"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.kBrowserCloseMessageId = exports.FFSession = exports.FFConnection = exports.ConnectionEvents = void 0; var _events = require("events"); var _debugLogger = require("../../common/debugLogger"); var _helper = require("../helper"); var _protocolError = require("../protocolError"); /** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const ConnectionEvents = exports.ConnectionEvents = { Disconnected: Symbol('Disconnected') }; // FFPlaywright uses this special id to issue Browser.close command which we // should ignore. const kBrowserCloseMessageId = exports.kBrowserCloseMessageId = -9999; class FFConnection extends _events.EventEmitter { constructor(transport, protocolLogger, browserLogsCollector) { super(); this._lastId = void 0; this._transport = void 0; this._protocolLogger = void 0; this._browserLogsCollector = void 0; this._browserDisconnectedLogs = void 0; this.rootSession = void 0; this._sessions = void 0; this._closed = void 0; this.setMaxListeners(0); this._transport = transport; this._protocolLogger = protocolLogger; this._browserLogsCollector = browserLogsCollector; this._lastId = 0; this._sessions = new Map(); this._closed = false; this.rootSession = new FFSession(this, '', message => this._rawSend(message)); this._sessions.set('', this.rootSession); this._transport.onmessage = this._onMessage.bind(this); // onclose should be set last, since it can be immediately called. this._transport.onclose = this._onClose.bind(this); } nextMessageId() { return ++this._lastId; } _rawSend(message) { this._protocolLogger('send', message); this._transport.send(message); } async _onMessage(message) { this._protocolLogger('receive', message); if (message.id === kBrowserCloseMessageId) return; const session = this._sessions.get(message.sessionId || ''); if (session) session.dispatchMessage(message); } _onClose() { this._closed = true; this._transport.onmessage = undefined; this._transport.onclose = undefined; this._browserDisconnectedLogs = _helper.helper.formatBrowserLogs(this._browserLogsCollector.recentLogs()); this.rootSession.dispose(); Promise.resolve().then(() => this.emit(ConnectionEvents.Disconnected)); } close() { if (!this._closed) this._transport.close(); } createSession(sessionId) { const session = new FFSession(this, sessionId, message => this._rawSend({ ...message, sessionId })); this._sessions.set(sessionId, session); return session; } } exports.FFConnection = FFConnection; class FFSession extends _events.EventEmitter { constructor(connection, sessionId, rawSend) { super(); this._connection = void 0; this._disposed = false; this._callbacks = void 0; this._sessionId = void 0; this._rawSend = void 0; this._crashed = false; this.on = void 0; this.addListener = void 0; this.off = void 0; this.removeListener = void 0; this.once = void 0; this.setMaxListeners(0); this._callbacks = new Map(); this._connection = connection; this._sessionId = sessionId; this._rawSend = rawSend; this.on = super.on; this.addListener = super.addListener; this.off = super.removeListener; this.removeListener = super.removeListener; this.once = super.once; } markAsCrashed() { this._crashed = true; } async send(method, params) { if (this._crashed || this._disposed || this._connection._closed || this._connection._browserDisconnectedLogs) throw new _protocolError.ProtocolError(this._crashed ? 'crashed' : 'closed', undefined, this._connection._browserDisconnectedLogs); const id = this._connection.nextMessageId(); this._rawSend({ method, params, id }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._callbacks.set(id, { resolve, reject, error: new _protocolError.ProtocolError('error', method) }); }); } sendMayFail(method, params) { return this.send(method, params).catch(error => _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('error', error)); } dispatchMessage(object) { if (object.id) { const callback = this._callbacks.get(object.id); // Callbacks could be all rejected if someone has called `.dispose()`. if (callback) { this._callbacks.delete(object.id); if (object.error) { callback.error.setMessage(object.error.message); callback.reject(callback.error); } else { callback.resolve(object.result); } } } else { Promise.resolve().then(() => this.emit(object.method, object.params)); } } dispose() { this._disposed = true; this._connection._sessions.delete(this._sessionId); for (const callback of this._callbacks.values()) { callback.error.type = this._crashed ? 'crashed' : 'closed'; callback.error.logs = this._connection._browserDisconnectedLogs; callback.reject(callback.error); } this._callbacks.clear(); } } exports.FFSession = FFSession;