var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; // src/literals/index.ts var ACTIONS = { INIT: "init", START: "start", STOP: "stop", RESET: "reset", PREV: "prev", NEXT: "next", GO: "go", CLOSE: "close", SKIP: "skip", UPDATE: "update" }; var EVENTS = { TOUR_START: "tour:start", STEP_BEFORE: "step:before", BEACON: "beacon", TOOLTIP: "tooltip", STEP_AFTER: "step:after", TOUR_END: "tour:end", TOUR_STATUS: "tour:status", TARGET_NOT_FOUND: "error:target_not_found", ERROR: "error" }; var LIFECYCLE = { INIT: "init", READY: "ready", BEACON: "beacon", TOOLTIP: "tooltip", COMPLETE: "complete", ERROR: "error" }; var STATUS = { IDLE: "idle", READY: "ready", WAITING: "waiting", RUNNING: "running", PAUSED: "paused", SKIPPED: "skipped", FINISHED: "finished", ERROR: "error" }; // src/components/index.tsx import * as React9 from "react"; import isEqual from "@gilbarbara/deep-equal"; import is6 from "is-lite"; import treeChanges3 from "tree-changes"; // src/modules/dom.ts import scroll from "scroll"; import scrollParent from "scrollparent"; function canUseDOM() { return !!(typeof window !== "undefined" && window.document && window.document.createElement); } function getClientRect(element) { if (!element) { return null; } return element.getBoundingClientRect(); } function getDocumentHeight() { const { body, documentElement } = document; if (!body || !documentElement) { return 0; } return Math.max( body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, documentElement.clientHeight, documentElement.scrollHeight, documentElement.offsetHeight ); } function getElement(element) { if (typeof element === "string") { return document.querySelector(element); } return element; } function getStyleComputedProperty(el) { if (!el || el.nodeType !== 1) { return null; } return getComputedStyle(el); } function getScrollParent(element, skipFix, forListener) { if (!element) { return scrollDocument(); } const parent = scrollParent(element); if (parent) { if (parent.isSameNode(scrollDocument())) { if (forListener) { return document; } return scrollDocument(); } const hasScrolling = parent.scrollHeight > parent.offsetHeight; if (!hasScrolling && !skipFix) { = "initial"; return scrollDocument(); } } return parent; } function hasCustomScrollParent(element, skipFix) { if (!element) { return false; } const parent = getScrollParent(element, skipFix); return parent ? !parent.isSameNode(scrollDocument()) : false; } function hasCustomOffsetParent(element) { return element.offsetParent !== document.body; } function hasPosition(el, type = "fixed") { if (!el || !(el instanceof HTMLElement)) { return false; } const { nodeName } = el; const styles = getStyleComputedProperty(el); if (nodeName === "BODY" || nodeName === "HTML") { return false; } if (styles && styles.position === type) { return true; } if (!el.parentNode) { return false; } return hasPosition(el.parentNode, type); } function isElementVisible(element) { var _a; if (!element) { return false; } let parentElement = element; while (parentElement) { if (parentElement === document.body) { break; } if (parentElement instanceof HTMLElement) { const { display, visibility } = getComputedStyle(parentElement); if (display === "none" || visibility === "hidden") { return false; } } parentElement = (_a = parentElement.parentElement) != null ? _a : null; } return true; } function getElementPosition(element, offset, skipFix) { var _a; const elementRect = getClientRect(element); const parent = getScrollParent(element, skipFix); const hasScrollParent = hasCustomScrollParent(element, skipFix); let parentTop = 0; let top = (_a = elementRect == null ? void 0 : != null ? _a : 0; if (parent instanceof HTMLElement) { parentTop = parent.scrollTop; if (!hasScrollParent && !hasPosition(element)) { top += parentTop; } if (!parent.isSameNode(scrollDocument())) { top += scrollDocument().scrollTop; } } return Math.floor(top - offset); } function getScrollTo(element, offset, skipFix) { var _a; if (!element) { return 0; } const { offsetTop = 0, scrollTop = 0 } = (_a = scrollParent(element)) != null ? _a : {}; let top = element.getBoundingClientRect().top + scrollTop; if (!!offsetTop && (hasCustomScrollParent(element, skipFix) || hasCustomOffsetParent(element))) { top -= offsetTop; } const output = Math.floor(top - offset); return output < 0 ? 0 : output; } function scrollDocument() { var _a; return (_a = document.scrollingElement) != null ? _a : document.documentElement; } function scrollTo(value, options) { const { duration, element } = options; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { scrollTop } = element; const limit = value > scrollTop ? value - scrollTop : scrollTop - value;, value, { duration: limit < 100 ? 50 : duration }, (error) => { if (error && error.message !== "Element already at target scroll position") { return reject(error); } return resolve(); }); }); } // src/modules/helpers.ts import { isValidElement } from "react"; import { createPortal } from "react-dom"; import is from "is-lite"; var isReact16 = createPortal !== void 0; function getBrowser(userAgent = navigator.userAgent) { let browser = userAgent; if (typeof window === "undefined") { browser = "node"; } else if (document.documentMode) { browser = "ie"; } else if (/Edge/.test(userAgent)) { browser = "edge"; } else if (Boolean(window.opera) || userAgent.includes(" OPR/")) { browser = "opera"; } else if (typeof window.InstallTrigger !== "undefined") { browser = "firefox"; } else if ( { browser = "chrome"; } else if (/(Version\/([\d._]+).*Safari|CriOS|FxiOS| Mobile\/)/.test(userAgent)) { browser = "safari"; } return browser; } function getText(root) { const content = []; const recurse = (child) => { if (typeof child === "string" || typeof child === "number") { content.push(child); } else if (Array.isArray(child)) { child.forEach((c) => recurse(c)); } else if (isValidElement(child)) { const { children } = child.props; if (Array.isArray(children)) { children.forEach((c) => recurse(c)); } else { recurse(children); } } }; recurse(root); return content.join(" ").trim(); } function hasValidKeys(object, keys) { if (!is.plainObject(object) || !is.array(keys)) { return false; } return Object.keys(object).every((d) => keys.includes(d)); } function hexToRGB(hex) { const shorthandRegex = /^#?([\da-f])([\da-f])([\da-f])$/i; const properHex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, (_m, r, g, b) => r + r + g + g + b + b); const result = /^#?([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})([\da-f]{2})$/i.exec(properHex); return result ? [parseInt(result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3], 16)] : []; } function hideBeacon(step) { return step.disableBeacon || step.placement === "center"; } function isLegacy() { return !