"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.defineConfig = exports.ConfigLoader = void 0; exports.resolveConfigFile = resolveConfigFile; var fs = _interopRequireWildcard(require("fs")); var path = _interopRequireWildcard(require("path")); var _utils = require("playwright-core/lib/utils"); var _transform = require("../transform/transform"); var _util = require("../util"); var _globals = require("./globals"); var _config = require("./config"); var _compilationCache = require("../transform/compilationCache"); var _esmLoaderHost = require("./esmLoaderHost"); function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } /** * Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const kDefineConfigWasUsed = Symbol('defineConfigWasUsed'); const defineConfig = (...configs) => { let result = configs[0]; for (let i = 1; i < configs.length; ++i) { const config = configs[i]; result = { ...result, ...config, expect: { ...result.expect, ...config.expect }, use: { ...result.use, ...config.use }, build: { ...result.build, ...config.build }, webServer: [...(Array.isArray(result.webServer) ? result.webServer : result.webServer ? [result.webServer] : []), ...(Array.isArray(config.webServer) ? config.webServer : config.webServer ? [config.webServer] : [])] }; if (!result.projects && !config.projects) continue; const projectOverrides = new Map(); for (const project of config.projects || []) projectOverrides.set(project.name, project); const projects = []; for (const project of result.projects || []) { const projectOverride = projectOverrides.get(project.name); if (projectOverride) { projects.push({ ...project, ...projectOverride, use: { ...project.use, ...projectOverride.use } }); projectOverrides.delete(project.name); } else { projects.push(project); } } projects.push(...projectOverrides.values()); result.projects = projects; } result[kDefineConfigWasUsed] = true; return result; }; exports.defineConfig = defineConfig; class ConfigLoader { constructor(configCLIOverrides) { this._configCLIOverrides = void 0; this._fullConfig = void 0; this._configCLIOverrides = configCLIOverrides || {}; } static async deserialize(data) { (0, _compilationCache.addToCompilationCache)(data.compilationCache); const loader = new ConfigLoader(data.configCLIOverrides); const config = data.configFile ? await loader.loadConfigFile(data.configFile) : await loader.loadEmptyConfig(data.configDir); await (0, _esmLoaderHost.initializeEsmLoader)(); return config; } async loadConfigFile(file, ignoreProjectDependencies = false) { if (this._fullConfig) throw new Error('Cannot load two config files'); const config = await requireOrImportDefaultObject(file); const fullConfig = await this._loadConfig(config, path.dirname(file), file); (0, _globals.setCurrentConfig)(fullConfig); if (ignoreProjectDependencies) { for (const project of fullConfig.projects) { project.deps = []; project.teardown = undefined; } } this._fullConfig = fullConfig; return fullConfig; } async loadEmptyConfig(configDir) { const fullConfig = await this._loadConfig({}, configDir); (0, _globals.setCurrentConfig)(fullConfig); return fullConfig; } async _loadConfig(config, configDir, configFile) { // 1. Validate data provided in the config file. validateConfig(configFile || '', config); const fullConfig = new _config.FullConfigInternal(configDir, configFile, config, this._configCLIOverrides); fullConfig.defineConfigWasUsed = !!config[kDefineConfigWasUsed]; return fullConfig; } } exports.ConfigLoader = ConfigLoader; async function requireOrImportDefaultObject(file) { let object = await (0, _transform.requireOrImport)(file); if (object && typeof object === 'object' && 'default' in object) object = object['default']; return object; } function validateConfig(file, config) { if (typeof config !== 'object' || !config) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `Configuration file must export a single object`); validateProject(file, config, 'config'); if ('forbidOnly' in config && config.forbidOnly !== undefined) { if (typeof config.forbidOnly !== 'boolean') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.forbidOnly must be a boolean`); } if ('globalSetup' in config && config.globalSetup !== undefined) { if (typeof config.globalSetup !== 'string') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.globalSetup must be a string`); } if ('globalTeardown' in config && config.globalTeardown !== undefined) { if (typeof config.globalTeardown !== 'string') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.globalTeardown must be a string`); } if ('globalTimeout' in config && config.globalTimeout !== undefined) { if (typeof config.globalTimeout !== 'number' || config.globalTimeout < 0) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.globalTimeout must be a non-negative number`); } if ('grep' in config && config.grep !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(config.grep)) { config.grep.forEach((item, index) => { if (!(0, _utils.isRegExp)(item)) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.grep[${index}] must be a RegExp`); }); } else if (!(0, _utils.isRegExp)(config.grep)) { throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.grep must be a RegExp`); } } if ('grepInvert' in config && config.grepInvert !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(config.grepInvert)) { config.grepInvert.forEach((item, index) => { if (!(0, _utils.isRegExp)(item)) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.grepInvert[${index}] must be a RegExp`); }); } else if (!(0, _utils.isRegExp)(config.grepInvert)) { throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.grepInvert must be a RegExp`); } } if ('maxFailures' in config && config.maxFailures !== undefined) { if (typeof config.maxFailures !== 'number' || config.maxFailures < 0) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.maxFailures must be a non-negative number`); } if ('preserveOutput' in config && config.preserveOutput !== undefined) { if (typeof config.preserveOutput !== 'string' || !['always', 'never', 'failures-only'].includes(config.preserveOutput)) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.preserveOutput must be one of "always", "never" or "failures-only"`); } if ('projects' in config && config.projects !