"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getAccessibilityTree = getAccessibilityTree; /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ async function getAccessibilityTree(session, needle) { const objectId = needle ? needle._objectId : undefined; const { axNode } = await session.send('Page.accessibilitySnapshot', { objectId }); const tree = new WKAXNode(axNode); return { tree, needle: needle ? tree._findNeedle() : null }; } const WKRoleToARIARole = new Map(Object.entries({ 'TextField': 'textbox' })); // WebKit localizes role descriptions on mac, but the english versions only add noise. const WKUnhelpfulRoleDescriptions = new Map(Object.entries({ 'WebArea': 'HTML content', 'Summary': 'summary', 'DescriptionList': 'description list', 'ImageMap': 'image map', 'ListMarker': 'list marker', 'Video': 'video playback', 'Mark': 'highlighted', 'contentinfo': 'content information', 'Details': 'details', 'DescriptionListDetail': 'description', 'DescriptionListTerm': 'term', 'alertdialog': 'web alert dialog', 'dialog': 'web dialog', 'status': 'application status', 'tabpanel': 'tab panel', 'application': 'web application' })); class WKAXNode { constructor(payload) { this._payload = void 0; this._children = void 0; this._payload = payload; this._children = []; for (const payload of this._payload.children || []) this._children.push(new WKAXNode(payload)); } children() { return this._children; } _findNeedle() { if (this._payload.found) return this; for (const child of this._children) { const found = child._findNeedle(); if (found) return found; } return null; } isControl() { switch (this._payload.role) { case 'button': case 'checkbox': case 'ColorWell': case 'combobox': case 'DisclosureTriangle': case 'listbox': case 'menu': case 'menubar': case 'menuitem': case 'menuitemcheckbox': case 'menuitemradio': case 'radio': case 'scrollbar': case 'searchbox': case 'slider': case 'spinbutton': case 'switch': case 'tab': case 'textbox': case 'TextField': case 'tree': return true; default: return false; } } _isTextControl() { switch (this._payload.role) { case 'combobox': case 'searchfield': case 'textbox': case 'TextField': return true; } return false; } _name() { if (this._payload.role === 'text') return this._payload.value || ''; return this._payload.name || ''; } isInteresting(insideControl) { const { role, focusable } = this._payload; const name = this._name(); if (role === 'ScrollArea') return false; if (role === 'WebArea') return true; if (focusable || role === 'MenuListOption') return true; // If it's not focusable but has a control role, then it's interesting. if (this.isControl()) return true; // A non focusable child of a control is not interesting if (insideControl) return false; return this.isLeafNode() && !!name; } _hasRedundantTextChild() { if (this._children.length !== 1) return false; const child = this._children[0]; return child._payload.role === 'text' && this._payload.name === child._payload.value; } isLeafNode() { if (!this._children.length) return true; // WebKit on Linux ignores everything inside text controls, normalize this behavior if (this._isTextControl()) return true; // WebKit for mac has text nodes inside heading, li, menuitem, a, and p nodes if (this._hasRedundantTextChild()) return true; return false; } serialize() { const node = { role: WKRoleToARIARole.get(this._payload.role) || this._payload.role, name: this._name() }; if ('description' in this._payload && this._payload.description !== node.name) node.description = this._payload.description; if ('roledescription' in this._payload) { const roledescription = this._payload.roledescription; if (roledescription !== this._payload.role && WKUnhelpfulRoleDescriptions.get(this._payload.role) !== roledescription) node.roledescription = roledescription; } if ('value' in this._payload && this._payload.role !== 'text') { if (typeof this._payload.value === 'string') node.valueString = this._payload.value;else if (typeof this._payload.value === 'number') node.valueNumber = this._payload.value; } if ('checked' in this._payload) node.checked = this._payload.checked === 'true' ? 'checked' : this._payload.checked === 'false' ? 'unchecked' : 'mixed'; if ('pressed' in this._payload) node.pressed = this._payload.pressed === 'true' ? 'pressed' : this._payload.pressed === 'false' ? 'released' : 'mixed'; const userStringProperties = ['keyshortcuts', 'valuetext']; for (const userStringProperty of userStringProperties) { if (!(userStringProperty in this._payload)) continue; node[userStringProperty] = this._payload[userStringProperty]; } const booleanProperties = ['disabled', 'expanded', 'focused', 'modal', 'multiselectable', 'readonly', 'required', 'selected']; for (const booleanProperty of booleanProperties) { // WebArea and ScrollArea treat focus differently than other nodes. They report whether their frame has focus, // not whether focus is specifically on the root node. if (booleanProperty === 'focused' && (this._payload.role === 'WebArea' || this._payload.role === 'ScrollArea')) continue; const value = this._payload[booleanProperty]; if (!value) continue; node[booleanProperty] = value; } const numericalProperties = ['level', 'valuemax', 'valuemin']; for (const numericalProperty of numericalProperties) { if (!(numericalProperty in this._payload)) continue; node[numericalProperty] = this._payload[numericalProperty]; } const tokenProperties = ['autocomplete', 'haspopup', 'invalid']; for (const tokenProperty of tokenProperties) { const value = this._payload[tokenProperty]; if (!value || value === 'false') continue; node[tokenProperty] = value; } const orientationIsApplicable = new Set(['ScrollArea', 'scrollbar', 'listbox', 'combobox', 'menu', 'tree', 'separator', 'slider', 'tablist', 'toolbar']); if (this._payload.orientation && orientationIsApplicable.has(this._payload.role)) node.orientation = this._payload.orientation; return node; } }