["chrome", "safari", "firefox", "opera"].includes(getBrowser()); } function log({ data, debug = false, title, warn = false }) { const logFn = warn ? console.warn || console.error : console.log; if (debug) { if (title && data) { console.groupCollapsed( `%creact-joyride: ${title}`, "color: #ff0044; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px;" ); if (Array.isArray(data)) { data.forEach((d) => { if (is.plainObject(d) && d.key) { logFn.apply(console, [d.key, d.value]); } else { logFn.apply(console, [d]); } }); } else { logFn.apply(console, [data]); } console.groupEnd(); } else { console.error("Missing title or data props"); } } } function shouldScroll(options) { const { isFirstStep, lifecycle, previousLifecycle, scrollToFirstStep, step, target } = options; return !step.disableScrolling && (!isFirstStep || scrollToFirstStep || lifecycle === LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP) && step.placement !== "center" && (!step.isFixed || !hasPosition(target)) && // fixed steps don't need to scroll previousLifecycle !== lifecycle && [LIFECYCLE.BEACON, LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP].includes(lifecycle); } // src/modules/step.ts import { omit, pick } from "@gilbarbara/helpers"; import deepmerge2 from "deepmerge"; import is2 from "is-lite"; // src/defaults.ts import { noop } from "@gilbarbara/helpers"; var defaultFloaterProps = { options: { preventOverflow: { boundariesElement: "scrollParent" } }, wrapperOptions: { offset: -18, position: true } }; var defaultLocale = { back: "Back", close: "Close", last: "Last", next: "Next", open: "Open the dialog", skip: "Skip" }; var defaultStep = { event: "click", placement: "bottom", offset: 10, disableBeacon: false, disableCloseOnEsc: false, disableOverlay: false, disableOverlayClose: false, disableScrollParentFix: false, disableScrolling: false, hideBackButton: false, hideCloseButton: false, hideFooter: false, isFixed: false, locale: defaultLocale, showProgress: false, showSkipButton: false, spotlightClicks: false, spotlightPadding: 10 }; var defaultProps = { continuous: false, debug: false, disableCloseOnEsc: false, disableOverlay: false, disableOverlayClose: false, disableScrolling: false, disableScrollParentFix: false, getHelpers: noop(), hideBackButton: false, run: true, scrollOffset: 20, scrollDuration: 300, scrollToFirstStep: false, showSkipButton: false, showProgress: false, spotlightClicks: false, spotlightPadding: 10, steps: [] }; // src/styles.ts import deepmerge from "deepmerge"; var defaultOptions = { arrowColor: "#fff", backgroundColor: "#fff", beaconSize: 36, overlayColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", primaryColor: "#f04", spotlightShadow: "0 0 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", textColor: "#333", width: 380, zIndex: 100 }; var buttonBase = { backgroundColor: "transparent", border: 0, borderRadius: 0, color: "#555", cursor: "pointer", fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 1, padding: 8, WebkitAppearance: "none" }; var spotlight = { borderRadius: 4, position: "absolute" }; function getStyles(propsStyles, stepStyles) { const mergedStyles = deepmerge(propsStyles != null ? propsStyles : {}, stepStyles != null ? stepStyles : {}); const options = deepmerge(defaultOptions, mergedStyles.options || {}); let { width } = options; if (window.innerWidth > 480) { width = 380; } if ("width" in options) { width = typeof options.width === "number" && window.innerWidth < options.width ? window.innerWidth - 30 : options.width; } const overlay = { bottom: 0, left: 0, overflow: "hidden", position: "absolute", right: 0, top: 0, zIndex: options.zIndex }; const defaultStyles = { beacon: { ...buttonBase, display: "inline-block", height: options.beaconSize, position: "relative", width: options.beaconSize, zIndex: options.zIndex }, beaconInner: { animation: "joyride-beacon-inner 1.2s infinite ease-in-out", backgroundColor: options.primaryColor, borderRadius: "50%", display: "block", height: "50%", left: "50%", opacity: 0.7, position: "absolute", top: "50%", transform: "translate(-50%, -50%)", width: "50%" }, beaconOuter: { animation: "joyride-beacon-outer 1.2s infinite ease-in-out", backgroundColor: `rgba(${hexToRGB(options.primaryColor).join(",")}, 0.2)`, border: `2px solid ${options.primaryColor}`, borderRadius: "50%", boxSizing: "border-box", display: "block", height: "100%", left: 0, opacity: 0.9, position: "absolute", top: 0, transformOrigin: "center", width: "100%" }, tooltip: { backgroundColor: options.backgroundColor, borderRadius: 5, boxSizing: "border-box", color: options.textColor, fontSize: 16, maxWidth: "100%", padding: 15, position: "relative", width }, tooltipContainer: { lineHeight: 1.4, textAlign: "center" }, tooltipTitle: { fontSize: 18, margin: 0 }, tooltipContent: { padding: "20px 10px" }, tooltipFooter: { alignItems: "center", display: "flex", justifyContent: "flex-end", marginTop: 15 }, tooltipFooterSpacer: { flex: 1 }, buttonNext: { ...buttonBase, backgroundColor: options.primaryColor, borderRadius: 4, color: "#fff" }, buttonBack: { ...buttonBase, color: options.primaryColor, marginLeft: "auto", marginRight: 5 }, buttonClose: { ...buttonBase, color: options.textColor, height: 14, padding: 15, position: "absolute", right: 0, top: 0, width: 14 }, buttonSkip: { ...buttonBase, color: options.textColor, fontSize: 14 }, overlay: { ...overlay, backgroundColor: options.overlayColor, mixBlendMode: "hard-light" }, overlayLegacy: { ...overlay }, overlayLegacyCenter: { ...overlay, backgroundColor: options.overlayColor }, spotlight: { ...spotlight, backgroundColor: "gray" }, spotlightLegacy: { ...spotlight, boxShadow: `0 0 0 9999px ${options.overlayColor}, ${options.spotlightShadow}` }, floaterStyles: { arrow: { color: options.arrowColor }, options: { zIndex: options.zIndex + 100 } }, options }; return deepmerge(defaultStyles, mergedStyles); } // src/modules/step.ts function getTourProps(props) { return pick( props, "beaconComponent", "disableCloseOnEsc", "disableOverlay", "disableOverlayClose", "disableScrolling", "disableScrollParentFix", "floaterProps", "hideBackButton", "hideCloseButton", "locale", "showProgress", "showSkipButton", "spotlightClicks", "spotlightPadding", "styles", "tooltipComponent" ); } function getMergedStep(currentStep, props) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const step = currentStep != null ? currentStep : {}; const mergedStep = deepmerge2.all([defaultStep, getTourProps(props), step], { isMergeableObject: is2.plainObject }); const mergedStyles = getStyles(props.styles, mergedStep.styles); const