'use strict'; const blockString = require('../../utils/blockString'); const hasBlock = require('../../utils/hasBlock'); const hasEmptyBlock = require('../../utils/hasEmptyBlock'); const isSingleLineString = require('../../utils/isSingleLineString'); const report = require('../../utils/report'); const ruleMessages = require('../../utils/ruleMessages'); const validateOptions = require('../../utils/validateOptions'); const ruleName = 'block-closing-brace-newline-before'; const messages = ruleMessages(ruleName, { expectedBefore: 'Expected newline before "}"', expectedBeforeMultiLine: 'Expected newline before "}" of a multi-line block', rejectedBeforeMultiLine: 'Unexpected whitespace before "}" of a multi-line block', }); const meta = { url: 'https://stylelint.io/user-guide/rules/list/block-closing-brace-newline-before', fixable: true, }; /** @type {import('stylelint').Rule} */ const rule = (primary, _secondaryOptions, context) => { return (root, result) => { const validOptions = validateOptions(result, ruleName, { actual: primary, possible: ['always', 'always-multi-line', 'never-multi-line'], }); if (!validOptions) { return; } // Check both kinds of statements: rules and at-rules root.walkRules(check); root.walkAtRules(check); /** * @param {import('postcss').Rule | import('postcss').AtRule} statement */ function check(statement) { // Return early if blockless or has empty block if (!hasBlock(statement) || hasEmptyBlock(statement)) { return; } // Ignore extra semicolon const after = (statement.raws.after || '').replace(/;+/, ''); if (after === undefined) { return; } const blockIsMultiLine = !isSingleLineString(blockString(statement)); const statementString = statement.toString(); let index = statementString.length - 2; if (statementString[index - 1] === '\r') { index -= 1; } // We're really just checking whether a // newline *starts* the block's final space -- between // the last declaration and the closing brace. We can // ignore any other whitespace between them, because that // will be checked by the indentation rule. if (!after.startsWith('\n') && !after.startsWith('\r\n')) { if (primary === 'always') { complain(messages.expectedBefore); } else if (blockIsMultiLine && primary === 'always-multi-line') { complain(messages.expectedBeforeMultiLine); } } if (after !== '' && blockIsMultiLine && primary === 'never-multi-line') { complain(messages.rejectedBeforeMultiLine); } /** * @param {string} message */ function complain(message) { if (context.fix) { const statementRaws = statement.raws; if (typeof statementRaws.after !== 'string') return; if (primary.startsWith('always')) { const firstWhitespaceIndex = statementRaws.after.search(/\s/); const newlineBefore = firstWhitespaceIndex >= 0 ? statementRaws.after.slice(0, firstWhitespaceIndex) : statementRaws.after; const newlineAfter = firstWhitespaceIndex >= 0 ? statementRaws.after.slice(firstWhitespaceIndex) : ''; const newlineIndex = newlineAfter.search(/\r?\n/); statementRaws.after = newlineIndex >= 0 ? newlineBefore + newlineAfter.slice(newlineIndex) : newlineBefore + context.newline + newlineAfter; return; } if (primary === 'never-multi-line') { statementRaws.after = statementRaws.after.replace(/\s/g, ''); return; } } report({ message, result, ruleName, node: statement, index, }); } } }; }; rule.ruleName = ruleName; rule.messages = messages; rule.meta = meta; module.exports = rule;