"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = rule; exports.ruleName = exports.meta = exports.messages = void 0; var _stylelint = require("stylelint"); var _utils = require("../../utils"); var ruleName = (0, _utils.namespace)("double-slash-comment-empty-line-before"); exports.ruleName = ruleName; var messages = _stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, { expected: "Expected empty line before comment", rejected: "Unexpected empty line before comment" }); exports.messages = messages; var meta = { url: (0, _utils.ruleUrl)(ruleName) }; exports.meta = meta; var stylelintCommandPrefix = "stylelint-"; function rule(expectation, options, context) { return function (root, result) { var validOptions = _stylelint.utils.validateOptions(result, ruleName, { actual: expectation, possible: ["always", "never"] }, { actual: options, possible: { except: ["first-nested", "inside-block"], ignore: ["stylelint-commands", "between-comments", "inside-block"] }, optional: true }); if (!validOptions) { return; } root.walkComments(function (comment) { // Only process // comments if (!comment.raws.inline && !comment.inline) { return; } if ((0, _utils.isInlineComment)(comment)) { return; } // Ignore the first node if (comment === root.first) { return; } // Optionally ignore stylelint commands if (comment.text.indexOf(stylelintCommandPrefix) === 0 && (0, _utils.optionsHaveIgnored)(options, "stylelint-commands")) { return; } // Optionally ignore comments inside blocks if (comment.parent !== root && (0, _utils.optionsHaveIgnored)(options, "inside-block")) { return; } // Optionally ignore newlines between comments var prev = comment.prev(); if (prev && prev.type === "comment" && (0, _utils.optionsHaveIgnored)(options, "between-comments")) { return; } var before = comment.raw("before"); var expectEmptyLineBefore = function () { if ((0, _utils.optionsHaveException)(options, "first-nested") && comment.parent !== root && comment === comment.parent.first) { return false; } // Reverse expectation for comments inside blocks if (comment.parent !== root && (0, _utils.optionsHaveException)(options, "inside-block")) { return expectation === "never"; } return expectation === "always"; }(); var hasEmptyLineBefore = before.search(/\n\s*?\n/) !== -1; // Return if the expectation is met if (expectEmptyLineBefore === hasEmptyLineBefore) { return; } if (context.fix) { if (expectEmptyLineBefore && !hasEmptyLineBefore) { (0, _utils.addEmptyLineBefore)(comment, context.newline); return; } if (!expectEmptyLineBefore && hasEmptyLineBefore) { (0, _utils.removeEmptyLinesBefore)(comment, context.newline); return; } } var message = expectEmptyLineBefore ? messages.expected : messages.rejected; _stylelint.utils.report({ message: message, node: comment, result: result, ruleName: ruleName }); }); }; } rule.ruleName = ruleName; rule.messages = messages; rule.meta = meta;