scrollParent2 = hasCustomScrollParent( getElement(, mergedStep.disableScrollParentFix ); const floaterProps = deepmerge2.all([ defaultFloaterProps, (_a = props.floaterProps) != null ? _a : {}, (_b = mergedStep.floaterProps) != null ? _b : {} ]); floaterProps.offset = mergedStep.offset; floaterProps.styles = deepmerge2((_c = floaterProps.styles) != null ? _c : {}, mergedStyles.floaterStyles); floaterProps.offset += (_e = (_d = props.spotlightPadding) != null ? _d : mergedStep.spotlightPadding) != null ? _e : 0; if (mergedStep.placementBeacon && floaterProps.wrapperOptions) { floaterProps.wrapperOptions.placement = mergedStep.placementBeacon; } if (scrollParent2 && floaterProps.options.preventOverflow) { floaterProps.options.preventOverflow.boundariesElement = "window"; } return { ...mergedStep, locale: deepmerge2.all([defaultLocale, (_f = props.locale) != null ? _f : {}, mergedStep.locale || {}]), floaterProps, styles: omit(mergedStyles, "floaterStyles") }; } function validateStep(step, debug = false) { if (!is2.plainObject(step)) { log({ title: "validateStep", data: "step must be an object", warn: true, debug }); return false; } if (! { log({ title: "validateStep", data: "target is missing from the step", warn: true, debug }); return false; } return true; } function validateSteps(steps, debug = false) { if (!is2.array(steps)) { log({ title: "validateSteps", data: "steps must be an array", warn: true, debug }); return false; } return steps.every((d) => validateStep(d, debug)); } // src/modules/store.ts import is3 from "is-lite"; var defaultState = { action: "init", controlled: false, index: 0, lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.INIT, size: 0, status: STATUS.IDLE }; var validKeys = ["action", "index", "lifecycle", "status"]; var Store = class { constructor(options) { __publicField(this, "beaconPopper"); __publicField(this, "tooltipPopper"); __publicField(this, "data", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); __publicField(this, "listener"); __publicField(this, "store", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); __publicField(this, "addListener", (listener) => { this.listener = listener; }); __publicField(this, "setSteps", (steps) => { const { size, status } = this.getState(); const state = { size: steps.length, status };"steps", steps); if (status === STATUS.WAITING && !size && steps.length) { state.status = STATUS.RUNNING; } this.setState(state); }); __publicField(this, "getPopper", (name) => { if (name === "beacon") { return this.beaconPopper; } return this.tooltipPopper; }); __publicField(this, "setPopper", (name, popper) => { if (name === "beacon") { this.beaconPopper = popper; } else { this.tooltipPopper = popper; } }); __publicField(this, "cleanupPoppers", () => { this.beaconPopper = null; this.tooltipPopper = null; }); __publicField(this, "close", () => { const { index, status } = this.getState(); if (status !== STATUS.RUNNING) { return; } this.setState({ ...this.getNextState({ action: ACTIONS.CLOSE, index: index + 1 }) }); }); __publicField(this, "go", (nextIndex) => { const { controlled, status } = this.getState(); if (controlled || status !== STATUS.RUNNING) { return; } const step = this.getSteps()[nextIndex]; this.setState({ ...this.getNextState({ action: ACTIONS.GO, index: nextIndex }), status: step ? status : STATUS.FINISHED }); }); __publicField(this, "info", () => this.getState()); __publicField(this, "next", () => { const { index, status } = this.getState(); if (status !== STATUS.RUNNING) { return; } this.setState(this.getNextState({ action: ACTIONS.NEXT, index: index + 1 })); }); __publicField(this, "open", () => { const { status } = this.getState(); if (status !== STATUS.RUNNING) { return; } this.setState({ ...this.getNextState({ action: ACTIONS.UPDATE, lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP }) }); }); __publicField(this, "prev", () => { const { index, status } = this.getState(); if (status !== STATUS.RUNNING) { return; } this.setState({ ...this.getNextState({ action: ACTIONS.PREV, index: index - 1 }) }); }); __publicField(this, "reset", (restart = false) => { const { controlled } = this.getState(); if (controlled) { return; } this.setState({ ...this.getNextState({ action: ACTIONS.RESET, index: 0 }), status: restart ? STATUS.RUNNING : STATUS.READY }); }); __publicField(this, "skip", () => { const { status } = this.getState(); if (status !== STATUS.RUNNING) { return; } this.setState({ action: ACTIONS.SKIP, lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.INIT, status: STATUS.SKIPPED }); }); __publicField(this, "start", (nextIndex) => { const { index, size } = this.getState(); this.setState({ ...this.getNextState( { action: ACTIONS.START, index: is3.number(nextIndex) ? nextIndex : index }, true ), status: size ? STATUS.RUNNING : STATUS.WAITING }); }); __publicField(this, "stop", (advance = false) => { const { index, status } = this.getState(); if ([STATUS.FINISHED, STATUS.SKIPPED].includes(status)) { return; } this.setState({ ...this.getNextState({ action: ACTIONS.STOP, index: index + (advance ? 1 : 0) }), status: STATUS.PAUSED }); }); __publicField(this, "update", (state) => { var _a; if (!hasValidKeys(state, validKeys)) { throw new Error(`State is not valid. Valid keys: ${validKeys.join(", ")}`); } this.setState({ ...this.getNextState( { ...this.getState(), ...state, action: (_a = state.action) != null ? _a : ACTIONS.UPDATE }, true ) }); }); const { continuous = false, stepIndex, steps = [] } = options != null ? options : {}; this.setState( { action: ACTIONS.INIT, controlled: is3.number(stepIndex), continuous, index: is3.number(stepIndex) ? stepIndex : 0, lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.INIT, status: steps.length ? STATUS.READY : STATUS.IDLE }, true ); this.beaconPopper = null; this.tooltipPopper = null; this.listener = null; this.setSteps(steps); } getState() { if (! { return { ...defaultState }; } return { action:"action") || "", controlled:"controlled") || false, index: parseInt("index"), 10), lifecycle:"lifecycle") || "", size:"size") || 0, status:"status") || "" }; } getNextState(state, force = false) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const { action, controlled, index, size, status } = this.getState(); const newIndex = is3.number(state.index) ? state.index : index; const nextIndex = controlled && !force ? index : Math.min(Math.max(newIndex, 0), size); return { action: (_a = state.action) != null ? _a : action, controlled, index: nextIndex, lifecycle: (_b = state.lifecycle) != null ? _b : LIFECYCLE.INIT, size: (_c = state.size) != null ? _c : size, status: nextIndex === size ? STATUS.FINISHED : (_d = state.status) != null ? _d : status }; } getSteps() { const steps ="steps"); return Array.isArray(steps) ? steps : []; } hasUpdatedState(oldState) { const before = JSON.stringify(oldState); const after = JSON.stringify(this.getState()); return before !