"use strict"; var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs")); var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); var _runner = require("./runner/runner"); var _utils = require("playwright-core/lib/utils"); var _util = require("./util"); var _html = require("./reporters/html"); var _merge = require("./reporters/merge"); var _configLoader = require("./common/configLoader"); var _config = require("./common/config"); var _program = _interopRequireDefault(require("playwright-core/lib/cli/program")); var _base = require("./reporters/base"); var _esmLoaderHost = require("./common/esmLoaderHost"); var _esmUtils = require("./transform/esmUtils"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ function addTestCommand(program) { const command = program.command('test [test-filter...]'); command.description('run tests with Playwright Test'); const options = testOptions.sort((a, b) => a[0].replace(/-/g, '').localeCompare(b[0].replace(/-/g, ''))); options.forEach(([name, description]) => command.option(name, description)); command.action(async (args, opts) => { try { await runTests(args, opts); } catch (e) { console.error(e); (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(1); } }); command.addHelpText('afterAll', ` Arguments [test-filter...]: Pass arguments to filter test files. Each argument is treated as a regular expression. Matching is performed against the absolute file paths. Examples: $ npx playwright test my.spec.ts $ npx playwright test some.spec.ts:42 $ npx playwright test --headed $ npx playwright test --project=webkit`); } function addListFilesCommand(program) { const command = program.command('list-files [file-filter...]', { hidden: true }); command.description('List files with Playwright Test tests'); command.option('-c, --config ', `Configuration file, or a test directory with optional "playwright.config.{m,c}?{js,ts}"`); command.option('--project ', `Only run tests from the specified list of projects (default: list all projects)`); command.action(async (args, opts) => { try { await listTestFiles(opts); } catch (e) { console.error(e); (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(1); } }); } function addShowReportCommand(program) { const command = program.command('show-report [report]'); command.description('show HTML report'); command.action((report, options) => (0, _html.showHTMLReport)(report, options.host, +options.port)); command.option('--host ', 'Host to serve report on', 'localhost'); command.option('--port ', 'Port to serve report on', '9323'); command.addHelpText('afterAll', ` Arguments [report]: When specified, opens given report, otherwise opens last generated report. Examples: $ npx playwright show-report $ npx playwright show-report playwright-report`); } function addMergeReportsCommand(program) { const command = program.command('merge-reports [dir]', { hidden: true }); command.description('merge multiple blob reports (for sharded tests) into a single report'); command.action(async (dir, options) => { try { await mergeReports(dir, options); } catch (e) { console.error(e); (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(1); } }); command.option('-c, --config ', `Configuration file. Can be used to specify additional configuration for the output report.`); command.option('--reporter ', `Reporter to use, comma-separated, can be ${_config.builtInReporters.map(name => `"${name}"`).join(', ')} (default: "${_config.defaultReporter}")`); command.addHelpText('afterAll', ` Arguments [dir]: Directory containing blob reports. Examples: $ npx playwright merge-reports playwright-report`); } async function runTests(args, opts) { await (0, _utils.startProfiling)(); // When no --config option is passed, let's look for the config file in the current directory. const configFileOrDirectory = opts.config ? _path.default.resolve(process.cwd(), opts.config) : process.cwd(); const resolvedConfigFile = (0, _configLoader.resolveConfigFile)(configFileOrDirectory); if (restartWithExperimentalTsEsm(resolvedConfigFile)) return; const overrides = overridesFromOptions(opts); const configLoader = new _configLoader.ConfigLoader(overrides); let config; if (resolvedConfigFile) config = await configLoader.loadConfigFile(resolvedConfigFile, opts.deps === false);else config = await configLoader.loadEmptyConfig(configFileOrDirectory); config.cliArgs = args; config.cliGrep = opts.grep; config.cliGrepInvert = opts.grepInvert; config.cliListOnly = !!opts.list; config.cliProjectFilter = opts.project || undefined; config.cliPassWithNoTests = !!opts.passWithNoTests; const runner = new _runner.Runner(config); let status; if (opts.ui || opts.uiHost || opts.uiPort) status = await runner.uiAllTests({ host: opts.uiHost, port: opts.uiPort ? +opts.uiPort : undefined });else if (process.env.PWTEST_WATCH) status = await runner.watchAllTests();else status = await runner.runAllTests(); await (0, _utils.stopProfiling)('runner'); const exitCode = status === 'interrupted' ? 