve(); }; const doClose = async () => { await chromeTransport.closeAndWait(); await cleanedUp; }; const browserProcess = { close: doClose, kill: doClose }; const persistent = { noDefaultViewport: true }; const browserOptions = { slowMo: options.slowMo, name: 'chromium', isChromium: true, persistent, browserProcess, protocolLogger: _helper.helper.debugProtocolLogger(), browserLogsCollector: new _debugLogger.RecentLogsCollector(), artifactsDir, downloadsPath: options.downloadsPath || artifactsDir, tracesDir: options.tracesDir || artifactsDir, // On Windows context level proxies only work, if there isn't a global proxy // set. This is currently a bug in the CR/Windows networking stack. By // passing an arbitrary value we disable the check in PW land which warns // users in normal (launch/launchServer) mode since otherwise connectOverCDP // does not work at all with proxies on Windows. proxy: { server: 'per-context' }, originalLaunchOptions: {} }; (0, _browserContext.validateBrowserContextOptions)(persistent, browserOptions); progress.throwIfAborted(); const browser = await _crBrowser.CRBrowser.connect(this.attribution.playwright, chromeTransport, browserOptions); browser._isCollocatedWithServer = false; browser.on(_browser.Browser.Events.Disconnected, doCleanup); return browser; } _createDevTools() { // TODO: this is totally wrong when using channels. const directory = _registry.registry.findExecutable('chromium').directory; return directory ? new _crDevTools.CRDevTools(_path.default.join(directory, 'devtools-preferences.json')) : undefined; } async _connectToTransport(transport, options) { let devtools = this._devtools; if (options.__testHookForDevTools) { devtools = this._createDevTools(); await options.__testHookForDevTools(devtools); } return _crBrowser.CRBrowser.connect(this.attribution.playwright, transport, options, devtools); } _doRewriteStartupLog(error) { if (!error.logs) return error; if (error.logs.includes('Missing X server')) error.logs = '\n' + (0, _ascii.wrapInASCIIBox)(_browserType.kNoXServerRunningError, 1); // These error messages are taken from Chromium source code as of July, 2020: // https://github.com/chromium/chromium/blob/70565f67e79f79e17663ad1337dc6e63ee207ce9/content/browser/zygote_host/zygote_host_impl_linux.cc if (!error.logs.includes('crbug.com/357670') && !error.logs.includes('No usable sandbox!') && !error.logs.includes('crbug.com/638180')) return error; error.logs = [`Chromium sandboxing failed!`, `================================`, `To workaround sandboxing issues, do either of the following:`, ` - (preferred): Configure environment to support sandboxing: https://playwright.dev/docs/troubleshooting`, ` - (alternative): Launch Chromium without sandbox using 'chromiumSandbox: false' option`, `================================`, ``].join('\n'); return error; } _amendEnvironment(env, userDataDir, executable, browserArguments) { return env; } _attemptToGracefullyCloseBrowser(transport) { const message = { method: 'Browser.close', id: _crConnection.kBrowserCloseMessageId, params: {} }; transport.send(message); } async _launchWithSeleniumHub(progress, hubUrl, options) { await this._createArtifactDirs(options); if (!hubUrl.endsWith('/')) hubUrl = hubUrl + '/'; const args = this._innerDefaultArgs(options); args.push('--remote-debugging-port=0'); const isEdge = options.channel && options.channel.startsWith('msedge'); let desiredCapabilities = { 'browserName': isEdge ? 'MicrosoftEdge' : 'chrome', [isEdge ? 