== after; } setState(nextState, initial = false) { const state = this.getState(); const { action, index, lifecycle, size, status } = { ...state, ...nextState };"action", action);"index", index);"lifecycle", lifecycle);"size", size);"status", status); if (initial) {"controlled", nextState.controlled);"continuous", nextState.continuous); } if (this.listener && this.hasUpdatedState(state)) { this.listener(this.getState()); } } getHelpers() { return { close: this.close, go: this.go, info:, next:, open:, prev: this.prev, reset: this.reset, skip: this.skip }; } }; function createStore(options) { return new Store(options); } // src/components/Step.tsx import * as React8 from "react"; import Floater from "react-floater"; import is5 from "is-lite"; import treeChanges2 from "tree-changes"; // src/modules/scope.ts var Scope = class { constructor(element, options) { __publicField(this, "element"); __publicField(this, "options"); __publicField(this, "canBeTabbed", (element) => { const { tabIndex } = element; if (tabIndex === null || tabIndex < 0) { return false; } return this.canHaveFocus(element); }); __publicField(this, "canHaveFocus", (element) => { const validTabNodes = /input|select|textarea|button|object/; const nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); const isValid = validTabNodes.test(nodeName) && !element.getAttribute("disabled") || nodeName === "a" && !!element.getAttribute("href"); return isValid && this.isVisible(element); }); __publicField(this, "findValidTabElements", () => []"*"), 0).filter(this.canBeTabbed)); __publicField(this, "handleKeyDown", (event) => { const { code = "Tab" } = this.options; if (event.code === code) { this.interceptTab(event); } }); __publicField(this, "interceptTab", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const elements = this.findValidTabElements(); const { shiftKey } = event; if (!elements.length) { return; } let x = document.activeElement ? elements.indexOf(document.activeElement) : 0; if (x === -1 || !shiftKey && x + 1 === elements.length) { x = 0; } else if (shiftKey && x === 0) { x = elements.length - 1; } else { x += shiftKey ? -1 : 1; } elements[x].focus(); }); // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this __publicField(this, "isHidden", (element) => { const noSize = element.offsetWidth <= 0 && element.offsetHeight <= 0; const style = window.getComputedStyle(element); if (noSize && !element.innerHTML) { return true; } return noSize && style.getPropertyValue("overflow") !== "visible" || style.getPropertyValue("display") === "none"; }); __publicField(this, "isVisible", (element) => { let parentElement = element; while (parentElement) { if (parentElement instanceof HTMLElement) { if (parentElement === document.body) { break; } if (this.isHidden(parentElement)) { return false; } parentElement = parentElement.parentNode; } } return true; }); __publicField(this, "removeScope", () => { window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown); }); __publicField(this, "checkFocus", (target) => { if (document.activeElement !== target) { target.focus(); window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.checkFocus(target)); } }); __publicField(this, "setFocus", () => { const { selector } = this.options; if (!selector) { return; } const target = this.element.querySelector(selector); if (target) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.checkFocus(target)); } }); if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid parameter: element must be an HTMLElement"); } this.element = element; this.options = options; window.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown, false); this.setFocus(); } }; // src/components/Beacon.tsx import * as React from "react"; import innerText from "react-innertext"; import is4 from "is-lite"; var JoyrideBeacon = class extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); __publicField(this, "beacon", null); __publicField(this, "setBeaconRef", (c) => { this.beacon = c; }); if (props.beaconComponent) { return; } const head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; const style = document.createElement("style"); = "joyride-beacon-animation"; if (props.nonce) { style.setAttribute("nonce", props.nonce); } const css = ` @keyframes joyride-beacon-inner { 20% { opacity: 0.9; } 90% { opacity: 0.7; } } @keyframes joyride-beacon-outer { 0% { transform: scale(1); } 45% { opacity: 0.7; transform: scale(0.75); } 100% { opacity: 0.9; transform: scale(1); } } `; style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); head.appendChild(style); } componentDidMount() { const { shouldFocus } = this.props; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { if (!is4.domElement(this.beacon)) { console.warn("beacon is not a valid DOM element"); } } setTimeout(() => { if (is4.domElement(this.beacon) && shouldFocus) { this.beacon.focus(); } }, 0); } componentWillUnmount() { const style = document.getElementById("joyride-beacon-animation"); if (style == null ? void 0 : style.parentNode) { style.parentNode.removeChild(style); } } render() { const { beaconComponent, continuous, index, isLastStep, locale, onClickOrHover, size, step, styles } = this.props; const title = is4.string( ? : innerText(; const sharedProps = { "aria-label": title, onClick: onClickOrHover, onMouseEnter: onClickOrHover, ref: this.setBeaconRef, title }; let component; if (beaconComponent) { const BeaconComponent = beaconComponent; component = /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( BeaconComponent, { continuous, index, isLastStep, size, step, ...sharedProps } ); } else { component = /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement( "button", { key: "JoyrideBeacon", className: "react-joyride__beacon", "data-test-id": "button-beacon", style: styles.beacon, type: "button", ...sharedProps }, /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("span", { style: styles.beaconInner }), /* @__PURE__ */ React.createElement("span", { style: styles.beaconOuter }) ); } return component; } }; // src/components/Overlay.tsx import * as React3 from "react"; import treeChanges from "tree-changes"; // src/components/Spotlight.tsx import * as React2 from "react"; function JoyrideSpotlight({ styles }) { return /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement( "div", { key: "JoyrideSpotlight", className: "react-joyride__spotlight", "data-test-id": "spotlight", style: styles } ); } var Spotlight_default = JoyrideSpotlight; // src/components/Overlay.tsx var JoyrideOverlay = class extends React3.Component { constructor() { super(...arguments); __publicField(this, "isActive", false); __publicField(this, "resizeTimeout"); __publicField(this, "scrollTimeout"); __publicField(this, "scrollParent"); __publicField(this, "state", { isScrolling: false, mouseOverSpotlight: false, showSpotlight: true }); __publicField(this, "handleMouseMove", (event) => { const { mouseOverSpotlight } = this.state; const { height, left, position, top, width } = this.spotlightStyles; const offsetY = position === "fixed" ? event.clientY : event.pageY; const offsetX = position === "fixed" ? event.clientX : event.pageX; const inSpotlightHeight = offsetY >= top && offsetY <= top + height; const inSpotlightWidth = offsetX >= left && offsetX <= left + width; const inSpotlight = inSpotlightWidth && inSpotlightHeight; if (inSpotlight !