130 : status === 'passed' ? 0 : 1; (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(exitCode); } async function listTestFiles(opts) { // Redefine process.stdout.write in case config decides to pollute stdio. const stdoutWrite = process.stdout.write.bind(process.stdout); process.stdout.write = () => {}; process.stderr.write = () => {}; const configFileOrDirectory = opts.config ? _path.default.resolve(process.cwd(), opts.config) : process.cwd(); const resolvedConfigFile = (0, _configLoader.resolveConfigFile)(configFileOrDirectory); if (restartWithExperimentalTsEsm(resolvedConfigFile)) return; try { const configLoader = new _configLoader.ConfigLoader(); const config = await configLoader.loadConfigFile(resolvedConfigFile); const runner = new _runner.Runner(config); const report = await runner.listTestFiles(opts.project); stdoutWrite(JSON.stringify(report), () => { (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(0); }); } catch (e) { const error = (0, _util.serializeError)(e); error.location = (0, _base.prepareErrorStack)(e.stack).location; stdoutWrite(JSON.stringify({ error }), () => { (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(0); }); } } async function mergeReports(reportDir, opts) { let configFile = opts.config; if (configFile) { configFile = _path.default.resolve(process.cwd(), configFile); if (!_fs.default.existsSync(configFile)) throw new Error(`${configFile} does not exist`); if (!_fs.default.statSync(configFile).isFile()) throw new Error(`${configFile} is not a file`); } if (restartWithExperimentalTsEsm(configFile)) return; const configLoader = new _configLoader.ConfigLoader(); const config = await (configFile ? configLoader.loadConfigFile(configFile) : configLoader.loadEmptyConfig(process.cwd())); const dir = _path.default.resolve(process.cwd(), reportDir || ''); const dirStat = await _fs.default.promises.stat(dir).catch(e => null); if (!dirStat) throw new Error('Directory does not exist: ' + dir); if (!dirStat.isDirectory()) throw new Error(`"${dir}" is not a directory`); let reporterDescriptions = resolveReporterOption(opts.reporter); if (!reporterDescriptions && configFile) reporterDescriptions = config.config.reporter; if (!reporterDescriptions) reporterDescriptions = [[_config.defaultReporter]]; const rootDirOverride = configFile ? config.config.rootDir : undefined; await (0, _merge.createMergedReport)(config, dir, reporterDescriptions, rootDirOverride); (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(0); } function overridesFromOptions(options) { const shardPair = options.shard ? options.shard.split('/').map(t => parseInt(t, 10)) : undefined; const overrides = { forbidOnly: options.forbidOnly ? true : undefined, fullyParallel: options.fullyParallel ? true : undefined, globalTimeout: options.globalTimeout ? parseInt(options.globalTimeout, 10) : undefined, maxFailures: options.x ? 1 : options.maxFailures ? parseInt(options.maxFailures, 10) : undefined, outputDir: options.output ? _path.default.resolve(process.cwd(), options.output) : undefined, quiet: options.quiet ? options.quiet : undefined, repeatEach: options.repeatEach ? parseInt(options.repeatEach, 10) : undefined, retries: options.retries ? parseInt(options.retries, 10) : undefined, reporter: resolveReporterOption(options.reporter), shard: shardPair ? { current: shardPair[0], total: shardPair[1] } : undefined, timeout: options.timeout ? parseInt(options.timeout, 10) : undefined, ignoreSnapshots: options.ignoreSnapshots ? !!options.ignoreSnapshots : undefined, updateSnapshots: options.updateSnapshots ? 'all' : undefined, workers: options.workers }; if (options.browser) { const browserOpt = options.browser.toLowerCase(); if (!