import { Node } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { StepMap } from 'prosemirror-transform'; /** Stores metadata for a part of a change. */ declare class Span { /** The length of this span. */ readonly length: number; /** The data associated with this span. */ readonly data: Data; } /** A replaced range with metadata associated with it. */ declare class Change { /** The start of the range deleted/replaced in the old document. */ readonly fromA: number; /** The end of the range in the old document. */ readonly toA: number; /** The start of the range inserted in the new document. */ readonly fromB: number; /** The end of the range in the new document. */ readonly toB: number; /** Data associated with the deleted content. The length of these spans adds up to `this.toA - this.fromA`. */ readonly deleted: readonly Span[]; /** Data associated with the inserted content. Length adds up to `this.toB - this.toA`. */ readonly inserted: readonly Span[]; /** This merges two changesets (the end document of x should be the start document of y) into a single one spanning the start of x to the end of y. */ static merge(x: readonly Change[], y: readonly Change[], combine: (dataA: Data, dataB: Data) => Data): readonly Change[]; } /** Simplifies a set of changes for presentation. This makes the assumption that having both insertions and deletions within a word is confusing, and, when such changes occur without a word boundary between them, they should be expanded to cover the entire set of words (in the new document) they touch. An exception is made for single-character replacements. */ declare function simplifyChanges(changes: readonly Change[], doc: Node): Change[]; /** A change set tracks the changes to a document from a given point in the past. It condenses a number of step maps down to a flat sequence of replacements, and simplifies replacments that partially undo themselves by comparing their content. */ declare class ChangeSet { /** Replaced regions. */ readonly changes: readonly Change[]; /** Computes a new changeset by adding the given step maps and metadata (either as an array, per-map, or as a single value to be associated with all maps) to the current set. Will not mutate the old set. Note that due to simplification that happens after each add, incrementally adding steps might create a different final set than adding all those changes at once, since different document tokens might be matched during simplification depending on the boundaries of the current changed ranges. */ addSteps(newDoc: Node, maps: readonly StepMap[], data: Data | readonly Data[]): ChangeSet; /** The starting document of the change set. */ get startDoc(): Node; /** Map the span's data values in the given set through a function and construct a new set with the resulting data. */ map(f: (range: Span) => Data): ChangeSet; /** Compare two changesets and return the range in which they are changed, if any. If the document changed between the maps, pass the maps for the steps that changed it as second argument, and make sure the method is called on the old set and passed the new set. The returned positions will be in new document coordinates. */ changedRange(b: ChangeSet, maps?: readonly StepMap[]): { from: number; to: number; } | null; /** Create a changeset with the given base object and configuration. The `combine` function is used to compare and combine metadata—it should return null when metadata isn't compatible, and a combined version for a merged range when it is. */ static create(doc: Node, combine?: (dataA: Data, dataB: Data) => Data): ChangeSet; } export { Change, ChangeSet, Span, simplifyChanges };