"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.RawTouchscreenImpl = exports.RawMouseImpl = exports.RawKeyboardImpl = void 0; /** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function toModifiersMask(modifiers) { let mask = 0; if (modifiers.has('Alt')) mask |= 1; if (modifiers.has('Control')) mask |= 2; if (modifiers.has('Shift')) mask |= 4; if (modifiers.has('Meta')) mask |= 8; return mask; } function toButtonNumber(button) { if (button === 'left') return 0; if (button === 'middle') return 1; if (button === 'right') return 2; return 0; } function toButtonsMask(buttons) { let mask = 0; if (buttons.has('left')) mask |= 1; if (buttons.has('right')) mask |= 2; if (buttons.has('middle')) mask |= 4; return mask; } class RawKeyboardImpl { constructor(client) { this._client = void 0; this._client = client; } async keydown(modifiers, code, keyCode, keyCodeWithoutLocation, key, location, autoRepeat, text) { // Firefox will figure out Enter by itself if (text === '\r') text = ''; await this._client.send('Page.dispatchKeyEvent', { type: 'keydown', keyCode: keyCodeWithoutLocation, code, key, repeat: autoRepeat, location, text }); } async keyup(modifiers, code, keyCode, keyCodeWithoutLocation, key, location) { await this._client.send('Page.dispatchKeyEvent', { type: 'keyup', key, keyCode: keyCodeWithoutLocation, code, location, repeat: false }); } async sendText(text) { await this._client.send('Page.insertText', { text }); } } exports.RawKeyboardImpl = RawKeyboardImpl; class RawMouseImpl { constructor(client) { this._client = void 0; this._page = void 0; this._client = client; } async move(x, y, button, buttons, modifiers, forClick) { await this._client.send('Page.dispatchMouseEvent', { type: 'mousemove', button: 0, buttons: toButtonsMask(buttons), x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y), modifiers: toModifiersMask(modifiers) }); } async down(x, y, button, buttons, modifiers, clickCount) { await this._client.send('Page.dispatchMouseEvent', { type: 'mousedown', button: toButtonNumber(button), buttons: toButtonsMask(buttons), x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y), modifiers: toModifiersMask(modifiers), clickCount }); } async up(x, y, button, buttons, modifiers, clickCount) { await this._client.send('Page.dispatchMouseEvent', { type: 'mouseup', button: toButtonNumber(button), buttons: toButtonsMask(buttons), x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y), modifiers: toModifiersMask(modifiers), clickCount }); } async wheel(x, y, buttons, modifiers, deltaX, deltaY) { // Wheel events hit the compositor first, so wait one frame for it to be synced. await this._page.mainFrame().evaluateExpression(`new Promise(requestAnimationFrame)`, { world: 'utility' }); await this._client.send('Page.dispatchWheelEvent', { deltaX, deltaY, x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y), deltaZ: 0, modifiers: toModifiersMask(modifiers) }); } setPage(page) { this._page = page; } } exports.RawMouseImpl = RawMouseImpl; class RawTouchscreenImpl { constructor(client) { this._client = void 0; this._client = client; } async tap(x, y, modifiers) { await this._client.send('Page.dispatchTapEvent', { x, y, modifiers: toModifiersMask(modifiers) }); } } exports.RawTouchscreenImpl = RawTouchscreenImpl;