== mouseOverSpotlight) { this.updateState({ mouseOverSpotlight: inSpotlight }); } }); __publicField(this, "handleScroll", () => { const { target } = this.props; const element = getElement(target); if (this.scrollParent !== document) { const { isScrolling } = this.state; if (!isScrolling) { this.updateState({ isScrolling: true, showSpotlight: false }); } clearTimeout(this.scrollTimeout); this.scrollTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this.updateState({ isScrolling: false, showSpotlight: true }); }, 50); } else if (hasPosition(element, "sticky")) { this.updateState({}); } }); __publicField(this, "handleResize", () => { clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout); this.resizeTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { if (!this.isActive) { return; } this.forceUpdate(); }, 100); }); } componentDidMount() { const { debug, disableScrolling, disableScrollParentFix = false, target } = this.props; const element = getElement(target); this.scrollParent = getScrollParent(element != null ? element : document.body, disableScrollParentFix, true); this.isActive = true; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { if (!disableScrolling && hasCustomScrollParent(element, true)) { log({ title: "step has a custom scroll parent and can cause trouble with scrolling", data: [{ key: "parent", value: this.scrollParent }], debug }); } } window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize); } componentDidUpdate(previousProps) { var _a; const { lifecycle, spotlightClicks } = this.props; const { changed } = treeChanges(previousProps, this.props); if (changed("lifecycle", LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP)) { (_a = this.scrollParent) == null ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener("scroll", this.handleScroll, { passive: true }); setTimeout(() => { const { isScrolling } = this.state; if (!isScrolling) { this.updateState({ showSpotlight: true }); } }, 100); } if (changed("spotlightClicks") || changed("disableOverlay") || changed("lifecycle")) { if (spotlightClicks && lifecycle === LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP) { window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMove, false); } else if (lifecycle !== LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP) { window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMove); } } } componentWillUnmount() { var _a; this.isActive = false; window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMove); window.removeEventListener("resize", this.handleResize); clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout); clearTimeout(this.scrollTimeout); (_a = this.scrollParent) == null ? void 0 : _a.removeEventListener("scroll", this.handleScroll); } get spotlightStyles() { var _a, _b, _c; const { showSpotlight } = this.state; const { disableScrollParentFix = false, spotlightClicks, spotlightPadding = 0, styles, target } = this.props; const element = getElement(target); const elementRect = getClientRect(element); const isFixedTarget = hasPosition(element); const top = getElementPosition(element, spotlightPadding, disableScrollParentFix); return { ...isLegacy() ? styles.spotlightLegacy : styles.spotlight, height: Math.round(((_a = elementRect == null ? void 0 : elementRect.height) != null ? _a : 0) + spotlightPadding * 2), left: Math.round(((_b = elementRect == null ? void 0 : elementRect.left) != null ? _b : 0) - spotlightPadding), opacity: showSpotlight ? 1 : 0, pointerEvents: spotlightClicks ? "none" : "auto", position: isFixedTarget ? "fixed" : "absolute", top, transition: "opacity 0.2s", width: Math.round(((_c = elementRect == null ? void 0 : elementRect.width) != null ? _c : 0) + spotlightPadding * 2) }; } updateState(state) { if (!this.isActive) { return; } this.setState((previousState) => ({ ...previousState, ...state })); } render() { const { mouseOverSpotlight, showSpotlight } = this.state; const { disableOverlay, disableOverlayClose, lifecycle, onClickOverlay, placement, styles } = this.props; if (disableOverlay || lifecycle !== LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP) { return null; } let baseStyles = styles.overlay; if (isLegacy()) { baseStyles = placement === "center" ? styles.overlayLegacyCenter : styles.overlayLegacy; } const stylesOverlay = { cursor: disableOverlayClose ? "default" : "pointer", height: getDocumentHeight(), pointerEvents: mouseOverSpotlight ? "none" : "auto", ...baseStyles }; let spotlight2 = placement !== "center" && showSpotlight && /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement(Spotlight_default, { styles: this.spotlightStyles }); if (getBrowser() === "safari") { const { mixBlendMode, zIndex, ...safarOverlay } = stylesOverlay; spotlight2 = /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement("div", { style: { ...safarOverlay } }, spotlight2); delete stylesOverlay.backgroundColor; } return /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement( "div", { className: "react-joyride__overlay", "data-test-id": "overlay", onClick: onClickOverlay, role: "presentation", style: stylesOverlay }, spotlight2 ); } }; // src/components/Portal.tsx import * as React4 from "react"; import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom"; var JoyridePortal = class extends React4.Component { constructor() { super(...arguments); __publicField(this, "node", null); } componentDidMount() { const { id } = this.props; if (!canUseDOM()) { return; } this.node = document.createElement("div"); = id; document.body.appendChild(this.node); if (!isReact16) { this.renderReact15(); } } componentDidUpdate() { if (!canUseDOM()) { return; } if (!isReact16) { this.renderReact15(); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (!canUseDOM() || !this.node) { return; } if (!isReact16) { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(this.node); } if (this.node.parentNode === document.body) { document.body.removeChild(this.node); this.node = null; } } renderReact15() { if (!canUseDOM()) { return; } const { children } = this.props; if (this.node) { ReactDOM.