'ms:edgeOptions' : 'goog:chromeOptions']: { args } }; if (process.env.SELENIUM_REMOTE_CAPABILITIES) { const remoteCapabilities = parseSeleniumRemoteParams({ name: 'capabilities', value: process.env.SELENIUM_REMOTE_CAPABILITIES }, progress); if (remoteCapabilities) desiredCapabilities = { ...desiredCapabilities, ...remoteCapabilities }; } let headers = {}; if (process.env.SELENIUM_REMOTE_HEADERS) { const remoteHeaders = parseSeleniumRemoteParams({ name: 'headers', value: process.env.SELENIUM_REMOTE_HEADERS }, progress); if (remoteHeaders) headers = remoteHeaders; } progress.log(` connecting to ${hubUrl}`); const response = await (0, _network.fetchData)({ url: hubUrl + 'session', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', ...headers }, data: JSON.stringify({ capabilities: { alwaysMatch: desiredCapabilities } }), timeout: progress.timeUntilDeadline() }, seleniumErrorHandler); const value = JSON.parse(response).value; const sessionId = value.sessionId; progress.log(` connected to sessionId=${sessionId}`); const disconnectFromSelenium = async () => { progress.log(` disconnecting from sessionId=${sessionId}`); await (0, _network.fetchData)({ url: hubUrl + 'session/' + sessionId, method: 'DELETE', headers }).catch(error => progress.log(`: ${error}`)); progress.log(` disconnected from sessionId=${sessionId}`); _processLauncher.gracefullyCloseSet.delete(disconnectFromSelenium); }; _processLauncher.gracefullyCloseSet.add(disconnectFromSelenium); try { const capabilities = value.capabilities; let endpointURL; if (capabilities['se:cdp']) { // Selenium 4 - use built-in CDP websocket proxy. progress.log(` using selenium v4`); const endpointURLString = addProtocol(capabilities['se:cdp']); endpointURL = new URL(endpointURLString); if (endpointURL.hostname === 'localhost' || endpointURL.hostname === '') endpointURL.hostname = new URL(hubUrl).hostname; progress.log(` retrieved endpoint ${endpointURL.toString()} for sessionId=${sessionId}`); } else { // Selenium 3 - resolve target node IP to use instead of localhost ws url. progress.log(` using selenium v3`); const maybeChromeOptions = capabilities['goog:chromeOptions']; const chromeOptions = maybeChromeOptions && typeof maybeChromeOptions === 'object' ? maybeChromeOptions : undefined; const debuggerAddress = chromeOptions && typeof chromeOptions.debuggerAddress === 'string' ? chromeOptions.debuggerAddress : undefined; const chromeOptionsURL = typeof maybeChromeOptions === 'string' ? maybeChromeOptions : undefined; // TODO(dgozman): figure out if we can make ChromeDriver to return instead of localhost. const endpointURLString = addProtocol(debuggerAddress || chromeOptionsURL).replace('localhost', ''); progress.log(` retrieved endpoint ${endpointURLString} for sessionId=${sessionId}`); endpointURL = new URL(endpointURLString); if (endpointURL.hostname === 'localhost' || endpointURL.hostname === '') { const sessionInfoUrl = new URL(hubUrl).origin + '/grid/api/testsession?session=' + sessionId; try { const sessionResponse = await (0, _network.fetchData)({ url: sessionInfoUrl, method: 'GET', timeout: progress.timeUntilDeadline(), headers }, seleniumErrorHandler); const proxyId = JSON.parse(sessionResponse).proxyId; endpointURL.hostname = new URL(proxyId).hostname; progress.log(` resolved endpoint ip ${endpointURL.toString()} for sessionId=${sessionId}`); } catch (e) { progress.log(` unable to resolve endpoint ip for sessionId=${sessionId}, running in standalone?`); } } } return await this._connectOverCDPInternal(progress, endpointURL.toString(), { ...options, headers: (0, _utils.headersObjectToArray)(headers) }, disconnectFromSelenium); } catch (e) { await disconnectFromSelenium(); throw e; } } _defaultArgs(options, isPersistent, userDataDir) { const chromeArguments = this._innerDefaultArgs(options); chromeArguments.push(`--user-data-dir=${userDataDir}`); if (options.useWebSocket) chromeArguments.push('--remote-debugging-port=0');else chromeArguments.push('--remote-debugging-pipe'); if (isPersistent) chromeArguments.push('about:blank');else chromeArguments.push('--no-startup-window'); return chromeArguments; } _innerDefaultArgs(options) { const { args = [], proxy } = options; const userDataDirArg = args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('--user-data-dir')); if (userDataDirArg) throw this._createUserDataDirArgMisuseError('--user-data-dir'); if (args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('--remote-debugging-pipe'))) throw