== undefined) { if (!Array.isArray(config.projects)) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.projects must be an array`); config.projects.forEach((project, index) => { validateProject(file, project, `config.projects[${index}]`); }); } if ('quiet' in config && config.quiet !== undefined) { if (typeof config.quiet !== 'boolean') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.quiet must be a boolean`); } if ('reporter' in config && config.reporter !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(config.reporter)) { config.reporter.forEach((item, index) => { if (!Array.isArray(item) || item.length <= 0 || item.length > 2 || typeof item[0] !== 'string') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.reporter[${index}] must be a tuple [name, optionalArgument]`); }); } else if (typeof config.reporter !== 'string') { throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.reporter must be a string`); } } if ('reportSlowTests' in config && config.reportSlowTests !== undefined && config.reportSlowTests !== null) { if (!config.reportSlowTests || typeof config.reportSlowTests !== 'object') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.reportSlowTests must be an object`); if (!('max' in config.reportSlowTests) || typeof config.reportSlowTests.max !== 'number' || config.reportSlowTests.max < 0) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.reportSlowTests.max must be a non-negative number`); if (!('threshold' in config.reportSlowTests) || typeof config.reportSlowTests.threshold !== 'number' || config.reportSlowTests.threshold < 0) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.reportSlowTests.threshold must be a non-negative number`); } if ('shard' in config && config.shard !== undefined && config.shard !== null) { if (!config.shard || typeof config.shard !== 'object') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.shard must be an object`); if (!('total' in config.shard) || typeof config.shard.total !== 'number' || config.shard.total < 1) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.shard.total must be a positive number`); if (!('current' in config.shard) || typeof config.shard.current !== 'number' || config.shard.current < 1 || config.shard.current > config.shard.total) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.shard.current must be a positive number, not greater than config.shard.total`); } if ('ignoreSnapshots' in config && config.ignoreSnapshots !== undefined) { if (typeof config.ignoreSnapshots !== 'boolean') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.ignoreSnapshots must be a boolean`); } if ('updateSnapshots' in config && config.updateSnapshots !== undefined) { if (typeof config.updateSnapshots !== 'string' || !['all', 'none', 'missing'].includes(config.updateSnapshots)) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.updateSnapshots must be one of "all", "none" or "missing"`); } if ('workers' in config && config.workers !== undefined) { if (typeof config.workers === 'number' && config.workers <= 0) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.workers must be a positive number`);else if (typeof config.workers === 'string' && !config.workers.endsWith('%')) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `config.workers must be a number or percentage`); } } function validateProject(file, project, title) { if (typeof project !== 'object' || !project) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title} must be an object`); if ('name' in project && project.name !== undefined) { if (typeof project.name !== 'string') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title}.name must be a string`); } if ('outputDir' in project && project.outputDir !== undefined) { if (typeof project.outputDir !== 'string') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title}.outputDir must be a string`); } if ('repeatEach' in project && project.repeatEach !== undefined) { if (typeof project.repeatEach !== 'number' || project.repeatEach < 0) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title}.repeatEach must be a non-negative number`); } if ('retries' in project && project.retries !== undefined) { if (typeof project.retries !== 'number' || project.retries < 0) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title}.retries must be a non-negative number`); } if ('testDir' in project && project.testDir !== undefined) { if (typeof project.testDir !== 'string') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title}.testDir must be a string`); } for (const prop of ['testIgnore', 'testMatch']) { if (prop in project && project[prop] !== undefined) { const value = project[prop]; if (Array.isArray(value)) { value.forEach((item, index) => { if (typeof item !== 'string' && !(0, _utils.isRegExp)(item)) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title}.${prop}[${index}] must be a string or a RegExp`); }); } else if (typeof value !== 'string' && !(0, _utils.isRegExp)(value)) { throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title}.${prop} must be a string or a RegExp`); } } } if ('timeout' in project && project.timeout !== undefined) { if (typeof project.timeout !== 'number' || project.timeout < 0) throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title}.timeout must be a non-negative number`); } if ('use' in project && project.use !== undefined) { if (!project.use || typeof project.use !== 'object') throw (0, _util.errorWithFile)(file, `${title}.use must be an object`); } } function resolveConfigFile(configFileOrDirectory) { const resolveConfig = configFile => { if (fs.existsSync(configFile)) return configFile; }; const resolveConfigFileFromDirectory = directory => { for (const ext of ['.ts', '.js', '.mts', '.mjs', '.cts', '.cjs']) { const configFile = resolveConfig(path.resolve(directory, 'playwright.config' + ext)); if (configFile) return configFile; } }; if (!fs.existsSync(configFileOrDirectory)) throw new Error(`${configFileOrDirectory} does not exist`); if (fs.statSync(configFileOrDirectory).isDirectory()) { // When passed a directory, look for a config file inside. const configFile = resolveConfigFileFromDirectory(configFileOrDirectory); if (configFile) return configFile; // If there is no config, assume this as a root testing directory. return null; } else { // When passed a file, it must be a config file. const configFile = resolveConfig(configFileOrDirectory); return configFile; } }