['all', 'chromium', 'firefox', 'webkit'].includes(browserOpt)) throw new Error(`Unsupported browser "${options.browser}", must be one of "all", "chromium", "firefox" or "webkit"`); const browserNames = browserOpt === 'all' ? ['chromium', 'firefox', 'webkit'] : [browserOpt]; overrides.projects = browserNames.map(browserName => { return { name: browserName, use: { browserName } }; }); } if (options.headed || options.debug) overrides.use = { headless: false }; if (!options.ui && options.debug) { overrides.maxFailures = 1; overrides.timeout = 0; overrides.workers = 1; process.env.PWDEBUG = '1'; } if (!options.ui && options.trace) { if (!kTraceModes.includes(options.trace)) throw new Error(`Unsupported trace mode "${options.trace}", must be one of ${kTraceModes.map(mode => `"${mode}"`).join(', ')}`); overrides.use = overrides.use || {}; overrides.use.trace = options.trace; } return overrides; } function resolveReporterOption(reporter) { if (!reporter || !reporter.length) return undefined; return reporter.split(',').map(r => [resolveReporter(r)]); } function resolveReporter(id) { if (_config.builtInReporters.includes(id)) return id; const localPath = _path.default.resolve(process.cwd(), id); if (_fs.default.existsSync(localPath)) return localPath; return require.resolve(id, { paths: [process.cwd()] }); } function restartWithExperimentalTsEsm(configFile) { const nodeVersion = +process.versions.node.split('.')[0]; // New experimental loader is only supported on Node 16+. if (nodeVersion < 16) return false; if (!configFile) return false; if (process.env.PW_DISABLE_TS_ESM) return false; // Node.js < 20 if (globalThis.__esmLoaderPortPreV20) { // clear execArgv after restart, so that childProcess.fork in user code does not inherit our loader. process.execArgv = (0, _esmUtils.execArgvWithoutExperimentalLoaderOptions)(); return false; } if (!(0, _util.fileIsModule)(configFile)) return false; // Node.js < 20 if (!require('node:module').register) { const innerProcess = require('child_process').fork(require.resolve('./cli'), process.argv.slice(2), { env: { ...process.env, PW_TS_ESM_LEGACY_LOADER_ON: '1' }, execArgv: (0, _esmUtils.execArgvWithExperimentalLoaderOptions)() }); innerProcess.on('close', code => { if (code !== 0 && code !== null) (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(code); }); return true; } // Nodejs >= 21 (0, _esmLoaderHost.registerESMLoader)(); return false; } const kTraceModes = ['on', 'off', 'on-first-retry', 'on-all-retries', 'retain-on-failure']; const testOptions = [['--browser ', `Browser to use for tests, one of "all", "chromium", "firefox" or "webkit" (default: "chromium")`], ['-c, --config ', `Configuration file, or a test directory with optional "playwright.config.{m,c}?{js,ts}"`], ['--debug', `Run tests with Playwright Inspector. Shortcut for "PWDEBUG=1" environment variable and "--timeout=0 --max-failures=1 --headed --workers=1" options`], ['--forbid-only', `Fail if test.only is called (default: false)`], ['--fully-parallel', `Run all tests in parallel (default: false)`], ['--global-timeout ', `Maximum time this test suite can run in milliseconds (default: unlimited)`], ['-g, --grep ', `Only run tests matching this regular expression (default: ".*")`], ['-gv, --grep-invert ', `Only run tests that do not match this regular expression`], ['--headed', `Run tests in headed browsers (default: headless)`], ['--ignore-snapshots', `Ignore screenshot and snapshot expectations`], ['--list', `Collect all the tests and report them, but do not run`], ['--max-failures ', `Stop after the first N failures`], ['--no-deps', 'Do not run project dependencies'], ['--output ', `Folder for output artifacts (default: "test-results")`], ['--pass-with-no-tests', `Makes test run succeed even if no tests were found`], ['--project ', `Only run tests from the specified list of projects (default: run all projects)`], ['--quiet', `Suppress stdio`], ['--repeat-each ', `Run each test N times (default: 1)`], ['--reporter ', `Reporter to use, comma-separated, can be ${_config.builtInReporters.map(name => `"${name}"`).join(', ')} (default: "${_config.defaultReporter}")`], ['--retries ', `Maximum retry count for flaky tests, zero for no retries (default: no retries)`], ['--shard ', `Shard tests and execute only the selected shard, specify in the form "current/all", 1-based, for example "3/5"`], ['--timeout ', `Specify test timeout threshold in milliseconds, zero for unlimited (default: ${_config.defaultTimeout})`], ['--trace ', `Force tracing mode, can be ${kTraceModes.map(mode => `"${mode}"`).join(', ')}`], ['--ui', `Run tests in interactive UI mode`], ['--ui-host ', 'Host to serve UI on; specifying this option opens UI in a browser tab'], ['--ui-port ', 'Port to serve UI on, 0 for any free port; specifying this option opens UI in a browser tab'], ['-u, --update-snapshots', `Update snapshots with actual results (default: only create missing snapshots)`], ['-j, --workers ', `Number of concurrent workers or percentage of logical CPU cores, use 1 to run in a single worker (default: 50%)`], ['-x', `Stop after the first failure`]]; addTestCommand(_program.default); addShowReportCommand(_program.default); addListFilesCommand(_program.default); addMergeReportsCommand(_program.default); _program.default.parse(process.argv);