new Error('Playwright manages remote debugging connection itself.'); if (args.find(arg => !arg.startsWith('-'))) throw new Error('Arguments can not specify page to be opened'); const chromeArguments = [..._chromiumSwitches.chromiumSwitches]; if (_os.default.platform() === 'darwin') { // See https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/7362 chromeArguments.push('--enable-use-zoom-for-dsf=false'); // See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1407025. if (options.headless) chromeArguments.push('--use-angle'); } if (options.devtools) chromeArguments.push('--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs'); if (options.headless) { if (process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_CHROMIUM_USE_HEADLESS_NEW) chromeArguments.push('--headless=new');else chromeArguments.push('--headless'); chromeArguments.push('--hide-scrollbars', '--mute-audio', '--blink-settings=primaryHoverType=2,availableHoverTypes=2,primaryPointerType=4,availablePointerTypes=4'); } if (options.chromiumSandbox !== true) chromeArguments.push('--no-sandbox'); if (proxy) { const proxyURL = new URL(proxy.server); const isSocks = proxyURL.protocol === 'socks5:'; // https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/network-settings if (isSocks && !this.attribution.playwright.options.socksProxyPort) { // https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/network-stack/socks-proxy chromeArguments.push(`--host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE ${proxyURL.hostname}"`); } chromeArguments.push(`--proxy-server=${proxy.server}`); const proxyBypassRules = []; // https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/master:net/docs/proxy.md;l=548;drc=71698e610121078e0d1a811054dcf9fd89b49578 if (this.attribution.playwright.options.socksProxyPort) proxyBypassRules.push('<-loopback>'); if (proxy.bypass) proxyBypassRules.push(...proxy.bypass.split(',').map(t => t.trim()).map(t => t.startsWith('.') ? '*' + t : t)); if (!process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_DISABLE_FORCED_CHROMIUM_PROXIED_LOOPBACK && !proxyBypassRules.includes('<-loopback>')) proxyBypassRules.push('<-loopback>'); if (proxyBypassRules.length > 0) chromeArguments.push(`--proxy-bypass-list=${proxyBypassRules.join(';')}`); } chromeArguments.push(...args); return chromeArguments; } } exports.Chromium = Chromium; async function urlToWSEndpoint(progress, endpointURL) { if (endpointURL.startsWith('ws')) return endpointURL; progress.log(` retrieving websocket url from ${endpointURL}`); const httpURL = endpointURL.endsWith('/') ? `${endpointURL}json/version/` : `${endpointURL}/json/version/`; const json = await (0, _network.fetchData)({ url: httpURL }, async (_, resp) => new Error(`Unexpected status ${resp.statusCode} when connecting to ${httpURL}.\n` + `This does not look like a DevTools server, try connecting via ws://.`)); return JSON.parse(json).webSocketDebuggerUrl; } async function seleniumErrorHandler(params, response) { const body = await streamToString(response); let message = body; try { const json = JSON.parse(body); message = json.value.localizedMessage || json.value.message; } catch (e) {} return new Error(`Error connecting to Selenium at ${params.url}: ${message}`); } function addProtocol(url) { if (!['ws://', 'wss://', 'http://', 'https://'].some(protocol => url.startsWith(protocol))) return 'http://' + url; return url; } function streamToString(stream) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const chunks = []; stream.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(Buffer.from(chunk))); stream.on('error', reject); stream.on('end', () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8'))); }); } function parseSeleniumRemoteParams(env, progress) { try { const parsed = JSON.parse(env.value); progress.log(` using additional ${env.name} "${env.value}"`); return parsed; } catch (e) { progress.log(` ignoring additional ${env.name} "${env.value}": ${e}`); } }