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(this, children, this.node); } } renderReact16() { if (!canUseDOM() || !isReact16) { return null; } const { children } = this.props; if (!this.node) { return null; } return ReactDOM.createPortal(children, this.node); } render() { if (!isReact16) { return null; } return this.renderReact16(); } }; // src/components/Tooltip/index.tsx import * as React7 from "react"; // src/components/Tooltip/Container.tsx import * as React6 from "react"; // src/components/Tooltip/CloseButton.tsx import React5 from "react"; function JoyrideTooltipCloseButton({ styles, ...props }) { const { color, height, width, } = styles; return /* @__PURE__ */ React5.createElement("button", { style, type: "button", ...props }, /* @__PURE__ */ React5.createElement( "svg", { height: typeof height === "number" ? `${height}px` : height, preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid", version: "1.1", viewBox: "0 0 18 18", width: typeof width === "number" ? `${width}px` : width, xmlns: "" }, /* @__PURE__ */ React5.createElement("g", null, /* @__PURE__ */ React5.createElement( "path", { d: "M8.13911129,9.00268191 L0.171521827,17.0258467 C-0.0498027049,17.248715 -0.0498027049,17.6098394 0.171521827,17.8327545 C0.28204354,17.9443526 0.427188206,17.9998706 0.572051765,17.9998706 C0.71714958,17.9998706 0.862013139,17.9443526 0.972581703,17.8327545 L9.0000937,9.74924618 L17.0276057,17.8327545 C17.1384085,17.9443526 17.2832721,17.9998706 17.4281356,17.9998706 C17.5729992,17.9998706 17.718097,17.9443526 17.8286656,17.8327545 C18.0499901,17.6098862 18.0499901,17.2487618 17.8286656,17.0258467 L9.86135722,9.00268191 L17.8340066,0.973848225 C18.0553311,0.750979934 18.0553311,0.389855532 17.8340066,0.16694039 C17.6126821,-0.0556467968 17.254037,-0.0556467968 17.0329467,0.16694039 L9.00042166,8.25611765 L0.967006424,0.167268345 C0.745681892,-0.0553188426 0.387317931,-0.0553188426 0.165993399,0.167268345 C-0.0553311331,0.390136635 -0.0553311331,0.751261038 0.165993399,0.974176179 L8.13920499,9.00268191 L8.13911129,9.00268191 Z", fill: color } )) )); } var CloseButton_default = JoyrideTooltipCloseButton; // src/components/Tooltip/Container.tsx function JoyrideTooltipContainer(props) { const { backProps, closeProps, continuous, index, isLastStep, primaryProps, size, skipProps, step, tooltipProps } = props; const { content, hideBackButton, hideCloseButton, hideFooter, locale, showProgress, showSkipButton, styles, title } = step; const { back, close, last, next, skip } = locale; const output = { primary: close }; if (continuous) { output.primary = isLastStep ? last : next; if (showProgress) { output.primary = /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement("span", null, output.primary, " (", index + 1, "/", size, ")"); } } if (showSkipButton && !isLastStep) { output.skip = /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement( "button", { "aria-live": "off", "data-test-id": "button-skip", style: styles.buttonSkip, type: "button", ...skipProps }, skip ); } if (!hideBackButton && index > 0) { output.back = /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement("button", { "data-test-id": "button-back", style: styles.buttonBack, type: "button", ...backProps }, back); } output.close = !hideCloseButton && /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement(CloseButton_default, { "data-test-id": "button-close", styles: styles.buttonClose, ...closeProps }); return /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement( "div", { key: "JoyrideTooltip", "aria-label": getText(title) || getText(content), className: "react-joyride__tooltip", style: styles.tooltip, ...tooltipProps }, /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement("div", { style: styles.tooltipContainer }, title && /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement("h1", { "aria-label": getText(title), style: styles.tooltipTitle }, title), /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement("div", { style: styles.tooltipContent }, content)), !hideFooter && /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement("div", { style: styles.tooltipFooter }, /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement("div", { style: styles.tooltipFooterSpacer }, output.skip), output.back, /* @__PURE__ */ React6.createElement( "button", { "data-test-id": "button-primary", style: styles.buttonNext, type: "button", ...primaryProps }, output.primary )), output.close ); } var Container_default = JoyrideTooltipContainer; // src/components/Tooltip/index.tsx var JoyrideTooltip = class extends React7.Component { constructor() { super(...arguments); __publicField(this, "handleClickBack", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const { helpers } = this.props; helpers.prev(); }); __publicField(this, "handleClickClose", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const { helpers } = this.props; helpers.close(); }); __publicField(this, "handleClickPrimary", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const { continuous, helpers } = this.props; if (!continuous) { helpers.close(); return; }; }); __publicField(this, "handleClickSkip", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const { helpers } = this.props; helpers.skip(); }); __publicField(this, "getElementsProps", () => { const { continuous, isLastStep, setTooltipRef, step } = this.props; const back = getText(step.locale.back); const close = getText(step.locale.close); const last = getText(step.locale.last); const next = getText(; const skip = getText(step.locale.skip); let primaryText = continuous ? next : close; if (isLastStep) { primaryText = last; } return { backProps: { "aria-label": back, "data-action": "back", onClick: this.handleClickBack, role: "button", title: back }, closeProps: { "aria-label": close, "data-action": "close", onClick: this.handleClickClose, role: "button", title: close }, primaryProps: { "aria-label": primaryText, "data-action": "primary", onClick: this.handleClickPrimary, role: "button", title: primaryText }, skipProps: { "aria-label": skip, "data-action": "skip", onClick: this.handleClickSkip, role: "button", title: skip }, tooltipProps: { "aria-modal": true, ref: setTooltipRef, role: "alertdialog" } }; }); } render() { const { continuous, index, isLastStep, setTooltipRef, size, step } = this.props; const { beaconComponent, tooltipComponent, ...cleanStep } = step; let component; if (tooltipComponent) { const renderProps = { ...this.getElementsProps(), continuous, index, isLastStep, size, step: cleanStep, setTooltipRef }; const TooltipComponent = tooltipComponent; component = /* @__PURE__ */ React7.createElement(TooltipComponent, { ...renderProps }); } else { component = /* @__PURE__ */ React7.createElement( Container_default, { ...this.getElementsProps(), continuous, index, isLastStep, size, step } ); } return component; } }; // src/components/Step.tsx var JoyrideStep = class extends React8.Component { constructor() { super(...arguments); __publicField(this, "scope", null); __publicField(this, "tooltip", null); /** * Beacon click/hover event listener */ __publicField(this, "handleClickHoverBeacon", (event) => { const { step, store } = this.props; if (event.type === "mouseenter" && step.event !