import path, { resolve } from 'node:path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; var version = "3.2.8"; const VERSION = version; const DEFAULT_MAIN_FIELDS = [ 'module', 'jsnext:main', 'jsnext' ]; // Baseline support browserslist // "defaults and supports es6-module and supports es6-module-dynamic-import" // Higher browser versions may be needed for extra features. const ESBUILD_MODULES_TARGET = [ 'es2020', 'edge88', 'firefox78', 'chrome87', 'safari13' // transpile nullish coalescing ]; const DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = [ '.mjs', '.js', '.mts', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.json' ]; const DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILES = [ 'vite.config.js', 'vite.config.mjs', 'vite.config.ts', 'vite.config.cjs', 'vite.config.mts', 'vite.config.cts' ]; const JS_TYPES_RE = /\.(?:j|t)sx?$|\.mjs$/; const OPTIMIZABLE_ENTRY_RE = /\.(?:[cm]?[jt]s)$/; const SPECIAL_QUERY_RE = /[\?&](?:worker|sharedworker|raw|url)\b/; /** * Prefix for resolved fs paths, since windows paths may not be valid as URLs. */ const FS_PREFIX = `/@fs/`; /** * Prefix for resolved Ids that are not valid browser import specifiers */ const VALID_ID_PREFIX = `/@id/`; /** * Plugins that use 'virtual modules' (e.g. for helper functions), prefix the * module ID with `\0`, a convention from the rollup ecosystem. * This prevents other plugins from trying to process the id (like node resolution), * and core features like sourcemaps can use this info to differentiate between * virtual modules and regular files. * `\0` is not a permitted char in import URLs so we have to replace them during * import analysis. The id will be decoded back before entering the plugins pipeline. * These encoded virtual ids are also prefixed by the VALID_ID_PREFIX, so virtual * modules in the browser end up encoded as `/@id/__x00__{id}` */ const NULL_BYTE_PLACEHOLDER = `__x00__`; const CLIENT_PUBLIC_PATH = `/@vite/client`; const ENV_PUBLIC_PATH = `/@vite/env`; const VITE_PACKAGE_DIR = resolve( // import.meta.url is `dist/node/constants.js` after bundle fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), '../../..'); const CLIENT_ENTRY = resolve(VITE_PACKAGE_DIR, 'dist/client/client.mjs'); const ENV_ENTRY = resolve(VITE_PACKAGE_DIR, 'dist/client/env.mjs'); const CLIENT_DIR = path.dirname(CLIENT_ENTRY); // ** READ THIS ** before editing `KNOWN_ASSET_TYPES`. // If you add an asset to `KNOWN_ASSET_TYPES`, make sure to also add it // to the TypeScript declaration file `packages/vite/client.d.ts` and // add a mime type to the `registerCustomMime` in // `packages/vite/src/node/plugin/assets.ts` if mime type cannot be // looked up by mrmime. const KNOWN_ASSET_TYPES = [ // images 'png', 'jpe?g', 'jfif', 'pjpeg', 'pjp', 'gif', 'svg', 'ico', 'webp', 'avif', // media 'mp4', 'webm', 'ogg', 'mp3', 'wav', 'flac', 'aac', // fonts 'woff2?', 'eot', 'ttf', 'otf', // other 'webmanifest', 'pdf', 'txt' ]; const DEFAULT_ASSETS_RE = new RegExp(`\\.(` + KNOWN_ASSET_TYPES.join('|') + `)(\\?.*)?$`); const DEP_VERSION_RE = /[\?&](v=[\w\.-]+)\b/; const loopbackHosts = new Set([ 'localhost', '', '::1', '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001' ]); const wildcardHosts = new Set([ '', '::', '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000' ]); export { CLIENT_DIR, CLIENT_ENTRY, CLIENT_PUBLIC_PATH, DEFAULT_ASSETS_RE, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILES, DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS, DEFAULT_MAIN_FIELDS, DEP_VERSION_RE, ENV_ENTRY, ENV_PUBLIC_PATH, ESBUILD_MODULES_TARGET, FS_PREFIX, JS_TYPES_RE, KNOWN_ASSET_TYPES, NULL_BYTE_PLACEHOLDER, OPTIMIZABLE_ENTRY_RE, SPECIAL_QUERY_RE, VALID_ID_PREFIX, VERSION, VITE_PACKAGE_DIR, loopbackHosts, wildcardHosts };