'use strict'; const valueParser = require('postcss-value-parser'); const declarationValueIndex = require('../../utils/declarationValueIndex'); const getDeclarationValue = require('../../utils/getDeclarationValue'); const isStandardSyntaxValue = require('../../utils/isStandardSyntaxValue'); const report = require('../../utils/report'); const ruleMessages = require('../../utils/ruleMessages'); const setDeclarationValue = require('../../utils/setDeclarationValue'); const validateOptions = require('../../utils/validateOptions'); const { assert } = require('../../utils/validateTypes'); const ruleName = 'function-calc-no-unspaced-operator'; const messages = ruleMessages(ruleName, { expectedBefore: (operator) => `Expected single space before "${operator}" operator`, expectedAfter: (operator) => `Expected single space after "${operator}" operator`, expectedOperatorBeforeSign: (operator) => `Expected an operator before sign "${operator}"`, }); const meta = { url: 'https://stylelint.io/user-guide/rules/list/function-calc-no-unspaced-operator', fixable: true, }; const OPERATORS = new Set(['+', '-']); const OPERATOR_REGEX = /[+-]/; const ALL_OPERATORS = new Set([...OPERATORS, '*', '/']); /** @type {import('stylelint').Rule} */ const rule = (primary, _secondaryOptions, context) => { return (root, result) => { const validOptions = validateOptions(result, ruleName, { actual: primary }); if (!validOptions) return; /** * @param {string} message * @param {import('postcss').Node} node * @param {number} index * @param {string} operator */ function complain(message, node, index, operator) { const endIndex = index + operator.length; report({ message, node, index, endIndex, result, ruleName }); } root.walkDecls((decl) => { let needsFix = false; const valueIndex = declarationValueIndex(decl); const parsedValue = valueParser(getDeclarationValue(decl)); /** * @param {import('postcss-value-parser').Node} operatorNode * @param {import('postcss-value-parser').Node} currentNode * @param {boolean} isBeforeOp */ function checkAroundOperator(operatorNode, currentNode, isBeforeOp) { const operator = operatorNode.value; const operatorSourceIndex = operatorNode.sourceIndex; if (currentNode && !isSingleSpace(currentNode)) { if (currentNode.type === 'word') { if (isBeforeOp) { const lastChar = currentNode.value.slice(-1); if (OPERATORS.has(lastChar)) { if (context.fix) { currentNode.value = `${currentNode.value.slice(0, -1)} ${lastChar}`; return true; } complain( messages.expectedOperatorBeforeSign(operator), decl, operatorSourceIndex, operator, ); return true; } } else { const firstChar = currentNode.value.slice(0, 1); if (OPERATORS.has(firstChar)) { if (context.fix) { currentNode.value = `${firstChar} ${currentNode.value.slice(1)}`; return true; } complain(messages.expectedAfter(operator), decl, operatorSourceIndex, operator); return true; } } if (context.fix) { needsFix = true; currentNode.value = isBeforeOp ? `${currentNode.value} ` : ` ${currentNode.value}`; return true; } complain( isBeforeOp ? messages.expectedBefore(operator) : messages.expectedAfter(operator), decl, valueIndex + operatorSourceIndex, operator, ); return true; } if (currentNode.type === 'space') { const indexOfFirstNewLine = currentNode.value.search(/(\n|\r\n)/); if (indexOfFirstNewLine === 0) return; if (context.fix) { needsFix = true; currentNode.value = indexOfFirstNewLine === -1 ? ' ' : currentNode.value.slice(indexOfFirstNewLine); return true; } const message = isBeforeOp ? messages.expectedBefore(operator) : messages.expectedAfter(operator); complain(message, decl, valueIndex + operatorSourceIndex, operator); return true; } if (currentNode.type === 'function') { if (context.fix) { needsFix = true; currentNode.value = isBeforeOp ? `${currentNode.value} ` : ` ${currentNode.value}`; return true; } const message = isBeforeOp ? messages.expectedBefore(operator) : messages.expectedAfter(operator); complain(message, decl, valueIndex + operatorSourceIndex, operator); return true; } } return false; } /** * @param {import('postcss-value-parser').Node[]} nodes */ function checkForOperatorInFirstNode(nodes) { const firstNode = nodes[0]; assert(firstNode); if (firstNode.type !== 'word') return false; if (!isStandardSyntaxValue(firstNode.value)) return false; const operatorIndex = firstNode.value.search(OPERATOR_REGEX); const operator = firstNode.value.slice(operatorIndex, operatorIndex + 1); if (operatorIndex <= 0) return false; const charBefore = firstNode.value.charAt(operatorIndex - 1); const charAfter = firstNode.value.charAt(operatorIndex + 1); if (charBefore && charBefore !