"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.webServerPluginsForConfig = exports.webServer = exports.WebServerPlugin = void 0; var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); var _net = _interopRequireDefault(require("net")); var _utilsBundle = require("playwright-core/lib/utilsBundle"); var _utils = require("playwright-core/lib/utils"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES = { 'BROWSER': 'none', // Disable that create-react-app will open the page in the browser 'FORCE_COLOR': '1', 'DEBUG_COLORS': '1' }; const debugWebServer = (0, _utilsBundle.debug)('pw:webserver'); class WebServerPlugin { constructor(options, checkPortOnly) { this._isAvailableCallback = void 0; this._killProcess = void 0; this._processExitedPromise = void 0; this._options = void 0; this._checkPortOnly = void 0; this._reporter = void 0; this.name = 'playwright:webserver'; this._options = options; this._checkPortOnly = checkPortOnly; } async setup(config, configDir, reporter) { var _this$_reporter$onStd; this._reporter = reporter; this._isAvailableCallback = this._options.url ? getIsAvailableFunction(this._options.url, this._checkPortOnly, !!this._options.ignoreHTTPSErrors, (_this$_reporter$onStd = this._reporter.onStdErr) === null || _this$_reporter$onStd === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_reporter$onStd.bind(this._reporter)) : undefined; this._options.cwd = this._options.cwd ? _path.default.resolve(configDir, this._options.cwd) : configDir; try { await this._startProcess(); await this._waitForProcess(); } catch (error) { await this.teardown(); throw error; } } async teardown() { var _this$_killProcess; await ((_this$_killProcess = this._killProcess) === null || _this$_killProcess === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_killProcess.call(this)); } async _startProcess() { var _this$_isAvailableCal; let processExitedReject = error => {}; this._processExitedPromise = new Promise((_, reject) => processExitedReject = reject); const isAlreadyAvailable = await ((_this$_isAvailableCal = this._isAvailableCallback) === null || _this$_isAvailableCal === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_isAvailableCal.call(this)); if (isAlreadyAvailable) { var _this$_options$url; debugWebServer(`WebServer is already available`); if (this._options.reuseExistingServer) return; const port = new URL(this._options.url).port; throw new Error(`${(_this$_options$url = this._options.url) !== null && _this$_options$url !== void 0 ? _this$_options$url : `http://localhost${port ? ':' + port : ''}`} is already used, make sure that nothing is running on the port/url or set reuseExistingServer:true in config.webServer.`); } debugWebServer(`Starting WebServer process ${this._options.command}...`); const { launchedProcess, kill } = await (0, _utils.launchProcess)({ command: this._options.command, env: { ...DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES, ...process.env, ...this._options.env }, cwd: this._options.cwd, stdio: 'stdin', shell: true, // Reject to indicate that we cannot close the web server gracefully // and should fallback to non-graceful shutdown. attemptToGracefullyClose: () => Promise.reject(), log: () => {}, onExit: code => processExitedReject(new Error(code ? `Process from config.webServer was not able to start. Exit code: ${code}` : 'Process from config.webServer exited early.')), tempDirectories: [] }); this._killProcess = kill; debugWebServer(`Process started`); launchedProcess.stderr.on('data', line => { var _onStdErr, _ref; if (debugWebServer.enabled || this._options.stderr === 'pipe' || !this._options.stderr) (_onStdErr = (_ref = this._reporter).onStdErr) === null || _onStdErr === void 0 ? void 0 : _onStdErr.call(_ref, _utilsBundle.colors.dim('[WebServer] ') + line.toString()); }); launchedProcess.stdout.on('data', line => { var _onStdOut, _ref2; if (debugWebServer.enabled || this._options.stdout === 'pipe') (_onStdOut = (_ref2 = this._reporter).onStdOut) === null || _onStdOut === void 0 ? void 0 : _onStdOut.call(_ref2, _utilsBundle.colors.dim('[WebServer] ') + line.toString()); }); } async _waitForProcess() { if (!this._isAvailableCallback) { this._processExitedPromise.catch(() => {}); return; } debugWebServer(`Waiting for availability...