== "hover") { return; } store.update({ lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP }); }); __publicField(this, "handleClickOverlay", () => { const { helpers, step } = this.props; if (!step.disableOverlayClose) { helpers.close(); } }); __publicField(this, "setTooltipRef", (element) => { this.tooltip = element; }); __publicField(this, "setPopper", (popper, type) => { var _a; const { action, step, store } = this.props; if (type === "wrapper") { store.setPopper("beacon", popper); } else { store.setPopper("tooltip", popper); } if (store.getPopper("beacon") && store.getPopper("tooltip")) { store.update({ action, lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.READY }); } if ((_a = step.floaterProps) == null ? void 0 : _a.getPopper) { step.floaterProps.getPopper(popper, type); } }); __publicField(this, "renderTooltip", (renderProps) => { const { continuous, helpers, index, size, step } = this.props; return /* @__PURE__ */ React8.createElement( JoyrideTooltip, { continuous, helpers, index, isLastStep: index + 1 === size, setTooltipRef: this.setTooltipRef, size, step, ...renderProps } ); }); } componentDidMount() { const { debug, index } = this.props; log({ title: `step:${index}`, data: [{ key: "props", value: this.props }], debug }); } componentDidUpdate(previousProps) { var _a; const { action, callback, continuous, controlled, debug, index, lifecycle, size, status, step, store } = this.props; const { changed, changedFrom } = treeChanges2(previousProps, this.props); const state = { action, controlled, index, lifecycle, size, status }; const skipBeacon = continuous && action !== ACTIONS.CLOSE && (index > 0 || action === ACTIONS.PREV); const hasStoreChanged = changed("action") || changed("index") || changed("lifecycle") || changed("status"); const isInitial = changedFrom("lifecycle", [LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP, LIFECYCLE.INIT], LIFECYCLE.INIT); const isAfterAction = changed("action", [ ACTIONS.NEXT, ACTIONS.PREV, ACTIONS.SKIP, ACTIONS.CLOSE ]); const isControlled = controlled && index === previousProps.index; if (isAfterAction && (isInitial || isControlled)) { callback({ ...state, index: previousProps.index, lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.COMPLETE, step: previousProps.step, type: EVENTS.STEP_AFTER }); } if (step.placement === "center" && status === STATUS.RUNNING && changed("index") && action !== ACTIONS.START && lifecycle === LIFECYCLE.INIT) { store.update({ lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.READY }); } if (hasStoreChanged) { const element = getElement(; const elementExists = !!element; const hasRenderedTarget = elementExists && isElementVisible(element); if (hasRenderedTarget) { if (changedFrom("status", STATUS.READY, STATUS.RUNNING) || changedFrom("lifecycle", LIFECYCLE.INIT, LIFECYCLE.READY)) { callback({ ...state, step, type: EVENTS.STEP_BEFORE }); } } else { console.warn(elementExists ? "Target not visible" : "Target not mounted", step); callback({ ...state, type: EVENTS.TARGET_NOT_FOUND, step }); if (!controlled) { store.update({ index: index + (action === ACTIONS.PREV ? -1 : 1) }); } } } if (changedFrom("lifecycle", LIFECYCLE.INIT, LIFECYCLE.READY)) { store.update({ lifecycle: hideBeacon(step) || skipBeacon ? LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP : LIFECYCLE.BEACON }); } if (changed("index")) { log({ title: `step:${lifecycle}`, data: [{ key: "props", value: this.props }], debug }); } if (changed("lifecycle", LIFECYCLE.BEACON)) { callback({ ...state, step, type: EVENTS.BEACON }); } if (changed("lifecycle", LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP)) { callback({ ...state, step, type: EVENTS.TOOLTIP }); if (this.tooltip) { this.scope = new Scope(this.tooltip, { selector: "[data-action=primary]" }); this.scope.setFocus(); } } if (changedFrom("lifecycle", [LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP, LIFECYCLE.INIT], LIFECYCLE.INIT)) { (_a = this.scope) == null ? void 0 : _a.removeScope(); store.cleanupPoppers(); } } componentWillUnmount() { var _a; (_a = this.scope) == null ? void 0 : _a.removeScope(); } get open() { const { lifecycle, step } = this.props; return hideBeacon(step) || lifecycle === LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP; } render() { const { continuous, debug, index, lifecycle, nonce, shouldScroll: shouldScroll2, size, step } = this.props; const target = getElement(; if (!validateStep(step) || !is5.domElement(target)) { return null; } return /* @__PURE__ */ React8.createElement("div", { key: `JoyrideStep-${index}`, className: "react-joyride__step" }, /* @__PURE__ */ React8.createElement(JoyridePortal, { id: "react-joyride-portal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ React8.createElement( JoyrideOverlay, { ...step, debug, lifecycle, onClickOverlay: this.handleClickOverlay } )), /* @__PURE__ */ React8.createElement( Floater, { ...step.floaterProps, component: this.renderTooltip, debug, getPopper: this.setPopper, id: `react-joyride-step-${index}`, open:, placement: step.placement, target: }, /* @__PURE__ */ React8.createElement( JoyrideBeacon, { beaconComponent: step.beaconComponent, continuous, index, isLastStep: index + 1 === size, locale: step.locale, nonce, onClickOrHover: this.handleClickHoverBeacon, shouldFocus: shouldScroll2, size, step, styles: step.styles } ) )); } }; // src/components/index.tsx var Joyride = class extends React9.