== ' ' && charAfter && charAfter !== ' ') { if (context.fix) { needsFix = true; firstNode.value = insertCharAtIndex(firstNode.value, operatorIndex + 1, ' '); firstNode.value = insertCharAtIndex(firstNode.value, operatorIndex, ' '); } else { complain( messages.expectedBefore(operator), decl, valueIndex + firstNode.sourceIndex + operatorIndex, operator, ); complain( messages.expectedAfter(operator), decl, valueIndex + firstNode.sourceIndex + operatorIndex + 1, operator, ); } } else if (charBefore && charBefore !== ' ') { if (context.fix) { needsFix = true; firstNode.value = insertCharAtIndex(firstNode.value, operatorIndex, ' '); } else { complain( messages.expectedBefore(operator), decl, valueIndex + firstNode.sourceIndex + operatorIndex, operator, ); } } else if (charAfter && charAfter !== ' ') { if (context.fix) { needsFix = true; firstNode.value = insertCharAtIndex(firstNode.value, operatorIndex, ' '); } else { complain( messages.expectedAfter(operator), decl, valueIndex + firstNode.sourceIndex + operatorIndex + 1, operator, ); } } return true; } /** * @param {import('postcss-value-parser').Node[]} nodes */ function checkForOperatorInLastNode(nodes) { if (nodes.length === 1) return false; const lastNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1]; assert(lastNode); if (lastNode.type !== 'word') return false; const operatorIndex = lastNode.value.search(OPERATOR_REGEX); if (operatorIndex === -1) return false; if (lastNode.value.charAt(operatorIndex - 1) === ' ') return false; // E.g. "10px * -2" when the last node is "-2" if ( isOperator(nodes[nodes.length - 3], ALL_OPERATORS) && isSingleSpace(nodes[nodes.length - 2]) ) { return false; } if (context.fix) { needsFix = true; lastNode.value = insertCharAtIndex(lastNode.value, operatorIndex + 1, ' ').trim(); lastNode.value = insertCharAtIndex(lastNode.value, operatorIndex, ' ').trim(); return true; } const operator = lastNode.value.charAt(operatorIndex); complain( messages.expectedOperatorBeforeSign(operator), decl, valueIndex + lastNode.sourceIndex + operatorIndex, operator, ); return true; } /** * @param {import('postcss-value-parser').Node[]} nodes */ function checkWords(nodes) { if (checkForOperatorInFirstNode(nodes) || checkForOperatorInLastNode(nodes)) return; for (const [index, node] of nodes.entries()) { const lastChar = node.value.slice(-1); const firstChar = node.value.slice(0, 1); if (node.type === 'word') { if (index === 0 && OPERATORS.has(lastChar)) { if (context.fix) { node.value = `${node.value.slice(0, -1)} ${lastChar}`; continue; } complain(messages.expectedBefore(lastChar), decl, node.sourceIndex, lastChar); } else if (index === nodes.length && OPERATORS.has(firstChar)) { if (context.fix) { node.value = `${firstChar} ${node.value.slice(1)}`; continue; } complain( messages.expectedOperatorBeforeSign(firstChar), decl, node.sourceIndex, firstChar, ); } } } } parsedValue.walk((node) => { if (node.type !== 'function' || node.value.toLowerCase() !== 'calc') return; const { nodes } = node; let foundOperatorNode = false; for (const [nodeIndex, currNode] of nodes.entries()) { if (!isOperator(currNode)) continue; foundOperatorNode = true; const nodeBefore = nodes[nodeIndex - 1]; const nodeAfter = nodes[nodeIndex + 1]; if (isSingleSpace(nodeBefore) && isSingleSpace(nodeAfter)) continue; if (nodeAfter && checkAroundOperator(currNode, nodeAfter, false)) continue; nodeBefore && checkAroundOperator(currNode, nodeBefore, true); } if (!foundOperatorNode) { checkWords(nodes); } }); if (needsFix) { setDeclarationValue(decl, parsedValue.toString()); } }); }; }; /** * @param {string} str * @param {number} index * @param {string} char */ function insertCharAtIndex(str, index, char) { return str.slice(0, index) + char + str.slice(index, str.length); } /** * @param {import('postcss-value-parser').Node | undefined} node * @returns {node is import('postcss-value-parser').SpaceNode & { value: ' ' } } */ function isSingleSpace(node) { return node != null && node.type === 'space' && node.value === ' '; } /** * @param {import('postcss-value-parser').Node | undefined} node * @param {Set} [operators] * @returns {node is import('postcss-value-parser').WordNode} */ function isOperator(node, operators = OPERATORS) { return node != null && node.type === 'word' && operators.has(node.value); } rule.ruleName = ruleName; rule.messages = messages; rule.meta = meta; module.exports = rule;