`); const launchTimeout = this._options.timeout || 60 * 1000; const cancellationToken = { canceled: false }; const { timedOut } = await Promise.race([(0, _utils.raceAgainstDeadline)(() => waitFor(this._isAvailableCallback, cancellationToken), (0, _utils.monotonicTime)() + launchTimeout), this._processExitedPromise]); cancellationToken.canceled = true; if (timedOut) throw new Error(`Timed out waiting ${launchTimeout}ms from config.webServer.`); debugWebServer(`WebServer available`); } } exports.WebServerPlugin = WebServerPlugin; async function isPortUsed(port) { const innerIsPortUsed = host => new Promise(resolve => { const conn = _net.default.connect(port, host).on('error', () => { resolve(false); }).on('connect', () => { conn.end(); resolve(true); }); }); return (await innerIsPortUsed('')) || (await innerIsPortUsed('::1')); } async function isURLAvailable(url, ignoreHTTPSErrors, onStdErr) { let statusCode = await httpStatusCode(url, ignoreHTTPSErrors, onStdErr); if (statusCode === 404 && url.pathname === '/') { const indexUrl = new URL(url); indexUrl.pathname = '/index.html'; statusCode = await httpStatusCode(indexUrl, ignoreHTTPSErrors, onStdErr); } return statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 404; } async function httpStatusCode(url, ignoreHTTPSErrors, onStdErr) { return new Promise(resolve => { debugWebServer(`HTTP GET: ${url}`); (0, _utils.httpRequest)({ url: url.toString(), headers: { Accept: '*/*' }, rejectUnauthorized: !ignoreHTTPSErrors }, res => { var _res$statusCode; res.resume(); const statusCode = (_res$statusCode = res.statusCode) !== null && _res$statusCode !== void 0 ? _res$statusCode : 0; debugWebServer(`HTTP Status: ${statusCode}`); resolve(statusCode); }, error => { if (error.code === 'DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT') onStdErr === null || onStdErr === void 0 ? void 0 : onStdErr(`[WebServer] Self-signed certificate detected. Try adding ignoreHTTPSErrors: true to config.webServer.`); debugWebServer(`Error while checking if ${url} is available: ${error.message}`); resolve(0); }); }); } async function waitFor(waitFn, cancellationToken) { const logScale = [100, 250, 500]; while (!cancellationToken.canceled) { const connected = await waitFn(); if (connected) return; const delay = logScale.shift() || 1000; debugWebServer(`Waiting ${delay}ms`); await new Promise(x => setTimeout(x, delay)); } } function getIsAvailableFunction(url, checkPortOnly, ignoreHTTPSErrors, onStdErr) { const urlObject = new URL(url); if (!checkPortOnly) return () => isURLAvailable(urlObject, ignoreHTTPSErrors, onStdErr); const port = urlObject.port; return () => isPortUsed(+port); } const webServer = options => { return new WebServerPlugin(options, false); }; exports.webServer = webServer; const webServerPluginsForConfig = config => { const shouldSetBaseUrl = !!config.config.webServer; const webServerPlugins = []; for (const webServerConfig of config.webServers) { if (webServerConfig.port && webServerConfig.url) throw new Error(`Either 'port' or 'url' should be specified in config.webServer.`); let url; if (webServerConfig.port || webServerConfig.url) { url = webServerConfig.url || `http://localhost:${webServerConfig.port}`; // We only set base url when only the port is given. That's a legacy mode we have regrets about. if (shouldSetBaseUrl && !webServerConfig.url) process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_TEST_BASE_URL = url; } webServerPlugins.push(new WebServerPlugin({ ...webServerConfig, url }, webServerConfig.port !== undefined)); } return webServerPlugins; }; exports.webServerPluginsForConfig = webServerPluginsForConfig;