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); __publicField(this, "helpers"); __publicField(this, "store"); /** * Trigger the callback. */ __publicField(this, "callback", (data) => { const { callback } = this.props; if (is6.function(callback)) { callback(data); } }); /** * Keydown event listener */ __publicField(this, "handleKeyboard", (event) => { const { index, lifecycle } = this.state; const { steps } = this.props; const step = steps[index]; if (lifecycle === LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP) { if (event.code === "Escape" && step && !step.disableCloseOnEsc) {; } } }); /** * Sync the store with the component's state */ __publicField(this, "syncState", (state) => { this.setState(state); }); const { debug, getHelpers, run, stepIndex } = props; = createStore({ ...props, controlled: run && is6.number(stepIndex) }); this.helpers =; const { addListener } =; log({ title: "init", data: [ { key: "props", value: this.props }, { key: "state", value: this.state } ], debug }); addListener(this.syncState); if (getHelpers) { getHelpers(this.helpers); } this.state =; } componentDidMount() { if (!canUseDOM()) { return; } const { debug, disableCloseOnEsc, run, steps } = this.props; const { start } =; if (validateSteps(steps, debug) && run) { start(); } if (!disableCloseOnEsc) { document.body.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyboard, { passive: true }); } } componentDidUpdate(previousProps, previousState) { if (!canUseDOM()) { return; } const { action, controlled, index, lifecycle, status } = this.state; const { debug, run, stepIndex, steps } = this.props; const { stepIndex: previousStepIndex, steps: previousSteps } = previousProps; const { reset, setSteps, start, stop, update } =; const { changed: changedProps } = treeChanges3(previousProps, this.props); const { changed, changedFrom } = treeChanges3(previousState, this.state); const step = getMergedStep(steps[index], this.props); const stepsChanged = !isEqual(previousSteps, steps); const stepIndexChanged = is6.number(stepIndex) && changedProps("stepIndex"); const target = getElement(; if (stepsChanged) { if (validateSteps(steps, debug)) { setSteps(steps); } else { console.warn("Steps are not valid", steps); } } if (changedProps("run")) { if (run) { start(stepIndex); } else { stop(); } } if (stepIndexChanged) { let nextAction = is6.number(previousStepIndex) && previousStepIndex < stepIndex ? ACTIONS.NEXT : ACTIONS.PREV; if (action === ACTIONS.STOP) { nextAction = ACTIONS.START; } if (![STATUS.FINISHED, STATUS.SKIPPED].includes(status)) { update({ action: action === ACTIONS.CLOSE ? ACTIONS.CLOSE : nextAction, index: stepIndex, lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.INIT }); } } if (!controlled && status === STATUS.RUNNING && index === 0 && !target) {{ index: index + 1 }); this.callback({ ...this.state, type: EVENTS.TARGET_NOT_FOUND, step }); } const callbackData = { ...this.state, index, step }; const isAfterAction = changed("action", [ ACTIONS.NEXT, ACTIONS.PREV, ACTIONS.SKIP, ACTIONS.CLOSE ]); if (isAfterAction && changed("status", STATUS.PAUSED)) { const previousStep = getMergedStep(steps[previousState.index], this.props); this.callback({ ...callbackData, index: previousState.index, lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.COMPLETE, step: previousStep, type: EVENTS.STEP_AFTER }); } if (changed("status", [STATUS.FINISHED, STATUS.SKIPPED])) { const previousStep = getMergedStep(steps[previousState.index], this.props); if (!controlled) { this.callback({ ...callbackData, index: previousState.index, lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.COMPLETE, step: previousStep, type: EVENTS.STEP_AFTER }); } this.callback({ ...callbackData, type: EVENTS.TOUR_END, // Return the last step when the tour is finished step: previousStep, index: previousState.index }); reset(); } else if (changedFrom("status", [STATUS.IDLE, STATUS.READY], STATUS.RUNNING)) { this.callback({ ...callbackData, type: EVENTS.TOUR_START }); } else if (changed("status") || changed("action", ACTIONS.RESET)) { this.callback({ ...callbackData, type: EVENTS.TOUR_STATUS }); } this.scrollToStep(previousState); if (step.placement === "center" && status === STATUS.RUNNING && lifecycle === LIFECYCLE.INIT) {{ lifecycle: LIFECYCLE.READY }); } } componentWillUnmount() { const { disableCloseOnEsc } = this.props; if (!disableCloseOnEsc) { document.body.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyboard); } } scrollToStep(previousState) { const { index, lifecycle, status } = this.state; const { debug, disableScrollParentFix = false, scrollDuration, scrollOffset = 20, scrollToFirstStep = false, steps } = this.props; const step = getMergedStep(steps[index], this.props); const target = getElement(; const shouldScrollToStep = shouldScroll({ isFirstStep: index === 0, lifecycle, previousLifecycle: previousState.lifecycle, scrollToFirstStep, step, target }); if (status === STATUS.RUNNING && shouldScrollToStep) { const hasCustomScroll = hasCustomScrollParent(target, disableScrollParentFix); const scrollParent2 = getScrollParent(target, disableScrollParentFix); let scrollY = Math.floor(getScrollTo(target, scrollOffset, disableScrollParentFix)) || 0; log({ title: "scrollToStep", data: [ { key: "index", value: index }, { key: "lifecycle", value: lifecycle }, { key: "status", value: status } ], debug }); const beaconPopper ="beacon"); const tooltipPopper ="tooltip"); if (lifecycle === LIFECYCLE.BEACON && beaconPopper) { const { offsets, placement } = beaconPopper; if (!["bottom"].includes(placement) && !hasCustomScroll) { scrollY = Math.floor( - scrollOffset); } } else if (lifecycle === LIFECYCLE.TOOLTIP && tooltipPopper) { const { flipped, offsets, placement } = tooltipPopper; if (["top", "right", "left"].includes(placement) && !flipped && !hasCustomScroll) { scrollY = Math.floor( - scrollOffset); } else { scrollY -= step.spotlightPadding; } } scrollY = scrollY >= 0 ? scrollY : 0; if (status === STATUS.RUNNING) { scrollTo(scrollY, { element: scrollParent2, duration: scrollDuration }).then( () => { setTimeout(() => { var _a; (_a ="tooltip")) == null ? void 0 : _a.instance.update(); }, 10); } ); } } } render() { if (!canUseDOM()) { return null; } const { index, status } = this.state; const { continuous = false, debug = false, nonce, scrollToFirstStep = false, steps } = this.props; let output; if (status === STATUS.RUNNING && steps[index]) { const step = getMergedStep(steps[index], this.props); output = /* @__PURE__ */ React9.createElement( JoyrideStep, { ...this.state, callback: this.callback, continuous, debug, helpers: this.helpers, nonce, shouldScroll: !step.disableScrolling && (index !== 0 || scrollToFirstStep), step, store: } ); } return /* @__PURE__ */ React9.createElement("div", { className: "react-joyride" }, output); } }; __publicField(Joyride, "defaultProps", defaultProps); var components_default = Joyride; export { ACTIONS, EVENTS, LIFECYCLE, STATUS, components_default as default }; //#